
Free Online Marketing Training

Free Online Marketing Training

A-Z List of Websites


By learning online marketing you open up unlimited doors, opportunities, and gateways for your career, your business, and your life. Marketing is by far the leading instrument in every industry and connects brands with any audience. Without marketing, even the best products out there will disappear. Marketing makes people curious about a brand, builds trust, and eventually is driving results for companies.

And of course, in a digital era of instant communications and unlimited networks, digital marketing is a science that every entrepreneur should take very seriously.


The future of business is online and as Bill Gates says…

If your business is not on the internet, then your business will be out of business

Whether you own a brick & mortar store, a practice or any offline business, and you want to expand online to increase sales or if you want to create a strong presence online and make money by promoting other companies products or to create your own digital products, online marketing education is a must.

Companies that are not utilizing the power of online advertising and use only the well-known offline advertising methods, simply put, they are in danger.

Offline advertising is time-consuming and costs a lot of money. On the other hand, online marketing is cost-efficient, effective, and you can target the whole population (almost 4 billion users are online as we speak)


By learning online marketing you’ll be able to

  • Create a marketing agency
  • Offer marketing services and create campaigns (locally & globally) for companies and clients (paid advertising, landing pages, sales funnels, email campaigns, and more)
  • Create and develop websites for clients
  • Create digital content for agencies or other sites
  • Increase traffic and sales for your current offline or online business with a website
  • Promote and sell other companies products for one-time or recurring commissions (this is how I started).
  • Offer SEO (search engine optimization) services
  • Build a coaching, speaking, or consulting business
  • Work as a freelancer
  • Work as a copywriter
  • Make money with and without a website using various techniques
  • Manage social media accounts or business pages/profiles for other companies
  • Sell memberships, courses, videos
  • Create eCommerce stores and e-shops for you and clients
  • Sell arts & multimedia
  • Make money with blogging or vlogging (video blogging)
  • Promote and sell products and services using email marketing techniques, videos, or webinars
  • Write for others, write your own books, create digital products
  • Organize live events, local seminars, speak on stages, or even teach on local workshops
  • Market yourself and clients effectively with skills that last a lifetime

…just to name a few opportunities

But, your budget might be limited, or you don’t have any budget at all. Don’t worry, there are plenty of solutions!

And now let’s examine the best free options on the net…




Affiliate marketing academy (guides for publishers and advertisers), very active blog, YouTube channel, online conferences in the APAC region


best affiliate marketing training - affilorama

Affiliate marketing, marketing without a website, traffic acquisition, productivity, keyword, niche, and market research, content creation, blogging, email marketing, video marketing, monetizing websites, WordPress, website development, SEO, social media marketing, PDF’s, backlinks, PPC, outsourcing.

Review & Bonus

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Affilorama was founded in 2006 by Mark Ling and Simon Slade. Since then, it helped thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs achieve extraordinary results thanks to its powerful platform, training, and tools.

Education – Free Modules

  • Quickstart affiliate marketing guide PDF
  • Introduction 9 lessons – affiliate marketing for beginners, how does affiliate marketing work? identifying affiliate sites, how do they make money? finding affiliate programs, marketing without a website, alternative sources of traffic, 12 tips to double productivity, get started online
  • Market research 8 lessons – finding profitable affiliate niches, SEO competition analysis, what does your market want? 10 alternatives to Clickbank, how to do keyword research (techniques & tools), how markets interact, choosing affiliate programs, how to use CJ Affiliate
  • Content creation 6 lessons – easy ways to get content, writing product reviews, headlines for affiliate sites, pre-sells and sales letters, email subject lines, how to record affiliate videos, improve conversion rates
  • Site building 19 lessons – building a basic page, using FTP with Filezilla, linking domains and hosting, hosting providers, website building software, getting a domain name, anatomy of a web page, good housekeeping, web design troubleshooting, anatomy of a web page #2, hiding affiliate links, simplifying sites with PHP, date scripts, sitemaps, moving pages with redirects, to www or not to www? controlling the search spiders, creating rollover buttons, site building mistakes you need to fix
  • Marketing ideas 11 lessons – introduction to blogging, how to write a blog post, ways to monetize a blog, email marketing introduction, the #1 newsletter strategy, how to use Facebook for affiliates, Twitter for affiliates, web 2.0 introduction, social bookmarking, viral PDF’s, 5 forgotten inbound marketing methods
  • Search Engine Optimization 11 lessons – sitemaps, moving pages with redirects, to www or not to www? controlling the search spiders, introduction to affiliate marketing SEO, what is PageRank? getting backlinks for SEO, on-page SEO factors, getting your website indexed, on-page SEO tweaking methods, building quality links
  • Pay per click 8 lessons – introduction to affiliate marketing PPC, what it is, how to do keyword research (techniques & tools), PPC landing pages, writing and placing Google ads, conversion tracking, bonuses for better conversions, alternative sources of traffic
  • Affiliate Outsourcing 3 lessons – introduction, tips for hiring, keeping workers productive

What You’ll Learn:

  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Marketing without a website
  • Getting traffic
  • Being productive
  • Keyword, niche, and market research
  • Content creation
  • Blogging
  • Email marketing
  • Video marketing
  • Monetizing a website
  • WordPress, website development
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Social media marketing
  • Creating PDF’s
  • Getting backlinks
  • Pay-per-click marketing (PPC)
  • Affiliate outsourcing

