You're Reading:SkyWay Promises a 1000% Return in 3-5 Years. Should We Invest?

SkyWay Promises a 1000% Return in 3-5 Years. Should We Invest?

by Tasos


Oct 31, 2016

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 Last Updated: Jan 15, 2020

This review comes as a result of a user request one week ago. Another MLM opportunity that is tied to a new transport technology project in the primary stages of development. There is a lot of online buzzes lately and I have watched many related ads in various marketplaces, meaning people are promoting it. As I dug deep for information the subject became really interesting…

SkyWay Group of Companies Review

At first, I landed on a company named SkyWay Invest Group…A site that is written in Russian so the info comes from the browser translator…A company that has to do with transport projects.

Researching more and came across SkyWay Capital, another Russian transporting company where on the about us page refers to a matrix company named SkyWay Group of Companies.

On the SkyWay Capital website, the “External Partners” page redirects to a 404 (error – not found). The other main “Partners” page is about the income opportunity.

SkyWay Capital – Their main task is financing the SkyWay project for the soonest introduction of an innovative transport system in the market. The rapid development of civilization expresses a need for breakthrough technologies and SkyWay is far ahead of our times…

SkyWay Capital Team

  • Evgeny Kudryashov – Director, Internet marketing specialist
  • Irina Volkova – Member of the General Board – economist and financial expert
  • Ineta Andzane, Larisa Artamonova, Vladimir Maslov, Grigory Miroshnichenko
  • Alexander Mynko, Lidia Chermashentseva, and others…

..A domain search uncovers registration taking place in November 2014 with an expiry date in November 2016, in less than one month. The owner is shown and is Evgeny Kudryashov.


SkyWay Invest Group – an educational investment project, trademark of Rail SkyWay System. Experts in the field of investments can teach us how to save and multiply our capital choosing the optimal tools for our portfolio.

They aim to combine 2 projects

  • Educational investment project of Academy Private Investment
  • High tech Euroasian Rail SkyWay Systems Ltd.

By doing so they help people raise their level of personal income and/or become shareholders of high-speed safe environmentally compatible transport. Since September 2011 more than 100,000 people have completed their investment training courses.

..A quick search for the domain uncovers registration taking place in July 2014. The owner is using privacy for personal data.

..Searched for the Keywords “Academy private investment”, “Euroasian Rail”, “Euroasian Rail SkyWay”, “Rail SkyWay Systems” in my Keyword Research Tool (not on search engines) but returned no results meaning no one is searching for these terms.

..another search on Google for Euroasian Rail SkyWay Systems Ltd uncovers a pdf doc published from the Bank of Lithuania (Lietuvos Bankas)…informing people that by performing supervision of markets in financial instruments, warns investors that individuals who invite (online or by public channels) residents of Lithuania to invest in next-generation string transport by acquiring shares of the above company are engaged in illegal activities…September 2014.

The Bank of Lithuania has not approved the prospectus for shares of Euroasian Rail SkyWay Systems Ltd. Therefore if you invest you risk losing your money.

SkyWay Invest group team

  • Andrey Khovratov
  • Sergey Sibiryakov – consultant and major shareholder
  • Igor Korsun – Head of IT and automation
  • Igor Romanenko – investor and shareholder, director of SkyWay Russian company.
  • Victor Sobor – development, education, motivation, premium class coach
  • Olga Shantina, Alexey Sukhodoev, Irina Raltseva, Dmitry Schastlivy, and others…

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Deeper Investigation

Further research tracks the official website of SkyWay Group of Companies found on rsw-systems dot com. The white logo SW has the same design as the Light Blue SW of SkyWay Capital.


That means we have a solid connection between these 3 websites. The SkyWay Capital and RSW-Systems use the same logo and the SkyWay Invest Group is the one mentioning RSW-Systems (Rail SkyWay Systems). Additionally, the last 2 use the same Favicon (a curve) in different colors, white and blue accordingly.

As a result, a new search for the rsw-systems domain uncovers registration in January 2014 under the name of Nadezhda Kosareva and brand named Global Transport Investments Inc.


The “Clients” page on SkyWay Invest Group shows a European map with circled numbers indicating how many clients there are in each area but they are not mentioning any names or brands.


SkyWay Group of Companies Official Website

The main headline announces…”An international corporation with prospects to cover up to 50% of the world market for transport services.”..Underneath there is a chronicle .. I will mention the most important data as it is long

  • April 2015 – Video report that shows the area of EcoTechnoPark territory where the development center for innovative SkyWay transport systems will be built.
  • July 2015 – preparatory works were begun
  • September 2015 – Australian transport expert (Rod Hook) visits the Park and together with Anatoly Yunitskiy who is the President of SkyWay Group, examines the territory.
  • October 2015 – laying of concrete (there is a YouTube video playing if you press on the thumbnail showing workers somewhere dealing with concrete placement (approx 3-4 trucks – 20 men)
  • 20 Oct 2015 – Press Release – the grand opening of the sign of SkyWay zero kilometer.
  • until the end of the year SkyWay featured on news etc….the construction continues through snow and wind, photo reports …
  • 18 Feb 2016 – the Expert Council under the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation acknowledged SkyWay string technology as innovative…(just an image showing 3 raised and windy outdoors SW flags).
fade to black banner

…as a result of that, a new search on Google uncovers the official website of the “Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation” found on the URL .. mintrans dot ru – a federal executive authority in the transport industry.

Unfortunately, the English version of the site is not translating much except the main summary. All the buttons and links are still in the Russian language. There is no search option either so I tried the sitemap button which is not working at all.

A new search on Google for the term ..”mintrans ru skyway group” in order to link SkyWay Group on the Ministry website returned nothing.


However, what seems most interesting I found an uploaded pdf doc on the RSW-Systems domain showing a translated version of the Ministry corresponding approval but… there is no official stamp on it. Just letters and a sign at the end of the document.


Moreover, the same search tracked a distributor or investor of SkyWay Group announcing the opportunity to others on a forum mentioning that ..” the opportunity to invest in SkyWay may disappear in 2016 because a European major Venture Funds are planned to enter into the company”.

SkyWay Group of Companies – About

A fundamentally new transport system that is eco-friendly, safe, comfortable and significantly cheaper compared to all existing solutions. The EcoTechnoPark will transfer SkyWay string transport from a theoretically developed project to a good selling product.

Partners of SkyWay Group

  • Rod Hook & Associates
  • A Belarusian Association solving energy problems
  • The Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
  • SkyWay Capital
  • SkyWay Invest Group
  • MLCI – Crowd investing platform


At last SkyWay Group’s official website clearly, links the other 2 SkyWay Companies.

Risk Disclaimer Warning for Investors found on rsw-systems

The majority of start-ups fail…blah blah …you should only invest an amount you are willing to lose…..If a business you invest in fails, the company will not pay you back the investment.

SkyWay Capital Investors

In the framework of SkyWay Capital Club, you will have the opportunity

  • to participate in the activities of the company
  • trained in financial literacy
  • participate in training sessions on personal development and sales from top Russian and international trainers…
  • buy shares with a maximum discount of up to 750 times the nominal value of shares
  • open a regional representative office of the company in your region
  • travel around the world with the SW team
  • get a VIP status which opens more opportunities for shareholders

A certificate of the company’s registration back in 2006 acknowledges an investment group that can be engaged in the sale of shares.

Invest in the Project

Investing in new transport technology even small funds, you will get the investment increased by 1000% or more in 3-5 years.

SkyWay is an elevated transport system in which traffic is arranged by means of suspended rails stretched between supports. The speed of the rolling stock can reach 500 km/h and its motion is controlled automatically.

Why does the world need it?

  • Environmentally friendly technology
  • Dozens of times fewer resources on construction than other types of transport
  • Low Fares
  • Possibility to get the hardest to reach settlements
  • High level of safety
  • The highest speed of movement along the ground (500 km/h)

Why do you need to invest in SkyWay

  • Profitable allocation of funds. You purchase shares of the company at the discount of up to 500 times of their face value and when the company enters the global market you will obtain capitalization from 1000% or more.
  • Lifelong dividends
  • Intellectual property. The group owns the exclusive right to the technology of SkyWay transport. According to independent experts, the cost of technology is $400,000,000,000….$400 billion
  • By acquiring company’s shares you become a joint owner of the world’s largest transport corporation
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SkyWay Opportunity – Compensation Plan

The official Group website mentions that the English version of the business plan is at the stage of translation now.

Taken from the SkyWay Invest Group website…the Bonus Plan pdf

There are 10 grades in the partner program

  • Customer – No income opportunity, accept the terms of the partner’s agreement, register with a personal account, no withdrawals option


  • Investor – No income opportunity, accept the terms of the partner’s agreement, a registered user who invested $8 or more, no withdrawals option


  • Partner – 15% of the personal sales in money and 7,5% in shares…7% of sales on the 2nd level in money and 3,5% in shares…3% of sales on the 3rd level in money and 1,5% in shares. You can withdraw only if you invested 50 units or more.


