

Scams – Non Paying – Suspended Domains – Discontinued – Suspicious – Delaying – Bad Rules


I and a few remote partners were monitoring a selected number of those sites but we stopped. As of today, we abandon this project. 

Pretty much all the sites are scams. Even those that were considered the best.

It’s not an industry you want to be in.




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#1 – Click on a tab to open it up

#2 – Click “Explore” to visit the desired department



  • 100dollar.win…06 Mar 2017 long time maintenance (permanent)
  • 10centClix.com…13 Feb 2017 no forum, payments proofs list on site fake
  • 13clix.com 02 Dec 2016 waiting for payment 03 Dec 2016 On 13clix site the transaction is completed, however my Paypal is not updated. Let’s wait till Monday night…06 Dec 2016 scam / not paying / claims that paid me
  • 15clix.com 22 May 2017 not accessible
  • 1DayClix.com added to list, suspicious forum
  • 24doge.com…20 Feb 2017 no forum, admin informs about pending payments problem via email
  • 2centAds (suspended domain)
  • 309clix.com…05 Jan 2017, $3 purchase balance bonus, can not add funds to repurchase balance from main, can buy upgrade / ads from repurchase but the cheapest pack is $5, that makes the bonus totally useless because the minimum deposit from payment processors is set to $7, no real payment proofs on forum, very suspicious
  • 314ptc.info 18 Apr 2017 looks cheap
  • 3d-clix.info…06 Feb 2017 clone of SaiphPTC.info…21 Feb 2017 suspended domain
  • 4tclix.com 11 Jan 2018 added to list, they say 60 new members joined in one day, not recommended
  • 50profit (disappeared)
  • 999-bux.com 20 Aug 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • 999-bux.info 07 Feb 2017 only upgraded members can withdraw, yeah sure, once in a life time opportunity 22 May 2017 closed
  • 99ptc.com 06 Nov 2017 added to list. clone of others


  • AbsolutePTC.top…03 Jan 2017 suspended domain
  • abv-bux.info…10 Feb 2017 no forum, no terms of service 29 April 2017 domain expired
  • Account.PerDayEarn.com 23 Oct 2017 added to list, looks fraudulent
  • ActShares.com 10 Sep 2017 added to list, they say …”Share your Referral URL on Social Media and Earn +1 USD per unique visitor.”
  • Adamant-Bux.com 07 Apr 2017 suspended domain
  • AdClickers.club 23 Oct 2017 added to list 03 Dec 2017 suspended domain
  • AdClix.us…29 Jan 2017 clone of MiracleClix.com?…empty of topics forum…20 Mar 2017 suspended domain
  • AdCubez.com 07 July 2017 added to list, clone of leptc.me
  • AddMoney.host 03 Dec 2017 added to list, another clone of NavMoney.club
  • AdFlares.com…03 Feb 2017, same header image with likesclick (scam), disappeared, appears as non paying on ptc-top, disappeared
  • AdFort (non paying) … full review
  • AdHitzPro (suspended domain)
  • AdMazu.com looks cheap
  • AdPrist.com…06 Jan 2017 suspended domain
  • Ads.Uap.company 16 Oct 2017 added to list, bad domain, looks cheap
  • Ads-Profit.com.ve..27 Feb 2017 .is this a domain for a company that came to stay?…forum is empty of content yet 22 May 2017 not accessible
  • Ads1share.com added to list, header image used on numerous sites
  • ads4.pro 23 Jan 2018 cashout threshold raised from $2 to $5
  • Ads4bitcoins.com 04 May 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • Ads4BTC.com…15 Jan 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • Ads4coin.com…19 Jan 2017 no forum 16 Aug 2017 disappeared
  • ads5pro.com added to list, bad domain, looks cheap
  • AdsClix.net 06 May 2018 suspended domain
  • AdsCompany.info looks like a scam
  • AdSerious.com 21 Jan 2018 added to list, reminds me an older scam 27 Mar 2018 appears as scam on ptc-top 06 May 2018 closed
  • AdserTech.com 27 July 2017 added to list 21 Aug 2017 can’t login 1 week now
  • AdsFive.com…28 Dec 2016 suspended domain
  • AdsGo.club looks cheap, bad domain choice
  • AdsGrid.club 20 Sep 2017 added to list 03 Dec 2017 suspended domain
  • AdsMbtc.com 29 Jan 2018 suspended domain
  • AdsNor.info bad domain, looks cheap 16 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • AdsParkles.com not accessible
  • AdsPayCash.me 06 Nov 2017 added to list, looks cheap
  • AdsPoint.me 20 Aug 2017 added to list 25 Sep 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top 03 Dec 2017 not accessible 06 May 2018 suspended domain
  • AdsPu.com…17 Jan 2017 you need 400 days clicking all 7 on focus ads daily to reach $4, the minimum threshold…yeah sure 09 June 2017suspended domain
  • AdsQuill.com…15 Mar 2017 not accessible 17 Apr 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top 22 May 2017 not accessible
  • AdsSansar.com 04 May 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • AdsShares.com 25 June 2017 added to list, looks cheap, bad domain
  • AdsToPay.Biz…17 Jan 2017 I reached the 1st threshold & requested to withdraw, and although there is PayPal in place they say that for the 1st cashout they pay only through WiredPay (unknown to me money processor), performed a search for WiredPay and I found negative comments online that is a fake money processor, therefore I blacklist the site as scam
  • AdsToro.com 07 July 2017 added to list, looks like a scam
  • AdsToView.com 27 Oct 2017 added to list, looks cheap
  • AdsUnidos.com added to list, very cheap
  • AdsUp.info 04 May 2017 appears as problematic on ptc-top
  • AdTasty.com…09 Jan 2017 waiting for payment…17 Jan 2017 not paying / scam / suspended domain
  • AdultBux.net…30 Mar 2017 few days not accessible, many days to respond to my ticket…17 Apr 2017 not accessible for too long
  • Advert2bux.com disappeared
  • AdvertClix.com 03 Sep 2018 closed
  • AdvertiseOrMake.Money (payment processors & forum gone / very suspicious / weird announcements) Only payment processor BitGold????…01 Jan 2017 suspended domain, wise decision to stop clicking
  • AdvisorsAdz.com 08 June 2017 added to list 05 July 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • ADVmoney.site 03 Sep 2017 exactly as VobMoney.club, not recommended
  • Adz4free.nl 03 Oct 2017 added to list, bad domain, clone of ClixTrust.net
  • AdzBTC.com 28 Sep 2017 added to list, 15 Apr 2018 appears as non paying on ptc-top, 01 May 2018 

    The admin announced: After a meeting with our shareholders and Company Directors we decided to allow all members to have a chance at earning here at AdzBTC. So therefore due to bitcoin price instability, lost funds through payza and other issues directly related to this website we have reached an agreement on how to proceed. We will 0 all balances, ad credits, points etc. We will then reallocate all deposits to users accounts who made a deposit. Then we will setup the website to relaunch on a more sustainable business plan and allow all members to start earning again. We are certain this new way forward will be successful for more reasons: Bitcoin price is higher and more stable, therefore we will be able to allocate funds correctly. Our technology has moved forward, so we will be able to add more payment methods and be more versatile. We will be able to activate Instant payment for certain members and masspay to make paying all our members easier. Our payout threshold will be lower allowing you to get your earnings quicker. All of these advances will allow us to operate a smooth Bitcoin PTC website. The website will go into maintenance in the next 24 hours and will re launch in approx 14 – 20 days after the improvements have been made. once we relaunch we will be looking for Moderators and Support Staff paid in Membership time. If you are interested please send a CV with your experience to admin@adzbux.com and we will shortlist for when we relaunch

    My answer: well done admin and group of stakeholders & directors, now welcome to the blacklist.

  • AdzBux.com…appears  as scam on ptc-top & scamdetector
  • AdzCash.info…07 Feb 2017 I received a random payment $0.03 from admin, says..”You were selected randomly, enjoy”..I am member on that site for 1 week or so, first time it happens to me with a PTC site, let’s hope that this is a sign of good will…28 Feb 2017 received a 2nd random payment $0.1607 Mar 2017 admin announced via email that a hosting upgrade is taking place very soon, the site may stay down for a couple of days…13 Mar 2017 received a 3rd random payment $0.15 18 July 2017 received a 4th random payment, this time the amount was $1.01 (my balance). This is a very good sign as the admin sends payments below the 1st cashout threshold, which is $2. There are other members as well that have posted in the forum their random payments. I begin to promote the site. Cashout threshold is $2 (PayPal) and $3 (Payza) 20 Aug 2017 they reduced the daily ads value 1/10. If they continue in this direction for 1 more week I will remove them from the recommended PTCs list 28 Aug 2017 I remove them from the recommended section. They reduced the daily ads value (1/10) which is unacceptable, the admin bombarded members with spam emails about new projects. They did not stabilize this one they are opening to new horizons.
  • AdzClicks.com…05 Feb 2017 not accessible for over a week now…07 Feb 2017 disappeared
  • AdzFair.com 29 May 2017 added to list 12 July 2017 appears as scam on newptcsitedaily
  • AdzFive.com 03 Dec 2017 added to list 20 Feb 2018 appears as scam on ptc-top 06 May 2018 not accessible 28 Aug 2018 suspended domain
  • AdzFour.com 12 Nov 2017 added to list, the main headline on the homepage says…” 100% trusted admin of the site”, a legit company just would not do that
  • Adzpire (suspended domain)
  • AdzPool (suspended domain)
  • AdzTory.com 20 Sep 2017 added to list 14 Oct 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top 03 Dec 2017 not accessible 06 May 2018 suspended domain
  • AdzVegas.com…appears as scam on ptc-top & scamdetectorsuspended domain
  • AdzVerts.com 04 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • AdzVerts.net added to list, header image has been used in numerous scams
  • Afri-ptc.com 14 July 2017 added to list, looks like a scam
  • AgeBux.com looks very cheap
  • AGmoney.win 27 Feb 2018 added to list, another clone of NavMoney.club
  • AkashBux.com…30 Mar 2017 1st impression was bad 04 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • AkitaPTC.xyz…04 Feb 2017 no forum on site, it is external on the URL skillys.xyz, when you complete the registration you wait from the admin of this forum to approve it, weird stuff, waiting for this approval / they did not answer…05 Feb 2017 promo emails continue, same admin with PonyPTC.pw…07 Feb 2017 annoying admin, too many spam emails
  • AlbertClix.club 21 Apr 2017 the domain does not match the brand. On the homepage the company mentioned is ClickIte and Clickite was a site that suspended long time ago, hence this new site is not recommended, 22 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • AlePTC (suspended domain)
  • AliaBux.com 31 Aug 2017 added to list, header image has been used in numerous scams
  • Aligator-Cash.com…14 Feb 2017 no forum
  • AmericanaPTC.info…25 Feb 2017 no forum
  • AmLoads.com…17 Apr 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • Amortar.com looks cheap, clone of other PTC, not recommended
  • AnBux.net clone of another recently launched PTC
  • AneBux.com 27 July 2017 added to list, 1st impression was bad
  • Angel-PTC.net lloks very cheap
  • AngelBux.co.za very bad domain name
  • AntBux.com…08 Feb 2017 the payment proofs topic is full of spam, no moderators?…appears as scam on ptc-top 14 Aug 2017 suspended domain
  • AntClix.info 27 Mar 2018 added to list 06 May 2018 maintenance ever since
  • ApacheClicks.info…14 Feb 2017 no forum
  • ApacheHitz-ptc.top ..same admin as surfaholics, getclicks .. can’t predict bright future, too many PTCs at once despite financial problems..too many promo emails
  • ApplyClix.com 13 June 2017 seducing female images on the homepage, I guess this one will be a success for its owners
  • ArcBux.com 06 Feb 2018 added to list 06 May 2018 not accessible
  • ArgoBux.tk (scam rules / balance traps) … full review
  • AroBux.com…02 Mar 2017 2nd day disappeared…05 Mar 2017 closed
  • AtmClix.info the homepage is a replica of other PTCs, not recommended 22 May 2017 not accessible
  • AtodClix.com 07 Oct 2017 added to list, bad domain, the header image has been used in numerous scams
  • AtomicBux (suspended domain)
  • AurumClix.com 12 Sep 2017 added to list, they say…” the first 50,000 members will get instantly a Free Gold Year Membership that costs $35 that expires after this period”
  • AutoStop4clix.com added to list, not impressed
  • AveryGpt.xyz…05 Feb 2017 it’s the 2nd day since they reduced dramatically the total available ads, only 2 with total daily revenue $0.005 22 May 2017 endless maintenance
  • AxisAds.org 25 June 2017 added to list 12 July 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • AyuClix.com 04 Feb 2018 added to list 06 May 2018 redirects to DifBux.com which is monitored
  • AZclix.com (paid once) 1st cashout $1, 2nd cashout $3 03 Jan 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top…16 Jan 2017 disappeared from the horizon, let’s wait 1 week..19 Jan 2017 returned live, no real payment proofs lately on forum…29 Jan 2017 not accessible…05 Feb 2017 disappeared
  • AzoBux.com 20 Mar 2018 added to list 06 May 2018 not accessible 28 Aug 2018 redirects to Azobux.net which is monitored
  • AztecClicks.xyz…27 Feb 2017 no forum 04 May 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top 22 May 2017 suspended domain