Full Services

  • AffiloTools – Website statistics (search engines, social media, revenue, competition, backlinks, website health)
  • Affilo Blueprint – Market research and keywords, creating content, setting up a website, website design, marketing, monetization, private members forum – 99 video lessons with homework plus Bonus #1 – AffiloTheme (WordPress custom theme with training plus Bonus #2 – 1-month trial of the marketing tool suite plus Bonus #3 – 1-year web hosting for 1 website
  • Affilo JetPack – 90+ expertly crafted emails, effective baits for email subscribers, WordPress website builder with 1-year free web hosting, 20 content cheatsheets, choose from 18 profitable pre-selected niches (for 5 websites)
  • Web hosting services: 2 GB space, 75GB monthly traffic bandwidth, 10 sub-domains, 10 email addresses, 10 MySQL databases, 10 FTP accounts, support for PHP4 and PHP5, redirects for affiliate links, 500 website templates, Javascript tools & compression
  • Stock images, clipart, banners, logos, web art
  • Support
  • Community: blog, forum


Various marketing and related training programs. Examples: marketing management, promotions, tourism, eCommerce, applied psychology, retail management


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Main slogan: Empower Yourself.  Free online courses from the world’s leading experts. 11 million learners, 1.5 million graduates, 1,000 courses, 195 countries.


Alison was founded in Galway in 2007 and has grown organically to become a major force in online education.

Alison was started and is run by Mike Feerick. Mike is first and foremost a businessman, but one with a difference. He happens to believe that the better you do financially, the more good you can do.

Alison is free of charge to you. But it’s still a business – albeit a socially-focused one. They are a social enterprise. They make money through advertising, merchandise and the sale of Certificates and Diplomas, should a graduate choose to buy on

How it works:

  • Register a free account
  • Find the right course for you
  • Get enrolled
  • Become a graduate
  • Acquire your certification – Once you have completed your course, you can download your learner record as proof of your achievement. Should you like something more official, you can purchase your Certificate or Diploma (depending on the type of course or Learning Path you’ve completed) and they will post it to you. They offer free standard shipping worldwide. Your Alison Certification can be included with your CV/Resume to share with potential employers, or just to share your achievement with the world!
  • Empowerment

Marketing courses examples:

#1 – Marketing Management – The Marketing Research Process – NPTEL – 3,600+ other students – 4 out of 5 stars

Marketing Management – The Marketing Research Process teaches you different ways marketing research can be approached by an organization in order to gain valuable information to help in making marketing decisions.

The course begins by introducing you to causal research and its different features. It describes different forms of experimental and statistical design that can be used in research. You will learn about the importance of measurement and how it is used in marketing research. You will also learn how scaling works and be introduced to different types of scaling

What you’ll learn

  • Causal research
  • The act of measurement and how it’s used
  • Different types of scaling
  • How to use questionnaires for obtaining information
  • Different sampling techniques
  • Data collection and preparation process
  • Hypothesis testing
  • Different methods of data analysis
  • Forms of multi-variate data analysis.


  • Marketing research
  • Sampling methods
  • Data analysis
  • Assessment – Marketing management – the marketing research process assessment

Details: Free, 2-3 hours, assessment, certification, academic 3rd level – level 1, 50 points

#2 – Tourism – Marketing and Promotion – Global Text Project – 8,600+ other students – 5 out of 5 stars

In order to attract tourists, any organization or business in the tourist industry must create successful marketing and promotion campaigns. The tourist industry is one of the most important in the world, worth up to one trillion dollars annually, so successful marketing and promotion campaigns have the potential to generate huge revenue.

This course will explain how tourist destinations and tourism businesses can successfully market themselves. The first section of the course explains the main challenges of promoting tourism and how they may be overcome. The following section explains how to identify the target audience of tourism campaigns as well as which methods of advertising are best suited for tourism. The following section explains the customer buying process and how it can be used to determine the objectives of a tourism promotional campaign. The final section explains how an effective marketing campaign can instill brand loyalty in customers and encourage repeat purchases.

This course will be of great interest to marketers that wish to learn how to create campaigns for the tourism industry. It will also

be of great interest to tourism board employees and owners of tourism businesses that wish to attract more tourists to a location

What you’ll learn

  • The main challenges of marketing and promoting tourism
  • How promotional campaigns for tourism can appeal to multiple target markets
  • Outline which forms of advertising are best suited to promoting tourism
  • List and explain each stage of the customer buying process
  • Determine the objectives of a tourism promotional campaign
  • Outline how an effective marketing campaign can guide potential tourists through each stage of the customer buying process


  • The fundamentals of tourism promotion
  • Tourism – generating sales
  • Tourism – marketing and promotion assessment

Details: Free, 1-2 hours, assessment, certification, academic 3rd level – level 1, 50 points

#3 – eCommerce – Introduction to Internet Marketing Strategies for Businesses – 15,000+ other students – 5 out of 5 stars

Before the Internet companies fashioned communication strategies based on whatever medium they had available to them, whether that was print, radio or TV media, to broadcast their message. Companies now realize that the Internet is the ideal communication medium for interacting with a wide variety of stakeholders. They also know that the Internet is not just the Web, but a range of technologies that, in combination, can provide a potent marketing strategy.

In this course, you will learn about successful Internet marketing techniques and strategies that are being used today by businesses and organizations around the world. You will be introduced to techniques such as how to break down your target audience, how to build a coordinated marketing strategy using the integrated Internet marketing matrix to reach your customers and stakeholders, and how to measure the effectiveness of promotion strategies.

This course will be of great interest to business and marketing professionals and entrepreneurs wanting to expand their knowledge and understanding of effective Internet marketing strategies, as well as any learner wanting to learn more about the power of online marketing.

