We met not very long time ago.A local cafe downtown , crowded , music playing loud , the perfect environment for me to work on my recruiting campaign.
Me and Dalia talked for the first time on a forum and then we became internet friends , buddies hanging out from time to time.But one day she was interested in making money online and she asked me if I could help.
In the chat rooms I explained how I work and that I am always in a hunt for prospects , leads … trying to sell opportunities but mostly motivating people to become independent and build a business on their own.Recruiting affiliates is a non stop process but it is not that hard as it may sound.
But what a mistake I made…she was negative right from the beginning.
..How could I sell?…No , not for me…How could I recruit affiliates or network with other people?…I am not an expert…Is it really legal?…Impossible and all that stuff…
At the same time I discerned passion in her writing…I knew she could be an ideal entrepreneur , but I had to spark the fire deep in her.
We both live in the same town so I decided to take the risk and meet her…She agreed and there we are … enjoying coffee at this cafeteria.
No Method seemed to Work that Day – Big Disappointment
I was a little nervous because she was not such a confident personality , at least during those latest , business related , chats.I did my very best.
My enthusiasm was obvious
I explained that anyone could make sales , the work marketing is not just a scientific explanation of sales procedures.Marketing does happen everyday in our lives without even understanding it.
I described the whole process…
That she had to pick products from companies she loved , that she had to sell services that she was proud of.
Products that add real value to people and giving them the opportunity to work and make money as a result.
I even took it one step ahead and started describing methods that she could use to attract people and convince them.
I made crystal clear that when you recruit people in a business opportunity , whether it is an MLM organisation or an affiliate network , you do not recruit people to a War….
Those people will not invest a fortune to get started and in the end , if they fail , they gained experience and life goes on.You are not killing them.The majority of them will pass the offer but there are people in every business , in every opportunity that will follow.Because deep inside them there is a fire burning.
I assured her that I will be on her side , all the way , helping her with sales and to build her own team of recruited affiliates. I even designed possible plans on a paper.
I named a dozen of business opportunities that I am already promoting , the ones I am making money with and those that I want to promote in the future.I gave her a ton of ideas
… no , no and no…Dalia was strict…Not for me , Tasos Perte she said.
And then I did something that Changed Everything
I left her whine , I had all the time of the world.I was not a newbie , she was one.
I had one last card to play , the game was not over yet.
It is a method I used a lot in the past and most of the times is working.But it’s a method for the end of the show.
I listened to every word she said , all the No , all this negativity…
And then suddenly … I stood up , pretending I want to go to the bathroom and that we had to leave because it was late … I looked deep in her eyes and said…
You know what Dalia?…This business is Not for You…No , I agree , you don’t have what it needs to be successful.Sorry….I moved to the WC leaving her for a couple of minutes alone.
Final Words
You won’t believe what she told me in the car , while I was driving her home.
I want to get started , yes Tasos , I want to do this , tomorrow morning…..
That’s it , I hope you enjoyed this discussion with Dalia , as much as I did.I am waiting for your comments and thoughts.What methods are you using in recruiting people?….I know the subject is long and one article can not cover everything but I believe you can extract some value out of it.
Till next time , your online partner
Making Money Online – a discussion between Me & John