  • Agent – 15% of the personal sales in money and 7,5% in shares.. 7% of sales on the 2nd level in money and 3,5% in shares…5% of sales on the 3rd level in money and 2,5% in shares. 4% of sales on the 4th level in money and 2% in shares. It is necessary to invest at least 200 units. The minimum sum of a withdraw from a Bonus Account is 50 c.u. (units).


  • Consultant – 15% of personal sale in money and 7,5% in shares.. 7% of personal sale on the 2nd level in money and 3,5% in shares.. 5% of personal sale on the 3rd level in money and 2,5% in shares.. 4% of personal sale on the 4th level in money and 2% in shares. From 1 to 1,5% in the 5th level and more in money and from 0,5 to 0,75% in shares. Necessary to invest 500 units. The minimum sum of a withdraw from a Bonus Account is 50 c.u. (units).


  • Manager – 15% of personal sale in money and 7,5% in shares… 7% of personal sale on the 2nd level in money and 3,5% in shares ..5% of personal sale on the 3rd level in money and 2,5% in shares.. 4% of personal sale on the 4th level in money and 2% in shares. From 1,5 to 2% of sales on the 5th level and more in money and from 0,75% to 1% in shares. Bonuses are charged on both Bonus and Joint-stock Accounts. Necessary to invest 1000 units. The minimum sum of a withdraw from a Bonus Account is 50 c.u. (units)
  • Leading manager – 15% of personal sale in money and 7,5% in shares.. 7% of personal sale on the 2nd level in money and 3,5% in shares.. 5% of personal sale on the 3rd level in money and 2,5% in shares…4% of personal sale on the 4th level in money and 2% in shares. From 2 to 2,5% of sales on the 5th level and more in money and from 1 to 1,25% in shares. We need to invest 2000 units. The minimum sum of a withdraw from a Bonus Account is 50 c.u. (units).


  • Top manager – 15% of personal sale in money and 7,5% in shares.. 7% of personal sale on the 2nd level in money and 3,5% in shares.. 5% of personal sale on the 3rd level in money and 2,5% in shares.. 4% of personal sale on the 4th level in money and 2% in shares. From 2,5 to 3% of sales on the 5th level and more in money and from 1,25 to 1,5% in shares. We need to invest 3500 units


  • Adviser to the President – 15% of personal sale in money and 7,5% in shares.. 7% of personal sale on the 2nd level in money and 3,5% in shares.. 5% of personal sale on the 3rd level in money and 2,5% in shares.. 4% of personal sale on the 4th level in money and 2% in shares.From 3 to 3,5% of sales on the 5th level and more in money and from 1,5 to 1,75% in shares.We need to invest 8000 units. The minimum sum of a withdraw from a Bonus Account is 50 c.u. (units).


  • President – 15% of personal sale in money and 7,5% in shares.. 7% of personal sale on the 2nd level in money and 3,5% in shares.. 5% of personal sale on the 3rd level in money and 2,5% in shares.. 4% of personal sale on the 4th level in money and 2% in shares. From 3,5 to 4% of sales on the 5th level and more in money and from 1,75 to 2% in shares. We need to invest 26000 units. The minimum sum of a withdraw from a Bonus Account is 50 c.u. (units).
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  • Crucial information on the MLM compensation plan is missing. We have to wait for the translation. But how can we proceed with an investment without knowing what to expect?
  • I feel that the “Time is Not Right” to invest in SkyWay technology, at least not yet.
  • The project is in the development stages, 2 years passed and still, they are building the construction. When will the transport services be available to the public?
  • The domain of SkyWay Invest (1 of 3 websites) expires in less than a month. Let’s see what happens with that.
  • The letter of the Bank of Lithuania generates questions for the owners and the legitimacy of the company in general.
  • I could not verify the official acknowledgment of the Ministry of Russian Transport Federation that the SkyWay technology is innovative as they claim.
  • They underline that over 100,000 people have completed a SkyWay training but there is no information on the education classes whatsoever.
  • I will repeat their slogan here …“Investing in new transport technology even small funds, you will get the investment increased by 1000% or more in 3-5 years.”….how can they be sure of such a statement? The construction is not finished yet when this company is supposed to start making sales?..and what about other economic factors that can’t be calculated or measured/predicted?
  • They say that you get an up to 500 times discount on the nominal value of shares. And when the company enters the global market our investments will skyrocket in profits.
  • How can they compensate their investors when the project is not ready yet?…are they going to use new investments/funds to pay off existing affiliates?

There are more things to consider before joining

  • The total cost of this construction must worth millions of dollars. When this company will start making profits?…The time when retail sales take place? How they plan to cover the initial costs? The Fares for this transport system are low compared to the existing technologies How many years does this company need to Break Even?


  • Are they going to sell the SkyWay technology that is worth $400 billion? Why they don’t do that now and get the funds they need? If the SkyWay group at the final stage is a transportation company offering services to the public the operating and other costs (employers, engineers, managers, drivers, supplies, fuels, offices … just to name a few) are Huge…Will The Low Transport Fares cover all of that?


I would wait, just to be sure…If SkyWay is a company that came to stay there is no need to rush things.

*Update Dec 16, 2018:

The new videos that the company published online are very interesting but still, we have no concrete news. For me, this is a risky investment. But if anything changes, who knows!

UPDATE – Feb 05 2017

I wanna thank Jan, who shared a link to his latest comment yesterday. It is a new video presentation of SkyWay, published on Jan 19, 2017.

UPDATE Oct 13, 2019

I wanna thank Sam, who shared a very interesting video link. It’s a Japanese production showing Skyway vehicles in action and the production facilities.

UPDATE Jan 15, 2020

I came across this brand new video from SkyWay. This video presentation is extremely interesting. Let’s see what happens!

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That’s it, another review has finished, here on Web Market Support. I am waiting for your comments and thoughts. Have you invested in that company? Do you have any experience with Skyway? Then I would like to hear from you. Till next time.

Tasos Perte Tzortzis

Tasos Perte Tzortzis

Business Organisation & Administration, Marketing Consultant, Creator of the "7 Ideals" Methodology

Although doing traditional business offline since 1992, I fell in love with online marketing in late 2014 and have helped hundreds of brands sell more of their products and services. Founder of WebMarketSupport, Muvimag, Summer Dream.

Reading, arts, science, chess, coffee, tea, swimming, Audi, and family comes first.


Revenue Sharing/HYIP/Crypto/Binary Options Trading



  1. Sandro Wekker

    I found your post about SkyWay spontaneous and I understand your doubts. Me myself am a SkyWay investor for years and I’m more and more exciting and happy how the progress of the company has been moving.
    From your post I see more informational statements then a broader picture of the full development of SkyWay.
    Did you know that the European Court had to apologize to Junitsky (the CEO of SkyWay) for the statement that they call the company a MLM Pyramid Scam? As for someone who didn’t go in the specific depts., I can imagine that it ‘looks’ like a MLM Pyramid Scheme, but after all these years, the company has literally proven itself worthy. They even build an ECO Park to test all the new creations
    The millions invested by the simple people without mostly any financial background, are baring fruits more and more. Usually, to get a chance to buy literally shares from a company before it goes official on the stock market, is given only a few high investments companies with millions and billions… SkyWay thereby, wants that the simple people do own one of the biggest parts of available shares: the vision is unifying. This, instead to give big fat companies with millions and billions to much power and enrich themselves even more then the average person, where the gap between rich and poor becomes even bigger.
    SkyWay is building projects already in all continents and barely people know/hear about it, don’t you find that strange?! United Arab Emirates are the biggest investors who are spending billions on the company because they know; times are changing; refined energy is getting more and more old-fashioned; the future is clean pure energy; and the health of nature and thereby the environment of mother earth will become the epicentre of all humans. It’s just that time will reveal itself. So money isn’t long time ago the issue, but its the privilege to give wealth equality as much as possible to the simple people.
    Mainstream media isn’t allowing or wants to promote such things, as simple people will get rich from an instant SkyWay will go on the stock market, if they knew the whole story.
    So the more people are part of SkyWay now, the more benefit everybody will gain by getting an annual dividend for life and these shares can be passed on as inheritment to next generations. So you’re actually giving simple people a chance to create 1 stream of generational wealth.
    It’s all over the internet to find the topics I just mentioned before.

    This is not a sales talk or a cover story, but simple sharing information about the bigger and brighter contrast of what many oversee missing.
    From what I read of your site, you could actually be a strong role leader bringing people together businesswise, to create generational wealth as well. And if you are business oriented, you know that the most successful people in wealth have multiple income streams.
    If you got more questions, or want to know more about the details of SkyWay or simple want to exchange perspectives. I’m open and free to be linked up. So feel free to connect ?

    Have a productive week!


    Sandro Wekker

    • Tasos

      Hi Sandro

      Thanks so much for your participation in this discussion. Skyway is a ‘hot’ topic even after all these years.
      You mention that the EU court had to apologize to the CEO but I could not find any information online about it. Can you please share a link?
      You say that people’s investments are profitable but how that is possible? Is Skyway profitable to give back to investors? Can you please share some details or data?