  • BabylonPTC.com 08 June 2017 added to list, looks cheap
  • BadClick.club 06 Nov 2017 added to list, with such a brand name they are waiting for people to sign up? the header image has been used in other scams
  • BalkanClix.info 27 June 2017 waiting for 1st payment 04 July 2017 scam, not paying, claims that paid me
  • BalkanMedia.net 16 Aug 2017 added to list 03 Dec 2017 suspended domain
  • BamboClix.com 25 June 2017 added to list, looks fraudulent, there are already published 18 payment proofs on a brand new site
  • BankRollClicks.xyz added to list 08 June 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • BarbarianClicks.info…15 Feb 2017 no forum
  • BarClix.us 10 Sep 2017 added to list 27 Sep 2017 can’t register, the page not working properly, they do not respond to the support ticket 04 Feb 2018 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • BasiClix.com replica of leptc.me
  • BBCbux.com 12 Nov 2017 added to list, bad domain, the header image has been used in other scams
  • BearyCash.com…15 Feb 2017 no forum
  • BeautifullAds.xyz disappeared
  • BebooMoney.com…05 Jan 2017 can’t login, appears as scam on ptc-top…24 Jan 2017 suspended domain
  • BerlinClix.com 24 Nov 2017 added to list, cheap logo
  • BestAds.space 27 July 2017 added to list, looks cheap, bad domain
  • BestClix.tk looks very cheap
  • bfcBux.com 04 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • BGbux.com added to list, looks cheap
  • BigMamasKitchenPTC.info 10 June 2017 does not seem like a serious company
  • BigSenseBux.com 20 July 2017 added to list 19 Aug 2017 disappeared
  • BigTop-Bux.info…19 Jan 2017 3rd day maintenance…21 Jan 2017 disappeared…26 Jan 2017 returned live, on hold…05 Feb 2017 they hopefully increased daily ads value, the thing is to get paid at the end of course, no forum 14 Apr 2017 not accessible 08 June 2017 waiting for 1st payment 14 June 2017 scam, not paying, claims that paid me
  • BitBuxClix.com first impression not quite good 16 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • BitClickers (suspended domain)
  • BitClix.tk (suspended domain)
  • BitLiv.net…26 Jan 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top & newptcsitedaily and as suspicious on scamdetector…20 Mar 2017 not accessible 01 Apr 2017 still 20 Apr 2017 still
  • Bits2u.com 20 Feb 2017 another site that removes Paypal…28 Feb 2017 the site is under maintenance, they are moving to a new server, working normally again 20 Aug 2017 not accessible, they have mentioned a scheduled maintenance between 22 – 27 August. Let’s see. Because in that case, the website would be accessible with a maintenance message on the frontpage. 26 Aug 2017 back live 13 Oct 2017 waiting for the 1st payment 14 Oct 2017 received the 1st payment after 24 hours 17 Dec 2017 there is an announcement…” As of December 12, 2017 due to constant attacks, undue indexation, and abuse of the policy in general, there will be no services of PTC, PTP, votes, or purchases with Balance. They sell packs where you can invest with yearly ROIs starting from 135%, to 152%, 174%, 200%. 05 Jan 2018 no PTC ads, turned to an investment site, not recommended
  • BitToClick.net added to list, $2 purchase balance bonus, suspicious extremely high daily value of ads, too many pop-ups throughout the site, high threshold $5, on focus timer
  • BixDollar.xyz 30 Jan 2018 added to list, looks cheap
  • BlackClix.com…14 Feb 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top…27 Feb 2017 today as scam on newptcsitedaily
  • BlackFeetPTC.info…14 Feb 2017 no forum
  • BlackSheepPTC.info…15 Feb 2017 no forum 20 Mar 2017 contains virus threats
  • BlingClick.com…19 Jan 2017 no forum, waste of time
  • BlueClicks.info 08 June 2017 added to list 19 Aug 2017 suspended domain
  • BluePTC.info 19 Aug 2017 suspended domain
  • BMIclix.com full review (paid once) 11 Dec 2016 waiting for 2nd payment 13 Dec 2016 they return money to my main balance for the 2nd time, sent a support ticket 14 Dec 2016 their answer is very suspicious, “please provide full transaction details”…I have been paid once you know and I can only add my Paypal address which is showing clearly, let’s hope it is not another SCAM … I removed my affiliate link today, if they do not pay me in 2 days I am blacklisting them 15 Dec 2016 The filthy admin decided to return money again to my main balance ignoring my support ticket…SCAM
  • BMPclix.com 20 Aug 2017 added to list, the design refers to an older scam, Buxept
  • BMWbux.com 29 Aug 2017 added to list, bad domain, uses logo of BMW, header image used on other sites
  • BonazaClix.com 18 Apr 2017 looks cheap 16 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • BossClicks.xyz…14 Feb 2017 suspended domain
  • BoxPTC.com…24 Feb 2017 admin announced via email that they only upgraded members can withdraw, it’s very funny seeing new sites fall into that trap, let’s see, I predict Box will be closing soon, not recommended
  • BrainBux (scam rules / policy traps) … full review
  • Brikko.it 21 Nov 2017 added to list, looks cheap
  • BrilliantClix.com…21 Jan 2017 appears as scam on newptcsitedaily
  • BronBux.net 02 Oct 2017 added to list, clone of Ekoclix.com
  • BTC4bux.com closed
  • BtcBux (suspended domain)
  • btClix.com 28 July 2017 added to list, obvious clone (both in design and domain) of BTCclicks.com, which is a legit site, one of my favorites. Therefore, btclix is not recommended
  • BtCoinBux.com 07 July 2017 added to list, looks cheap
  • btcLeets.xyz 17 Sep 2017 added to list, bad domain, looks cheap, no forum
  • BTClinx.com 11 May 2018 added to list 13 Oct 2018 suspended domain
  • BtcProClix (suspended domain)
  • BucksClicks.xyz no forum
  • BucksOnClix.com 31 Aug 2017 does not look like a serious site
  • BullClix.com…suspicious, repurchase balance bonus, can not add funds to repurchase balance from main balance…03 Jan 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • BunnyBux.com 03 Dec 2017 added to list, looks like a clone of others, 16 Dec 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • BusiClick.club 07 Oct 2017 added to list, bad domain
  • BusinessClicks.xyz 17 May 2017 added to list, no forum
  • BusyClix.com 13 June 2017 looks cheap
  • bux150.com added to list, I discovered it through an email invitation from the admin of AdzBux.com, a spammer
  • bux4pro.com 23 July 2017 looks like a scam. Header image used on other scams
  • BuxAccepted.com…appears as scam on ptc-top, you need to deposit at least $1 before you request a withdraw, yeah sure.!
  • BuxAdz.net 10 Sep 2017 added to list, looks like a scam
  • BuxApple.net 19 Aug 2017 disappeared
  • BuxBlue.com added to list 11 June 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • BuxCap.com 28 June 2017 added to list, 15 Sep 2017 same admin with BuxCure.com
  • BuxCash.net…26 Jan 2017 only 2 topics so far on the forum 28 Mar 2017 the forum is abandoned and contains spam. 09 June 2017 suspended domain
  • BuxCity.info looks like wad.ojooo.com clone
  • BuxClerk.com…21 Mar 2017 I found it accidentally, through a scam PTC I was monitoring (orebux.com) which is now closed. Not recommended
  • BuxClerks.com 25 June 2017 added to list, looks cheap
  • BuxClickers.info 12 Sep 2017 added to list, looks like a scam
  • BuxClicks.info 04 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • BuxConnect.com 03 Dec 2017 added to list, the header image has been used in older scams
  • BuxCure.com 01 Sep 2017 added to list, they say: the first 10 members who get 1000 direct referrals will be awarded a Free annual ultimate membership that costs $900. Additionally, the first 40,000 members will instantly get a free Bronze membership that costs $30. Incredible stuff. Very suspicious 15 Sep 2017 my suspicions have been confirmed. Admin announced in the forum

    Well, after a recent meeting with the team, it has been decided to say “NO” to these users. From now on, free members would not be able to cashout. Free members means (Standard and Pioneer members) on W3Adz, (Standard and VIP members) on BuxCap and (Standard and Bronze members) on BuxCure.

    Do not get fooled people. No site should apply rules like that. Do not invest, they can take your money and get away shutting down the site without any warning. And remember, how much money they keep in their wallet when the majority of participants don’t even reach the threshold. They pay pennies, and they receive investments.

    3 sites blacklisted all at once. At least some good news after all.

  • BuxDollar.ml 27 July 2017 added to list, looks very cheap, bad domain
  • Buxdroid (suspended domain)
  • Buxept (non paying / suspended domain) … full review
  • BuxEto.com the design reminds me a few scams, no logo
  • Buxfiel.com…27 Feb 2017 new site and starts already with revenue shares in the main menu, header image suspicious 17 Apr 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • BuxFlare.top 05 Jan 2018 added to list, the header image has been used in older scams
  • BuxGate.com 04 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • Buxhit (not paying)
  • Buxify.net (suspended domain…I remember on this one everyone was saying ..”what a trusted admin”…”this site is going to last”..”legit PTC”…well…almost)
  • BuxInside.com Feb 2020 they reset my balance to ZERO for no reason
  • BuxIs.win 28 Aug 2017 added to list, bad domain, header image reminds me older scams
  • BuxGram.site 27 July 2017 added to list, looks cheap, like it was created on the go, no logo, bad domain, when you exit ads pop up
  • BuxGrip.com added to list, looks cheap
  • BuxHour.com added to list, not impressed 17 July 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • Buxic.info 17 Apr 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top 14 Aug 2017 disappeared
  • BuxIce.com appears as scam on ptc-top
  • BuxKey.net…15 Jan 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top…06 Mar 2017 not accessible
  • BuxLeader.tk…30 Jan 2017 forum complaints on pending withdrawals, the BuxLeader.com appears as scam on ptc-top & scamdetector and had been suspended, I don’t know if there is a connection
  • BuxLife.com 03 Dec 2017 added to list, looks cheap
  • BuxLive.ml 28 Sep 2017 added to list, looks cheap
  • BuxMagic.com 20 Dec 2017 added to list, reminds me older scams
  • BuxMash.com 13 June 2017 looks cheap
  • Buxnificent.com…01 Jan 2017 suspended domain…02Jan 2017 returned, ads loading problems…06 Jan 2017 problems continue…08 Jan 2017 working properly, 60 PTC wall ads 1st cashout requirement…15 Jan 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top 28 July 2017 I had months to login as the earnings were ridiculous, and today I discovered that they had suspended my account. But why to suspend an inactive user?…I had less than $0.1 in my balance. They could have erased the balance instead of suspending the account. Pretty funny, don’t you think?
  • Buxopolis.com 16 June 2019 suspended domain
  • Buxp.org 20 Feb 2017 news: they removed Paypal, re-enabled Payza and upcoming processors include Bitcoin, Perfect Money, Payoneer and others 31 Aug 2017 Buxp.org is closing down as the admin announced the news in the forum. According to their statement, the reasons are the declining market, the negative perception, their hosting problems, but the main reason is PayPal. Cashouts are no longer possible but current requests will be paid out. Investors will be compensated soon. Free members can use the existing balance to buy ads 03 Dec 2017 closed, for sale
  • BuxPaid.info 13 June 2017 Avast is not letting me enter the site, virus warning
  • BuxPass.com 04 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • BuxPays.com…08 Feb 2017 same admin with AdzBux.com (that appears as scam on ptc-top), the new site was announced via email, looks suspicious as you have to click at least 10 traffic ads ($0 value) to unlock cash ads, not for me…19 Mar 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • BuxProfit.tk – low value of daily ads / high threshold…20 Mar 2017 maintenance 20 Apr 2017 disappeared
  • BuxRevShare.com…02 Jan 2017 too many promo emails…21 Jan 2017 appears as scammer admin on newptcsitedaily19 Apr 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top 01 Aug 2017 suspended domain
  • BuxSence.com clone of youcan5star.com
  • BuxTen.com 25 Oct 2017 added to list, clone of ClixTen.info
  • BuxVertise.com 05 July 2017 useless to participate, all ads worth $0.0001 25 July 2017 they added back a few ads worth $0.001. Still seems useless to click. No real progress, very high threshold $7. 28 Aug 2017 they even increased the already high threshold, $10 now. Unacceptable, you need years to reach it 20 June 2018 endless maintenance
  • BuxView.com looks cheap
  • BuxVist.info…14 Mar 2017 same header image with Provertiser that disappeared, not recommended 04 May 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • BuxWheel.com 25 July 2017 added to list 05 Sep 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top 03 Dec 2017 suspended domain
  • BuxxMe.com 07 Aug 2017 added to list, forum full of spam, fake payment proofs
  • BuXXter.net 10 June 2017 added to list, not impressed, bad domain
  • BuxyShares.com 22 May 2017 added to list, looks cheap
  • BuxZoom.com 11 Sep 2017 added to list, the same headline with ZoomClix.com, they say…”The first 50,000 members will get free premium membership for 90 days upon joining”
  • ByteVerts.com 05 July 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top


