You're Reading:OMG Machines Review – Is it Legit or Scam?

OMG Machines Review – Is it Legit or Scam?

by Tasos


Apr 16, 2015

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    Before I can answer that question I want you to know what OMG Machines is NOT about.OMG is NOT an MLM or pyramid frame-up that will force you to recruit new members in your downline and absolutely it is NOT a “quick rich scheme” either that promises success overnight.


    OMG Machines Review

    Mike Long and Greg Morrison



    They have included a free membership area inside OMG Machines, so you can check easily for your own here, and it’s an introduction to Affiliate Marketing. They highlight that a website is an absolutely necessary supply for any internet marketer in order to achieve success online and that is totally true.



    The Free Members Area


    This is a video series produced by both Mike and Greg. They explain how to find a profitable niche and some basic keywords to begin targeting your future clients and customers and how that will be used in your website’s structure. Then they show how to register a website, through name cheap or go-daddy which are the top names in website domain purchases.


    The next video deals with website hosting, how to do and where to do that. The 4th video goes inside the WordPress platform and takes you step-by-step in setting it up, activating the basic plugins, and finally, Greg demonstrates how he is planning the website categorization and he gives examples of how posts and pages can be produced and published to the web.


    This video series comes with live paradigms of some of their websites so you can have a better overlook of what is going on. Those videos are detailed despite their short duration and are easy to understand as they get straight to the point without any unnecessary or disturbing quotations.

    Magic Bullet Series – Extension Tools


    This is also included in the free area of OMG and is like an extension of the first video series. All the new videos are produced by Mike Long and he makes a really good job of defining “How and Why you have to Make your Own Profitable Web Properties”.He mentions “Squidoo” which now has become “Hub Pages” as an alternative way to drive more traffic to your website and how it can help you get ranked in the search engines.


    In addition, he determines the usage of an internet marketer in offline businesses and how you can help those offline foundations (whether is a store, a dentist, a restaurant, or a photographer) to gain recognition through the internet. Live internet examples are used here as well so you can have an optical overview.


    This series continues with “Affiliate Profits”, how you can brand your own product or service, which networks to use in order to accomplish that and there is a short but very powerful “Conversion Tips” section. I have to notice though that some of the pages inside this Free area are not working at the time we speak, they only redirect to a 404 error.

    Fancy presentations and testimonials




    One thing I did not like about OMG Machines is the overuse of some presentations that they intend to convince us with real testimonials of people who used this program and how successful they are. Although some testimonials can really make a difference for a candidate to get convinced and become a customer I do not agree with such an extreme usage of them.

    And they have a whole bunch of images and videos, and there is a separate blog dedicated only to testimonials and references. And I cannot agree with those super elegant illustrations that show dollar checks of successful OMG participants although they did not promise overnight results as I already mentioned in the beginning.


    I was a little disappointed in that matter because both Mike and Greg are very well-known internet marketers and remarkable entrepreneurs.


    No Holds Barred – Coaching, Training, and Community



    No Holds Barred blog promising to dominate SEO followed by this statement as you can see in that screenshot. Inside their e-book, there is a promoted video series that explains SEO, Keywords, and how we can take full advantage of those elements in our marketing business.


    But they also suggest that we use “article spinning” which is not a good method for you to use on your website if you want to get ranked and therefore become successful. Spinning an old published article content may get you a new article with the same words put together in a new order but that is something that Google Spiders are hunting for.

    Do you want that crawl Spiders of Google to come out your door for duplicate content? No, you do not cause this will result in no rankings according to Google’s Webmaster Guidelines.


    They promote ‘greenlight articles’ and ‘’ which are website services to give you content for a price. If you want to take the risk go ahead and do it but do not come back to say I DID NOT warn you. They sell content that they promise to be unique, but how that can happen?… Unique is something that you create personally, and genuine is something you create on your own according to your style.


    “YOU, the website owner can be more original than anyone else, and you care about your website the most.”


    Over the Shoulder 6 SYA Submissions



    This section is dealing with backlinks and spinning articles again. Social Monkee link-building solution comes as a real answer to search engine rankings?… Please be aware of that. These tactics are not very effective and not only, but they can also affect your website performance in a very bad way. Backlinks were useful a long time ago before the latest Panda and Penguin updates of Google.