What you’ll learn

  • Illustrate with examples of how companies are using the Internet to market wisely
  • A clear understanding of the Integrated Internet Marketing (I2M) model
  • Examine the Web as an advertising medium, using established theoretical models of consumer and industrial buying behavior
  • How to move the customer from being a passive Internet surfer to an interactive user of the medium.


  • Resource document
  • Promotion – integrated web communications
  • Resource document
  • Promotion and purchase – measuring the effectiveness
  • Web advertising and promotions for businesses assessment

Details: Free, 1-2 hours, assessment, certification, academic 3rd level – level 1, 50 points

#4 – Applied Psychology – Matching Marketing Strategies to Consumer Personalities – NPTEL – 5,300+ other students – 5 out of 5 stars

Introduces learners to the psychological aspects of consumer personality and why consumers generally buy those products/brands whose ‘brand personality’ matches their own.

Psychological research has shown that a consumer’s decision about whether or not to buy a particular brand as well as the timing and place of purchase, the amount purchased, its usage and disposal, are all based on the consumer’s personality. Because of this, it is of great importance that marketers understand the psychological aspects of consumer personality so that they can devise appropriate marketing strategies to introduce the right product/brand to the right consumer.

The course first introduces you to the nature of personality in general and you will learn about the differences between personality types and personality traits. You will also review aspects of self-concept and self-image and see how these help shape each consumer’s personality. Finally, the course introduces theories of personality developed by psychologists and you’ll learn how marketers can adapt these theories during the design, development, and implementation of marketing strategies.

This course will be of great interest to all marketing professionals who would like to learn more about consumer personality and why understanding this aspect of consumer behavior will help marketers design more effective and efficient marketing strategies.

What you’ll learn

  • Define the meaning of consumer personality
  • Describe consumer personality and its nature
  • Describe personality traits and personality types
  • Describe theories of Personality I and II
  • Describe the meaning of self-concept and self-image
  • Describe consumer personality, self-concept, self-image, and their implications for marketers.


  • Theories of personality
  • Consumer personality, self-concept and self-image
  • Assessment

Details: Free, 2-3 hours, assessment, certification, academic 3rd level – level 2, 50 points

#5 – Retail Management – Merchandising, Distribution, and Marketing – Advanced Learning – 4,600+ other students – 4 out of 5 stars

Do you know how to create an environment in your retail store that encourages buying? If you do not, this course is sure to help. With this course, you will learn how to price items in a way that will produce profit, how to design a display, and how to design the exterior of your retail store.

Furthermore, learn how to plan your inventory and a merchandise assortment that will appeal to your customers. Then, learn about marketing to consumers through the linear-communication model.

This course will be of great interest to anyone who hopes to someday manage a retail store, or to anyone who is just entering the retail business and wants to know how to maximize the potential of their retail store.

What you’ll learn

  • Define and describe retail merchandising.
  • Explain how visual merchandising can affect sales.
  • List the principles of design.
  • Explain how to design a good display.
  • Explain the channels of distribution.
  • Define and describe the 4 P’s.
  • Define product mixes, lines, and individual products.
  • Explain the linear communication model.
  • Describe the four important characteristics of communication tools.
  • Explain the calculation for open-to-buy planning.


  • Merchandising and distribution
  • Retail marketing
  • Course assessment

Details: Free, 1-2 hours, assessment, certification, workplace – job role training – level 1, 50 points

Buffer - Social Media 101


A 25-day email course featuring 25 expert social media growth strategies.

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A 25-day email course featuring 25 expert social media growth strategies.

What You’ll Learn

  • The best free tool for finding great content
  • Getting started with video marketing on a budget
  • 5 hidden Instagram features for marketers
  • Image creation tools for marketers
  • The power of resharing content on Facebook
  • 10 free stock photography resources
  • Building your brand through content curation
  • Create an educational screen recording to sell your product
  • Understanding social media algorithms and use them in your favor

Buffer - Social Media Week


A series of webinars that you may find extremely valuable in order to explode your social media reach. 

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This is not exactly a course, but it’s a series of webinars that you may find extremely valuable in order to explode your social media reach.


Buffer is a social media application, like HootSuite.  Quickly and easily schedule posts for all of your social accounts and Buffer will publish them automatically, according to the posting schedule you put in place.

It provides scheduling and analytics, and a mini-education department with guides & tutorials, case studies, and webinars.

This week of webinars course covers topics like content curation, Instagram for business, Facebook strategy and more.

What’s Included

  • 3 clever ways to discover and share the very best content on social media
  • Inside all the newest Instagram features to boost your marketing
  • How to get your content seen in the Facebook news feed
  • Crawling, walking, running analytics: the 3 stages of social media data
  • 5 quick ways to build a far-reaching PR & outreach strategy on social

Canva - Creativity

This is not a typical marketing course, but you can utilize the power of images and designs to drastically improve your marketing efforts and the results of your marketing campaigns. And even if you don’t plan to design a thing on your website, it’s crucial to know at least the basics that can help you hire the best professionals or freelancers.


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This is not a typical marketing course, but you can utilize the power of images and designs to drastically improve your marketing efforts and the results of your marketing campaigns. And even if you don’t plan to design a thing on your website, it’s crucial to know at least the basics that can help you hire the best professionals or freelancers.

Canva Creativity

Main slogan: I want to design things that make an impact on an audience. I want the motivation, energy, and clarity to design often. I want to know how to easily go from an idea to a completed design. I want to identify a vision for my designs and see out that vision. Sound like you?


  • Day 1: how to grab attention with your design
  • Day 2: how to get motivated and inspired to design
  • Day 3: how to create, foster, and maintain your own vision and style
  • Day 4: how to create unique designs every time
  • Day 5: moving from idea to final product
  • Day 6: conceptualizing new creative design ideas
  • Day 7: why is creativity so difficult?

