You're Reading:Why I Won’t Pay for the Premium Six Figure Mentors Membership

Why I Won’t Pay for the Premium Six Figure Mentors Membership

by Tasos


Oct 26, 2015

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  • OmegaProject: Brand-new online income streams with Vulcan Technology, high-speed traffic and a simple system for generating sales. Exclusive broadcast – Jan 19, FREE.
  • Jennifer McLean: Receive a Free Energy Medicine for the Physical Body Live Workshop, Jan 25.
  • Holiday Sales: Hot deals from the WebMarketSupport network.


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  • Theory Hub: Jan 16, new subsection in the section “Info-Products” – Packaging and Pricing”.
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  • WORKSHOP #13: Exclusive for members. Packaging and pricing for the 1st info-product in the numismatic industry.
  • WORKSHOP #14: The Value-Led Revelation Launch.
  • Live Challenge


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The homepage of the SFM website (thesixfigurementors dot com) is impressive.Music is playing in the background and the first headline whispers… “Learning to profit online using our digital business system…We have the tools , training , resources and community to build your ultimate business that will lead you to success” is intriguing and appealing

Therefore the page is filled with some testimonials , it analyses the different membership options , the features of their system , the tools and services and includes a small introduction from the founders.In the end there is a presentation of the team’s members.Immediately , I signed up for the Free 7 video training series where the main slogan is “It’s not just about the money … it’s about the lifestyle … of earning more , working less and enjoying life..!!.


Six Figure Mentors Review


One of the founders , Stuart Ross , preludes what is SFM academy , why students all over the world join their platform and what is their vision.Therefore he clarifies that online success is not happening overnight just like that.This digital lifestyle takes time , energy and lots of efforts.I totally agree and I can admit that I did not expect that information at least so soon.


Background stories of the founders.


Jay Kubassek , the other co-founder , has started 10 years ago online and he is mentioning that this business model for him is not a “Job” but a “Passion”.With little education and no working experience he came to the US from his country , Canada.He could only find jobs that were paying but he was not satisfied and happy.He had big dreams so he kept on searching for something unique.To build his future and become independent.

He explains that these videos are teaching what they do as entrepreneurs , more like a mentorship.


Stuart had a job that was paying more than enough but he was not satisfied either so he found out that a lot of people were making money on the internet.He implemented on that and now 8 years later he is a successful online entrepreneur.This digital business system of SFM is something like a Franchise business that anyone can join and profit.


Video #2 – Digital Economy 


This video explains how the digital economy works and what sets it apart from the traditional offline economy.Moreover they display the basic process for making money online,I found that video extremely informational , short but straight to the point.The SFM team is exploring the ways that a website , as the main core of an online business , can return profit to its owners.


Video #3 – Digital Business Lounge


A brief demonstration of their website builder and description of the early steps.How to choose a theme from their library , how to add a new post , images in WordPress platform and work with the back office.

Although that demo is pretty short , Stuart’s intention is to explain that building a website these days requires no technical knowledge and that anyone can benefit from technology.The builder constructed the website in less than a minute , a website of course empty of written content and images but this is up to you , the machines can’t replace every human action.

I totally agree , things have been really simplified during the last years.And I find their themes very professional looking and Stuart sure knows what he’s teaching.


Video #4 – List Building


Stuart Ross defines the true meaning of building an email list of subscribers through a website and how to provide value to them.As a result you start to build trust , the subscribers are informed and eventually they buy when you promote offers.They key is to not spam directly with offers but to educate.

Have in mind though that building a list is not suggested when you just starting out a website.You will need some good numbers of traffic first.Email marketing is very powerful but primarily you need to focus on building a website’s content. 


Video $5 – Multiple Income Streams


Residual or recurring , the “Now Money” and the “High Ticket”…Here Stuart explains various types of income streams and how you can transform your business effectively to earn 6 figures by the end of the year.


Video $6 – Greg & Fiona


An interview with 2 digital entrepreneurs that lost their jobs and finally invested in internet marketing.How SFM helped them simplify their work by providing fast solutions and software.What they think of SFM and what is the future of digital economy.This video comes to inspire you to take action and build a lifestyle that is appealing and prosperous.


Video $7 – Creating The Future You Want


Another mini meeting-interview with 2 other entrepreneurs (former students of SFM) that are specialised in online marketing , living the same lifestyle.The main benefits of affiliate business where you are earning money 24 / 7 as a website is always online and visitors access it and buying through your offers.

