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Is University Worth It? A Personal Story!

by Tasos


Feb 7, 2020


I’m filming the last part. The finish line (Feb 02). New office setup (April).


WORKSHOP #0: INTRO (June 04)



WORKSHOP #3 MARKET TESTING (June 21) “Collectible Coins”

🚀Why Market Testing? – Innovation through “7 IDEALS” – A New Client – A New Market – A New Challenge – Vision – Goals – Strategy – Action Plan – A New Information Product – Ongoing Updates/Reporting – secret section

There’s a hidden bonus inside workshops #1 and #3.


Update: July 10 Information Product coming soon 🙂 


The Challenge (real-time). More information shared privately with email subscribers!


WORKSHOP #3: MARKET TESTING “COLLECTIBLE COINS” (huge hidden bonus for attendees) ⇓ 

This is an area for advertising & partnerships. NEW option: Pay-per-Click.

I’ve discussed in a previous post how a new movement is shaping. Self-education is becoming the new norm.

There’s so much information online about any topic, any industry, and any profession.

It’s actually an enormous opportunity for students.

It is projected to be a $1B a day industry.


Yes, people spend money on online educational platforms like Udemy, Skillshare, Coursera, and CreativeLive, going through training programs created by successful business owners, leaders, and influencers like maniacs.

They get educated and they give back to newcomers. This cycle is changing how people deal with colleges and universities.

So, is University really worth it? Let me share my journey.

Is University Worth It? My Journey


Photo by Godisable Jacob from Pexels

When I was at University I learned a lot. There was a ton of knowledge. Serious stuff. Of course, this knowledge compared to high-school education is next level.

I learned how to run businesses, how to manage personnel, how to handle production problems, how to organize a company financially, how to expand in new areas and markets, and how to deal with clients.

I studied business organisation and administration, organisational change, operational research, marketing, advertising, and sales, human resources management, product development and management, economics, sociology and industrial sociology, statistics, advanced mathematics, accounting, civil and commercial law, English for economics and management, and so much more.

All this knowledge was great, absolutely.

But… and this is big.


There Was Something Missing

Action, implementation.

All this knowledge was just plain theory. But when you don’t apply what you learn immediately in the business world, you get left behind.

Why Is That Happening?

Why do they teach us with this particular model?

I believe it’s on purpose.

They want us to get this valuable degree that opens a thousand doors and then get a good job for the rest of our lives.

We, the students, supposedly would get high-paying jobs at giant companies. And that was at least promising for us to secure financially our future.

A quality retirement that the majority of uneducated people would not be able to enjoy.

But They Failed On This Promise, Too

When I was in my first year at the university, I was told that the future is bright for me.

There was an ocean of companies, corporations, and organizations looking to hire people like me.

High-paying jobs, potential to climb up the ladder and become a manager, executive, and director.

And the time had come and I graduated.

And what did they say?

We know we’ve promised you that the future was bright for you, but things have changed. There is a sign of economic recession, which indeed, followed 12 years later, in 2008.

Now only a handful of companies were looking for people like me.

What an irony.

My Next Critical Moves 

I did not give up. I knew that education is important to fuel and enhance my business and management skills.

I thought it would make sense to get a master’s diploma in order to bypass all those with a bachelor’s degree.

I decided quickly and I started studying English for economics to pass an exam that would give me access to a British University.

I was studying hard for one year while working at my family’s manufacturing company.

Finally, I passed the exam and I was ready to move to the UK.

However, I realized that I was delaying my progress in the real business world. Accidentally? I can’t remember now. But I did realize it.

At this point, I thought that 2 or 3 more years away from home would hurt my progress in the business.

I’ve already lost 1 and a half years in the army.

More importantly, our manufacturing company was not doing well, after 30 years.

These thoughts forced me to make a very hard back then decision.

I knew I had to focus on my business development.

Time shows that this was a good decision. Or wasn’t it?

Why They Don’t Teach Money At School

I’m also a big believer that everything happens for a reason.

And as Robert Kiyosaki says… they don’t teach us money at school. Robert is a famous American businessman and author. He is the founder of Rich Global LLC and the Rich Dad Company. He’s also the author of more than 26 books, including the international self-published personal finance Rich Dad Poor Dad series of books which has been translated into 51 languages and sold over 27 million copies worldwide.

Robert reveals that he never wanted a job, and that was all they were teaching at school when he was a young boy. At the age of 9, he was interested in learning more about money but his teacher responded that this is something they don’t teach at school. She also added that ” The love of money is the root of all evil”.

He asked his “poor” dad why they don’t teach money at school, and he replied that the government does not allow them to do so.

Robert quickly discovered that we are taught to get a degree, get a job, and work for money for the rest of our lives. But this was a road he would not follow by any means.

Robert believes that the “educational” system is responsible for the rise of socialism, communism, and fascism, and even anger against the rich. It happens because they don’t teach us about money at school.

Capitalism is run by a central bank, which is also called communism. Communism is a centralized government, capitalism is centralized banking.

And because our economy is based on money Robert knew he had to know everything about money. He had no choice but to go alone on this as schools are just departments of the central banking system.

Robert also underlined that we are part of a corrupted system that makes us robots. Slaves to money

Get to school, get a student loan to get a degree, and then get a job as an employee trying to pay back the loan for the rest of your life.