Canvas Network


Enroll in open, online courses from colleges, universities, and organizations worldwide.

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Main slogan: engage in more than a course. Engage in a learning experience. Enroll in open, online courses from colleges, universities, and organizations worldwide.

To Canvas Network ‘open’ means:

  • Open entry and open access. Open entry for learners around the globe and continual access to course content after the course end date.
  • Open content. Open licensing options and content sharing to Canvas Commons where other instructors reuse, revise, remix, retain, and redistribute content.
  • Open platform and ecosystem. Open platform to integrate and innovate with third-party tools.
  • Open data. Open, de-identified Canvas Network data for researchers to analyze and synthesize.
  • Platform neutrality

Marketing Courses Examples

#1 – (K-12 Policy): Communications Bootcamp: Winning the Ed Reform Conversation – ExcelinEd

Student-centered education policies have little chance to succeed without the support of parents, educators, business leaders and community members. How we talk about reform, how we deliver our messages, and with whom we communicate will make a big difference when it comes to winning the education reform conversation. In this self-paced course, participants will build their communications skills related to media relations, targeted messaging, and the use of social media.

Each module offers both video and written core content that will take no longer than an hour to complete. Additional resources are available in each module for those that want to take a deeper dive into specific topic areas. A digital badge and a certificate will be provided for course completion.

Course Objectives:

  • Create, identify and explain effective messages in advancing education reform.
  • Develop an effective communications strategy and tactics utilizing the skills and knowledge gained throughout the course.
  • Clearly communicate the need for education reform, explain a diverse array of reform policies, and refine messaging to different audiences.

Topics Covered Include:

  • Module One: Introduction
  • Module Two: Identifying Your Audience, Micro-targeting Matters, Proven Messages, and Packaging the Message
  • Module Three: Delivering Effective Messages
  • Module Four: Harnessing the Power of the Digital and Social Media
  • Module Five: Conclusion and Review

Details: Self-paced

#2 – Introductory Course to Economics – Hanze International Business School

The course has been created by lecturers at the International Business School (IBS), part of Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen, based in the Netherlands. This is the first time a Dutch university has launched a MOOC in introductory-level economics. Besides the lecturers from the Netherlands, you will also meet lecturers from Italy and China, and learn how the same knowledge is presented in different cultural contexts. Moreover, you will meet business practitioners and listen to their experiences about how the theories are applied in their practices.

Course Syllabus

Microeconomics: The branch of economics that analyses the market behavior of individual consumers and businesses in an attempt to understand the decision-making process of companies and households.

Week 1: Microeconomics Fundamentals of supply & demand.

Week 2: Microeconomics: Perfect competition and monopoly.

Macroeconomics: The field of economics that studies the behavior of the aggregate (whole) economy. Macroeconomics examines economy-wide phenomena such as changes in unemployment, national income, rate of growth, gross domestic product, inflation and price levels.

Week 3: Macroeconomics: Economic performance and employment.

Week 4: Macroeconomics: Government intervention and trade.

Details: Dates – Mar 12 – Apr 9, 2018, 4 weeks duration, 2-3 hours per week commitment, none requirement, instructor-led course, none credential

#3 – The Economics of Governments and Markets – Stavros Center & Northern Michigan University

This course specifically focuses on the role of government and the operation of the political process. Both market failure and government failure are explained and analyzed. As in the case of markets, the tools of economics are used to address how the political process works, how it supports growth and prosperity, why it sometimes works poorly, and what might be done to improve the process.

On course completion, learners will:

  • explain why government officials and policymakers cannot have all the goods, services, and resources that they want because of the condition of scarcity;
  • describe how governments and market fail; and
  • identify how responsible and accountable individuals in governments, businesses, and households can act and interact in ways that promise to advance standards of living across time and industries.

Target Audience: Students and instructors of economics; K-12 educators; and life-long learners.

Details: Dates – Dec 11 – Mar 26, 2018, 15 weeks duration, 5 hours per week commitment, none requirement, self-paced, badge



Class Central is a search engine and reviews site for free online courses popularly known as MOOCs or Massive Open Online Courses.

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Main slogan: Discover free online courses from Ivy League Schools, find the best online courses from Top Universities.

Class Central is a search engine and reviews site for free online courses popularly known as MOOCs or Massive Open Online Courses.

Market Research

  • Questionnaire design for social surveys – University of Michigan
  • Market research and consumer behavior – IE Business School
  • Research proposal: initiating research – University of California, Davis
  • Qualitative research – University of California, Davis
  • Quantitative research – University of California, Davis
  • Customer insights: quantitative techniques – University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Research report: delivering insights – University of California, Davis

ConstantContact – Social Media Quickstarter


Facebook 101, Twitter 101, LinkedIn 101, Pinterest 101, Instagram 101, Google+ 101, YouTube 101, Snapchat 101

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  • Facebook 101: glossary, page vs profile, choosing the right type of page, better content, how to promote your page, how to schedule posts…
  • Twitter 101: setting up a profile, search basics, hashtags, images, lists, Twitter for customer service, brand awareness, chats…
  • LinkedIn 101: get started, adding connections, groups, adding a company, posting effectively, build authority, find your next great employee…
  • Pinterest 101: intro, what to pin, perfect pins, get found, promote your page, analytics, for non-profits, for B2Bs, common mistakes, glossary
  • Instagram 101: intro, secrets, increase engagement, brand identity, business accounts, stories, for non-profits, business examples
  • Google+ 101: why use it? profiles, pages, local listings, SEO, hangouts, for marketing consultants
  • YouTube 101: how to upload a video, examples, how to promote, how to embed, common mistakes, analytics
  • Snapchat 101: beginner’s guide, creative ideas, get followers, master your first on-demand geo-filter

CopyBlogger – Internet Marketing for Smart People


Copywriting 101, headlines, compelling content, Content marketing, agile content marketing, strategies, Content marketing research, Email marketing, Keyword research, Landing pages, effective online marketing, Internet marketing for smart people

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Internet Marketing for Smart People is a systematic, simple way to understand and implement effective online marketing. You’ll learn the “Copyblogger method” of creating a profitable online business or marketing your offline business online.