  • CapBux.com 24 Dec 2016 suspended domain
  • Carp-Pays (not accessible / suspended domain)
  • CartPTC.com…28 Jan 0217 same header image with FXbux.com…13 Feb 2017 $1 repurchase balance bonus, can add funds to balance only from payment processors, upgrades/advertising can be bought with repurchase but cheapest package is $2, useless bonus, no real proofs on forum, 10X$0.002 ads, like 13clix and other scams, not recommended 04 May 2017 appears as uploading fake payment proofs on newptcsitedaily
  • CasClick.com…17 Apr 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • Cash-Click.net 18 Apr 2017 the header cartoon was used on other scam PTC
  • CashCamel.info 23 July 2017 added to list. I found it through an email that came from LoveAngelPTC admin, a site that I recently blacklisted. Therefore, cashcamel.info it is not a recommended site. Plus the fact that cashcamel.net closed recently. Very similar domain.
  • CashCamel.net 13 June 2017 being offline for over 10 days now
  • CashCycles.com not recommended, same header image with suspended scam PTC provertiser.com
  • CashnPaid (suspended domain)
  • CashPig.gy 11 Mar 2018 expired domain
  • CashVerts.com 21 Aug 2017 suspended domain
  • CatHouseMails.com…15 Feb 2017 no forum
  • cBux.in 03 Dec 2017 added to list, looks cheap
  • cdrBux.com 04 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • CelestialPTC.com…08 Feb 2017 no forum
  • CFads.biz 07 July 2017 added to list, bad domain, looks like a scam
  • CheckBux.com 25 June 2017 added to list, looks like a scam
  • CherokeeClicks.info…14 Feb 2017 no forum
  • ChicBux.com…08 Feb 2017 $1 main balance bonus, 1st cashout $5…15 Feb 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top…20 Feb 2017 too many promo emails 20 Mar 2017 suspended domain
  • ChinaClix (not paying / claims that paid)
  • ChoiceClix.com 20 Nov 2017 added to list, looks cheap
  • CityLineBux.com 16 Nov 2017 added to list, they say…” $30 signup bonus”, not recommended
  • CJbux.com – Can’t see much action, like a dead place (abandoned?)…not to mention the total daily value for clicking on ads…disappointment…Useless to participate…20 Mar 2017 disappeared 20 Apr 2017 still
  • CleanBux.com 01 Oct 2017 added to list, they say…” the first 10,000 members will get a Pioneer Membership for free”, suspicious, on hold 20 Dec 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top 21 Jan 2018 appears as problematic on scamdetector as well
  • CleoBux.com 11 Oct 2017 added to list 30 Jan 2018 appears as non paying on ptc-top 11 Mar 2018 virus warning
  • CleverBux.com…08 Feb 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top & problematic on scamdetector
  • Click2fast.com 27 Oct 2017 added to list, the header images have been used in other scams
  • click4hash.com suspended domain
  • Clickers.pro 21 Aug 2017 suspended domain
  • ClickersBux (scam rules)
  • Clickiey.com…05 Jan 2017 standard 5 ads X $0.01 daily very fast loading, suspicious…appears as scam on ptc-top 14 Aug 2017 suspended domain
  • Clickite (suspended domain)
  • ClickMoney.site 23 Oct 2017 added to list, another clone of NavMoney.club
  • ClickMoneyMaker (endless maintenance??)
  • ClicksBux.com 17 Dec 2016 Raised minimum threshold from $1.00 to $1.50..not a good sign…13 Jan 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top 01 Apr 2017 not accessible 20 Apr 2017 still
  • ClicksCompetition.com 09 Dec 2016 suspended domain just today, 2-3 months old site, it is really a shame…Filthy people
  • ClicksBux.com 01 Apr 2017 not accessible
  • ClickSmart.club…15 Jan 2017 suspended domain…17 Jan 2017 returned, it will remain here till they prove they are legit…No forum 28 Aug 2017 the ads not working, abandoned site
  • ClickyClix.com 06 June 2017 license expired 01 July 2017 they are back, but it is not recommended to click
  • ClickZombiesPTC.com…15 Feb 2017 no forum
  • ClicToWin.net…02 Mar 2017 forum has only 3 payment proofs, latest one 1 month ago, not recommended 31 Mar 2017 The forum is full of spam 14 June 2017 disappeared
  • CliqueBook.net…15 Mar 2017 they added ad packs.  The Price of 1 Ad pack is 5$ and the daily return is 1.2% for all memberships. It matures at 6$ for 100 days. (sounds normal, let’s see, more and more PTCs are adding ad packs) 13 July 2017 waiting for 1st payment 19 July 2017 received the 1st payment but I am not going to promote the site. The owner is the same with cliquesteria.net in which I got my account suspended just after the 2nd withdrawal request. At that time, I had many referrals and the earnings were keep coming strong. Another thing is that cliquebook now sells ad packs, and that is a sign of an upcoming collapse. It might take years or months to happen, but I don’t care anymore. I am not referring people to a site that might turn to scam soon. Here is an interesting review found on another site. If you are a member and you are close to the 1st cashout continue to collect your earnings. Probably they will pay you for the 1st time. But then, stop using their services. And do not ever invest!
  • CliqueBux.com…27 Jan 2017 permanent maintenance?…appears as scam on ptc-top…05 Feb 2017 permanent maintenance
  • CliqueClicks.info 26 May 2017 very bad domain, header image used on other sites
  • CliqueSteria.net…11 Feb 2017 waiting for 1st payment…11 Feb 2017 (received the 1st payment), 1st cashout threshold $5, 2nd $6, daily value over $0.06 (normal ads), many offerwalls, I absolutely enjoy this great site 04 July 2017 turns to scam status not paying the 2nd payment, they suspended my account just after the 2nd withdrawal request
  • Clix.pro 04 Mar 2018 not accessible
  • clix.zone 05 July 2017 added to list, buxinside.com clone, bad domain
  • Clix-Club.com 11 Sep 2017 added to list, cashout threshold $20, ad clicks earn mainly points 15 Apr 2018 closed
  • Clix-Pay.com 06 Feb 2018 maintenance 04 Mar 2018 still of
  • Clix2Reach.com…06 Jan 2017 login problems, hacked site??…20 Jan 2017 returned live normally…27 Feb 2017 waiting for 1st payment, ToS page refer to the 1st of each month, let’s see…02 Mar 2017 not paying / claims that paid me 17 Mar 2017 (the 1st payment finally arrived) after 20 days although they mentioned that paid me on 02 Mar the site is not accessible since 22 May 2017
  • Clix4paid.com…06 Mar 2017 when you enter a message informs…”Your payment pending?…submit your payment proof or get your account suspended”…what a warm welcome, oh…and there is no forum
  • ClixAdverts.com…17 Jan 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top…20 Mar 2017 not accessible 20 Apr 2017 still
  • ClixBitero.com…15 Jan 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top & on netbusinessrating 24 July 2017 not accessible 02 Aug 2017 gone
  • ClixBux (suspended domain)
  • ClixBX.com 26 Sep 2017 added to list, looks cheap, 03 Dec 2017 new design?
  • ClixClan.com 04 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • ClixCoin.net 03 Sep 2017 added to list, looks cheap, clone of others
  • ClixDollars.com 05 Feb 2018 looks like a scam
  • ClixDuck.club 07 July 2017 bad domain, looks cheap
  • ClixEuroBux (suspended domain)
  • ClixGolden.com – 21 Nov 2016 – can not login, can not resend password, they say my name does not exist..oh really?…20 Mar 2017 not accessible
  • Clixhunter.com 25 Nov 2017 waiting for the 1st payment 27 Nov 2017 received the 1st payment, 1st cashout threshold $2, 2nd threshold $3 01 Feb 2018 they suspended my account for no reason, another site in the hall of shame
  • ClixKarma.com 07 July 2017 added to list, they say that the first 25,000 members will get $1 bonus. Not recommended site
  • ClixMidea.info…06 Jan 0217 appears as scam on ptc-top…23 Feb 2017 suspended domain
  • ClixMoon (suspended domain)
  • Clixoon.com…27 Feb 2017 no forum, 22 May 2017 appears as non-paying on ptc-top
  • ClixoTraffic.com 01 Oct 2017 added to list, they say…” $10 signup bonus, Free Ultimate Membership for the first 10,000 members”….not recommended
  • ClixPal.com…31 Jan 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top & newptcsitedaily 14 AUg 2017 suspended domain
  • ClixPenny.com…19 Jan 2017 disappeared…27 Jan 2017 still gone…30 Jan 2017 returned live, on hold…31 Jan 2017 no forum 20 Mar 2017 not accessible 01 Apr 2017 still off
  • ClixPremium.com 27 Feb 2018 added to list, clone of ClixTrust that turned to scam a while ago
  • ClixSeconds.com 07 Aug 2017 added to list, the banners remind me older scams
  • ClixServ.com 14 Apr 2017 looks cheap
  • ClixShare.com…27 Feb 2017 payment proof posts are full of spam 22 May 2017 domain expired
  • ClixSion.com 11 Oct 2017 added to list 20 Feb 2018 appears as non paying on ptc-top 11 Mar 2018 suspended domain
  • ClixSky.com not impressed 16 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • ClixSkyLTD.com 12 Nov 2017 bad domain, they say…” the first 20,000 members will get a Free star membership for free”, not recommended
  • ClixSolution.com 03 Sep 2017 added to list, the forum contains spam already
  • ClixStore.com 11 May 2018 added to list, 02 Oct 2018 suspended domain
  • ClixTeam.net 25 Oct 2017 added to list, looks like a scam
  • ClixTen.info…29 Jan 2017 waiting for 1st payment…29 Jan 2017 (received the 1st payment) in 2-3 hours, they are paying since 2012, 1st cashout threshold $2, 2nd cashout $3, turned to scam on 04 June 2016 full review
  • Clixtify.us 16 Aug 2017 added to list, header image reminds me older scams
  • ClixTrust.net 28 Aug 2017 Standard members can request payments only through Payza (verified accounts). Members that use Skrill, Neteller, Payeer, Bitcoin….they need to invest in order to withdraw. Additionally, in order to cashout you need to post at least 5 comments in the forum. Suspicious rules, I’m very close to the threshold, they reduced the 4 main ads value (1/2) that I was clicking now and then, let’s see.

    In order to cashout all members have to invest. Our system is profitable and we process many requests daily. You must deposit at least $10 to be paid here. Sorry for the incovenience.

    but how convenient for you admin. And by the way, why such a profitable system needs investments?…12 Sep 2017 Although I reached the threshold 2 days ago, I could not request a withdrawal. There was no withdrawal button on the page. I sent a support ticket and their response was a topic in the forum created yesterday by the admin….

  • ClixTrust.org…same header image with MixPTC.com…ClixTrust is older and its admin is Masun Rana, though the MixPTC owner is not shown…06 Jan 2017 appears as problematic on ptc-top…25 Jan 2017 not accessible…14 Mar 2017 admin announced via email a new feature. Ad Packs that cost $10 and give 2.2% daily ROIs … that ROI is extremely high, not a recommended option 01 Apr 2017 not accessible 05 May 2017 now is found on clixtrust.net
  • ClixUnion.com…01 Apr 2017 waiting for 1st payment…02 Apr 2017 received the 1st payment, cashout threshold $5. Same admin with GuruClix.com 24 Nov 2017 waiting for the 2nd payment 06 Dec 2017 still waiting to get paid, a belated payment, suspicious, on hold 05 Jan 2018 they don’t pay, scam
  • ClixUniverse.com 12 May 2019 suspended domain
  • ClixViews.com clone of oliveadverts (which appears as scam), 22 May 2017 appears as non-paying on ptc-top
  • ClixWind.com low daily ad value / high threshold
  • ClownAds.com 12 July 2017 added to list, looks cheap
  • CNNclix.com 03 Dec 2017 added to list, stolen logo
  • CocoAds.info 01 Aug 2017 added to list, bad domain, no forum
  • CoffeeAssets.com 22 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • CoinAdvertise.com 26 July 2017 added to list 13 Aug 2017 appears as scam on newptcsitedaily
  • CoinBux.de 04 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • Coince (suspended domain)
  • CoinDiz.com added to list, cheap logo
  • CoinFaze.com 04 Feb 2018 added to list 27 Feb 2018 appears as scam on ptc-top 11 Mar 2018 suspended domain
  • CoinnAds.com 20 Aug 2017 added to list, bad domain, they sell adpacks as well, not recommended
  • CommancheClicks.info…14 Feb 2017 no forum
  • ComMoney.site 08 Oct 2017 added to list, another clone of NavMoney.club
  • CondoClix.com…11 Feb 2017 every time you click somewhere on the site a pop up opens, very annoying, the forum has only one payment proof 7 days ago, on the user’s screenshot says paid by ConsClix under the URL consclix.com, when you follow that URL a suspended site appears, suspicious, same header image with adzseven.com 16 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top 22 May 2017 suspended domain
  • ConectaClix.com 04 May 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • CoolClix.info…20 Mar 2017 not accessible
  • CornBux.com…11 Feb 2017 yet another cliquesteria clone…11 Mar 2017 suspended domain
  • CowabungaClicks.info (the owner exceeded bandwidth limit) 06 Dec 2016 Accessible again 17 Dec 2016 Waiting for payment 20 Dec 2016 not paying / claims that paid / scam
  • CoyAd.com 08 Oct 2017 added to list, looks cheap
  • Cpa-Coin.com leptc.me clone, 22 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • CraftBux.com 08 Oct 2017 added to list, the header image has been used in other scams, they say…” the first 15,000 members will instantly get a Free Rhodium Membership (costs $50) for one year, not recommended
  • CresBux.com…13 Jan 2017 suspended domain
  • CrisClix.com…08 Feb 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • Croc-Cash.com…15 Feb 2017 no forum
  • Crypto-Flash.com 16 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • CuteAds.xyz…01 Apr 2017 looks very cheap, no forum 11 July 2017 not accessible
  • cvBux.com 04 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • CyclerCashAds.info…27 Feb 2017 the domain sounds bad, the forum is full of complaints, homepage looks cheap/full of ads…20 Mar 2017 not accessible


