You're Reading:AffLift Review – My Personal Experience

AffLift Review – My Personal Experience

by Tasos


Nov 3, 2020


I’m filming the last part. The finish line (Feb 02). New office setup (April).


WORKSHOP #0: INTRO (June 04)



WORKSHOP #3 MARKET TESTING (June 21) “Collectible Coins”

🚀Why Market Testing? – Innovation through “7 IDEALS” – A New Client – A New Market – A New Challenge – Vision – Goals – Strategy – Action Plan – A New Information Product – Ongoing Updates/Reporting – secret section

There’s a hidden bonus inside workshops #1 and #3.


Update: July 10 Information Product coming soon 🙂 


The Challenge (real-time). More information shared privately with email subscribers!


WORKSHOP #3: MARKET TESTING “COLLECTIBLE COINS” (huge hidden bonus for attendees) ⇓ 

This is an area for advertising & partnerships. NEW option: Pay-per-Click.


Affiliate marketing is not a piece of cake, is not something you can master in just a few weeks or months.

As a newcomer, you need help and guidance from others, and hopefully, I got all the help I needed as a newbie from the community I joined in December 2014.

Then, after a few months, when the first sales were rolling in, I discovered how beautiful, flexible, and scalable this business model is.

Today I’m reviewing the affiliate marketing forum AffLift, a place where affiliate marketers and guests can share their findings, opinions, results, and interact with each other.

AffLift Review

Video Overview

The Homepage

Main slogans:

  • Learn everything about affiliate marketing in our affiliate marketing forum
  • Affiliate marketing is hard, join AffLift today to make it much easier with our traffic source guides, campaign case studies, and the help of our amazing community!

You’ll find:

  • Affiliate marketing guides
  • Case studies
  • Follow along campaigns: provide feedback on what members are doing wrong and right
  • Landing page examples
  • Tracking help: support and tracking guides for every affiliate tracking software solution available including BeMob, Voluum, Binom, RedTrack, PeerClick, Kintura, AdsBridge, ThriveTracker, CPV Lab Pro and more
  • Campaign optimization

A community that covers everything you need to know about affiliate marketing:

  • Popular affiliate topics
  • Affiliate marketing articles
  • Organised affiliate resources


  • 50,000+ helpful messages in the forum
  • 5,135 threads
  • 39,777 members
afflift review homepage

The Forums

There is a plethora of inner forums:


  • Announcements
  • Getting started
  • Introductions
  • General chat
  • Public

Traffic Methods

  • PPV
  • Push notifications
  • Search engine marketing
  • Social
  • Native
  • Banners
  • SEO
  • Email
  • eCommerce
  • Incentive 
  • Adult

Lift your campaigns:

  • Landing pages
  • Tracking

Affiliate offers

  • Affiliate networks
  • Affiliate programs

Questions & Answers:

  • Affiliate marketing Q&A
afflift review the fourms


The search function in forums is the most important element and can make or break a user’s experience. A user wants to quickly find a desired topic and filter their search queries by various parameters.

When you enter the AffLift forums you can use the search button that is located in the top right corner: 

The advanced search options are these: 

  • Search everything
  • Search threads
  • Search articles
  • Search media
  • Search albums
  • Search media comments
  • Search links
  • Search link comments
  • Search profile posts

You can refine your search by entering a keyword, search titles only, posted by (you may enter multiple names here), newer than, older than, order by relevance and date.

Other options:

  • New posts
  • Find threads (your threads, threads with your posts, unanswered threads)
  • Watched (threads, forums)
  • Search forums (the same advanced search options apply here as above, plus you can refine your search by minimum number of replies, prefixes, search in a specific forum, search sub-forums as well, order by relevance, date, and most replies, display results as threads)
  • Mark forums read
  • Course
  • Promo codes

Main navigation: you can refine your view by:

  • Latest members
  • Most reacted users
  • Top thread starters
  • Most reacted threads
  • Most popular forums
  • Latest threads
  • Latest posts
  • Hottest threads
  • Most viewed threads
  • Latest forum news
  • Premium post
  • Case study
  • Guide
  • Follow along
  • New posts
  • VIP resources
  • Top posters of the month

You can also view which members are online at a given time and how many guests. 

Main menu

  • Home
  • Forums
  • What’s new (posts, media, articles, media comments, article comments, profile posts, news feed, latest activity)
  • Articles (new, new comments, watched articles, watched series, watched categories, search articles, mark read)
  • Directory (watched links, watched categories)
  • Media (new media, new comments, watched media, watched albums, watched categories, search media, mark read)
  • Chat (archive, top chatters)
  • Referrals
  • Your account (your news feed, latest activity, your profile, your account, log out, bookmarks)
  • Conversations
  • Alerts
  • Search button

Also, there is a “What’s New” section. This is a very important function, as it shows new stuff and posts that are being published and you did not have reviewed them yet.

Highlight and replyWhen you are reading a post that you want to reply to, you can actually highlight the specific text you want to reply to and a Reply button will show that. By replying directly to the user this way, you make it easier for everyone to understand what you are replying to because it will be quoted in your reply and it also notifies the person you reply to via email and a notification on the forum that you replied to them so they can see easily see/reply back!