You’ll get an organized reference guide to the “best of the best” that’s appeared on Copyblogger over the years, and you’ll see how it all fits together.

It’s a free 20-part course and ongoing email newsletter, delivered conveniently to your inbox

What’s Included:

  • Copywriting 101: how to craft compelling copy
  • How to write magnetic headlines
  • How to create compelling content that ranks well in search engines
  • Content marketing: how to build an audience that builds your business
  • The business case for agile content marketing
  • A content marketing strategy that works
  • How to create content that converts
  • How to effectively promote your content
  • Content marketing research: the crucial first step
  • The 5 P approach to copy that crushes it
  • Email marketing: how to push send and grow your business
  • Keyword research: a real-world guide
  • Landing pages: how to turn traffic into money
  • 10 rock-solid elements of effective online marketing
  • Internet marketing for smart people: classic edition

CopyHackers – Conversion Copywriting 101


The founder, Joanna Wiebe, has optimized web and email copy for the likes of Wistia, Buffer, Crazy Egg, Neil Patel, Shopify, Indochino, Invision, Tesco and countless others.

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Slogan: today’s in-demand copywriters teach the essentials of writing high-converting copy. The founder, Joanna Wiebe, has optimized web and email copy for the likes of Wistia, Buffer, Crazy Egg, Neil Patel, Shopify, Indochino, Invision, Tesco and countless others.

She’s been invited to teach conversion copywriting on the stages of Mozcon, Heroconf, SearchLove, CXL Live, CTA Conf, SydStart, Problogger, DCI Summit, Authority, Microconf, Wooconf, Business of Software and dozens more. 

The Curriculum

  • Conversion copywriting vs regular old copywriting
  • How to write messages that stick
  • Copywriting for different stages of awareness
  • Is your page doing what it’s supposed to be doing?
  • How to layout a great web page
  • Your landing page ain’t your homepage, OK?
  • How to format your web copy
  • How to get’em to keep reading
  • How to get useful testimonials and where and when to use them
  • Convert like a MOFO
  • Drip campaigns that are way better than the other guys’
  • How to write AdWords ads
  • How to get out of your copywriting funk with this insider shortcut



A plethora of marketing, business, and related training programs. Examples: digital marketing specialization, marketing strategy, analytics, social media, marketing mix implementation


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Every course on Coursera is taught by top instructors from the world’s best universities and educational institutions. Courses include recorded video lectures, auto-graded and peer-reviewed assignments, and community discussion forums. When you complete a course, you’ll receive a shareable electronic Course Certificate

All the courses are open to everyone and many of them are Free to take. However, in order to get a certificate, you’ll have to purchase the course. Prices range from $29 – $99.

This is a great option, as you have the chance to take a course, complete it, and then, if you need the certification you can purchase it.


For those that want to master a specific career skill. You’ll complete a series of rigorous courses, tackle hands-on projects based on real business challenges, and earn a Specialization Certificate to share with your professional network and potential employers

Online degrees

Real career transformation sometimes requires a university-recognized degree. Coursera believes that transformation should be accessible to everyone, so they’ve worked with their university partners to offer flexible, affordable online degree programs in business, computer science, and data science.


Coursera was founded in 2012 by two Stanford Computer Science professors who wanted to share their knowledge and skills with the world. Professors Daphne Koller and Andrew Ng put their courses online for anyone to take – and taught more learners in a few months than they could have in an entire lifetime in the classroom.

Since then, we’ve built a platform where anyone, anywhere can learn and earn credentials from the world’s top universities and education providers.


25M learners, 149 University partners, 2,000+ courses, 180+ specializations, 4 degrees

Marketing Courses Examples

#1 – Digital Marketing Specialization – University of Illinois

This course is part of the fully-online accredited Master of Business Administration (iMBA) degree program.

This Specialization explores several aspects of the new digital marketing environment, including topics such as digital marketing analytics, search engine optimization, social media marketing, and 3D Printing. When you complete the Digital Marketing Specialization you will have a richer understanding of the foundations of the new digital marketing landscape and acquire a new set of stories, concepts, and tools to help you digitally create, distribute, promote and price products and services.


  • Marketing in a digital world
  • Digital analytics for marketing professionals: theory
  • Digital analytics for marketing professionals: practice
  • Digital marketing channels: the landscape
  • Digital marketing channels: planning
  • Marketing in an analog world
  • Digital marketing capstone

Details: 7-day free trial full access.

#2 – Marketing Strategy Specialization – IE Business School

Cover the concepts and tools you need to successfully develop a marketing strategy for a business, product or service. Begin by understanding consumers and the main market research techniques, then learn how to correctly segment, target and position your product to achieve success. Continue by analyzing the four critical areas of marketing, the famous four Ps of Product, Price, Promotion, and Place. Finally, get the backing your ideas deserve and communicate the actions through a Marketing Plan.

In the final capstone project, you will develop a Marketing Plan for a product or service.