      The park looks great and I wish that the revolutionary technology will soon be available to the public.

      Looking forward to your response, best wishes.

  2. N.e.e.e.e.e.w

    Hi Tasos.

    So I have been following this post. It’s now the end of 2020.

    Are you aware of any single Concrete proof that Skyway has actually delivered even one of their promises.

    So far, I am reading, in 2016, in 2017, in 2018 … in 2020 they will launch.

    But until then, it seems like nothing has actually happened.

    I am conisdering an offshoot of this company CRU, which is predicted to launch at $1, from a buying price of $0.23

    However with this reputation, I am not expecting them to launch.

    Has Skyway ACTUALLY launched its IPO, yet?

    • Tasos


      I agree with you and I understand your skepticism. It does not seem like a company to trust. They have not launched yet although they had started back in 2015 or so.
      The only thing they do is publishing commercial videos.

      As far as I know, they have not launched their IPO yet. I wonder how the investors feel right now.

      Let us know if you have any news on this matter.

  3. Mr. Czech

    I saw handful of great looking videos from SkyWay… well, they were mostly computer generated presentations with models of SkyWay rolling stock rushing in hi-speed through the land… or professionally processed and cut videos of real SW capsules in their testing facilities in Maryina Gorka or Sharjah.

    Need to say… these demonstrations of real tracks and transport capsules in the test facilities are very, very far from the promised performance (speed 150 km/h and more, transport capacity ~10 000 – 50 000 passengers/hour). I dare to say, there is an inherent failure in the design of this technology.

    Check this video of SW transport unit test:

    Info: filmed at test grounds in Sharjah, with one already built track – construction of this track and facilities around is not fully finished yet, but the 400 meters long track with 2 pylons and 2 terminal stations is already functional (after more than year of construction works).

    Video features a mid range capacity Unibus gondola (6-8 sitting passengers, here empty) running over the support pylon on lightweight track. Lightweight tracks with pylons span ~ 100 (or more) meters shall be the core of the “string” technology – allowing to built tracks quickly, eco-friendly – with minimum grounds claim, minimum costs and use of metal material.
    See promises from 2018 marketing material: or updated 2019 presentation:

    I think everybody can see that passing pylon is not easy and smooth task. 😉

    As gondola approaches the pylon, the track string is skewed in such an extent that gondola must almost stop to overcome the “bump” without being shot in the air and causing (potentially dangerous) vibrations and damage of the string after the “landing”. I am also concerned about material failure, when “O” metal profile filled with concrete is stressed this way (what do you think… is a metal profile really filled with the concrete as promised in the presentation above? And how the hell they fill inner ~ 100 m long the profile (with a metal string inside) with concrete?)

    It’s hard to imagine how SW will achieve speed 150 km/h and more with these slow-downs when passing pylons each couple of 100 metres.

    It’s hard to imagine how SW will achieve capacity of ~10 000 passengers/hour on the track – basic calculation for Unibus with 8 passengers… means 10000/8 = 1250 gondolas per hour, thus 20 (1250 / 60) gondolas per minute, thus one gondola passing by each three seconds! This frequency in speed 150 km/h means distance between gondolas about 120 m. Or 20 m for more realistic average speed 25 km/h. 😉 And with no time for boarding and boarding off at stops. And the distance 20 meters means 10 – 20 gondolas in one segment of the track between pylons – “something little something” that was never demonstrated in the test facilities (maximum – 2 empty gondolas within one segment). Can string safely carry such a load?

    Lies and deception – perfect ground for “a risk investment”. Good luck with scamming in MLM (pyramid part) of the scam.

    • Tasos

      Hi Mr. Czech

      Very interesting videos and data. Do you really believe these videos are computer-generated? Of course, with video production, no one can tell if what you see is reality or fantasy. I really don’t know if Skyway will be able to reach the speed of 150km, my experience with constructions is very limited.

      Thank you so much for sharing all these links, facts, and observations with us. We are all very curious about the future of this company.

      If you have any other news or updates to share, we’d love to know about it.

      Have a nice day!

      • Mr. Czech

        Hi Tasos

        Video from my first link is real, but “unofficial” – taken by a visitor in “SkyWay Research Technology and Innovation Park” in Sarjah.

        Next two videos are official marketing material from SkyWay and combine CGI animations (eg. hi-speed train at the end of the videos) with the real captures taken at development and research centre in Maryina Gorka (Bielorrusia) – but at some parts, these captures are “enhanced” with special effects, like change of the motion speed. 😉 Basically, these videos are brainwashing stuff… clearly trying to hide potential problems.

        • Tasos

          Thank you so much Mr. Czech for the clarifications. Effects, animations, and video producing magic!

          But we need more videos from Skyway visitors like the first one you shared. Then, maybe we can get a little clearer on what’s going on. I hope more people will share their own shots.

  4. Jan

    Happy holidays everybody 🙂 Some interesting news about SkyWay development in the UAE, definitely something to keep an eye out for. The trial run of tropical SkyWay unicar began in November in Sharjah: The Ruler of Dubai announced the creation of a 15-km SkyWay route in April:

    • Tasos

      Hi there Jan, thank you so much for this addition. Very interesting news to say the least. There is a big game going on. Can’t wait to hear more news shortly. It looks like SkyWay is marching on!

      • Jan

        Bro you should take a trip to Belarus and try the SkyWay first-hand. The website is It is a beautiful country and the SkyWay is even more beautiful! Bro tip: If you arrive in Belarus via airport, it’s visa-free for 30 days 😉 Have a great new year, Tasos!

        • Tasos

          Hi Jan, thank you so much for the warm wishes. I wish I could travel right now but it’s impossible. I have to be here. Maybe in the summer when it’s warmer in Belarus.

          And thank you for the link you provided. Very interesting.

          Happy New Year!

    • Tasos

      Thanks so much Sam for the news. This video adds a new dimension to the discussion as it shows vehicles of Skyway in action and the production facilities. I’m going to embed this video!

      I’m really curious about what others have to say.

  5. Tommaso

    Sono un comproprietario Sky Way, qui ho letto solo un sacco di cavolate, bugie, catene, piramidi, Ponzi, MLM solo da gente negativa che non sa di cosa stiamo effettivamente parlando, gente che prima di parlare e giudicare dovrebbe informarsi meglio sul progetto SkyWay… Se avete dei dubbi non è colpa di Sky Way, il problema è vostro perchè avete moltissima immondizia nel vostro cervello di conseguenza buttate immondizia su Sky Way, nessuno costringe nessuno e non c’è bisogno di pregare nessuno siete tutti grandi e vaccinati, raccontate a tutti che Sky Way è rischioso, allora parlate a sproposito e rischiate i vostri soldi in altri progetti e cavolate molto ma molto peggiori dove siete molto più felici se siete truffati… Per chi è scettico e incredulo lo aspettiamo all’Expo 2020 a Dubai dove vi renderete conto delle montagne di cavolate e di bugie che avete raccontato in questo blog… Vi auguro tantissima fortuna…

    Translated text by admin:
    I am a co-owner of Sky Way, here I only read a lot of bullshit, lies, chains, pyramids, Ponzi, MLM only from negative people who don’t know what we’re actually talking about, people who should be better informed about the SkyWay project before speaking and judging … If you have any doubts it is not Sky Way’s fault, the problem is yours because you have a lot of garbage in your brain as a result throw garbage on Sky Way, nobody forces anyone and there is no need to pray anyone you are all great and vaccinated, told to all that Sky Way is risky, then talk inappropriately and risk your money in other projects and do much but much worse crap where you are much happier if you are scammed … For those who are skeptical and incredulous expect it at Expo 2020 in Dubai where you will realize the mountains of bullshit and lies you have told in this blog … I wish you much luck …

    • Tasos

      Hi Tommaso,

      There’s really no need to get upset and insult people. Everyone can express their opinion. Instead, as a Skyway co-owner, you could shed some light on why the construction is not yet finished. Investors should be getting worried by now.

      To recap, all we have to do is wait for this Expo 2020 in Dubai? Is Skyway going to announce the end of the construction?

      Good luck to you too!