  • DacBux.in 08 June 2017 added to list, looks cheap
  • daclix.com 16 May 2017 added to list 22 Aug 2017 disappeared
  • DailyClix.xyz 26 Mar 2017 same admin with myclix.xyz, getclicks.xyz, surfaholics.xyz…prepare for spam
  • DarkBux.com…11 Jan 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top…07 Feb 2017 only 5 payments since November, admin does not even answer to these posts, abandoned 15 Aug 2017 suspended domain
  • DarkClickerz.info the design reminds another old scam PTC, bad first impression
  • DashClix.com added to list, BTCclicks.com clone, ads seem to add only in the purchase balance
  • DatePTC.com…16 Feb 2017 clone of GuruClix.com 04 May 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • dcBux.com 01 Apr 2017 same header image with other PTCs, not recommended 04 May 2017 appears as scam on newptcsitedaily
  • DecentBux (discontinued .. not so Decent after all)
  • DecMoney.xyz 21 Sep 2017 added to list, another clone of NavMoney.club
  • DeepClix (suspended domain)
  • DefEarn.com…15 Feb 2017 same header image with ProfessionaAdz.com which appears as scam on ptc-top, 1st cashout threshold $0.1 (really?), ads not working
  • DenovoBux.com looks cheap
  • DesireBux.com 20 Nov 2017 added to list, clone of leptc.me
  • DevClix.com 17 Sep 2017 added to list, awful logo, looks cheap, the domain does not match the brand, the forum is full of spam already
  • DiamondAdz.com 06 Feb 2018 not accessible 04 Mar 2018 still of
  • DimondClix.com (paid once) 1st cashout $2.50, 2nd cashout $2.50, 10 Jan 2017 problems with payments, 1 week ago the admin created a forum topic debate on how to get out of this situation, on hold…05 Feb 2017 they won’t respond to my support ticket asking if deposits through the repurchase balance count as “Unique Deposits” as they say, they decided that only paid members can cashout but they do let free members click on ads and when they reach the threshold it is when they realise they can’t withdraw, unacceptable policy for me, I am out 07 July 2017 I logged in after many months to find out that my balance was there. The site had set a rule that only upgraded members can withdraw. That was a long time ago, but today the withdraw option was available. I am waiting for the 2nd payment but I don’t expect to get paid of course
  • DimondTrust.com 07 July 2017 added to list, I hope there is no connection with dimondclix.com, minimum threshold is set to $5, not a wise move from a brand new site
  • Dixned.com 24 Apr 2019 closed
  • DollarClix.com 23 Apr 2019 closed
  • DollarHunter.net 17 Dec 2017 mentioned by the visitor shahiD
  • DoneClix.com 04 May 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • doPTC.com brand new site mentions 6300+ members already, not recommended
  • DragonHits.info…15 Feb 2017 no forum
  • Dream-Clix (disappeared)
  • dzc919.com added to list, bad domain, uses images of Neobux.com


  • Earn-Clicks.com 21 Mar 2017 not accessible 17 Apr 2017 suspended domain
  • Earn24clix.co.za 05 Feb 2018 maintenance 04 Mar 2018 not accessible
  • Earn4clix.com 04 Feb 2018 suspended domain
  • EarnAndEarn.net…31 Jan 2017 very few payment proofs, although there is one 8 months ago. Abandoned?…17 Apr 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top 06 Apr 2017 After a few days maintenance earnandearn.net displays a message to visit earnandearn.com however my login details were invalid. Tried to reset the password and it worked. I can see my balance but there are changes made to the site (investment ad packs coming soon). The ads are not working and the site appears an non paying on ptc-top since yesterday. I will update shortly with new information. 01 June 2017they are selling ad packs, can’t predict bright future 16 Aug 2017 not accessible 30 Aug 2017 disappeared
  • EarnAsClock.com 01 June 2017 added to list, looks very cheap
  • EarnBitcoinClick.com 21 Sep 2017 added to list, there are over 100 same sites, only the names change
  • EarnBox.ga 01 Aug 2017 added to list, bad domain, looks like a scam
  • EarnBux.me…11 Jan 2017 $3 main balance bonus, 100 clicks to cashout (admin of BrainBux and OrbisBux?), no forum, very suspicious, appears as scam on ptc-top & smadetector…26 Feb 2017 full of spam ads inside, scam
  • EarnClix.us…18 Jan 2017 no forum, ToS redirects to payment proofs (not users posts) no value page, not recommended…10 Feb 2017 had to loginlong time and to my surprise I found 18 ads X $0.2 waiting (instead of the normal $0.001 or $0.01 tops), hehe, and they raised threshold to $20…18 Feb 2017 reached $20 in just 2 days, waiting for 1st payment, it would be the surprise of the century if they pay…23 Feb 2017 scam / not paying
  • EarnDayNight.com appears as scam on ptc-top
  • EarnDoing.com same header image with tiktigo.com, 21 Aug 2017 the image changed 04 Jan 2018 they reduced the value of the daily PTC ads to 1/3 and it takes 3X clicks, not recommended
  • EarnHoop.com 26 May 2017 added to list 27 June 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • EarningService.com 08 June 2017 added to list, not impressed
  • EarthClix (suspended domain)
  • eBizClix.com 26 Sep 2017 added to list, the header image has been used massively in the past
  • EcoBux.net 11 Jan 2018 added to list 17 Mar 2018 suspended domain
  • EdigiMart.in looks cheap
  • EffectiveClix.com…23 Jan 2017 one pending payment complaint on forum, admin did not answer yet…06 Mar 2017 same header image with blackclix.com 09 June 2017 disappeared
  • Egobux (non paying / suspended domain)
  • EgoMoney.win 16 May 2018 another clone of NavMoney.club
  • ElineBux.com…11 Feb 2017 waiting for 1st payment…21 Feb 2017 not paying
  • EllexShare.com 16 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • EmpireClix.com added to list, replica of other cheap scams
  • EnClix.com 16 June 2017 appears as scam on ptc-to
  • EntireBux.net  – 29 Nov 2016 (not paying / claims that paid me)
  • EpicBux.com they don’t pay. Only upgraded members can withdraw, which is just b..lsh.t. They changed rules, and they do not inform members when they click the cashout button. When someone clicks this button to check the threshold and the rules, this is where a message should appear and inform everyone that they should invest first. Of course, they will leave it this way, as people are not aware of the situation. They will continue on clicking, and then they won’t be able to withdraw.
  • EpicClix.com rules changed, in order to withdraw you have to deposit first and then you can ask for up to 200% withdraw of your total deposits. As a Paypal resolution, sounds suspicious, I have been paid through Paypal from many sites without making any deposit…not a solid reason for me to accept, I am out..bye bye EpicClix
  • EstClix.com (paid once) 1st cashout $1, 2nd cashout $2…19 Jan 2017 no real payment proofs lately on forum (last 10)…10 Feb 2017 no real payment proofs (last 20 results)…12 Mar 2017 very suspicious forum payment proofs. Too many of them over $65. No one is replying to the posts, not even the admin (ghost), only 10-15 views each post. This is how users reach $65 with ease?..if people were making $65 each then the payment proof posts would be filled with comments and congratulations…not recommended.
  • EtherClicks.com 15 Aug 2017 added to list, header image has been used on older scams
  • euPTC.com 07 July 2017 added to list, 10 ads of $00.15, reminds me older scams
  • Euro-Bux.info added to list, looks cheap
  • EuroEverPTC.xyz added to list, bad domain, looks very cheap
  • EuroPayClix.com 17 Apr 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • EveAds.net 09 July 2017 added to list 23 July 2017 appears as they pay selectively according to newptcsitedaily
  • EverGreenAdz.com 01 June 2017 appears as scam on newptcsitedaily
  • EvoBux.org 23 Oct 2017 added to list, the header image has been used in other scams
  • EvoPTC.com 217 May 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • ewsBux.com 21 Aug 2017 disappeared
  • ExpectBux.cf 07 Aug 2017 added to list, bad domain, looks cheap
  • ExpressClix (suspended domain)
  • ExpressPaid (discontinued)
  • Exsite.me.uk – 29 Nov 2016 (2 days not accessible) 05 Dec 2016 still not accessible 15 Dec 2016 disappeared
  • EZmoney.press 18 Sep 2017 added to list, another clone in the pattern of Gmoney.host, gMoney.site, NavMoney.clubZummMoney.club, NavMoney.club


  • f-com.us..shown as FutureClix…14 Mar 2017 same header images with other sites that turned to be scams, brand new, no payment proofs yet, partner site of LePTC 04 May 2017  appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • FaceBox.site very slow ad timer / high threshold 09 June 2017 disappeared
  • FaceBux.org…01 Feb 2017 suspended domain
  • FamilyBTC.com 23 Apr 2019 same admin with FamilyClix.com. Scam
  • FamilyClix.com 23 Apr 2019 received 4 payments. My 5th payment is pending since Aug 2018. Turned to scam.
  • FantasyClix.us 07 July 2017 added to list, bad domain, header image used on older scams
  • FastBoost.info 07 July 2017 added to list, bad domain, the domain does not match the logo and the name of the company
  • FastCashPTC (not paying)
  • FastPTC (suspended domain)
  • FearBux.com 30 Oct 2017 added to list, the header image has been used in older scams
  • Feclix.com 18 Jan 2017 two complaints about pending payments on forum, there are real payment proofs though as well from other members 03 Apr 2017 there are complaints on netbusinessrating about non payments, paying selectively or very delayed payments 04 Aug 2017 can’t login, suspicious 05 Aug 2017 logged in normally 11 Mar 2018 appears as non-paying on ptc-top, I will continue clicking, I’m very close to the threshold 15 Apr 2018 waiting for the 1st payment 04 July 2018 non paying
  • FinalBux.com 17 Apr 2017 appears as scam on newptcsitedaily
  • FinalPTC.com 07 July 2017 added to list, 10 ads x $0.0015, reminds me older scams, header image used on scams
  • FinaxBux.com…09 Jan 2017 appears as problematic on ptc-top .and on scamdetector…26 Feb 2017  suspended domain
  • FindBux.com…30 Jan 2017 same header image with OliveAdverts.com…23 Mar 2017 suspended domain
  • FingersClix.com clone of indexclix 23 Jan 2018 cashout threshold raised from $2 to $5
  • FluteFlowPTC.eu…06 Mar 2017 2nd day maintenance…08 Mar 2017 still…and admin announced via email…”Own a PTC using aurora script. We have sdr scripts for sale and we also offer ptc hosting. Get your own web ptc script from Ptc Websites for Sale today.”…why to do that now that the site is under maintenance?…very suspicious…15 Mar 2017 returned live…20 Mar 2017 not working properly since the re-open 27 Mar 2017 scam status,site probably sold, all accounts balances frozen, no new ads are loading
  • FogiBux.com 02 Oct 2017 added to list, clone of TrustClix.com
  • ForceClix (suspended domain)
  • ForClix.com 07 July 2017 added to list, looks like a scam
  • ForeverClix.com…08 Jan 2017 very slow ad timer on focus…you need 300 days to reach the $1.5 1st cashout threshold…1 year for $1.5…23 Mar 2017 not accessible 17 Apr 2017 still, disappeared
  • FosClix.com 18 Apr 2017 created on the go, not recommended 04 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • FourDollarClick.com 27 Aug 2017 added to list, only upgraded members can withdraw, not recommended
  • FoxClix (suspended domain)
  • FrenchPTC.com…suspicious, $5 repurchase balance bonus, can not add funds to repurchase balance from main balance, no minimum threshold, 0/8 no real proof on forum 21 Mar 2017 not accessible 01 Apr 2017 still 18 Apr 2017 disappeared
  • FreshWapps.com…same header image with NeedBux.com…09 Jan 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • FriendClix.com 20 Nov 2017 added to list, domain name does not match the brand name, looks cheap, not recommended
  • ftBux.com 14 July 2017 appears as non paying on newptcsitedaily
  • FXbux.com…29 Jan 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top02 Apr 2017 suspended domain