  • Market research and consumer behavior
  • Positioning: what you need for a successful marketing strategy
  • Marketing mix fundamentals
  • The marketing plan
  • Marketing strategy capstone project

Details: 7-day free trial, unlimited access to all courses, cancel anytime, 39€ per month to continue learning after the trial ends, certificate when you complete

#3 – Foundations of Marketing Analytics Specialization – Emory University

Inform decision making with Marketing Analytics. Leverage data and analytics to drive managerial decisions and marketing strategy.

In this specialization you will learn how to:

  • Find, extract, organize and describe data to support business decisions
  • Identify, quantify and interpret relationships between variables
  • Derive customer insights from your data
  • Develop spreadsheet models to analyze data, evaluate risk and optimize business decisions
  • Present and justify a course of action to management
  • The capstone project will give you an opportunity to apply what has been covered in the specialization to solve a marketing analytics problem.


  • Meaningful marketing insights
  • Managing uncertainty in marketing analytics
  • Forecasting models for marketing decisions
  • Survey analysis to gain marketing insights
  • Introduction to social media analytics
  • Marketing analytics capstone project

Details: 7-day free trial, unlimited access to all courses, cancel anytime, 39€ per month to continue learning after the trial ends, certificate when you complete

#4 – Socia Media Marketing Specialization – NorthWestern University

Manage your social strategies, expand your online audience, and establish your social brand.

In today’s marketplace, organizations need effective, profitable social marketing strategies. In this Specialization, you’ll learn to

  • Match markets to social strategies to profitably grow your business.
  • Use social media tools and platforms to design, manage, and optimize social campaigns to promote growth and position your brand in the global digital marketplace
  • Develop targeted content to spark dialogue with various social communities.
  • In the final Capstone Project, you’ll create and evaluate a comprehensive social marketing strategy. Each course also contains a toolkit with bonus materials – one for everyone who signs up, and a special toolkit with additional content for only those who sign up and pay to earn a Course Certificate.


  • What is social?
  • The importance of listening
  • Engagement & nurture marketing strategies
  • Content, advertising, and social IMC
  • The business of social
  • Social marketing capstone project

Details: 7-day free trial, unlimited access to all courses, cancel anytime, 39€ per month to continue learning after the trial ends, certificate when you complete

#5 – Marketing Mix Implementation Specialization – IE Business School

Take your product through the marketing mix. Master the marketing mix and take your product to new heights.

In this Specialization, we will delve into the marketing mix and the skill-set needed to implement successful marketing strategies. Explore the four key concepts of the marketing mix model, also known as the 4Ps: Product (Brand and Product Management), Pricing, Place (Distribution Channel Strategy and Retail) and Promotion (Communication Strategies, PR and Advertising).

This course primarily focuses on implementation so you can immediately apply the lessons learned to your work or to a business idea that you are thinking of taking to market. After completing the four courses, you will be able to take part in the Capstone Project where you will have the opportunity to put into practice what you have learned in this specialization by running a real product through the marketing mix


  • Brand and product management
  • Pricing strategy
  • Channel management and retailing
  • Integrated marketing communications: advertising, public relations, digital marketing and more
  • Marketing mix implementation capstone

Details: 7-day free trial, unlimited access to all courses, cancel anytime, 39€ per month to continue learning after the trial ends, certificate when you complete

Creator Academy – You-Tube

creator academy

How to monetize YouTube videos.

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#1 – You-Tube quick start guide

  • Welcome
  • Basic elements
  • Promote your channel
  • Intro to the You-Tube policies

#2 – Get found

  • You-Tube search
  • Create effective thumbnails and titles
  • Write smart descriptions
  • Let the cards and the final screens do the work for you
  • Keep your channel up to date with uploads and playlists
  • Co-operation

#3 – Make money with ads on You-Tube

  • Make money from You-Tube
  • You-Tube ads
  • Create appropriate content for advertisers

#4 – Create great content

#5 – Start your own music channel on YouTube

#6 – How to stay healthy and avoid burnout

#7 – Create an educational channel on YouTube

#8 – Take advantage of the gaming channel

#9 – Achieve long-term success on YouTube

#10 – After shooting

#11 – Before shooting

#12 – During filming

#13 – Live streaming on YouTube

#14 – 360-degree video and virtual reality on YouTube

#15 – You-Tube analytics

#16 – Create a channel with global appeal

#17 – Expand your community

#18 – Ways to make money outside of ads

#19 – Support your musical career with YouTube

#20 – Create a business on YouTube

#21 – Brand name agreements

#22 – YouTube for musicians

Digital Business Academy


The Digital Business Academy from Tech City UK has more than 50 courses from University College London, University of Cambridge, and other industry experts. 

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Main slogan: startup skills made simple. Join over 20,000 entrepreneurs gaining the skills to start, grow or join a digital business. The Digital Business Academy from Tech City UK has more than 50 courses from University College London, University of Cambridge, and other industry experts. 


#1 – Brand & Communications

  • Build a strong brand – University of Cambridge & Tech City UK
  • Succeed with social media – Valuable Content & Tech City UK

#2 – Ideas & Products

  • Speak the language of entrepreneurs – Tech City UK in association with UCL
  • Manage a digital product – University of Cambridge & Tech City UK

#3 – Marketing & Sales

  • Plan your marketing – University of Cambridge & Tech City UK
  • Master marketing channels – Founder Centric & Tech City UK
  • Run marketing campaigns – Founder Centric & Tech City UK
  • Get customers to love you – Founder Centric & Tech City UK

#4 – Operations & Finance

  • Launch a digital business – Tech City UK in association with UCL
  • Understand startup finance – University of Cambridge & Tech City UK
  • Measure startup performance – Founder Centric & Tech City UK


Their mission is to increase global access to quality education. They connect learners to the best universities and institutions from around the world. edX is recognized by names like Walmart, IBM, Volvo, Adobe


Learn More

Their mission is to increase global access to quality education. They connect learners to the best universities and institutions from around the world. edX is recognized by names like Walmart, IBM, Volvo, Adobe.