      • Name *Tommaso

        Forse mi avrai frainteso, guarda che non sono per niente arrabbiato ne tanto meno ho offeso qualcuno, anzi ho solo evidenziato la realtà dei fatti che ho letto da parte di qualcuno in questo blog dove ho notato una totale disinformazione in merito a quanto esposto… Anche io avevo forti dubbi all’inizio è una cosa normale per tutti, quindi prima di dire anch’io cavolate mi sono prima informato sul progetto, e poi ho ascoltato tutte le notizie che mi hanno dato, ho valutato ed ho deciso di farlo… Comunque rispetto sempre le opinioni degli altri, però è anche giusto che le opinioni debbano essere espresse per conoscenza dei fatti e non così tanto per dire, dando il diritto a tutti di infangare chiunque si voglia, solo per aver letto o sentito (immondizie) di notizie non vere o addirittura false che nascono sul Web, bisogna essere coerenti e molto attenti a dare opinioni o giudizi affrettati se non si conoscono le notizie delle aziende in generale, di qualsiasi settore esse siano… Rido quando sento parlare la gente che da giudizi e non sa di cosa si stia parlando, ne ho sentito di tutti i colori, mentre sarebbe più semplice ascoltare in cosa consiste un progetto, in fondo ascoltare non costa assolutamente nulla… Lo dico per gli scettici, Sky Way esiste ed è una grandissima e meravigliosa realtà che lo vogliate oppure no… Chi ha visto e toccato con mano l’azienda Sky Way e i suoi progetti sa di cosa sta parlando a prescindere dal fattore investimento, chiunque se ne può rendere conto in qualsiasi momento esso voglia, visitando la fabbrica dove vengono costruiti e assemblati tutti i materiali rotabili e le infrastrutture, il parco tecnico dove vengono testati, e certificati tutti i materiali rotabili e dove ogni anno ad Agosto si svolge una grande festa di 2 giorni dove tutti i comproprietari sono invitati per essere informati su tutte le novità aziendali dell’anno in corso, e dove possono girare e provare i tutti materiali rotabili dell’azienda, o per chi ha anche visitato di persona il cantiere di Dubai aperto a Ottobre 2018 e pronto per EXPO 2020, per non parlare di altri tantissimi contratti già firmati con tante altre nazioni che prenderanno vita con nuovi cantieri in tutto il mondo… Questi sono i fatti le parole li lasciamo agli altri, tanto a breve lo vedrete con i vostri stessi occhi e qualcuno si ricrederà per le risate, gli insulti e tutto il resto che hanno rivolto verso l’azienda, vedremo se qualcuno chiederà scusa o si nasconderà dalla vergogna per tutte le cavolate dette… Con questo chiudo…

        Translated by admin:
        Maybe you will have misunderstood me, look that I am not at all angry nor have I offended anyone, in fact I have only highlighted the reality of the facts that I have read from someone in this blog where I noticed a total disinformation about what was exposed .. Also I had strong doubts at the beginning it is a normal thing for everyone, so before I say crap myself I first informed myself about the project, and then I listened to all the news they gave me, I evaluated and I decided to do it … However, I always respect the opinions of others, but it is also right that opinions should be expressed for knowledge of the facts and not so much to say, giving everyone the right to tarnish anybody, just for having read or heard ( garbage) of news that is not true or even false that are born on the Web, one must be coherent and very careful to give opinions or hasty judgments if one does not know the news of companies in general, of whatever sector they are. .. I laugh when I hear people talking who do not know what they are talking about, I heard about all the colors, while it would be easier to listen to what a project is, basically listening costs absolutely nothing … Lo I say for skeptics, Sky Way exists and it is a great and wonderful reality that you want it or not … Those who have seen and experienced Sky Way and its projects know what they are talking about regardless of the investment factor, anyone it can be taken into account at any time it wants, by visiting the factory where all the rolling stock and infrastructures are built and assembled, the technical park where all the rolling stock is tested and certified, and where every year in August a large 2-day party where all the co-owners are invited to be informed about all the company news of the current year, and where they can turn and try all the company’s rolling stock, or for who also personally visited the Dubai construction site opened in October 2018 and ready for EXPO 2020, not to mention many other contracts already signed with many other nations that will come to life with new construction sites around the world … These are the facts the words we leave them to the others, so soon you will see it with your own eyes and someone will change their mind for the laughter, the insults and all the rest they have turned towards the company, we’ll see if someone will apologize or hide themselves from shame for all the crap said … With this I close …

        • Tasos

          Thanks Tommmaso for coming back.

          So, we’ll be waiting for the EXPO 2020 announcements and then we may be able to come to a conclusion.

      • Vp vaiphei

        This might be one of the greatest online scam of our time. The comment given by the co owner is immature,incorrect english and full of fear and negativity. Beware.

        • Tasos

          Thanks Vaiphei for participating in the discussion. There’s also a new comment from Tommaso but still, SkyWay is not revealing much information. Let’s see. We have to wait a little more.

      • mark

        Nothing will happen in EXPO 2020 cause skyway is not in …..

        • Tasos

          Hi Mark,

          Thanks for taking the time to discuss it with us. Let’s see, I’m so curious to find out what eventually will happen.

  6. Jeremy Britton

    everything you need to know is on Wikipedia — totally blue sky with no projects, and the MLM aspect is *not* a hallmark of credible investments

    • Tasos

      Thanks Jeremy,

      Wikipedia underlines that concerns have been raised about information the company has posted about itself to promote investment. Let’s see!

  7. sattinthang kipgen

    Still didn’t convince when all the things turn into reality and eyewitness..

    • Tasos

      I tend to agree with you Sattinthang. We need some solid proof here!

  8. James

    Hi everyone. Skyway does not have any agreement with the indian govt. There are some ministers who proposed this projects, but there is no any solid proof that this company is legit. Moreover if the skyway is launched here in my country, we cannot use it as the study says that it can carry only 350 person per hour. Whereas our metro can carry 20000 per hour. So which one the govt will prefer?

    • Tasos

      Hi James,

      Very interesting thoughts on the comparison with the metro service. Let’s see, is it a legit company?

  9. B

    I was recently approached to join SkyWay. It has all
    of the red flags of a bogus scheme.

    From my research I keep seeing the same message repeated on wash rinse repeat “it’s due to hit the stock market in early 2016” “it’s due to hit the stock market early 2017” “it’s due to hit the stock market early 2018” and the message from my friend suggesting I join was “it’s due to hit the stock market in Oct 2019 so get in quick!”

    Hmmm see the pattern here? It seems the bullshit is all the same and nothing is happening. I recently saw a comment on another thread of a person who invested back in 2016 and still hasn’t seen a cent back. Anything that promises such a high return for little investment for a company that doesn’t even have a product and is based in a foreign country spouting out rehashed lines to have people invest is dodgy as hell. You see one scan you’ve seen them all.

    I would avoid this like the fucking plague.

    • Tasos

      I absolutely can relate, Chrissie.

      When this all started, back in 2015, and when I first researched the facts and the very big promises, I was curious to see what will happen. At that time, those promoting Skyway were saying this would be the project of the century. But 4 years passed, and Skyway did not even build the railway.

      And of course, this kind of projects always divide people into categories.

      My philosophy does not let me invest in companies without a real product. If a company pass the test of time, still, there’s plenty of time to invest in. Why not choose an established giant in an ocean of competing companies?

      Thanks so much for discussing it with us, and if you come across any other interesting comment or thread do let us know!


    Our group plans to execute SKYWAY project from Europe to Asia for financing and implementation.
    Granting and transferring manufacturing technology can provide us with faster execution in EPCF.
    Thanks a lot

    • Tasos

      Thanks for this update, Ghadamgahi. If you have any news in the future, let us know.

  11. Mohammed ARIF KHAN

    Dear Friend Tasos

    Skyway Investors Group (SWIG) says that investors can withdraw 50 Units from their referral earnings. I am an Indian and I myself invested and referred to my friends from which I got more that 50 Units as my Bonus in my Wallet.
    I tried withdrawing this to my Bank Account in India by Visa/MasterCard USD payment option through which I invested in SWIG. Unfortunately my withdrawal request is getting cancelled. Whereas when I use the same card for buying Pre-IPO Shares, the payment is going smooth. Please can you provide me with a solution as to how Indian SWIG Investors can withdraw funds to their Bank Accounts…
    With kind regards.

    • Tasos

      Hi Mohammed, difficult question. I guess you’ve already discussed it with your bank. What do they say? what is the reason for failing the transaction? do you know the terms and conditions for the Pre-IPO shares? when can you withdraw to your bank account? is there any time limit? is any special note in action?

      I suggest you discuss it with a lawyer specialized in economics/investing and contact the Department of Consumer Affairs (Government of India) to give you directions. If they can’t help you contact me again.

      I hope this helps! Let us know how it’s going. There are many people very interested in your situation.


      Dear Tasos: I spoke to my bank, they say that they have no objection as such to accept any transaction through bank channels. If the other bank accepts money to purchase, then there is not objection to us the same Card and details for returning the money. Can you pls advise what is the way out ?

      • Tasos

        Hi Arif,

        So, your bank has nothing to do with this transaction. It seems that your withdrawal is getting canceled by Skyway.
        You need to contact their support and explain your situation. In the meantime, you should discuss it with the Department of Consumer Affairs (Government of India). Another option, is to discuss it with KaaNoon, you’ll get legal advice from top-rated lawyers in India.

        Let us know. Good luck!

  12. RF_KHAN

    Just would like to know as to how the investors in India who are now purchasing Pre-IPO Shares of Skyway be able to sell their shares in the Stock Market as the company is not listed in the Indian Stock Exchanges and even if it is listed, then, how the Pre-IPO shares be sold unless and until a local stock broker is involved ? How will the Pre-IPO Shares be transferred to the local Market to be traded ?
    Can someone please explain the process.

    • Tasos

      Hi RF_KHAN, very interesting question.