    At that time Google punished huge corporations and internet marketers that were making 10000’s dollars per day. A few examples are J.C Penney and which used such black-hat strategies to incorporate and even buy links from irrelevant websites and clients.


    The blog continues with a “how to Add video-series” which is a must for modern websites as people are looking for information along with visual contact.3d effects, graphic designs, mouth-watering effects, image actions that look awesome, and money-getting call-to-action buttons. This particular section is more like building landing pages or Clickbank sales letters.

    I think we said enough – let’s get to the conclusion…



    I think that OMG No Holds Barred Training Course is not an easy training for newbies that are unaware of what internet marketing is, it can better work with advanced marketers that need to use some of these specific tools. But the whole package comes all together and its price of $2300 does not make it easy for the majority of people because you do not need all these tools in order to make a real quality and nice looking website.

    You need time and patience to build it on your own, and to provide quality to your readers. But both Mike Long and Greg Morrison are experienced players in the field that can provide real authority if you decide to join forces with them after all.


    No Holds Barred does not stand for brand-new marketers who need to learn the fundamental process of building websites, and not to try to make sales pages at this level. Before you can run you have to learn to walk. So take it step by step. This is a product that has a LOT of value but it is not for new contestants. It is for advanced marketers that need a helping hand with illustrations, video presentations, and elegant sales blogs/pages. But in my opinion, the premium version is expensive.


    You might wanna check out my recommendation of an online community that can help you build a website right from scratch, with step-by-step and fully detailed instructions, and most importantly, with 24/7 live interacting chat where you can get help for anything that comes your way and you will have the comfort to build 2 totally free and hosted websites. You can check it out here


    Is OMG Machines a legit opportunity?


    But if you are looking to expand your knowledge in the landing page structure, beautiful illustrations, and images and to get to a higher level in the creation of sales letters then you might want to check OMG Machines out for yourself.

    Another downfall is the price they ask for web hosting which is also expensive. And the spinning articles directories add extra expenses to your project. Moreover, the upsells do not make the situation comfortable. Additionally, I don’t feel covered by their blog and the Facebook fan page to get answers to my problems. I prefer a better-organized communicating platform.

    My Final Opinion


    I think that OMG is definitely NOT a SCAM. But it stands only for transcendent marketers that want to create landing pages and sales letters but the courses are expensive. If you decide to build a website from scratch then as time goes by after 1-2 months you will start to create your own unique landing pages and sales letters and that’s it.


    If you give time to yourself providing content and practicing all along you can make those pages on your own and you can promote a thousand products from Clickbank, ShareASale, or whatever affiliate network you want.

    I disagree with article spinning which can only harm your business in the long term and SEO backlinks strategies that do not add any value and are ignored by search engines or some crazy monkey machines that generate content from old stuff. Besides all the well-known search engines require consistency, adding quality content continuously, and engagement with your visitors therefore they need time in order to trust you and rank you high on their first pages.


    The free membership though offers GREAT value and can be used by someone that wants a first look at what is going on with affiliate marketing. The videos in that section are fantastic and easy to understand.

    “OMG Machines No Holds Barred might be a great opportunity for product owners and/or wealthy marketers that need a strong and quick push in those advanced methods we highlighted but here they must be aware of the backlinks and spinning techniques that are outdated and very risky.”




    Thank you for reading this review for OMG Machines that is a legit chance to make money online and obviously not a scam like the ones we used to participate but you need to check out the tactics used in some parts of the training. Mike Long and Greg Morrison prepared a decent program and they have put a lot of hard work inside.

    Check it out for yourself! You can subscribe for the free membership and see if it suits you… is this what you look for? then if you have any questions or doubts or you want to clarify things a little more then you can come back to me so we can talk about all your queries. Feel free to ask me anything. I am here for you! 


    I enclose a small comparison graph between Wealthy Affiliate and OMG Machines.


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    Tasos Perte Tzortzis

    Tasos Perte Tzortzis

    Business Organisation & Administration, Marketing Consultant, Creator of the "7 Ideals" Methodology

    Although doing traditional business offline since 1992, I fell in love with online marketing in late 2014 and have helped hundreds of brands sell more of their products and services. Founder of WebMarketSupport, Muvimag, Summer Dream.

    Reading, arts, science, chess, coffee, tea, swimming, Audi, and family comes first.