MicroMasters Credentials

MicroMasters programs are a series of graduate level courses from top universities designed to advance your career. They provide deep learning in a specific career field and are recognized by employers for their real job relevance. Students may apply to the university offering credit for the MicroMasters certificate and, if accepted, can pursue an accelerated and less expensive Master’s Degree.

Free Courses

Take free online courses from the best universities and institutions in the world — Harvard, MIT, UC Berkeley, Microsoft, Tsinghua University, The Smithsonian and more

The majority of courses are free and if you want to add a verified certificate you would have to purchase it for a price.

Marketing Courses Examples

#1 – Introduction to Marketing – The University of British Columbia – 40 reviews – 4.5 out of 5 stars

Learn the fundamentals, strategies, and tools used across industries. This course, regardless of your industry background, will teach you core concepts and tools to help you better understand and excel in marketing. Key topics include Market Research and its importance to strategy, brand strategy, pricing, integrated marketing communication, social media strategy, and more.

What you’ll learn

  • Develop a basic customer segmentation system
  • Begin to understand the psychology of consumer decision making
  • Develop pricing strategies that maximize profitability
  • Define appropriate channel systems that go-to-market efforts
  • Understand how marketing metrics can benefit your business

Details: 6-7 weeks, 3-5 hours per week effort, Free (add a verified certificate for $150), introductory level, video transcripts, associated MicroMasters program: Business Fundamentals.

#2 – Marketing Analytics/Measurement Strategy- Berkeley University of California – 3 reviews – 4.5 out of 5 stars

Learn about powerful strategies and methodology, starting with identifying market trends and metrics used to measure marketing success. In this marketing course, you will learn how to execute market sizing, identify market trends, and predict future conditions.

What you’ll learn

  • Develop a basic customer segmentation system
  • Begin to understand the psychology of consumer decision making
  • Develop pricing strategies that maximize profitability
  • Define appropriate channel systems that go-to-market efforts
  • Understand how marketing metrics can benefit your business

Details: 4 weeks, 5-7 hours per week effort, Free (add a verified certificate for $99), introductory level, video transcripts, associated MicroMasters program: Marketing Analytics.

#3 – Global Marketing Strategy- Thunderbird School of Global Management – 0 reviews

In this marketing course, you will gain an understanding of the foundations, scope, and challenges of global marketing, as well as the cultural environments of global markets.

Organizations and businesses are always facing new challenges including slow domestic market growth, international competition, deregulation of formerly protected industries, short product life cycles, and the emergence of global brands. This course will equip you with skills to understand and handle current and developing challenges in global marketing and how to create and implement successful strategies.

This course will help you understand the strategic implications of segmentation, targeting, and positioning and how they are developed within the context of the customer, competitor, and context analysis. Particular emphasis will be placed on the role of disruptive positioning strategies and how firms can utilize such strategies to their advantage.

What you’ll learn

  • To evaluate and build economic, functional, experiential, and social value or a combination thereof within the complex and dynamic political/legal, economic, competitive, technological, cultural, and other environmental forces that managers face in the global arena
  • To clarify the scope and challenges of global marketing
  • To assess the impact of external forces on global marketing decisions
  • To develop a disruptive positioning strategy for a firm that is struggling to differentiate itself from competition
  • Awareness of alternative market-entry strategies.

Details: 6 weeks, 10 hours per week effort, Free (add a verified certificate for $249), advanced level, video transcripts, associated MicroMasters program: International Business Management.

#4 – Online Marketing Strategies- Curtin University – 0 reviews

The Internet has emerged as a platform to facilitate global commerce and communication. Its exponential growth has transformed the value chain of virtually every industry, and millions of commercial businesses are now doing business online. This course will introduce you to the range of marketing uses of the Internet.

What you’ll learn

  • use basic e-marketing tools relevant to the internet marketing context;
  • apply marketing strategies such as segmentation, targeting, positioning, and differentiation to an online context;
  • analyse the online consumer exchange process and its outcomes;
  • evaluate product, pricing, distribution and communication marketing functions in a firm’s internet marketing strategy;
  • evaluate the role of social media in the marketing context;
  • use digital analytics to evaluate and optimise the effectiveness of digital marketing strategies

Details: 12 weeks, 8-10 hours per week effort, Free (add a verified certificate for $199), advanced level, video transcripts, associated MicroMasters program: Marketing in a Digital World.

#5 – Evidence-Based Stakeholder Marketing – Australian National University – 0 reviews

Evidence-based marketing provides the knowledge and skills needed to navigate the brave new world of digital marketing, to develop a marketing mix, and to create cost-effective marketing strategies that cut through the clutter.

There are plenty of courses that will teach you the principles and practices of marketing, and plenty of books that will introduce you to the next “big” thing. This is particularly true in the Internet age, with new digital marketing opportunities seeming to appear daily. Some have even questioned whether the basic principles and practices of marketing still apply in this new digital world.

What you’ll learn

  • Establish the relevant stakeholder groups that their organization needs to address in their marketing activity.
  • Justify the choice of the target audience for marketing communication.
  • Integrate stakeholder knowledge and communication to solve customer needs.
  • Deliver effective communication that reflects the complexity of real-world stakeholder issues

Details: 6 weeks, 8-10 hours per week effort, Free (add a verified certificate for $149), intermediate level, video transcripts, associated MicroMasters program: Evidence-based Management.