      According to Hardik Modi, an intern at EquityZen (a marketplace for private company investments)

      “For pre-IPO companies (not trading on the stock market), you will only be able to sell shares via the secondary market. The secondary market is still a nascent and growing market but there are some platforms that facilitate transactions of private investments.”

      According to MotleyFool, some companies go public specifically to allow shareholders to sell their stock. The registration process is long, complicated, and expensive, but existing shareholders can include shares as part of an initial public offering. Many institutional investors use IPOs (Initial Public Offering) as an exit strategy, but for most individual investors, it takes a group effort to get a company to respond.

      Investopedia mentions…Individual investors must wait until the company starts trading on the secondary market to purchase a share.

      Alexandra Isenegger, CEO of LinkiLaw, says privately held shares are not traded on the public market but through private transactions.

      The process itself:

      The steps undertaken in preparation for an IPO will vary, depending on the existing internal group structure spelled out in the Articles of Association. When going through an IPO’s engagement period, your registrar will carefully review your company’s Articles of Association and identify whether there are any share transfer restrictions. Following this, the registrar will work, with other advisors to establish the actual mechanics behind effectively transferring the shareholdings to public/private buying institutions. The registrar ensures all required documentation and shares delivery processes are in place.

      In terms of share conversion, the Listing Rules detail the administrative process for shareholders to transfer their equity shares from a Standard listing of shares to a Premium listing or any other type of share. The migration mechanism only applies to private companies with a listing of equity shares.

      If a certain class of share is publicly listed, then all shares in that class must be listed.

  13. Zachar Laskewicz

    Thank you for this conversation stream discussing SkyWay Group investment. I hope that investors in SkyWay do not lose their money. But it seems to me that investing in this company is extremely risky. They have not received permission in any of the countries they are active in to sell shares. Warnings have been released about the SkyWay Group in Lithuania, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Italy, Norway, New Zealand and Slovakia. Each warning is different and relates to the specificities of the SkyWay Group in these countries. There are many shell companies that belong to this group. The Belgium warning says they have the characteristics of a pyramid scheme. The New Zealand warning states that they may be involved in a scam. A friend of mine was convinced as part of a complex presentation to invest money tax-free. I had to advise him after doing extensive research that it is extremely likely he will lose his money as they are selling shares in Belgium without permission and the small-print of the documentation provided by SkyWay absolves themselves of any liability. They recruit small-scale investors all around the world but I’ve never read any stories of anyone actually making any money. The success of this project is dependent on the technology and all they have are the test models in EcoTechnoPark. All the people that provide positive commentary have been recruited in their countries; there are many commentaries on visitors to this park where investors can go and plant trees and see actual models there. People who are enthusiastic about the project appear, however, to be everyday investors who have no scientific background and are not really qualified to make judgements about whether this technology is any good or not. There is practically no third-party scientific assessment of the EcoTechnoPark in Belarus or the technology that is not by the inventor (Yunitskiy) himself. YouTube films, copies of contracts, maps and computer-generated images are not actually verifiable scientific evaluation or assessment. The company was banned in Lithuania, Yunitskiy and his wife were arrested and they were forced back to Belarus in 2014. Although the Lithuanian government finally decided they could not prosecute the company for being a pyramid-scheme, they did not revert their original decision and the company was unsuccessful in suing the government for loss funds. People should be aware of the international warnings of the activity of the SkyWay Group. Investing money in major infrastructure projects is highly irregular. The English Wikipedia article on the SkyWay Group and its talk page details recent activities of this company with many links to verifiable resources and translation of articles critical of SkyWay. Luckily you have the freedom to invest your money wherever you want and this freedom to spend your money is an inalienable right. But don’t be convinced by people who tell you unverifiable and outlandish facts about their company.

    • Tasos

      Welcome Zachar, I do hope that Skyway investors don’t lose their money too. On the other hand, the company has not yet verified its position and future goals to the public. There are plenty of You-Tube videos and other fancy presentations but still, there’s something missing. There is no solid proof that any investor is making any money yet.

      And the project is not new at all.

      I pretty much agree with your statements, and I wanna thank you for the news you bring on the table. I did not know that Skyway had to deal with so many warnings in so many countries.

      Only time will tell!

      If you have news about your friend that invested in Skyway or anything else we’d love to hear from you.



    • Tasos

      Thanks, Tomi, for this addition, very interesting. It seems the construction is in the very early stages. I wonder when this project will be finished.

      • Ganpat

        Sky Way CRU Tokens in Listed Stock Market Date ??

        • Tasos

          Hi Ganpat

          Only SkyWay can answer your question.

  15. Paul Snell

    As a long term Share and Stock trader I am always looking for opportunities like IPO’s, I started doing due diligence on Skyways Investment Group about a year ago, made a small investment and checked out every aspect of the company, I was very skeptical of SWIG at first and I was very weary about it. As of yesterday I have now just purchased a much higher investment and now own a substantial amount of pre IPO shares, In my opinion everyone should invest a small amount into SWIG as this company is going to become a world leader in transport and is a company that I am more than happy to recommend and become a shareholder of. As for the crowd funding this has proven to be an extremely efficient way to fund large and small projects that helps let anyone get a share and bypasses the corruption of the big banks.

    • Tasos

      Hi Paul,

      I wish your predictions are true and you don’t lose your investments. But how can you be sure that this company is going to be a leader? Please, give us some data on this.

      Waiting for your response, all the best!

      • Paul Snell

        Take a look at their latest company news on their site and Linkedin, There are already working systems constructed in Belarus, construction is underway in Dubai, Moscow and Brazil have signed construction contracts and Anatoly Yunitskiy awarded the Slovenian International Peace Prize.

        • Tasos

          Thanks for the update, Paul. Very interesting stuff!

          • Frost

            I would like to clarify regarding the Slovenian International Peace Prize. I have only found one article supporting this claim on linkedin, and the Publication source at the bottom of the article directs to a which is the same website owned by Sky Group. Is there any articles NOT published by their own company which can validate Mr. Yunitskiy receiving such an award?

          • Tasos

            Hi Frost

            Very interesting question. I performed research online and I only found Skyway articles, own FB and LinkedIn posts related to this reward. During this research, I came across an article on BehindMLM, which is a legit resource/blog for MLM companies. You should check it out.

            Thanks for discussing it with us!

  16. jameel

    This company looks like MLM scheme. how could they double the money 1000%, this is impossible. it is only possible by asking you to engage more members and the first one gets their bonuses and the last one will lose everything. this company gonna vanish soon. i have seen their videos and website, all of them are just on paper and in animated videos only, nothing is real. and this idea of portable transport is more expensive than all other means of transportation in the world. if this was so good, why other big transportation giants never thought of this?

    • Tasos

      Good thoughts, Jameel. And actually, they promise to 10X people’s money, 1000%. It seems that this is the only transportation company in the world to make such a revolutionary project. I wonder if they have progressed with the construction so far.

      Thanks for discussing the subject. Let’s see what the future brings!

    • Grunta

      Impossible you say, that’s nothing compared to what Cyptocurrunties achieved

      • Tasos

        Thanks for participating in the discussion, Grunta.

  17. Gilson

    Boa tarde a TODOS! Sou investidor na Skyway capital e amigo do Sr letto Lopez CEO da empresa no Brasil! Posso afirmar total veracidade dos projetos sw e o IPO já está bem próximo! 2019 IPO. Foram disponibilizados 175 bilhões de reservas de ações e hoje em outubro de 2018 restam menos de 3 bilhões de reservas apênas. Essas com direitos a dividendos.

    • Tasos

      Thanks Gilson, all the best!

  18. victor arellano

    I only see and read negative comments because they are afraid of failure! the same said the bitcoin and blah blah blah and worse was the bitcoin since there was nothing to support this! only trust, there were no governments or banks! and see today is considered a digital asset of value and every day there are regulations in different governments, skyway is real and we have advanced enough, stage 12 about to end, all investment is risk to put a taco business! even walking in the street brings risks if you want to invest 100% without risk better invest in the bank to give them a miserable commission of profits and they will be happy to see your investment. yes! Acuerdence that you can devalue your national currency in some crisis.

    • Tasos

      Welcome Victor,

      Yes, sometimes we have to take risks, but it’s always worth investigating the offers before we do so.

      Thanks for adding your point of view, if you have any news regarding your investment, everyone would like to know!

        • Tasos

          Thank you so much Armands. Very interesting videos. I embed the 1st one here. Too bad the 2nd video is in Arabic only and there’s no translation but I think it’s about the technical characteristics of the project.

          Let’s see what the future brings! I wonder how much people invested so far in Skyway. If you have any news I’d like to know.



      As i read all the comments from others. i am not confirm whether investment is trust-able or not.. Please suggest your valuable feed back of this question.

      thank you

  19. James

    They shouldn’t have made the numbers so obvious. $400 Billion dollar value on vaporware ? Giant profitable Corporations like Ford are only worth $100 Billion. They should have said $4 Billion . Someone mentioned 9kw to propel a 5 ton train 450 kph . That equates to 12 hp. An electric bicycle uses that much .