Plus, the vast majority of people are afraid to make any mistakes. They believe that not getting good grades is a form of punishment.

They are afraid to take risks, and this is the main reason why so many talented and intelligent people stay in the dark.

This is due to the “guided” educational system that feeds masses of workers that are afraid to believe in themselves.

But let’s add to this:

They don’t teach us how to become REAL entrepreneurs. They teach us how to become managers, in essence, employees of giant corporations.

Even at the Business  Administration University, the philosophy of the educational material drives students to get a job after their graduation.

We had been taught how to manage and sustain businesses that belonged to others. We had not been taught how to create wealth for ourselves and our families. They wanted us to become employees, educated workers; slaves of the system.

The Road To Online Entrepreneurial Success

Hopefully, I had the same inner energy, this spark inside me as Robert had when I was a kid.

I’ve always wanted to become an entrepreneur. Why?

Because I wanted to do things on my own, I did not want to work for others and my parents played a big role in planting these ideas early on.

They were both entrepreneurs running their family company and this is where I learned a lot about businesses when I was a kid and teenager. My parents did not have any education, and that is partly because times were tough back then. They had to bring money to the table even as kids, they did not have the luxury to get an education. Besides, it was the period after World War II, and the majority of families were starving.

Maybe this was my life jacket and despite the poisoned educational system I never lost interest in pursuing my own dreams. It only got bigger as I was growing up.

For many years, I followed my instinct and used my skills and knowledge to expand my businesses, and I did just fine. I had my ups and downs, like everyone, but I was having progress.

I had only a few failures and even in these cases, I did not lose serious money.

But when I decided to expand my business online in late 2014, I realized I had to become a student again.

The online business world depends heavily on marketing and advertising.

No matter how good your product or service is, people won’t find you if your brand is not visible online.

Then, I learned about affiliate marketing and how great this business model is.

Because you can get started with even zero investment and you can study marketing while building your platform.

It was the perfect experiment for my spare hours.

So, I became a student again at the age of 40.

I studied various business models: eCommerce, dropshipping, coaching, consulting, membership sites, agencies, networks, and a whole lot more.

Thanks to training programs, online platforms, entrepreneurs, leaders, influencers, educators, experts, and coaches, I learned so much.

I invested heavily in my education and as a result, I managed to become visible online.

Of course, I played a role too, I was working and learning constantly, even part-time.

I was learning and implementing immediately, this is key.

Then the platform I created became popular, and thousands of people from all over the world started visiting it.

Gradually, from a publisher/marketing partner, I started offering marketing services to foreign companies directly, as an agency.

All this with an initial investment of $ 31, yes, only $31. But of course with a lot of personal work.

The next step was to organise private training workshops and deliver them 1-on-1 live via video calls.

Now, I’ve taken things to the next level.

I am now the proud creator of the “7 IDEALS” methodology with which I help small businesses and stratups not just increase their visibility and sales, but I help them innovate and impact the world.

Interesting Statistics

Millennials have $1.5 trillion worth of debt

111 colleges in the USA that have over a billion-dollar endowment

Harvard raised $9.6 billion

27% of kids that go to college actually get a degree in that field

52% of college students hate the job they’re in

Debt of millennials in trillion-dollars

Colleges with over 1 billion-dollar endowment

Billion dollars that Harvard raised


College kids that get a deggree in their field


College students that hate the job they're in

Final Thoughts

If Universities and Colleges don’t have a vision for us, we do.

If governments want us to be sheep, we want to become independent.

If the rich elite wants us as employees, we will become employers.

It’s your time now.

I realized I was wasting time studying without practicing, without implementing, without taking action.

And so do millions of people that have a vision for themselves.

They can’t stay inactive.

They want to impact as many lives as they can.

They want it now.

The education system is broken. We hope it repairs but it’s not right now. Everyone knows that Universities and colleges are going down.

The famous management guru, Peter Drucker, in 1997 predicted…

Universities won’t survive. the future is outside the traditional campus, outside the traditional classroom. Distance learning is coming on fast.

Universities provide generalized knowledge when in fact, people are looking for specialized knowledge.

And don’t ever think that when you graduate from university or college, that you know enough

Education and learning should never stop.

When you enter the working force, either offline or online, you should keep learning and reading.

You will reap the rewards later.

If you want to enter the online entrepreneurial world, as I did in 2014, I have good news.

The private training workshops have been released. 

We kick things off soon with the business model of affiliate marketing and now the model of the knowledge broker. More modules will be added later on.

That’s it, another article has finished, here on Web Market Support. I am waiting for your comments and thoughts. Till next time.

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Tasos Perte Tzortzis

Tasos Perte Tzortzis

Business Organisation & Administration, Marketing Consultant, Creator of the "7 Ideals" Methodology

Although doing traditional business offline since 1992, I fell in love with online marketing in late 2014 and have helped hundreds of brands sell more of their products and services. Founder of WebMarketSupport, Muvimag, Summer Dream.

Reading, arts, science, chess, coffee, tea, swimming, Audi, and family comes first.


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TOP Quote

Slavery was legal. Segregation was legal. War is legal. Never use legality as a guide to morality.


🚀 Affiliate Advantage Alliance: Master successful affiliate promotions with an affordable subscription and together, let’s change the affiliate industry that is suffering right now (for aspiring entrepreneurs and brands that want to hire affiliates).

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