Bookmark: When you find a post that you really like that you might want to reference or come back to in the future, you can Bookmark that thread.

The AffLift team did a very good job in this area. The navigation options are more than enough and the search function has extended capabilities. I believe they will keep satisfied even the most demanding users. 

afflift review messages

The Chat Room

The live chat gives paid members a unique opportunity to discuss with other fellow members instantly, without having to wait for private messages to be delivered.

You login to the chat, you send a message to those who are live at the time, and you get a response on the fly.

Going private:

You can also discuss with other members in the live chat room privately. When you PM (private message) another member, they will get an alert telling them and you can have a 1-on-1 conversation with them without having to exchange Skype usernames or using a 3rd party application.

afflift review chatroom


There are 3 main categories:

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Tools
  • Getting started

There also VIP resources by:

  • Evadav
  • Pushground
  • PeerClick
  • AdCombo
  • Voluum

Affiliate marketing examples:

  • Top 5 beginner mistakes with affiliate marketing campaigns
  • Sweepstakes vertical overview
  • Gambling in post covid times
  • Cash-in with a ring
  • How to run offers in Arab countries
  • Everything you need to know about buying traffic on AdFly
  • What is keyword targeting and how to use it effectively
  • DSP vs SSP
  • ExoClick: adult traffic
  • Understanding affiliate payment frequencies for better cash flow
  • Affiliate marketing glossary
  • What is affiliate world and should you attend it?
  • CrakRevenue: the CPA network on crack
  • What is affiliate summit?
  • How to create unique ads by MGID

Tools examples:

  • The ultimate list of free trackers for affiliates
  • Dating offers to promote
  • Redirectless tracking 
  • The basics of ad tracking
  • How to run affiliate campaigns on Google Ads
  • AdPlexity vs Anstrex
  • 6 reasons why you should use a spy tool
  • AdsBridge TDS – track your traffic wisely
  • SpyOver: native ad monitoring and analytics tools
  • Why every affiliate marketer needs a VPN

Getting started examples:

  • How to make the most out of affiliate forums with expert insights from Luke
  • Create a follow along campaign and thread
  • Introduce yourself to the community

VIP resources:

  • SelfAdvertizer PPV
  • MyLead
  • RTX platform pops
  • AdsTerra popunders
  • AdMaven push notifications


Beginners tutorial on how to start in affiliate marketing (with Zeropark)

An in-depth guide that goes above and beyond other guides to help newbies get started online the right way. 

The guide analyses:

  • GEOs and verticals
  • Low payout vs high payout
  • Push subscription collection
  • Smartlink offers
  • Test run
  • Ad formats
  • Setting up campaigns
  • Funnels
  • Campaign optimization
  • Scaling
afflift review community


There are 7 main categories:

  • Traffic sources (PPV, push notifications, native, search)
  • Tracking tools
  • Spy tools
  • Landing page builders
  • Affiliate networks
  • Affiliate programs
  • VPNs

Traffic sources examples:

  • Propeller ads pops
  • Zeropark pops and redirects
  • PopAds
  • RichPush
  • DatsPush
  • PopCash
  • MegaPush
  • Bing Ads
  • Evadav

Tracking tools examples:

  • BeMob
  • Kintura
  • PeerClick
  • Binom
  • RedTrack

Spy tools examples:

  • Anstrex
  • AdPlexity
  • SpyPush
  • AffBank
  • MagicAdz

Landing page builders examples:

  • PureLander
  • LanderBolt
  • BuilderAll

Affiliate networks examples:

  • Monetizer
  • MaxBounty
  • Mobipium
  • Mobidea
  • ClickDealer

Affiliate programs examples:

  • FlirtyMania
  • Krisp
  • LeadNetwork
  • WhaleHunter

VPNs examples:

  • PureVPN
  • ExpressVPN
  • IPVanish
afflift review directory


There are 2 main categories:

  • Traffic methods (PPV, push notifications, social)
  • Tracking

Traffic methods examples:

  • Affiliate marketing Q&A with Zeropark and AffLift
  • Propeller ads CPA goal 2.0 with Monetizer offer
  • Optimizing PropellerAds Direct Linking
  • Direct Linking PropellerAds and PeerFly (no tracker required)

Webinar examples:

  • Auto-Optimization Bootcamp – CPA Goal 2.0
  • Boost your Travel Affiliate Marketing ROI in the New Reality
  • eCommerce – How to Earn BIG with Holiday Season
afflift review webinar propeller ads

Case Studies


  • Case study for starter affiliates with Vlad Zhovtenko and Maksim Akhlestin
  • AdsTerra: case study with 50% ROI
  • ECommerce + Domain Redirect Keyword Campaign (433% ROI)
  • Media Buy: How to be profitable with a $250 budget on any product.
  • Affiliate Media Buy case study : How to deal with very large scale networks
  • $5996 on Dating Smartlink with Google UAC using app
  • Best Affiliate Tracking Tricks ? Case Study by Jaybot
  • Fake Chat Landing Page – Code and Creative Included
afflift review case study for starter affiliates

Landing page builder

The owner of the forum says…

I bought a script a few years ago that makes it easy to build landing pages. It does have a bit of a learning curve and it’s definitely more helpful if you can pop open the Code Editor included in it and make a few changes to the code yourself. But, I’m happy to provide it to the community for free.