Affiliate marketing, blogging, content marketing, eCommerce, email marketing, online marketing, search engine marketing, SEO, social media, web analytics

Facebook – Blueprint

FB Blueprint is an education, training, and certification program to help advertiserrs get the most out of their powerful marketing platform

FutureLearn – Get Ahead in Marketing

Keep up with the latest trends in marketing – from brand storytelling to social media – with these free online marketing courses. Learn with experts from top universities and professional organizations

GCF Learn Free – Social Media

Blog basics, Facebook, Google hangouts, Instagram, LinkedIn, Meetup, Pinterest, Skype, Snapchat, Twitter, WhatsApp, YouTube, WordPress

Google - Analytics Academy

Analytics Academy helps you learn about Google’s measurement tools so that you can grow your business through intelligent data collection and analysis


Google - Digital Garage

The Digital Garage is your one-stop shop for mastering digital marketing. If you have what it takes to complete each of the 26 topics and unlock every badge, you can earn the esteemed Digital Garage Certificate of Online Proficiency

Google - Digital Marketing Course

An initiative designed to educate students and professors in the area of Digital Marketing.

HootSuite Academy

Introduction to social media, Optimizing your social media profiles, Social media strategy, Building your advocate community, Content marketing,  Social advertising, Social marketing certification exam

HubSpot Academy

Inbound marketing, HubSpot software, sales software, design, contextual marketing, inbound sales, growth-driven design, email marketing, content marketing, sales enablement


From creating a great website, to driving traffic and converting that traffic, the Launch2Success Internet Marketing Training Program covers the basics every internet marketer must know for their business to take flight

MIT Open CourseWare

Through OCW, educators improve courses and curricula, making their schools more effective; students find additional resources to help them succeed; and independent learners enrich their lives and use the content to tackle some of our world’s most difficult challenges, including sustainable development, climate change, and cancer eradication


Mobidea is an affiliate network. They provide a range of tools for affiliates and a dashboard where publishers and advertisers keep track of their activity and sales. There are affiliate marketing training resources both for publishers and advertisers. They are experts in CPA marketing and Push ads.

MOZ – SEO Learning Center

Search Engine Ranking and Visibility, On-Site SEO, Links and link building, Local SEO, Keyword Research, Crawling and Site Audits, Analytics and Reporting, Content and SEO, and more

Oberlo – eBooks

Oberlo allows you to easily import dropshipped products into your ecommerce store and ship them directly to your customers – in only a few clicks


Free, specialized short courses, entirely online, across the world, in a range of subject areas

OxfordHomeStudy – Internet Marketing

Intro to internet marketing, marketing plan

Quick Sprout University

SEO, link building, content marketing, social media, paid advertising, email marketing, reputation management, conversion optimization

Quintly Academy – Social Media Analytics Course

This Social Media ANalytics Course will cover the basic principles of social media analytics both for beginners and for marketers who want to refresh their knowledge

Salehoo Education

A complete guide to running a successful eCommerce business

Sam Altman – How to Start a Startup

Everything you need to know about how to start a startup, for free, from some of the world experts. 

SBA – Marketing 101

This course provides a basic overview of marketing for small business owners who are looking to reach a broader customer base and expand their markets

SearchEngineLand – SEO Guide

The site is led by SVP Content & Editor-In-Chief Michelle Robbins, who oversees the editorial team behind Search Engine Land and its sister publications, MarTech Today and Marketing Land

SerpStat Academy

Keyword Research, Competitor Analysis and SEO of various levels, from basic to advanced.


Examples of free courses: how to build a startup, monetize android apps, product design


Udemy is a global marketplace for learning and teaching online where students are mastering new skills and achieving their goals by learning from an extensive library of over 65,000 courses taught by expert instructors


The conversion platform for marketers, build and test custom landing pages. Beyond the courses, they provide eBooks, webinars, conference videos, a podcast, infographics, toolkits, and whitepapers

University of Salford Manchester

Social media marketing

vBout Academy

Online digital marketing course

Wealthy Affiliate University

Affiliate marketing, niche selection, WordPress, website creation and development, keyword, niche, and market research, authoring, writing content, blogging, writing reviews, SEO, traffic, monetization, analytics, goal setting, email marketing, social media, video marketing, PPC. 

WordStream – PPC University

A Premier Google Partner, develops online marketing software, provides managed PPC advertising services, and shares online marketing advice

Tasos Perte Tzortzis

Tasos Perte Tzortzis

Business Organisation & Administration, Marketing Consultant, Creator of the "7 Ideals" Methodology

Although doing traditional business offline since 1992, I fell in love with online marketing in late 2014 and have helped hundreds of brands sell more of their products and services. Founder of WebMarketSupport, Muvimag, Summer Dream.

Reading, arts, science, chess, coffee, tea, swimming, Audi, and family comes first.

We Teach

Marketing & Business

Promote other companies’ products and services for commissions, master every aspect of affiliate marketing, and become a brand by developing your own products 

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Decrypting ConsumerBehaviour


Enter the groundbreaking "Market Parallax" Model.

We explore consumer behaviour by employing a diverse array of techniques, including research methodologies, data collection and analysis, market segmentation, targeted approaches, product positioning, and trial testing. 

Through these marketing lenses, we unravel the intricate field of consumer behaviour and explore avenues for influencing it judiciously.

Download the 31-page INFOGRAPHIC-BOOK to understand how consumers act on a deeper level and get closer to influencing their decisions with your marketing initiatives.

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