The true potential of being an affiliate these days.Indeed they created a very good video that explains everything in the money process.





Resume – Conclusion


I am not satisfied with the free series of videos.Only a few details are revealed through these series.Generally I believe this is a legit online opportunity but at the same time some information is hidden.Additionally their Facebook fan page is somehow live and they are posting frequently.The engagement with their fans is not noticeable but there are some likes to their announcements.

They do include a website builder but the very short demonstration is not letting me evaluate its performance and settings.I would rather prefer a 7-day trial or at least 3 days or even 1 day.Now I am pushed to buy the premium membership which they highlight that is refundable but I do not like to get involved in these kind of transactions especially when there is NO paypal option.

Why should I give my personal credit card details to SFM or any other company?


Time is passing by , I don’t want to spend my precious time on products I don’t feel 100% satisfied.Therefore I do not feel very comfortable with some of their approaches (High ticket items) and definitely some parts of their videos were produced only to boast and present them as gurus.

It might be the one of the best programs of the market but my instincts tell me that this is going to cost a lot of money.


The most deceptive element we discover is that their main landing page promises FREE training , only to get disappointed with the 7 free videos which do not include any training at all.


I won’t rate the Six Figure Mentors but at this point I will not proceed with the payment.Something turned me off and I want to cancel.May be in the future I will revisit this opportunity in case of an update.

Meanwhile the continuous claims of success that their members achieved did not impress me and the overall atmosphere is a little suspicious.They are not talking about their marketing techniques and I can’t understand their level of expertise.With such a few data , NO I am not predicting superb quality.


Companies that are really proud of their products and education platforms let members join for free to test the opportunity for a limited period.SFM does not let anyone inside.They do not deserve my $29,95 with the information provided.Call me brutal , this is how I proceed , I am very cautious.


Other Reviews Online

I have found many negative reviews online coming from bloggers that I know.The bad news is that SFM won’t let you become an affiliate for their company unless you pay for the premium membership.This is something that makes me very sceptical.

SFM is an MLM organisation that you have to pay high monthly fees to get to the actual training and remain an active affiliate.Chris is mentioning that the Elite Membership comes to $2500 per year Plus the $97 per month fees.That is way expensive for a marketing course.


There are places where you get affiliate training absolutely for free , like Affilorama or Wealthy Affiliate.

The MLM structure can be noticed in the premium sign up page where some members appear as Elite Black , Elite Silver or Elite Platinum.Even an MLM organisation should let the doors open for everyone.No one is buying these days without a test drive.


That’s my review of the Six Figure Mentors program , I analysed the reasons for stopping me to proceed.I am investigating dozens of opportunities simultaneously , there is no time for delays.I need clear and straight forward solutions.Till next time…


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Tasos Perte Tzortzis

Tasos Perte Tzortzis

Business Organisation & Administration, Marketing Consultant, Creator of the "7 Ideals" Methodology

Although doing traditional business offline since 1992, I fell in love with online marketing in late 2014 and have helped hundreds of brands sell more of their products and services. Founder of WebMarketSupport, Muvimag, Summer Dream.

Reading, arts, science, chess, coffee, tea, swimming, Audi, and family comes first.



  1. Alblue

    Wow thank you for honest review. At first half of your review, I almost believe that they are indeed legit and genuine to help us, the noobs of internet marketing.

    I agree with you about free testing. In this kind of program, I should have given some free period to test the program and training. So, I can get a glimpse whether this really working for me or not.

    I think I should check Affilorama and Wealthy Affiliate. It looks interesting. Thanks 🙂

    • Tasos

      Welcome Alblue , what makes me more skeptikal is that this program is not very straight forward.They are hiding some aspects of their overall production.

      Thank you for visiting and for supporting my review.

  2. Brian

    It is tough for people to find opportunities online to make income. Then there are those out there that seem to prey on these people. I am always looking for opportunities, but getting through the static sometimes is challenging. Thank you for your honest review, this will keep me from wasting my time looking into this option.

    • Tasos

      Welcome Brian , indeed , the majority of the online opportunities are not very promising.You have to dig very deep to find the most decent and those that really work.

      Thank you for visiting my blog and for expressing your thoughts.


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