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8 New Productivity Hacks For College Students


Jan 6, 2021


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It is possible to spend the whole day with your books but still not make any meaningful progress. It leaves you with more work to complete and a stiffer deadline to deal with, a scenario that may lower the quality of your work.

Does this sound familiar?

That means you’re not as productive as you want.

Remaining productive helps you to accomplish more within a short time. It eliminates the pressure and pitfalls of rushing to work on projects at the last minute.

Here are practical hacks that will enable you to be more productive while working on your college projects.

8 New Productivity Hacks For College Students

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#1 Create a Time Table

A timetable indicates the activities you will undertake at a particular time. It also sets a limit on how much is to be done within a day, an hour, and such durations.

It is one of the ways to account for your time of day and also strike off completed projects from your schedule.

A timetable is created by first reviewing all the pending projects. Since each project has a timeline, the timetable helps you to prioritize the most urgent projects. It is one of the ways to ensure that your target tasks are ticked off the roster. The deadline helps you to be a more responsible time manager and in the process achieve more.

#2 Divide the Work into Manageable Chunks

Avoid tackling all the work at the same time. Divide the tasks into manageable portions.

For instance, set the first week for research and building a database. The second may be used for writing the introduction of a project. Dividing the work into chunks enhances your productivity in two ways.

  • Everything will be done because time is set for each chunk. You will allocate time for completing each part of your paper or project on the timetable. The work appears easy because it is completed gradually.
  • The satisfaction of completing part of the work motivates you to work on another project. The motivation boosts your working speed, resulting in better productivity.

Dividing the project into manageable chunks also helps you to understand the intensity of such work. As you work on one segment, you can determine whether the appropriate time was allocated and if the project will be completed before the deadline.

#3 Get All the Help Possible

Do not waste time on a paper you do not understand. It will kill your morale and cause a delay in delivery.

Get professional help writing your paper to reduce the time taken and improve your performance.

The assistant should be trained and experienced in your discipline of study. Help may come in the form of samples, examples, guidance on writing, or a professional writing the paper for you.

It takes away the burden of thinking about the paper, reducing pressure on your academic life.

There may be times when you feel that no matter how productive you are and what you did, you can’t concentrate enough.

That’s absolutely normal.

We are humans, not machines, we just need some help and support to move forward when we are stressed.

If you find yourself in such a difficult position, consider asking for help and encouragement.

And if you are stuck in the middle of an important project, like a Bachelor’s Thesis, ask for help from professionals.

Hire a professional to write your thesis to avoid falling behind schedule when you can’t concentrate.

#4 Create a Comfortable Work Space

Working from an uncomfortable space will affect your productivity. If the room is inadequately lit, cold, poorly aerated, and such discomfort, your attention on the task at hand will diminish.

Create a comfortable working space where you can concentrate for hours.

Invest in an ergonomic seat and table. A comfortable environment is important for your short as well as long term health.

It protects your eyes and back from long term damage.

#5 Take Regular Breaks

Avoid long continuous hours of study. Take a 15-minute break every 2 hours or when you feel distracted. It helps the body and mind to recharge so that you can be more productive when you resume studies.

Take a walk away from the desk, take a cup of coffee, drink some water, or engage other people in a chat.

The mind will be fresh by the time you return to the desk.

It can absorb more content faster.

#6 Know Your Productive Hours

When do you feel most productive while you study?

Use the hours you feel motivated for your studies instead of any other.

Some students prefer mornings while others are comfortable with evenings. Do not force the body and mind into studying during odd hours.

The strain results in reduced productivity.

When the body and mind are in synch when studying, you will be more productive.

#7 Start With the Toughest Tasks

Take on the most difficult task first.

Such tasks will be easier to complete when your mind and body are still fresh. When fatigue sets in, you can tackle the simpler tasks that are also exciting.

The simpler exciting tasks will even cause you to work longer hours because they are enjoyable.

Final Thoughts

Productivity requires planning and measuring. Evaluate your performance each day against the plans you had made. Adjust accordingly but always push yourself to do more within a shorter time.

Natalie Crawford

Natalie Crawford

English Teacher, Freelance Writer

Natalie Crawford is a former English teacher and esteemed freelance writer at ThesisHelpers. She enjoys spending time with her family, engaging in the outdoor activities, but most of the time it won’t be the case – you’ll probably find her on the couch, watching another episode of The Big Bang Theory.


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