I am looking to have you give it a try and provide some feedback. It does not host your landing page, but you can easily export the files and upload them to your own server.

afflift review landing page builder

Payment Plans/Guarantee

AffLift Guarantee

Satisfaction Guaranteed: If you are not happy with the content and information on affLIFT they will happily refund you.

My Final Review

I’m very satisfied with the AffLift premium membership. It’s a forum dedicated to affiliate marketing and it’s very newbie-friendly.

It’s constantly evolving and the majority of members contribute and participate in the forums and the discussions.

Luke Kling, the owner of the forum, does everything he can to welcome everyone properly, engage with the members in the forums, answer people’s questions, organize events, webinars, contests, and various follow-along campaigns, and he is on the lookout for anything that needs to get fixed.

He’s the administrator and the soul of the forum.

The forum is dedicated to paid affiliate marketing campaigns through various affiliate networks (the majority of ad formats you can find information about is push, native, pop,  and more). Here, the traffic methods that are discussed the most are PPV, push notifications, search, and social.

But you can track discussions about native, banners, SEO, email marketing, eCommerce, incentive, and adult as well.  

It’s a forum dedicated to paid media traffic and it has more than enough information to satisfy even the most demanding users and affiliates.

It’s a goldmine of information for newcomers, and if you are a newcomer, I strongly suggest you sign up for at least one affiliate marketing forum to get started with minimal losses and mistakes and learn valuable things to help you move faster.

When you are a beginner, you need help and guidance, because the online world is overwhelming and big mistakes cost time and time is money.

I was a beginner once, but I quickly got on my feet thanks to the help I received from the community I was a member of.

AffLift is such a community, a place to hang out with fellow entrepreneurs and share insights, opinions, data, discuss, learn, and also have fun.

If you love what you do, then you should also have fun doing it.

You can easily navigate to the specific sections and departments that interest you inside the forum and the search function has extended capabilities to help you find what you’re looking for instantly.

The forum is very well organized with a plethora of inner functions. like the “what’s new” section, “highlight and reply”, bookmarks., and more

There is crucial information in various formats (articles, media, webinars, guides) about traffic sources, tracking, spying, landing pages, networks and programs, VPNs, traffic methods, campaign optimization.

Generally, there is nothing missing regarding affiliate marketing.  

What I enjoyed the most:

  • The follow-along campaigns: a follow along is an affiliate marketing campaign that is essentially being run publicly. The person running the campaign posts updates about the campaign and you can get to see how it is going and learn from it. Right now, there are over 500 follow-along campaigns. This is an experiment that goes really well. Every member would like to know in real-time what other members are doing with their campaigns. This way, they learn from other people’s mistakes, and they get to reset and edit their campaign settings on the go.
  • The case studies: this part of the forum shows that the members are very serious and they enjoy helping others. They create case studies so that other members can learn from their campaigns and improve their affiliate marketing performance.
  • The guides: created by a variety of members on a variety of topics and subjects. These guides are a goldmine of information especially for newbies.


  • The content that is being published is high-quality and no one publishes anything just for the sake of publishing something. 
  • All the members are on the hunt for new tactics, strategies, improvements, campaign secrets, and they enjoy helping others
  • The chat is always a place to ask questions and Luke or other well-known members will happily assist you

Final Words

Affiliate marketing is constantly evolving and things change really quickly. 

You need to be in contact with other affiliate marketers to make sure you are not missing on new opportunities, traffic methods, systems, and upgrades. 

To make it happen, there is no better way than joining a forum dedicated to affiliate marketing, a premium forum with exclusive information that can boost your career on the spot.

I highly recommend AffLift to everyone. A newbie-friendly website with a variety of resources covering affiliate marketing and its subcategories.

It’s an active forum, they update and publish content regularly, people are asking questions, members are answering these questions and provide feedback.

New webinars are held very often in co-operation with well-known affiliate networks so AffLift members have the chance to enjoy extremely valuable content that can help them with their campaigns and results.

Also, AffLift is getting exclusive discount promo codes for its members to help them with their initial costs on various affiliate networks that require deposits.

Luke, the administrator, cares about his members and he’s on the lookout to answer their questions and he usually goes the extra mile to help them privately.

A very affordable solution, where other forums charge $75 or $90 per month.

I used the forum for at least 3 weeks before I publish this review, and I was logging in daily to check the activity and updates.

I had a great experience!

That’s it, another review has finished, here on Web Market Support. I am waiting for your comments and thoughts. Till next time.

Tasos Perte Tzortzis

Tasos Perte Tzortzis

Business Organisation & Administration, Marketing Consultant, Creator of the "7 Ideals" Methodology

Although doing traditional business offline since 1992, I fell in love with online marketing in late 2014 and have helped hundreds of brands sell more of their products and services. Founder of WebMarketSupport, Muvimag, Summer Dream.

Reading, arts, science, chess, coffee, tea, swimming, Audi, and family comes first.


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