    My wife invested $500. Is there any way to sell her shares before the closing of the scam ?

    • Tasos

      Hi there James,

      So you believe it’s going to be proved a scam after all. Maybe you’re right, it seems too good to be true!

      Now as concerns your question, I think you should research willing investors in forums (business or similar). Here’s a list of business-related forums I’ve compiled not long ago. These forums may lead you to other forums as well (they host external advertisements).

      Try to spot people that expressed interest (there are many) and contact them using private messages if possible. Or take a look at the positive Skyway comments here in this article and search these names online (check the photos as well). But you have to think of a convincing story why you want to get rid of these shares.

      If you have any news, I’d like to hear from you. Thanks for sharing your personal story.

      • Artid Fejzo

        Hi Tasos..
        why did You not posted my Message ?
        We need to be sincere with all .. or Not ? 😉

        best Regards

        Joe Artid
        SWIG / SkyWay Manager

        • Tasos

          Hi, your message is live!

          • Shell

            I am an investor in Skyway and have been for sometime.
            There currently are projects on the way in several countries and yes Australia have also invested into the technology.
            Technology park in Belarus is active, Dubai has invested billions.
            It’s up to each individual to make their own decision.
            If you are wanted to invest I would do it soon. This is only the start, there is a whole lot more going on with this company however, can not reveal.
            My source of information comes from million dollar investor.
            Just saying.

          • Tasos

            Hi Shell, very interesting. I wonder why you can’t reveal more about it. I’m sure there are thousands of people wanting to know a little bit more. If you have any news do let us know!

            Thanks for sharing your experience.

    • Joe Artid Fejzo

      I am Joe Artid Fejzo, an Investor since January 2017 and instructing in the Investor’s Private Academy under the direction of Mr. Khavratov I have realized the MANAGER Title studying and training me also with the accelerated MASTER PROFI Course [promotional link removed]. So maybe you Mister Tasos, you have to inform a little more about the evolution of SKYWAY Groups and also about the SWIG Training. I have personally accompanied Groups of Investors and Politicians with Big Projects in Italy and Europe and not words in the wind, [the only link allowed]
      I was also present at DUBAI during The Future Cities Show where the SKYWAY Company and Mr. Yunitskij concluded some REAL and IMPORTANT CONTRACTS with Future Buildings that will begin at the end of this Year.
      [promotional link removed]
      Dubai Important Delegations [promotional link removed], Abu Dabi [promotional link removed], Italy, San Marino [promotional link removed], Ekateringburg [promotional link removed], Russia and many other countries from all over the world are visiting and traveling on UNIBUS and UNICAR already certified worldwide with more than 73 licenses on all components of the production SKYWAY Technologies. These are Facts and not words [promotional link removed], if you are not able to translate the Materials from the Russian language this does not mean that the News brought on the sites of the SKYWAY Groups are not true.
      These are the FACTS and are well visible [promotional link removed]
      With the hope that you too Mr. Tasos would invest in the Ecological Future that will save the Planet I send you my kind regards.
      build #SKYWAY .. save the PLANET!


      sono Joe Artid Fejzo, un Investitore dal gennaio 2017 e istruendosi nell’Accademia Privata dell’ Investitore sotto la Direzione di Mr. Khavratov ho realizzato il Titolo MANAGER studiando e formandomi anche con il Corso accelerato MASTER PROFI [promotional link removed]. Perciò forse Lei Mister Tasos , si deve informare un pò di più sulla evoluzione di SKYWAY Groups e anche sulla Formazione SWIG . Io personalmente ho accompagnato Gruppi di Investitori e Politici con dei Grandi Progetti in Italia ed Europa e non parole al vento,
      [promotional link removed]
      Ero presente anche a DUBAI durante The Future Cities Show dove la Compagnia SKYWAY e Mr. Yunitskij ha concluso dei CONTRATTI veri ed Importanti con Costruzioni future che cominceranno alla fine di quest’Anno.
      [promotional link removed]
      Delegazioni Importanti di Dubai [promotional link removed] , Abu Dabi [promotional link removed] , Italia , San Marino [promotional link removed] , Ekateringburg [promotional link removed] , Russia e tanti altri Paesi da tutto il Mondo stanno visitando e viaggiando su UNIBUS e UNICAR già Certificati a livello Mondiale con più di 73 Patenti su tutti i Componenti della Produzione SKYWAY Technologies. Questi sono Fatti e non parole [promotional link removed] , se non siete in grado di tradurre i Materiali dalla Lingua Russa questo non vuol dire che le Notizie portate sui siti dei Gruppi SKYWAY non sono veritiere.
      Questi sono i FATTI e sono ben Visibili [promotional link removed]
      Con la speranza che anche Lei Mr. Tasos investirebbe nel Futuro Ecologico che salverà il Pianeta le mando i miei Cordiali Saluti.
      Costruiamo #SKYWAY .. Salviamo il PIANETA !

      • Tasos

        Hi Joe,

        I thought the video you mentioned about training would shed some light on the story but it had nothing to do with Skyway’s training. I only left one video link as all the videos were coming from the same channel.

        Thank you for contributing to this thread. Good luck with the project!

  20. PAWAN


    • Tasos

      Hi Pawan

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts, you made a nice move investing only a little if you aren’t sure about Skyway. And who can be sure when investing in any company?

      • Yasmin Lei

        Hello Tasos, do you have an update on SkyWay? My friend invested £50 and I wanted to know if your opinion has changed?

        • Tasos

          Hi Yasmin, my opinion has not changed. I think anyone that wants to invest should wait a little longer!

  21. Eva

    Please take a screenshot from official SW website where “SkyWay Promises a 1000% Return in 3-5 Years”

    • Tasos

      Hi Eva, so, you don’t believe me?

      Here’s the screenshotnull

      Here’s the link

  22. Anne

    It is multi level crowd funding,not mlm,big difference,they sell education.People thought Facebook was a scam and lots of other investment opportunities,say no more.Skyway is the real deal.

    • Tasos

      Hi Anne, interesting message!

      OK, let’s say it’s crowdfunding. How exactly are they going to pay-off their investors? And why is the real deal? Did you invest? Are you making any money?

      You say they sell education, I’ve read that too on their website when I published this article. But I could not find any page related to education. Can you provide any link that connects Skyway with education?

      Thanks for stopping by, waiting for your reply

    • Rajendra

      Hope planning to invest 200 $ ..

      • Tasos

        Keep us updated on your investment, Rajendra!

  23. Govindaraju Rengasamy

    Hi Tasos
    It was a pleasure reading all the comments and articles on Skyway I am obliged send you this video of Skyway regarding the progress they have made towards the end of 2017.

    • Tasos

      Thanks for reading and for the video addition, Govindaraju! Impressive, let’s see what happens.

      I have a question though, have you invested in this company? If so, keep me updated.


    Can anybody tell me if I invest in anyway project then it’s helpfull for me or not?

    • Tasos

      Noone can guarantee any earnings from investing activities Surinder. You have to decide on your own.

  25. KPL

    if this is best company than why it need for network marketing mlm plan ? company all has mlm plan has no future or na credit in market

    • Tasos

      Thanks for your input KPL, many questions regarding this company.

  26. Ravinder Singh

    Skyway is legally project in India can Invest its and no

    • Tasos

      I can’t help you on that, Ravinder

  27. Edwin Soru

    Where is my post about Lithuania Tasos? 🙂

    • Name *luong

      risky investment?

      Should I continue?

      • Tasos

        Welcome Luong

        Any investment is risky, SkyWay is no exception. It’s your call!

        Thanks for dropping by with your message

      • vikas


        • Tasos

          If you’re not sure about a company then I suggest you don’t invest, Vikas.

        • Craig Scott

          Yes invest the guy who did this blog is giving you false news. Typical blogger with no knowledge of Skyway.

  28. Edwin Soru

    I am an Indonesian. On 29th March – 1st April 2027 SKyway Technologies co. became an exhibitor in International RailwayTech Exhibition- JIExpo KEMAYORAN – Jakarta.
    And went there , joined as a visitor.

    Pictures :

    Official news about Skyway prospect in Indonesia :

    Pictures of Cooperation with India and Indonesia Government :

    About skyway projects in India :

    The compensation plan , ROI of SKYWAY capital and Skyway invest Group as the partners of SKyway Group Company is something reasonable in its marketing, especially in Crowdfunding platform.

    I hope all of these informations can help you and others here to know more about the development of skyway technology today, and then have a Correct understanding about SKYWAY technology.

    This is a Reality.And This is the time to support this technology. The new generation Transport System, the project that useful for billions of people in this planet.

    Thanks for the discussion !

    • Tasos

      Welcome Edwin

      Very interesting updates on this project. Is really SkyWay expanding to other countries at the moment?

      Thank you for all the links, and for your participation. If you had invested already in the program I would like to know your progress.!

    • Tasos

      Another interesting update Edwin.

      Thank you for this. It seems that Lithuania stopped the investigation process. Let’s see!