    1. Paul

      Dear Tasos,

      Thanks for the great and in-depth review on OMG Machines. I got new insights from your review on the product and very helpful. Reading reviews will help us to know about the products and will save our time. Thanks for helping many people via your review. Keep up the great work I will come back to your website to learn more information. Wishing you all success!

      Your Friend,

      • Tasos

        Thanks Paul, glad you found it helpful!

    2. Maria

      Thank you for this review! I saw they have some new course coming out for nearly $8000 – I think the prices alone on these courses are not right. I don’t think anyone should spend that much – that is coach money and a coach at least stays with you through the process. I understand why they do this but I can’t help thinking it’s the price point and hyped up testimonials that helps them make their money on this particular product.

      • Tasos

        Wow , I would never expect such a price.This is getting really bizarre.You are absolutely right , these money would be better spent on a personal coach / trainer.

        Their exaggerated use of testimonials is not adding trust , is a weapon to deceive.

        Thank you for this update and for sharing your thoughts with me.All my best.

    3. Kris M.

      Hi Tasos,

      Thank you for this very detailed review of OMG Machines. It comes across as a scam to me as it sounds like they’re asking for way too much money up front and giving a lot of false promises regarding return on investment. Personally, I believe people can only earn what they work for, even in the Internet Marketing world. Inheritances and Lottery aside, there is no push button business that allows you to get rich quick and it really sounds like that’s what OMG Machines is promoting. Thank you for the information, I will definitely stay away from them.

      • Tasos

        I was disappointed too Kris.Although the introductory videos were very useful … later on the pricing and other flaws made me turn away.

        As you say , you have to work in order to earn , but you should stay away from high expenses at the same time , especially if you are starting out a new business.

        Thank you for this visit and for your observations.All my best.

    4. Wayne

      Hi there, Wow what an amazing site you have there and very informative too. I have even booked marked it i liked it so much, content and images are awesome and the links are excellent. Well done and I will be coming back for more. I did not see anything that needs changing on your site.

      • Tasos

        Welcome Wayne , thank you for this visit and for taking the time to give a feedback on my work.You are very kind and your message is truly supporting.I ll be waiting for your next call.

    5. Oscar

      Hi Tasos. I believe in lifelong learning and your review made me feel I’m right, you never stop learning. I didn’t come across OMG when I was looking for affiliate marketing training, but if had, those $2300 would have scared the trash out of me. It is a whole lot of money, I found great results in Wealthy Affiliate for a fraction of that price.
      Best wishes

      • Tasos

        Exactly Oscar , learning is an endless process.Why should I pay so much money all at once the minute I can invest on myself?…If someone pays upfront $2300 for an internet business then he would expect soon results , but that is not going to happen.That is why legit communities like WA offer an important advantage over the competition.

        Thank you for visiting my blog and for participating in the comments.Good luck with your future plans.

    6. Kae

      Wow, $2,300 to be taught techniques that not only will harm your business, but probably will kill it before it ever gets off the ground, is a lot of money. Backlinks and article spinning are definitely not the way to go.

      I had never heard of OMG before, but now I don’t see that as a bad thing at all. I guess they named their product right though, because the whole time I was reading, I kept going ‘OMG’…

      • Tasos

        Hello there Kae.Yes this is a very expensive option for getting involved with affiliate marketing and websites.Although they do provide very useful information some of their techniques are harmful for a website operation in the long run.Instead they should be pointing resources for getting good quality inbound links that flow naturally , but it takes time so I guess this is their policy , to present something that can work faster.But I doubt it will work eventually.

        Yeah , you can call it this way , Oh My God..!.:)

        Thank you for the visit and for taking the time to state your point of view.

    7. john Waldie

      Well hey man I am truly sold on your site. There is a lot of reading but a guy sure doesn’t mind when it’s this informative. I never even heard of OMG before but now want to know a lot more about it. I blame it all on you. lol. I am just going through something of a beginner’s course to what you are doing it appears as you say .It will work better for the experienced. Well I plan on getting experienced!. Thanks for being out there. John

      • Tasos

        Welcome to my blog John.It’s nice to know you found that post helpful.You can check OMG for free but I would not recommend to pay for the premium version in any case.There are way better training platforms.

        Thank you for visiting , for participating with your beautiful comments.I wanna wish you good luck with your plans.