  • GalaxyClix.com 08 June 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • GamePTC (although I got paid once they disappeared)
  • GardenGPT.com 08 Sep 2017  added to list 12 Nov 2017 the site expired 03 Dec 2017 back live 17 Apr 2018 the site expired, it’s the 2nd time
  • GelatoClix.pw 21 June 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • Gen1Pro.com 22 May 2017 not accessible
  • GenesisAds.net 03 Dec 2017 added to list, they sell ad packs already, not recommended
  • GentleAdz (suspended domain)
  • GeoBux.com 04 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • GermanPTC.com 14 Dec 2016 waiting for payment 18 Dec 2016 They returned money to my main balance, sent a support ticket, they responded that the minimum threshold is $1.00 although the ToS doc clearly is set to $0. They should have a warning in the withdraw page instead…Suspicious, reminds me of 13clix…on hold..for the $1.00, I am not far away…03 Jan 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top & on scamdetector, I will continue for the $1 threshold normally…30 Jan 2017 waiting for 1st payment…01 Feb 2017 not paying / scam / claims that paid me
  • GetClicks.xyz – 28 Nov 2016 (same admin with SurfAholics.xyz – waiting for external money resources to pay members…can’t predict bright future) 04 Dec 2016 Admin informed by email that all valid payments are up to date. Let’s hope they will be processed…too many promo emails…18 Jan 2017 new email promo, this admin is really annoying
  • GetMoney.fun 26 Sep 2017 added to list, another clone in the style of NavMoney.club
  • GFmoney.club 10 Sep 2017 added to list, exactly as RPmoney.club
  • Giclix.com 31 Dec 2017 added to list 11 Mar 2018 appears as scam on ptc-top, disappeared
  • GizMoney.club 05 Sep 2017 added to list, exactly as ADVmoney.site and VobMoney.club, not recommended, 3 absolutely same sites in 2-3 days. Remarkable.
  • GlobalBux.org 15 Aug 2017 added to list, the king of innovation they say 06 Feb 2017 tried to login but failed, reset password and they said my account does not exist, I resubscribed with the very same password/email, got in. On the forum there is a complaint from the user “Thorondor”who says he had more than $1.5 in balance and his account was reset, he says GlobalBux is a scam. Absolutely not recommended site…21 Feb 2017suspended domain 18 Mar 2018 expired domain
  • GlobalClixSense.com 29 Aug 2017 added to list, header image used in numerous scams
  • GMCbux.com (paid once) 1st cashout $1, 2nd cashout $2…19 Jan 2017 no real proofs lately, I am very close to the 2nd payment request, hold on…23 Jan 2017 2 days not accessible…29 Jan 2017 still…05 Feb 2017 disappeared for good
  • gMoney.host 17 Sep 2017 added to list, another clone like gMoney.site, NavMoney.club
  • gMoney.site 12 Sep 2017 added to list, another clone in the style of NavMoney.club
  • GoBux.net…17 Mar 2017 same header image with old scams Likesclick and Adflares, probably scam as well 17 Apr 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • GodPTC (not paying)
  • Golden-Clix.com…same header image with other sites, not recommended
  • GoldenClix.com in order to withdraw you have to deposit first…sure guys..09 Jan 2017 on scamdetector appears to suspend accounts and proceed with selective payments
  • GoodAdz.cf 29 Aug 2017 added to list, bad domain, looks cheap
  • GoPTC.biz (suspended domain)
  • GPTbazaar.com 06 Sep 2017 not accessible the last 2 days, hacked or abandoned? 10 Sep 2017 back live 22 Sep 2017 there was only 1 ad worth clicking $0.004, now they removed that as well. If they continue in this direction for one week more I blacklist it 03 Oct 2017 they did not add any ad worth clicking on, useless to participate
  • gptFamily.com 27 May 2017 appears to be paying selectively according to ptc-top
  • GPThits.com…31 Jan 2017 waiting for 1st payment…21 Feb 2017 not paying…08 Mar 2017 (received the 1st payment after 35+ days) in my Bitcoin wallet. I had already labeled the site as non paying but they managed to pay after all. Have in mind that the site seems abandoned and many of the pages redirect to external sites and ads. Not working properly, I wonder how they paid me.!!..All in all, it is very inconvenient to wait 40 days just to get paid, but the cashout threshold for bitcoins is only $0.10, Payza and Paypal threshold is $1 17 May 2017 waiting for 2nd payment 21 Aug 2017still the 2nd payment is pending
  • GPTlinx.com 27 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • GPTstar.com 29 Nov 2016 – problem with new ads that are not loading / look like all clicked already…over a week … 30 Nov 2016 ads loading normally 12 Dec 2016 waiting for payment..19 Dec 2016 Received 1st payment (paid once) 1st cashout $2, 2nd cahsout $5…27 Jan 2017 for the last 2 weeks the daily ads number dropped…12 Feb 2017 the last payment proof on the forum is mine, 2 months ago…28 Feb 2017 not working properly, very slow service, seems abandoned 14 Apr 2017 not accessible 22 May 2017 not accessible
  • GPTuniverse.com…28 Feb 2017 2nd day that new ads are not loading…12 Mar 2017 not accessible…14 Mar 2017 still off…19 Mar 2017 suspended domain
  • GPTvenue.com…10 Feb 2017 no forum 18 Sep 2017 not accessible 24 Sep 2017 still not accessible 02 Oct 2017 disappeared
  • GrandAdVerts.com…27 Feb 2017 by the homepage it looks like it was created on the go 04 May 2017 appears as scam on newptcsitedailly
  • GrandClick.com 23 APr 2019 My payment is pending since Aug 2018. Scam
  • GrandClique.com 28 Aug 2017 added to list 11 Sep 2017 not accessible 17 Sep 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top 24 Sep 2017 still not accessible
  • GrandVertiser.com 25 June 2017 added to list, cheap replica of GrandBux
  • GreatAdz.com 07 July 2017 added to list 16 July 2017 appears as scammer admin on newptcsitedaily
  • GreatPTC.com (paid once but it changed rules – policies / I am out)
  • GreenClix.pw 27 Apr 2017 bad domain, looks cheapGrowClix.com
  • GreenTrafficAdz (suspended domain)
  • GrowClix.com 08 June 2017 added to list 21 June 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • GTptc.com…14 Mar 2017 they changed design 21 Aug 2017 they reduced daily ads value, almost 1/10. not recommended
  • GumBux.com added to list, looks cheap
  • GuruClix.com…09 Jan 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top, as legit on NBR, 06 Sep 2017 waiting for the 1st payment 07 Sep 2017 received the 1st payment, cashout threshold $5, same admin with ClixUnion.com 06 Dec 2017 same admin with ClixUnion.com, dangerous to join right now, on hold 05 Jan 2018 blacklisted as I’m still waiting to get paid from ClixUnion.com


  • HashPTC.com 27 Oct 2017 added to list, looks cheap
  • HeavyBux.com 11 May 2018 added to list 13 Oct 2018 suspended domain
  • HeroBux.com…10 Jan 2017 raised minimum threshold at $6, a quick calculation uncovers that you need 600 days by clicking the 4 x $0.0025 ads that are worthy, yeah sure…I am out, new sites should not set so high thresholds. They lose people this way, suspended domain
  • HeroesBux.com added to list, funny homepage, they’re selling adpacks, dangerous
  • HighPaid.net 08 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • HitClickFlow.com…06 Jan 2017 waiting for payment…07 Jan 2017 (received 1st payment – in less than 15 hours) First cashout $4, 2nd cashout $6…05 Mar 2017 closed
  • HitsForYou.info…15 Feb 2017 no forum
  • Hitsir.com 10 June 2017 added to list, bad domain name 13 July 2017 domain expired
  • HitzBux.com 22 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • HonestClique.com 23 July 2017 added to list. Following the latest modern design trends found on various new elegant PTC sites. Let’s see, how many of those sites came to stay. When you enter the dashboard from the first time a message appears written by someone calling himself Mette Budtz. 23 Aug 2017 not working properly 22 Sep 2017 appears as scam on newptcsitedailyI will continue normally, I’m close to the 1st threshold 25 Sep 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top as well 23 Jan 2018 not accessible
  • HoneyDollarz.com 20 May 2019 expired domain
  • HotBux.ga 27 July 2017 added to list, looks like a scam, bad domain
  • HPclix.com…11 Jan 2017 $5 repurchase balance bonus, can not add funds to purchase from main balance, you can upgrade / advertise using purchase but the minimum is $10, no minimum threshold, Hewlett Packard logo, suspicious, same header image with AdzClicks.com 21 Mar 2017 not accessible 20 Apr 2017 still
  • HQBux (suspended domain)
  • HQclix.net…07 Feb 2017 ptc-top mentions selective payments
  • HumClix.com (21 Nov 2016 – received 1st instant payment) 1st cashout $2, 2nd cashout $3. The normal daily 4x$0.005 (total $0.02) ads removed but if you click 50x$0.0001 ads you get a $0.08 bonus plus a point on every ad. Additionally 5 PTC Wall and 5 Clix Wall ads give a bonus each…22 Jan 2017 they raised minimum cashout threshold at $50. I have sent a support ticket in case it is a typo / mistake, expressing my opinion that such a high threshold will force many members to abandon the site…12 Feb 2017 last payment proof 1 month ago…23 Feb 2017 still my support ticket unanswered, no new payment proofs, not recommended…appears as scam on ptc-top


  • InAdBus (suspended domain)
  • InBux.ga cartoon icon on the header image used on other sites
  • InBux.org…23 Feb 2017 adzseven.com clone…23 Mar 2017 suspended domain
  • IncClix (not paying / claims that paid)
  • IncomeClix.biz bad 1st impression
  • IndexClix.com…27 Feb 2017 new, forum is still empty 04 Jan 2018 they increased cashout threshold from $2 to $5, not recommended
  • IndianBux (suspended domain)
  • IndianMotorbikes.pw…14 Feb 2017 same admin with PonyPtc.pw, spammer
  • InfiniteAdz.com looks like it was created on the fly
  • InfinityClick.xyz 29 Aug 2017 added to list, looks like a replica of older scams, bad domain
  • InPTC.net…23 Jan 2017 very fast on focus timer for the $0.01 ads (4-5 sec) suspicious, appears as scam on ptc-top & newptcsitedaily 14 Aug 2017 disappeared
  • InstantClix.com 05 July 2017 added to list, looks like a scam
  • InstantPaidClix (suspended domain)
  • IntensityPTC.com…02 Jan 2017 suspended domain
  • INTLbux.com…cliquesteria clone?…15 Jan 2017 suspended domain
  • InvestePTC.com looks cheap
  • Investlyiq.com 03 Dec 2017 added to list, so far all the sites with that script and design proved to be scams
  • IonClix.com clone of freshwapps.com
  • IQclix.com 07 July 2017 added to list, looks cheap
  • IronBux.com disappeared
  • IronManAdverts.info…15 Feb 2017 spammer admin, too many promo emails
  • IroquoisPTC.info…14 Feb 2017 no forum
  • IsoBux.com 17 Apr 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • IsranetMarketing.com bad domain name, header image used on other scams, not recommended
  • ItemBux.com…07 Feb 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top…06 Mar 2017 suspended domain
  • ItMoney.site 11 Oct 2017 added to list, another clone of NavMoney.club
  • iTmoney.win 04 Mar 2018 added to list, another clone of NavMoney.club


  • JewelClix.com 18 May 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • Jezoro.com 16 May 2017 added to list 01 June 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • JiBux.com 28 July 2017 added to list, looks like a scam
  • JioBux.com looks cheap
  • JoinPTC.com 25 June 2017 added to list, there are already many payment proofs posted in the forum, suspicious
  • JokerPTC.com…17 Jan 2017 ads not loading…19 Jan 2017 ads still not loading, no forum, very low ad daily value, not recommended…23 Jan 2017ads loading normally…13 Feb 2017 no forum 16 Aug 2017 disappeared
  • JuniorMusic.net.br 12 July 2017 added to list, what a domain name for a PTC site
  • Jurassic-PTC.info…25 Feb 2017 no forum
  • Just2Adey.com…04 Feb 2017 same admin with JustAdey.com…08 Mar 2017 they changed the minimum threshold here as well, from $2 to $5, highly suspicious move….not recommeded because JustAdey.com is not recommended as well.
  • JustAdey.com…30 Dec 2016 waiting for payment…31 Dec 2016 (received my 1st payment, it took less than 4 hours) 1st min cashout $2, 2nd min cashout $2 after at least 10 days…24 Jan 2017 waiting for 2nd payment…25 Jan 2017 (received the 2nd payment) in less than 20 hours…3rd minimum cashout $2 after at least 15 days, 16 Feb 2017 waiting for 3rd payment, 18 Feb 2017 they returned money in my main balance, the rules have changed, they want members to post regurarly on the forum, though it is unclear what to post about, very weird rule, this seems like a fraudulent move, on hold, I replied to the admin’s thread and waiting for a response…06 Mar 2017 15+ days passed since the last cashout attempt, but still the program does not let me complete the request, sent a support ticket…07 Mar 2017 they responded, but not all questions answered, and they changed cashout threshold from $2 to $5, this is a very suspicious move….on hold, not recommended site, too many rules changed. I am off
  • JustClickPTC.info 22 Oct 2017 added to list, the header image has been used in other scams