  29. Joey

    How can somebody in his clear mind could believe this Ponzi/MLM scheme?
    Intellectual property worth $400 billion? Come on, Microsoft is worth $500 billion and they claim that their company is worth that much?
    Look what happened to Recyclix…
    SkyWay will disappear and everyone who ‘invested’ in this ‘company’ will loose everything.

    • Tasos

      Thank you Joey for adding your opinion to this thread. Indeed, there is so much hype around SkyWay, it’s getting very hard to recognise the truth. The innovative technology and the size of the project leave space for discussion. The industry has flooded by modern HYIPs that target investors using fake data but SkyWay seems prepared for everything.

      On the other hand, I remember Recyclix, but that company was obviously a fraudulent one, and as I was searching for information it was crystal clear that they were doing everything to ensure maximum privacy and they kept the public in the dark. In their case, the luxurious promises were not enough.

      Let’s see, what the future will bring. Right now, I believe investing in SkyWay is very risky, at least.!

    • Anne

      Not mlm,it is multi level crowd funding,Google what that means.

  30. Mr.Ramesh

    Mr.Ramesh From India
    Sir like your skyway company
    My work is Network marketing and 100+ active team

    • Tasos

      Thanks for stopping by Mr.Ramesh

  31. anemone

    Hei, was really interesting to read all comments. We all have own opinions, thats why we are unique. All people who consider to take a part Sky Way, not just read articles from social media, but look inside in the company. Maybe you will miiss something ..

    Anyway, these are lates news.

    ● Presentation and conference SkyWay in Italy made a sensation! The Italian parliamentarian was delighted! Immediately after the presentation, the Italians ALREADY invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in the project and immediately decided to go to EcoFest !;

    ● After the presentation in Bratislava, the Mayor of Bratislava was delighted with the opportunities of SkyWay and is waiting for Frantisek from Vietnam to discuss with the two major investors the urban development of Bratislava in the SkyWay concept;

    ● Now František with the Minister of Transport of Vietnam discusses the development of targeted projects for Vietnam;

    ● Unibyk and Unibus are successfully tested at speeds over 100 km / h;

    ● The Dalai Lama supported SkyWay, blessed and urged Unitsky not to stop and continue to bring light to humanity!;

    ● Ministre transport of Mongolia with the delegation plans to visit the ETP immediately after EcoFest, to see everything and discuss the interaction on the spot;

    ● Investors who have already bought tickets for Ecofest are investors from more than 50 countries! There will be more than 5000 people on EkoFest;

    ● The land for the Indian EcoTech Park already exists! Also for India is already working out a NETWORK of smart cities using SkyWay technology !;

    ● Simultaneously with the construction of the Indian ETP, the construction of the Australian, Canadian and possibly Israeli ETP will begin with the funds of local investors who are themselves willing to finance the construction of an ETP in their regions;

    ● A new system of crowdinvesting has already been developed for the further work of the project, which will begin to operate only after the closure of the main project, which is really expected to be finished at the end of this year. The new program will develop 4 new projects-directions of the Unitsky engineering school !;


    • Tasos

      Thank you Anemone for bringing news about this project.

      I am so surprised that even Dalai Lama has endorsed SkyWay. Not only, Italians, a Mayor, a Minister, and other major investors support them. Wow.!!!

      I wonder what’s next, it seems people are getting interested in this company after all.!

    • Anii

      Thank you Anemone for this comment and you are right Tasos, this is not abut the money anymore – these are people and they reputation after all! Can I ask you Tasos – which MLM are you in? 🙂

      Reding the review I was surprised that in 2016 was taken news from 2014. I want to make a correction regarding Lithuania – they have apologized, now accepted the SKYWAY (there is an article too), but unfortunately they will need to go through the court as they have taken the money that does not belong to them! BIG MISTAKE!

      If you know who is Warren Buffet then you should learn from him – before investing he is not googling : “Is XYZ a scam?” Because if you are smart you know – what ever you ask to google – it will give you the answer you are waiting for. Instead he is actually going and speaking to the people who are in the business.

      For example check on google: McDonalds Scam, Bitcoin scam and Mother Teresa scam, and see what comes out.

      This project is what they say they are and will be! I suggest for those who are still so skeptical – please join us on 1st of July, 2017 in EcoFest and see what is going to happen then!

      Have a lovely day!

      P.S. Anemone was banned from this forum for no reason. They say she Broke the Forum rules! Interesting 🙂

      • Tasos

        Welcome Anii, I find your testimony extra revealing

        It seems that you know Anemone but I don’t know the forum you refer to. What happened when Anemone banned?

        Can you please provide more details as concerns the Lithuania subject?…Is there a court taking place?…All news are important no matter how old, all data count. It is important to understand the history of the company right after the birth of the initial idea.

        Let’s wait for the EcoFest to see what’s coming up..!!

        PS Regarding the MLM question I always go after reputable companies that are not focused on recruitment rather than on selling awesome top-quality physical products (or even services).

        Please keep us posted, thanks for stopping by.

    • Dianne

      I live in Bratislava and we have never heard about our city planning skyway transport – I searched all website with urban development except that in July 2016 the university signed a memorandum of cooperation with Belarus company skyway and followed by many articles warning against this company as a scam: they say they got a prestigious transport award but the chairman of the committee is a Russian journalist, they claim the award has existed since 2005 but the domain for the award was registered by the Russian journalist in 2014, they claim they are registered in UK but I paid for the listing from the official company registered and it says the companies dissolved after one year of existence with no income and no profit:
      I can send the printout :))
      My father stupidly invested a lot of money into it, company registered in Cayman Islands will not be subject to any revolutionary body 🙂 he both worthless well designed pieces of paper:) don’t make the same mistake : by the way : Frantisek from Vietnam is cool : it’s a Czech name given to about 20% of the boys you could as well wrote Ivan from Russia

      • Tasos

        Welcome, Dianne, very interesting testimony. A lot of buzz lately concerning this company. I’ve never heard of this journalist and this award story, I am very curious what the future brings.

        Thank you for the addition, and I hope the best for your father. Please keep us updated!

    • Nhonho

      I am Vietnamese. no minister who is free to go to the table is not real. They came to my country and also said that your minister did it all. But no, all the videos are staged. What I need is a verified ship running at a speed of 500 Km / h, where is it ?????

      • Tasos

        Excellent point Nhonho. So far we did not witness very strong evidence that the project has future. Where is the train? where are the live demos in front of people? When is it going to be finished? Before 2030?

  32. Evelina

    Hey all 🙂
    First af all, Skyway is NOT MLM. It is Affiliate Program (no monthly sales, You get comission only when You make single “sale”, it varies depending on crowdinvesting paltform – RSW-Systems, SkyWay Capital or SWIG.

    These is SO much infomation on internet, in english too:

    Official website(news almost every day) [shortened affiliate link removed]

    The website of Developer and CEO Anatoly Yunitskiy : [link redirects to a conference date-list as multi-link, most of those links in Russian…removed]
    Here You can find projet history from 1966(!)

    Developing company: [this link is OK, thx for sharing, it can add to the discussion]

    Youtube: [very long playlist, confusing, can’t be checked…removed]
    Official Youtube channel in english: [that link too has to be removed, it is getting very commercial]

    Media: [shortened affiliate link removed]

    Indonesia: [link removed]
    Ukraine: [link removed]
    Australia: [twitter promotional link removed]
    India: [affiliate link removed] , [link removed]
    USA: [this link is OK, technical part of the project, adds to the discussion], [shortened affiliate link removed]
    Russia: [link removed] , [link removed]
    Belarus: [shortened affiliate link removed]
    Slovakia: [shortened affiliate link removed]
    Bahrein: [shortened affiliate link removed]
    Turkey: [aff link removed]
    Moldova: [aff link removed]
    Tanzania: [aff link removed]
    Etc etc…

    100 Questions – 100 Answers: [this pdf is OK, technical part]

    By the way, Lithuanian Bank warning regarding Skyway in 2014 was missleading (I am form Lithuania): they spoke about STOCK and warned that it is RISKY investment.
    Clarification: SkyWay has NO STOCK, SkyWay is early stage venture capital company, there are SHARES, not stock, and everybody who invests know the risks. Second thing – there was no law in 2014 regarding Crowdinvesting/Crowdfunding in Lithuania. This warning is empty blah-blah. There will be STOCK after company goes IPO. This could happen in 2019-2021.

    Hope I clarified some things for You:)

    P.s.: all updatesare always on my Fb page: [do you think I would allowed such a promotional link?…removed]

    • Tasos

      Hi there Evelina, that was quite a fight a me, to open up so many links..!..Don’t worry, I am OK, and it is nice to see you in the discussion.

      Any company structure with multi levels of payments and commissions is an MLM, affiliates in multi levels.

      I kept 2 links showing the technical part of the project. I am not an expert in this area, but it would be useful for other people…

      The update on the Lithuanian Bank seems interesting, needs further investigation I guess.!

      Thank you for stopping by and for sharing your point of view and saying HI to everyone. I am very curious about this company’s future.