    8. Kush1000

      Great page, nicely explained and cool OMG machines. But I will stick with WA:) it’s the best academy for the money and I don’t believe those testimonials, it looks made up…I like your site in general, very nice layout and clean design/font.
      Good luck to you on your way to success:)

      • Tasos

        Yes , I agree Kush , these testimonials are probably made up , literally there are hundreds of them on their blog.

        Thank for taking the time to visit my blog and for your beautiful comments.Good luck to you as well.

    9. Hasitha

      This is a really need full website! this has nice ideas and very useful. Apart from all that it’s very easy to understand. and that’s what people look for , and I think you have done very well done so far people look for websites like this! keep up the good work! and good luck mate!

      • Tasos

        Hey Hasitha , I am glad you found my site useful.

        Thanks for visiting and for stating your opinion here.

    10. Lee


      Let me just start by thanking you for this review. You’ve just saved me $2300.

      I’ve been looking to start an online business for a while now, I understand that any type of business requires some kind of investment, after all it is just that…a business.

      I came across OMG, and to my untrained eye, It seemed like a good deal. To me $2300 is a lot of money but not if it can help me to build a real sustainable business.

      I would have been stupid not to have done my due diligence first which is how I came across your review.

      I had no idea that “backlinks” and “article spinning” can get your website into trouble with the search engines, but now I do.

      I see you recommend Wealthy Affiliate, at such a low price point, is the training really of high enough quality to help me build a real business?

      • Tasos

        You did very well in researching the OMG opportunity Lee.This is how every entrepreneur should proceed before making any investment.Of course that rule applies in every business out there.Imagine if you had to buy a franchise product.In that case you would have gathered all the important information before the final decision.

        Now $2300 for getting started online is a lot of money , personally , I do not believe in high-ticket items especially when it comes down to internet marketing websites.Additionally OMG are outdated and some techniques could be proved harmful in the long run.I was not very satisfied with their overall presentation.

        I highly recommend WA , which is like a university , where you will be receiving the best training in the market and they will help you in building your website even if you have no experience.You will have to work though to make it happen.Their pricing is very satisfactory and they include numerous tools beyond the hosting and other services.

        WA helped me to build this website and I am very thankful for their decency and everything.I hope you will find that same value as I did.

        I wanna thank you for visiting my blog and taking the time to share your questions , this way more business seekers will get benefited.

    11. Marc

      Interesting article. $2300 caught my attention. Wow that is expensive. That alone will drive off many people. I do like the idea of a free member area so you can do a so called test drive. Thank you very much for your insight. I see you mentioned WA in one of your graphics and listed $2300 I thought it was much less than that. I was thinking about it but that scared me away. Are there any legit programs out there that don’t charge $2300 out of the gate?

      • Tasos

        Yes , this is definitely a very scary price Marc.And there are no refunds as I can see on the internet followed by many complaints from other people that used their products.

        The free membership although is a legit offer , teaches the basics of affiliate marketing in a fun and interesting way through their videos.But their back-end promos are somewhat outdated , expensive and risky.

        I tried to compare Wealthy Affiliate with OMG setting the $2300 as the comparison measure.That is why I highlighted that if someone chooses WA the $2300 will stand out for a 6-7 years membership which is very huge compared to OMG.Also the free membership of WA is the top free marketing training in the industry in which you can build 2 free and fully hosted websites without even buying the domain name.

        There are legit programs that won’t charge so much money like the Affilorama network , which has a free option with enormous information on affiliate marketing but there are some flaws to be considered.But I would suggest WA as the top , not only because of their price but mostly for their content and information that follows all the search engines guidelines and is keep updating on a regular basis.

        Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on this article , your questions might cover others people concerns.

    12. robert Lawrence


      I agree with you that a lot of testimonials of huge dollars made can be a little off putting. Also the pictures of big cheques is a little distasteful as well.I know it’s a good technique but I don’t like when it gets overused.

      I can’t believe they would promote content spinning either. Everything I have been taught says that reusing content even if you change the order of the words will result in poor ratings. Not a good method.

      Although it does not seem like a scam I would say that it is not worth our time. Thanks for the information.


      • Tasos

        Hi there Robert , they are overusing their testimonials , which is distracting and away from the purpose of their website , which is to teach people affiliate marketing.I would prefer a straight forward training.A lot of their techniques are not only outdated but can be proved really harmful for any affiliate website.The content spinning is useless , it won’t result into rankings and an affiliate should never be able to differentiate in the ocean of marketing websites.