  • KalanJJ.com what a domain name!
  • KBSclicks.com 20 Feb 2018 added to list, reminds me other scams
  • KeepRewarding.com they are asking for IDs to verify accounts. I do not agree with that policy.
  • KikBux.com header image used on numerous sites
  • KingEuroBux.com…14 Mar 2017 appears as problematic on ptc-top, suspended domain
  • KingsClix.com looks cheap
  • KiowaClicks.info…14 Feb 2017 no forum
  • KittenClicks.com…15 Feb 2017 no forum
  • KoiBux.com 04 May 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • Koolklickins.com…15 Feb 2017 no forum


  • LadderClix.com 16 June 2019 full of spam
  • LakotaPTC.info…14 Feb 2017 no forum
  • LanBux (suspended domain)
  • LaserBux.com 12 July 2017 added to list 13 Aug 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • LazyBux (not paying)
  • LeaderClick.top…19 Jan 2017 no topic on the forum yet…08 Feb 2017 admin announced via email that the forum is opened 27 Aug 2017 only 1 payment proff on the forum, back in March
  • LegacyClix.com 23 July 2017 not accessible, disappeared
  • LegitAdz.info disappeared
  • LegitClix.pw…14 Feb 2017 same admin with PonyPtc.pw, spammer
  • LePTC.me…11 Feb 2017 1st cashout threshold 50 clicks at least $0.50, I am going to click all today…You are limited to 10 ads per day, additionally admin announced via email that posting on forum (any topic/subject) will count as a bonus for extra cash…17 Feb 2017 many upgrade promo emails from admin, is not too early for that?…20 Feb 2017 they doubled 1st cashout threshold from $0.50 to $1, too early for changes, let’s slow down to 1-4 ads daily…09 Mar 2017 suspicious email, a weird URL partner, the future of PTCs … A site to avoid…18 Mar 2017 admin announced via email that the site f-com.us is a partner site 27 May 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top, I see license revoked 11 July 2017 domain expired
  • LeveClick.com added to list, looks very cheap
  • Life.us 30 Nov 2016 (suspended domain already / not even a month active…This is our modern entrepreneurial world)
  • LightBux.com not recommended, same header image with other sites 04 May 2017 appears as scam on newptcsitedaily
  • LikesClick.com…29 Dec 2016 waiting for payment…30 Dec 2016 they blocked my account, how convenient for yet another filthy SCAM
  • LimeBux.com 12 July 2017 added to list 21 Sep 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • LineLife (suspended domain)
  • LinkAdz.tk 11 Oct 2017 added to list, bad domain, looks cheap, clone of other scams
  • LinkGo.tk 03 Nov 2017 added to list, looks cheap
  • LittleBux (suspended domain)
  • LittleTrafficAdz.com 03 Dec 2017 added to list, they say…” signup bonus $15, 170% profit”, not recommended
  • LinxAds.com 20 Feb 2018 added to list, looks cheap
  • LLbux.com is this a domain for a PTC? 27 Aug 2017 disappeared
  • LLyAds.com added to list 27 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • LoftClicks.com 04 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • LoMoney.win 23 Oct 2017 added to list, another clone of NavMoney.club
  • LordBux (deleted)
  • LoveAngelPTC.com…06 Mar 2017 2nd day maintenance…08 Mar 2017 still, same admin with FluteFlowPtc.eu…admin announced via email, the same email sent to FluteFlow users as well…”Own a PTC using aurora script. We have sdr scripts for sale and we also offer ptc hosting. Get your own web ptc script from Ptc Websites for Sale today.”, why to do that now that the site is under maintenance?, very suspicious…15 Mar 2017 returned live 20 Mar 2017 not working properly since the re-open 27 Mar 2017 scam, probably sold, all accounts balances frozen, no new ads are loading
  • LucasLinks.com…15 Feb 2017 no forum
  • LucyBux.com 08 May 2017 looks cheap
  • LucyBux.xyz…11 Jan 2017 $2 purchase balance bonus, forum with only 1 topic, total daily ad value $1.20, 25 ads x $0.05 (big joke.!!), withdraw message (You do not have enough funds in your account to complete this operation. Your minimum cashout is $No Payment), appears as problematic on scamdetector
  • LunnaShare.com 04 May 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • LunnaVerts.net 22 May 2017 added to list 27 Aug 2017 suspended domain
  • LuxAdz.com not recommended as it is an adzseven.com clone 04 May 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top 11 July 2017 disappeared
  • LuxBux.xyz looks cheap
  • LuxPaid.com…05 Jan 2017 raised minimum cashout threshold from $2 to $4. The reason announced is that many members do not post their payment proofs. However the admin could easily solve that by just forcing members to post the proof before any future cashout request. This is not a reason to raise the threshold. Very suspicious. Additionally I could not find a real payment screenshot proof. Even a couple PayPal screenshots refer to unknown emails. The email should be associated with the Luxpaid website…06 Jan 2017 reduced $0.005 ads from 4 to 3, I stop on clicking…07 Jan 2017 they added one $0.01 ad, I will continue on clicking…18 Jan 2017 the admin announced that “Luxpaid is already online over 72 days, we are already reach over 30000+ members and get over $35000 investment..”…I say congrats though I strongly doubt those numbers but at the same time the investment level leaves no doubts that the company MUST PAY all members instantly…27 Jan 2017 last 10 payment posts on forum are weird, only 1 screenshot in chinese, suspicious, on hold for more posts…03 Mar 2017 forum is still suspicious, 1 pending payment from 15 Feb, 1 spam, 1 clear screenshot…on hold, do not click more than 1 ad per day…01 Apr 2017 appears an problematic on newptcsitedaily 14 Aug 2017 suspended domain
  • LuxuryBux.com clone of Grandbux.net 16 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • LynkaDoo.com 30 Nov 2016 waiting for payment just one day later 01 Dec 2016 they deleted my account so I can’t login…worthless scam


  • MaanClix.com 08 Oct 2017 added to list, looks cheap
  • maBux.org disappeared
  • MacheClick.ga 15 Aug 2017 added to list, clone of other scams, bad domain as well
  • MacPTC.com…31 Jan 2017 $2 repurchase balance bonus, can add funds to purchase balance only through payment processors, no minimum withdrawal threshold, can upgrade / advertise using the purchase balance but the cheapest package is at $5, that makes the bonus useless, no real payment proofs on forum, not recommended
  • MadMoneyClickers.info…15 Feb 2017 no forum
  • MagicPTC.biz 28 Aug 2017 suspended domain
  • MainBux.net 01 Oct 2017 added to list, looks cheap
  • MaluBux.com 19 Oct 2017 added to list, the header image has been used in other scams
  • ManBux.net…14 Feb 2017 disappeared…06 Mar 2017 back live 28 Aug 2017 disappeared
  • MariiBux.com 21 Sep 2017 added to list, purchase balance bonus $4, you can’t add funds from the main balance, upgrades start from $5 a day, advertising packages start from $10…that makes the bonus useless.
  • MaroBux.com 14 Nov 2017 suspended domain
  • MartAdz.net 04 Feb 2018 added to list 23 Mar 2018 suspended domain
  • MatClick.com…launched 16 January…11 Feb 2017 the forum has proof payments already, even from standard free members who would need at least 100 days to reach the 1st cashout threshold of $1, and having in mind that the site launched 20+ days ago this makes those proofs very suspicious 30 July 2017 empty of ads
  • MateBux.com 23 July 2017 newptcsitedaily mentions long period maintenance 28 Aug 2017 disappeared
  • MaxxisSystem (suspended domain)
  • MayMoney.site 01 Oct 2017 added to list, another clone of NavMoney.club
  • MdBux (suspended domain)
  • MediaAdz.com…06 Jan 0217 appears as scam on ptc-top…29 Jan 2017 waiting for 1st payment…05 Feb 2017 not paying / scam
  • MeedBux.com…08 Feb 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top…26 Mar 2017 permanent maintenance
  • Mega-Clicks.info 29 Aug 2017 promoted by a spammer admin via email, no forum
  • MegaCashBux.com – 29 Nov 2016 waiting for payment 09 Dec 2016 not paying / no ToS / no FAQ – another scam in the hall of shame
  • MegaClickBux.com 13 June 2017 another clone of older scams
  • MegadCash.com 15 Dec 2016 (suspended domain)
  • MegaTrafficValue (suspended domain)
  • MegaVertise.co.uk 07 July 2017 added to list, can’t register an account, malfunction
  • MeliClix.com…15 Feb 2017 no ads to watch, funny..!! 20 Apr 2017 not accessible 04 May 2017 disappeared
  • MellowAds.xyz…03 Jan 2017 ads not working…only 2 proofs on forum, appears as scam on ptc-top & newptcsitedaily
  • MeryClix.me 16 July 2017 added to list, bad domain, awful logo, a site with no future
  • MezoBux.com 12 Nov 2017 added to list, the header image has been used in other scams
  • MGclix.com 05 June 2017 added to list 05 July 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top 12 July 2017 suspended domain
  • MilaBux.com 20 Nov 2017 added to list, they sell revenue shares already, not recommended
  • MiracleClix.com…13 Jan 2017 admin announced there are available revenue shares to purchase, cost $5 can buy from repurchase balance…20 Feb 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • MirrorClix.com…30 Jan 2017 no terms of service, no forum, no withdrawal options…21 Feb 2017 the site is for sale
  • MisterClix.com 26 Sep 2017 added to list, they say…” the first  15,000 members will instantly get a Free Golden Membership for 1 month upon joining”…suspicious, on hold 26 Oct 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top and as a scam on NBR
  • MixPTC.com…same header image with ClixTrust.org…Clixtrust is older, admin of Mixptc hiding domain details…03 Jan 2017 repurchase balance bonus $1, can not add funds to repurchase from main, can buy ads / upgrade through repurchase but the cheapest package is at $2, useless bonus, no real proof on forum, no minimum threshold, suspicious 21 Mar 2017 not accessible…26 Mar 2017 still…01 Apr 2017 still 18 Apr 2017disappeared
  • MnsClicks (closed – few active members)
  • MobPTC.com…21 Jan 2017 another CliqueSteria.net clone, what is going on?..I predict a quick suspension here as well 26 Mar 2017 not accessible
  • MoltyAds (suspended domain)
  • MomentPTC.pw (suspended domain)
  • Mone7.loan 07 July 2017 added to list, bad domain, header navigation reminds me dimondclix.com, too many banner ads on the homepage, intruding site
  • Money-ForAdClicks.com very bad domain name, shows a company without a bright future
  • Money4ptc.com 26 Sep 2017 added to list, looks like a scam
  • MoneyBux.info added to list, replica of other sites
  • MoneyClix.ml 07 Oct 2017 added to list, the header image has been used in numerous scams
  • MoneyComeFirst.com 03 Sep 2017 added to list, no ads to click, you only earn money by referring others. $10 per each person they say, and they give a $25 signup bonus, $300 cashout threshold, not recommended site.
  • MoneyShareClix (suspended domain)
  • MoonPTC.com 21 June 2017 added to list, not impressed, clone of youcan5star
  • MoreProfitBux.com 27 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • MotoBux.com 04 May 2017 appears as scam on newptcsitedaily
  • MouseBux.net…20 Jan 2017 no forum, suspicious…another old site mousebux.com appears as scam on ptc-top & scamdetector
  • MoziBux.com 19 Oct 2017 added to list 23 Mar 2018 not a PTC site
  • MultaBux.com 07 Oct 2017 added to list, the header image has been used in numerous scams, bad domain
  • MuscleCarPTC.info…the same spammer admin from SurfAholics.xyz, how many sites he has?…countless
  • MustHits (suspended domain)
  • my101ads.com 01 June 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • MyBitcoinAds.com 23 Mar 2018 expired domain
  • MyCashDream.com 12 Sep 2017 added to list, they offer tasks, and they say…”$25 signup bonus, we guarantee that you will earn $1500 in your first week, working 5-10 minutes.”…Yeah, a brand new site that shows statistics like these…128,000 employees, Total works completed $245 million, Paid Out to members $205 million, Unapproved earnings $10 million. Recent payments $8900, $1200….OK, we got the picture!
  • MyClix.xyz – 28 Nov 2016 (same admin with SurfAholics.xyz – waiting for external money resources to pay members…can’t predict bright future) 06 Dec 2016 Admin announced that all standard members will be paid via verified Perfect Money or OK Pay accounts..too many promo emails
  • MyDollarBux.com 16 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • myPTC.info 12 July 2017 added to list, looks like a scam
  • MyTrafficAds.net 16 June 2019 suspended domain