  33. Frantisek Tuma

    Skyway is just a Ponzi scheme.
    I did my investigation for a year, attending seminars, and trying to warn “investors”.
    As for the technology itself, its just ridiculous – for example, consider this proposal, one of the more technical:
    To assume 9 kW to power 5 ton train in 450 kmph – laughable.
    As for their flawed marketing, I gatherd enaugh evidence – the main is: how can they pay back to “investors” for new sheeps, although they dont make any money yet > Ponzi scheme.
    Czech National Bank alredy made a statement:
    or see

    • Tasos

      Welcome to my blog Frantisek, I checked every link. Those written in Russian are hard to understand but the others are sites that I know and visit regularly. Especially NBR and behindmlm that are fighting against the Ponzi crime. They all agree that the MLM opportunity of SkyWay is not attached to the railway project.

      I can not discuss about the technical part that you mentioned and the railway speed as it is beyond my knowledge.

      But speaking generally, the thing is that I can’t predict any improvement. For how long are we going to watch Ponzi schemes invade our lives?…There are not many regulators and SEC alone can’t do much, more importantly outside the US is a chaos. Can you see light in the tunnel?

      Thank you for your contribution to this Hot topic. I still wonder what the future of SkyWay is.!..Let’s see

    • Craig Scott

      Ponzi?? Do you know what that means ??

      Skyway is real so it can’t be a ponzi but what do I know oh yeah I am a coach and consultant for skyway ?

    • Telen Atolia Kom

      Dear sir, please contact me in my no7628970251.i wnt to invest my money,and please inform me with best high profit returns

      • Tasos

        Hi Telen, I recommend that you don’t invest money in SkyWAy, at least not right now! If you’re interested in creating an online business then you can get started for free here or contact me for more alternatives here.

  34. Stela

    Thank you for the review, I done some searches by myself and more I read less I want to join. What interested me the most was that one of the partners should be Slovak Univeristy of Technology in Bratislava, but when I searched they page for any information about skyway a I couldn’t find anything (language wasn’t problem). All I found till now was lot of advert and no usefull information to prove real investement oportunity.

    • Tasos

      Welcome to my blog Stela

      I always admire people just like you, who investigate programs before they invest. I believe that SkyWay is full of hype and I doubt that is a company with bright future. But only time will tell…You did very well in taking the extra step to research inside the University of Bratislava.

      Thank you for your contribution, my best wishes…!!

    • Jan

      Hi Stela, if you are from Slovakia, or Czech…basically whichever country from, but there’s a great support structure in Slovakia.. I live in Ireland but can gladly pass on any information I have. This is a fantastic project with amazing potential, saying this after 7 months of being involved, having met several board members etc. I’m not very active in the MLM part, but support SkyWay in other ways whenever possible.
      Here’s a video from STU Dean talking about SkyWay (in English):
      Yes there’s plenty of patchy information if you’re searching here and there, that’s why there are people like me who can provide answers to questions. Thanks.

      • Tasos

        Thank you, Martin, for the addition!

      • Mr. Czech

        SkyWay and STU have signed a Memorandum of Understanding. Very vague document expressing nothing more than an interest of the parties to cooperate in unspecified future:

        As of February 2019, no specific cooperation has been started. Off the record – university officials are not happy about mentioning this MoU and status of cooperation publicly.

        IMHO, this is a part of SkyWay PR strategy – gaining a legitimity by association with credible (or credible sounding) parties, but with no real outcome.

  35. Vladimir

    Thank you for the review.
    More or less I was thinking the same as you wrote. How can they predict the value of shares when they enter the market since the market is the one that says what value share will have. Otherwise I did invest 100 USD, because I wanted to get that special price which ended a week or two ago and I was thinking that if it ever really enters the market the share will have some value and if I loose I wont loose that much 🙂
    So for now I am thinking to advertise it as much as possible and get some bonus through reference link and get some more shares.
    Hope for the best 🙂

    • Tasos

      Welcome back Vladimir , glad I could help.

      Exactly , no one can predict what happens in the financial markets in 3 years from now , not even in 3 weeks from now…I think you made a nice move and you are not risking much.Now you have to work for it and advertise the opportunity to others.

      I wish you all the best luck and I would like to keep me informed when you have any news.It was an interesting subject , I am curious for the progress of this company…!!

      • Jan

        Hello Tasos,
        thanks for your review, I’ve been browsing a bit and found your one to be the most comprehensive so far. Being quite involved with the company for 7 months now, there are some discrepancies in your review which I understand are due to a language barrier etc.
        I’d like to help you clarify some of your questions if you were interested, especially around the financial planning, company’s structure etc. There are many high profile people supporting the project and things are evolving according to the plan.
        In my eyes this might turn out to be a public project of the century, the technology has amazing potential, a lot of work (nearly 40 years) has gone into it and 2017 is going to be a year when things will start happening, with many exciting pre-orders lined up, more than dozen project in India, Australia, Canada, Turkey and several others…

        • Tasos

          Hi Jan

          I watched the video mentioned on your reply to Stela and I want to ask you a few things now that you are involved with SkyWay. You said that you do not recruit people for the MLM income plan benefits, but what exactly is your role with that company?..Have you invested any funds?…Did you receive any ROIs?

          I do hope that SkyWay will complete this project so that the world enjoys that kind of innovative technology.

          Thank you for your contribution, your kind words and good luck with your projects.

          • Jan

            Hi Tasos,

            I wrote a bit more so will share this nice new presentation first 🙂
            SkyWay presentation (5min)

            I do talk about SkyWay to my close friends and family and doing a bit of MLM recruitment, but not focusing on it. Yes I have invested, so my role is being a shareholder really and a supporter in my own time, because I really do like the technology and I see they lack PR and information on English speaking forums..
            In the countries where the support is established, like my home country Slovakia, there are many regular public events and webinars where all of the information and news are shared and questions asked… this is still missing in English. I was offered doing regular English webinars, which I’m still considering. It’s badly needed.
            I also publish a magazine in Ireland and will be doing an article on the technology/ecology aspect of the project next month.
            There is a confusion on most forums about the supposed ROIs etc. I see figures that are not stated by the company like daily 22% ROI and stuff like that.
            It’s fairly simple, once you bring in a new investor, you instantly receive a commission, this you can reinvest or simply withdraw to your bank. Based on your position within the marketing structure, but generally it is 15% from the first line and goes few levels down which is very generous. Unlike most systems, there are no conditions, monthly quotas or anything like that. If you feel like doing the recruitment and bring in funds for the project, then you get nicely rewarded.
            So to answer one of your questions, yes up to 24% of the coming investments are designated to pay off the commissions, which is a normal figure for the service that people provide (support, advertising and especially new funds etc). It’s a figure that big companies easily spend on services like this with the normal marketing model and is all calculated into the ‘budget’.

            If you don’t do recruitment and you’re simply happy with your investment (like most of my partners) then nothing happens but you simply wait until the company reaches the point of hitting the stock market and our shares become trade-able. At the moment this is forecast for early 2018. Of course there are many variables but their plan is quite cleverly done.
            There are 15 stages of implementation of the technology, currently we’re at 8 and in couple of weeks going into 9.
            In every stage there’s certain amount of shares that needs to be sold (altogether in 15 stages its 60bln, based on the independent valuation of the intellectual property of the company, which is at 400 bln$). There’s also a list of tasks and objectives (technology, construction etc) that company has set as their target… also in every stage a discount is reduced (approx 30% each transition), which determines how many shares you get in the specific package. Of course as we move on with the project, the risks are getting less… at the moment the best discounts are at around 200-250. A year ago it was 1/600. This is the price you pay per share, 1/200 for inst. In the autumn this year, if all goes well, these discounts will be at 1/10 – 1/30 max. By then we should see first addressed projects.
            Once the price per share hits 1/1 the company will go on the stock market with our shares at their nominal value.

            I wrote a lot but in your recap I still see some questions that can be easily clarified.
            If you are interested, please drop me an email, I can forward you some more details…?
            Thanks, J

          • Tasos

            Welcome back Jan

            You shed light in this company as an insider. Now we can better understand about the income opportunity that is bundled with SkyWay investments. I really like the idea of no monthly requirements in an MLM comp plan that in many compamnies bring negative results. I believe it is a quite simple plan.

            It is a fact, the absence of English language is a barrier that keeps many people away.

            So, SkyWay is on its way to level 9 out of 15. This is good news. I am looking forward to the point when the company enters the Stock Market. I am very curious to see what is going to happen with all these investors and the expected ROIs / exact numbers.

            It is a very interesting subject and I want to wish you good luck with your SkyWay efforts and investments. Additionally I want to thank you for your contribution, once again and for the video link you shared, which I decided to embed it as well. This video gives another dimension to the SkyWay presentsation….

            PS. If you have any news in the near future that you think is worth mentioning I would like to hear from you. Have a nice day.

          • Tasos

            Thank you so much, Maria, for this addition. This article is extremely interesting as the FSMA warned the public in Belgium. Let’s see what the future brings!

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