        Their free membership is providing some value through their video trainings but the other products they promote on the back-end are not only expensive but additionally there are a lot of complaints on the internet from entrepreneurs that used them.I would never recommend them because even if you take the free option you might getting caught up with their promo offers.

        Thank you for taking the time to comment and for sharing your thoughts here , it can help other people decide about this program.


      This is a great website you have here Tasos, it’s lively and informative with lots of images. The information is well thought out and written and the menu system is easy to navigate.
      There’s not a thing I can fault here and have no option but to award 10/10.
      Well done mate 🙂

      Kind Regards


      • Tasos

        Oh , thank you for your lovely comments Paul.It feels so great to meet people satisfied with your work.Anybody could envy that….10 / 10 not even 9 /10…?…so superb..!

        Thank you once again for making my day and for sharing your opinion on my blog

    14. Maura

      I had never heard of OMG Machines, but reading your post convinced me that I do not want to hear about them! Their cost is too much for me for an extended course – I don’t have that much to spend and I don’t want to learn how to build websites from scratch. I love my WordPress sites and have found them to fill the needs that I have. I cannot imagine that anyone is recommending article recycling instead of finding your own audience and your own voice as a way to make money. I want to make money, yes. But I want to earn it using my own thoughts!

      • Tasos

        You hit the nail on the head Maura.We are very alike as I believe that only through personal experimentation and consistent practising someone can build his “own voice” and attract his “own audience”.What is the meaning in copying others people work that belong to the past?…This is how we gonna improve the world we live in?..This is our example to our children?…Anyone can be unique just by being himself.There is no need for such techniques as they do not end up in rankings and therefore success.

        And yes OMG is very expensive , that is why I do not recommend it.

        I wanna wish you good luck with your WordPress sites and wanna thank you for passing by and sharing your thoughts in here.

    15. Rufat

      Great post Tasos! I reviewed this product last year and can say a few words about it. Though OMG machines is not a complete waste of time and provides some good services and training material, I don’t recommend it to anyone simply because the program has some flaws and there are much better alternatives to OMG machines. First off, they like many other programs, they make false promises. They claim that if you follow their instructions, you will be rich. This is not true. I hate when a program makes such promises because following instructions doesn’t mean or guarantee any success. Another thing is the “Magic Submitter” that they encourage to use. It’s a complete waste of time and can even destroy your entire business. Some of their packages like Project X will cost you up to $5000 which is unacceptable at all. Their $6-figure per month coaching is the same story. It’s really so ridiculous to promise people such extremely unachievable heights. I know many successful internet marketers and none of them have been able to reach 6 figure income so far. I think one should be very careful when promoting make money programs because you promote those products to real people and you must not betray their hopes. You can’t even try OMG for free which leaves no chances at all. Compared to that I found Wealthy Affiliate and tried it within 10 days and then went premium and I’m still a premium member of that program and recommend it to anyone looking for a legit make money training.

      • Tasos

        Hello Rufat

        And thank you for leaving your “own personal review” for OMG Machines here at my blog.I agree with you on every point and your Highlights speak of themselves.How can someone recommend such a program to new internet marketers when in that program are used strategies that only can damage websites in the long-run.?

        You see I was very disappointed from Mike and Greg when they illustrated some bank checks in order to convince me to join their membership.If a program is decent and honest then the owners shall let you inside to test it , check every feature of it and let you decide if you want to participate or not while at the same time won’t speak of 6-figure incomes at all.And I was disappointed from the HUGE usage of testimonials right from the beginning.

        Although the Free membership offers good value the “No Holds Barred” extension is extra expensive and the methods used are outdated and DANGEROUS as well.

        Thank you also for mentioning the Project X that costs $5000 which again is HIGH PRICED.I was expecting more from such successful entrepreneurs when I entered the OMG website.

        That is why I compared at the end of my post OMG Machines with Wealthy Affiliate…The most honest and unique marketing training program so far in the internet.Where everybody can test it for quite enough time to find out what the real value of this product is.And the price of premium WA is extremely cheap compared to the tools , training and support that it provides.I have not stopped recommending WA since I became premium member of the program and I will continue to do that so that any newbie out there looking to create an online business will get benefited of such a powerful opportunity.

        Have a nice day man

    16. Brooke


      Great site. Very informational post!

      Thanks for the share 🙂


      • Tasos

        I’m glad it helped you Brooke,thank you for your nice compliments.!!


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