  • NaamKarank.com 04 Feb 2018 added to list 27 Feb 2018 appears as scam on ptc-top 27 Mar 2018 not a ptc site
  • NatioBux (suspended domain)
  • NationBux.com 30 Oct 2017 added to list 27 Mar 2018 expired domain
  • NationClix.com 29 Aug 2017 disappeared
  • NavajoClicks.info…15 Feb 2017 no forum
  • NavMoney.club 31 Aug 2017 added to list, seems absolutely fake, but I will try to reach the first $150 threshold. Yeah, crazy stuff, just for fun!…Update, I won’t bother, there are already 4-5 copied websites
  • NeedBux.com…same header image with FreshWapps.com…15 Jan 2017 not recommended on ptc-top…24 Jan 2017 waiting for 1st payment…27 Jan 2017 suspended domain, goodbye scammers, see you soon on a new PTC trap, reminds me BuxAccepted.com which is not a recommended site.
  • NeoAd (suspended domain)
  • NeoAdor.com 17 Apr 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • NeoAds (suspended domain)
  • NeoAds.me 26 Sep 2017 added to list, there is an old site that was suspended long time ago, the header image has been used in other scams
  • NeoBuxAdPack (suspended domain)
  • NeoClickz.com…02 Feb 2017 suspended domain
  • NeoClix.me 07 July 2017 added to list, there is an old site neoclix that was closed, many ads worth $0.01, and 1 ad worth $0.02, looks like a scam
  • NeterLinx.com 23 Aug 2017 added to list 20 Feb 2018 appears as non paying on ptc-top 26 Feb 2018 can’t access the member’s area, they say…”invalid login details” which is a mistake, the password reset process does not recognize my username 27 Mar 2018 can’t login for quite some time now
  • NewProfessionalBux.com looks cheap
  • NewWebBiz.net domain is too extreme 27 May 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • nextPTC.com added to list 01 June 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • NezperceClicks.info…15 Feb 2017 no forum
  • NiceStartBux (endless maintenance??)
  • NightCityClix.pw 14 Feb 2017 same admin with ponyptc.pw, spammer
  • Nightingale-ads.com…17 Jan 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top 16 May 2018 suspended domain
  • NivnisClicks.com…16 Jan 2017 can not add funds to repurchase balance from main, 0/20 real proof payments on forum, suspicious 04 May 2017appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • NobleBux 21 Nov 2016 – Minimum threshold raised to $6 / few ads / useless for standard members / suspicious…26 Mar 2017 not accessible
  • NonoBux.com 04 May 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • NouBux.com looks very cheap
  • NowClix.com added to list 27 June 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • nowPTC.com 07 Aug 2017 added to list, header image used on older scams
  • NoyBux.com…04 Jan 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top & on scamdetector
  • NozeyBux.com…06 Mar 2017 6x$0.02 ads + 12x$0.005, sounds too good to be true…21 Mar 2017 waiting for 1st payment, they mention that it may take up to 30 days 22 Mar 2017 (received the 1st payment), was not expecting it at all. Pleasant surprise. Let’s hope they will continue at this direction. 1st cashout threshold $3, 2nd cashout at least after 7 days. 09 Apr 2017 waiting for 2nd payment 04 May 2017 not paying anymore 11 May 2017 received the 2nd payment, a very belated transaction. I will continue for the 3rd payment. If they pay again I will the site to the paying category. 12 July 2017 waiting for the 3rd payment 19 July 2017 not accessible 02 Aug 2017 gone


  • OfferStadium.net 23 Feb 2018 added to list 29 Mar 2018 suspended domain
  • OfficeBux.com 03 Nov 2017 added to list 29 Mar 2018 not a PTC site
  • Okik.me…01 Apr 2017 appears to pay selectively on newptcsitedaily 14 July 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top 29 July 2017 maintenance, I predict it will last for years
  • OliveAdverts.com…06 Jan 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • OLXbux.com 27 Oct 2017 added to list, looks cheap
  • OnAds.us – 23 Nov 2016 – not accessible, exceeded bandwidth limit message 11 Dec 2016 finally suspended domain
  • OnClix.us 30 Nov 2016 – waiting for payment 11 Dec 2016 it’s clearly stated in ToS that they handle all payments immediately or within 7 days tops. It’s 11 days since my request = scam /not paying
  • OneBux.me 17 Sep 2017 added to list, forum has spam already
  • OnlineOPTC (suspended domain)
  • OnlyMoney.club 13 Oct 2017 added to list, another clone of NavMoney.club
  • OpticalBux.tk 04 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • OrangeClix.com 19 Apr 2017 the header image reminds me older scams, not recommended
  • OrbisBux.com 21 Dec 2016 no minimum cashout with a “Catch” of 100 clicks, daily ad value of 10 ads = $0.65 … bonus in main balance $3…funny things!!!….BrainBux revisited?…huge scam, minimum threshold trap…full review
  • OrbixBux.com…not accessible, suspended domain
  • OrchidBux.trade 07 Aug 2017 added to list, what a homepage, bad domain
  • OreBux.com…18 Jan 2017 no forum…15 Mar 2017 not accessible, redirects to Clixsense with an affiliate link…21 Mar 2017 gone, redirects to buxclerk.com
  • OstMoney.site 31 Oct 2017 added to list, another clone of NavMoney.club
  • OwlBux.com 25 June 2017 added to list 29 Aug 2017 disappeared
  • OxyHelper.com 15 Oct 2017 added to list 29 Mar 2018 expired domain


  • PackBux (disappeared)
  • PackClick (suspended domain)
  • PaidBux.info…13 Jan 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • PaidCash.info 18 Apr 2017 looks cheap
  • PaidClix.net…17 Jan 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • PaidCollect.com…05 Jan 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • PaidPack.com 03 Dec 2017 added to list, they sell revenue shares already, not recommended
  • PaidToClick.in…15 Jan 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • PaidZilla.com not accessible, suspended domain
  • PandaClix.com 27 May 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • ParadiseClix (suspended domain)
  • ParisClix.com 20 Aug 2017 added to list, header image used on older scams
  • PartnersAds.info 23 Oct 2017 added to list, looks cheap
  • PassionLife.club 03 Nov 2017 added to list, the header image has been used in other scams
  • Pay4task.online 29 Aug 2017 disappeared
  • PayEachClick.com 21 Dec 2016 suspended domain
  • PayForClick.in…15 Feb 2017 no real payment proofs
  • PayingAdsMedia (suspended domain)
  • PayingAdz (fake endless maintenance??)
  • PayInNight.com 03 Sep 2017 added to list, exactly as MoneyComeFirst.com, not recommended
  • PayPalBux.com nice domain, free golden membership for the first 5,000 members. Funny.!
  • PaypalClix.com 15 Oct 2017 added to list, famous logo steal
  • PaysPTC.com clone of TheBuxer.com
  • Paytbit.com 27 Oct 2017 added to list, the header image has been used in other scams
  • PayzaBux.com 20 Feb 2018 added to list, stolen logo and name
  • PayZone.xyz 06 Dec 2016 Admin announced that all standard members will be paid via verified Perfect Money or OK Pay accounts…18 Jan 2017 too many email promos, targeting pockets?…same admin with SurfAholics.xyz
  • PayZone24.com 20 July 2017 added to list, bad domain, looks like a scam
  • Pefect-Bux.info 30 Aug 2017 suspended domain
  • PegBux.com 11 Oct 2017 down for maintenance. There is a message on the page…” Hi, I’m sorry but for 2 months now I did not find any investor, The site will be down until 01 January 2018″…This is not the problem admin. The problem is you only have one ad worth clicking $0,0025 daily, reconsider!
  • PerfectMoneyDice.biz 07 July 2017 added to list, unprofessional logo
  • phdClix.com added to list 23 Oct 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top 02 Apr 2018 suspended domain
  • PidyCash.com…15 Jan 2017 probably hacked…24 Jan 2017 not safe to access, browser denies…10 Feb 2017 admin announced via email…””Following DDoS attacks that our site had suffered by former users who wanted us to pay them even when they did not respect the regulations of the site. After all our efforts to work hard to solve the problems we face with the site for the moment, we can not maintain the site stable due to the problem of connection between our domain and our server and which causes the slowness of the site . So we decided to close Pidycash and change the domain name as well as the name of our online enterprise. We have just developed another site similar to Pidycash, but with more structures. We invite you to create your account now: tofcash.com..””..21 Mar 2017 disappeared
  • PikaBux.com…02 Mar 2017 2nd day disappeared
  • PipLogo.net 07 July 2017 added to list, looks like a scam
  • PipToClick.com 22 Oct 2017 added to list, does not seem like a serious company
  • PirateClicks.us 06 May 2018 added to list 03 Sep 2018 closed
  • Pistol-Packing-Mama.com…15 Feb 2017 no forum
  • PlanetClix.net…02 Jan 2017 waiting for payment…12 Jan 2017 not paying / scam
  • PlatinCoins.club 07 Oct 2017 added to list, clone of BuxCure.com
  • PlusBitcoin.win 26 Sep 2017 added to list, bad domain, the header image has been used in other scams
  • PMbux.net added to list, looks cheap
  • PoClix.com 16 July 2017 added to list, looks cheap
  • Pointfy.com Oct 13 2018 suspended domain
  • Points4Ads.com 10 Sep 2017 added to list 06 Dec 2017 the site expired 16 Dec 2017 back live 17 Apr 2018 the site expired, it’s the 2nd time
  • PokemonClix.com 04 Feb 2018 added to list 02 Apr 2018 suspended domain
  • PolicePTC.info 17 Dec 2016 lowered minimum threshold to $0.25..let’s see…15 Jan 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top & scamdetector…02 Mar 2017 forum has only 1 topic, payment proofs, scam
  • PonyPTC.pw…21 Jan 2017 too many promo emails…same admin with AkitaPTC.xyz
  • PreClix.com 22 Oct 2017 added to list, clone of FreshWapps.com
  • PremiumBux.info…07 Feb 2017 a site on the URL premiumbux.com appears as scam on ptc-top & scamdetector, it was suspended, I don’t know if there is a connection, it has no forum, paid to read ads $0 value, suspicious
  • PrimaClix (not paying)
  • PrincessPTC.info…15 Feb 2017 no forum
  • Pro-cash.club 02 Nov 2017 added to list 02 Apr 2018 expired domain
  • ProBux.eu 20 Sep 2017 added to list, there was another scam site probux.me, this one uses a well-known photo used also in numerous scams
  • ProBux.info same header image with other sites, not recommended
  • ProBux.me…31 Jan 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • ProCash.club…15 Jan 2017 suspended domain
  • ProClix (suspended domain)
  • ProClixZ.com – 29 Nov 2016 (the admin informed members by email that the site is closing, they will refund all investments, looking for buyers…let’s see) … 06 Dec 2016 Finally they closed, I wonder what happened with the pending payments and investments…
  • ProDollarClix.com 20 Sep 2017 added to list, looks like a scam
  • ProfessionalAdz.com…17 Jan 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top 22 May 2017 not accessible
  • ProfitEuroBux.com 28 Sep 2017 added to list 24 Nov 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top 02 Apr 2018 suspended domain
  • ProfitPerClicks.com 16 June 2019 ads that earn you $12, not recommended
  • ProfitRevenueShares (suspended domain)
  • ProKik.com 23 July 2017 added to list, obviously okik.me clone. Not a serious site
  • ProStarBux.com 08 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • ProudClick.com 08 Sep 2017 added to list 02 Apr 2018 expired domain
  • Provertiser.com…04 Feb 2017 admin announced that all pending payments will be resolved in a week or so…19 Feb 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top…06 Mar 2017 not accessible…12 Mar 2017 gone
  • ptc.WebInfoCity.com…30 Mar 2017 subdomain 30 Aug 2017 not accessible
  • ptc-Revenue.com 17 Sep 2017 added to list, bad domain, one of the header images has been used in numerous scams
  • PTC1.net threshold $10, you need 400 days clicking 5 X $0.005 ads daily, same admin with okik.me which turned to a scam
  • ptc60.info 13 June 2017 bad domain, design replica of other scams
  • ptc-Cash.info looks cheap, bad domain as well
  • ptc-Exchange.com 27 May 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • ptc-qvs.in 27 May 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • PTCadvert.com…24 Jan 2017 no forum, only Perfect Money payment processor available…06 Feb 2017 not accessible
  • PtcBux (suspended domain)
  • ptcClickers.tk…27 Feb 2017 first impression is bad
  • PTCclix.pw 14 Feb 2017 same admin with ponyptc.pw, spammer
  • ptcKiller.tk 01 June 2017 added to list, looks very cheap
  • PTCopen.com…17 Apr 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • ptcRewards.info 27 Feb 2018 appears as non paying on ptc-top 02 Apr 2018 suspended domain
  • PTCrush.com 13 Oct 2018 suspended domain
  • PTCstar.com 14 May 2019 suspended domain
  • PtcTrustRev.pw…03 Jan 2017 waiting for payment…12 Jan 2017 not paying / scam / claims that paid me
  • PTCvisitor.com…26 Jan 2017 suspended domain
  • PubliBr (suspended domain)
  • Pure-Bux.info 16 Aug 2017 added to list, looks very cheap


  • QbitBux (not paying)
  • QosBux (suspended domain)
  • QosClix (suspended domain)
  • QSmoney.club 07 Oct 2017 added to list, another clone of NavMoney.club
  • QuestGPT.info 25 Mar 2017 waiting for 1st payment…28 Mar 2017 only upgraded members can withdraw now. They changed rules without informing people and without updating the withdrawal page. Unethical owner. Not recommended site. Do not get fooled and do not pay for premium services when you don’t need them. 28 Mar 2017 scam status, details below


  • RaiseClix.com 16 Aug 2017 added to list, looks like a scam
  • Ranan.xyz…26 Feb 2017 clone of BigTop-Bux.info, no forum, ToS created on the go
  • RandomBux.com…06 Mar 2017 suspended domain
  • RandomBux.net…30 Jan 2017 bandwidth limit exceeded, appeas as scam on ptc-top & newptcsitedaily…26 Mar 2107 not accessible
  • Rbux.pro (very low daily value)…13 Jan 2017 daily value of PTC ads increased, total $0.014…11 Feb 2017 appears as stop paying on newptcsitedailyforum disappeared??? 16 Aug 2017 disappeared
  • ReadBux.com…15 Feb 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top…27 Feb 2017 and today as scam on newptcsitedaily…26 Mar 2017  suspended domain
  • Real-PTC (suspended domain)
  • RealBigAds.net added to list, looks cheap
  • redbux.ga 01 Aug 2017 added to list, bad domain, no forum, looks like a scam
  • RedRobert.cf added to list, bad domain, looks like a scam
  • ref2pay.tk 26 May 2017 looks cheap
  • Ref4bux.com 30 Oct 2017 added to list, looks cheap
  • RegalBux.com 14 July 2017 added to list, looks fraudulent
  • RelBux.com 15 Apr 2018 expired domain
  • RelianceAdz.com…03 Jan 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top…07 Jan 2017 waiting for payment…17 Jan 2017 not paying / scam
  • RendaDigitalClick.com 27 Oct 2017 added to list, clone of others, bad logo
  • RenzinoPTC.com 27 July 2017 added to list 07 Aug 2017 they doubled cashout threshold from $2 to $4. Too early for such big changes. Not a wise move, not recommended site
  • RevenueBux.com 31 Aug 2017 suspended domain
  • Revertz.com…17 Mar 2017 same header image with other recently launched sites, not recommended, bad domain 17 Apr 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • RewardBoom.com 31 Aug 2017 not accessible
  • RiaPTC.com…very suspicious, balance traps, useless bonus 04 May 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top 29 Aug 2017 disappeared
  • RickBux.com 05 Aug 2017 added to list, very high daily ads value, suspicious
  • RNmoney.club 30 Jan 2018 added to list, another clone of NavMoney.club
  • RoarClix.com 11 May 2018 added to list 13 Oct 2018 suspended domain
  • RoboClicks.info 10 Aug 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • RoboPTC.info 10 Sep 2017 added to list, header image has been used in various sites
  • RockPTC.com 25 June 2017 added to list, header image used on a rev share site, not recommended
  • RoundBux.com 19 Oct 2017 added to list, 2 header images have been used in other scams
  • RosaBux.com…17 Jan 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top 21 Mar 2017 suspended domain
  • RoxPTC.com 07 May 2017 added to list, 22 May 2017 apeears as scam on ptc-top
  • RoyalClix.com added to list, looks cheap
  • RPmoney.club 10 Sep 2017 added to list, another clone of other suspicious sites I’ve found out during the last days


  • SagiBux.com 17 Sep 2017 suspended domain
  • SandClix.com added to list 01 June 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top 02 Sep 2017 suspended domain
  • SashaBux.trade 03 Sep 2017 added to list, clone of other scams, bad domain
  • SaskiaPTC.info looks cheap, clone of other scams
  • ScarletBux.com 28 July 2017 added to list, suspicious. They give away the 2nd upgrade for 15 days. Additionally, they are selling adpacks. They just started out and obviously, they are not in profit. Moreover, it’s the 2nd time I come across that particular click puzzle. 1 out of 6 yellow/orange drops. The 1st time was on Relianceadz.com, an older scam. Maybe, it’s the same owner. 03 Sep 2017 suspended domain
  • SciVerts.com…14 Mar 2017 new, 1 payment proof only yet…20 Mar 2017 appears as scam on newptcsitedaily 02 Sep 2017  not accessible
  • SeaClix.com 22 May 2017 newptcsitedaily mentions that the admin is a big scammer, the design is clone of older revenue sharing craps
  • SeasonsCash.info…15 Feb 2017 no forum, same owner with Aligator-Cash.com
  • SecureBux.xyz 08 June 2017 added to list, bad domain, header image been used on other sites as well 02 Sep 2017 disappeared
  • SensationBux.com…26 Mar 2017 suspended domain
  • SenseClix.com 09 Dec 2106 Under new administration (Marc from Canada)..Let’s see…15 Feb 2017 latest proof 2 months ago, 6 in total…21 Mar 2017 for sale
  • ServiceBux.xyz…11 Feb 2017 suspended domain
  • SetMoney.site 26 Sep 2017 another clone of NavMoney.club
  • Setn.online…17 Feb 2017 3 payment proofs posts so far, 2 are spam, 1 is scam warning about the site…26 Mar 2017 it is not a PTC site now
  • SevenClick.net looks cheap, clone of numerous other same sites
  • SevenDollarClick.com 03 Oct 2017 added to list, they say…” earn $7 per click, cashout at $7,000″…funny!
  • SevenDollarPTC.com…06 Mar 2017 no forum
  • sfa7bux.com 29 Aug 2017 added to list, bad domain, looks cheap
  • ShareClix.info…30 Mar 2017 same header image with other sites, how many clones are out there? 04 May 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • ShawneeClicks.info…15 Feb 2017 no forum, same admin with Aligator-Cash.com
  • ShineBux.com 04 May 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top 03 Sep 2017  disappeared
  • ShiveringClickers.info…06 Jan 2017 only members from a few countries (including mine) can request payout. Others can redeem cash to buy ad services. Minimum threshold $1, let’s see…12 Jan 2017 waiting for payment…17 Jan 2017 not paying / claims that paid me / scam
  • SilkClix.com 19 Oct 2017 added to list, the header image has been used in other scams
  • SilverClix.com…11 Jan 2017 you have to deposit in order to withdraw, scamdetector mentions selective payments
  • SimBux.com 19 Aug 2017 added to list, header image used in numerous scams
  • SiouxClicks.info…15 Feb 2017 no forum
  • SisterBux.com…04 Jan 2017 appears as problematic on ptc-top, very suspicious…repurchase balance bonus $2, can not add funds to repurchase balance from main, can buy upgrade / ads from repurchase but cheapest pack is $4, useless bonus, no minimum threshold…16 Jan 2017 no real payment proofs on forum…11 Feb 2017 fake proofs 31 July 2017 maintenance 15 Aug 2017 returned live
  • SiteCoin.com added to the list, appears as scam on ptc-top
  • SixDollarBux.com 06 May 2017 1st impression is bad
  • SkillMoney.club 01 Oct 2017 added to list, another clone of NavMoney.club
  • Skipen.info 01 Aug 2017 added to list, bad domain, looks very cheap
  • Sky-bux.info…23 Mar 2017 very low daily ad value 14 Apr 2017 not accessible 21 Apr 2017 very low daily ad value, useless to participate
  • SmartBux.net 02 Oct 2017 added to list 05 Jan 2018 appears as scam on ptc-top 17 Apr 2018 suspended domain
  • SmyBux.com…10 Jan 2017 on ptc-top they mention that they pay only selectively…26 Feb 2017 suspended domain
  • SoleBux.com 19 Aug 2017 added to list, appears as scam on ptc-top
  • SolidityGroups.com 01 Dec 2016 3rd day not accessible 05 Dec 2016 still not accessible 10 Dec 2016 returned live…04 Jan 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top…26 Feb 2017 not accessible…28 Feb 2017 still gone…02 Mar 2017 disappeared
  • SortAds.org…06 Jan 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top…07 Feb 2017 suspended domain
  • SpanishBux.com 05 July 2017 added to list 17 Apr 2018 suspended domain
  • SparkyClix.com 01 Apr 2017 license expired
  • SpcBux.com 04 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • SpemBux (suspended domain)
  • SpringBux.com…09 Jan 2017 appears to suspend members account on ptc-top…26 Mar 2017 suspended domain
  • StairsClix.com…maintenance, disappeared
  • StarBux.tk…05 Jan 2017 3 days not accessible…09 Jan 2017 hacked??…18 Jan 2017 still not accessible…24 Jan 2017 disappeared 01 Apr 2017 still off
  • StarPTC.com you need 200 days clicking the 5 ads daily to reach the $5 threshold…03 Jan 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top 21 Mar 2017 not accessible…26 Mar 2017 still 20 Apr 2017 still
  • StartAdPays (suspended domain)
  • StartUpAdz.com…03 Jan 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top, disappeared
  • StartUpClix.com…04 Jan 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top…06 Mar 2017 disappeared
  • StationClix (suspended domain)
  • StoneBux.com 04 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top & on newptcsitedaily as of 05 Sep 2017 03 Oct 2017 suspended domain
  • StopBux.com 19 Oct 2017 added to list, awful logo, the header image has been used in other scams, they say…” the first 50,000 members will get Free $4 signup bonus”…not recommended
  • StrongBux.net 03 Sep 2017 not accessible
  • SubmitRewards (suspended domain)
  • SunriseClix.com…very slow ad timer, hard to read puzzle
  • SuperAdsPTC.com 01 June 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • SupremeBux.com 25 June 2017 added to list, looks cheap, header image is being used on other sites as well
  • SurfAds.info not accessible
  • SurfAholics.xyz (suspicious email from admin…he is waiting for payments in order to finalise company’s payments to users…bad organisation?) 06 Dec 2016 Admin announced that all standard members will be paid via verified Perfect Money or OK Pay accounts…18 Jan 2017 new email promo, this admin is really annoying
  • SurfBitcoin.net not impressed, disappeared
  • Surfin4Cash.net…15 Feb 2017 no forum
  • Swap2Earn (suspended)
  • SwingBTC.com 10 Sep 2017 added to list 23 Jan 2018 new cashout rules: payments are adjusted to yesterday’s income, you might be able to cashout only 10% of your earnings for example 05 Feb 2018 no ads for the last 10 days 04 Mar 2018 maintenance 14 Mar 2018 not accessible 02 Apr 2018suspended domain


  • TakeMoney.site 27 Sep 2017 added to list, another clone of NavMoney.club, it’s getting boring!
  • tbc4bitcoin.com 07 July 2017 added to list, header image is being used on other scam sites
  • TeamBux.com…17 Mar 2017 looks very cheap, like it was created in 1 day
  • TenClix.com 05 Feb 2018 suspended domain
  • TermsBux.com…12 Feb 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top…06 Mar 2017 permanent maintenance
  • TheAds.club the homepage is a clone of older scams, bad domain as well
  • TheAdsNow.com 25 June 2017 added to list, header image is a copy of other PTC sites
  • TheBuxer.com 23 Apr 2019 My payment is pending since November 2018. Scam
  • TheBuxKey (suspended domain)
  • ThisPTC.com 04 May 2017 appears as scam on newptcsitedaily
  • ThreeDollarClick.com 29 Aug 2017 added to list, suspicious, they pay $3 for every ad viewed, withdraw when you have $3,000 in your account. But, only premium upgraded members can withdraw
  • tiktigo.com appears as scam on ptc-top
  • TigerBux.info 06 Nov 2017 added to list, looks cheap
  • TimerClix.com 13 June 2017 looks like a replica of other PTCs
  • TLDbux.com…17 Feb 2017 same header image with provertiser.com, appears as scam on ptc-top & newptcsitedaily…26 Mar 2017 suspended domain
  • TodayBux.com 28 July 2017 added to list, more cliquesteria repetitions?…looks suspicious, they give away a free upgrade that lasts for 3 years, weird.
  • TodayClix.com, no forum, high threshold 27 Jan 2017 same header image with FXbux.com 22 May 2017 suspended domain
  • Tony2000ptc.xyz 27 July 2017 added to list, very weird domain
  • TopEarnBux.club 07 July 2017 added to list, unprofessional logo, can’t even read the letters, Super Mario cartoon used in the header, bad domain. Not recommended
  • TosAds.com added to list, stolen headline, looks cheap
  • Town-Bux.info…17 Jan 2017 2nd day with no new ads…waiting for 1st payment…18 Jan 2017 ads loading normally, received the 1st payment (paid once)…10 Mar 2017 turned to scam, the site is for sale as admin announced via email, not only, he wanted to sell the site to his members…more info below…16 Mar 2017 very annoying admin, still trying to sell memberships via email
  • TPNclix.com 18 Apr 2017 looks like likesclick, an older scam 04 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • TrafficBux.net 25 June 2017 added to list 05 July 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • TrafficFuture.com 14 July 2017 added to list, looks cheap
  • TrafficKom.com added to list, very bad domain name
  • TrafficMonshot.com 17 Oct 2017 added to list, the domain points out to Traffic Monsoon?, a brand new site mentions 3722 members, opportunity to earn $85 per day, and they have already paid $500+ to their members. Incredible!
  • TrafficPay.info 21 Nov 2017 added to list, reminds me other scams
  • TrillestClicks.com 29 Dec 2016 suspended domain
  • TrustClix.com 05 Aug 2017 added to list, looks like a scam 31 Aug 2017 there is an older site that’s closed, trustclix.net
  • Trusted4earn.us 19 Oct 2017 added to list, bad domain, the design reminds me older scams
  • TurboClickz.com 03 Dec 2017 added to list, they say ” earn up to $0.08 per click”, not recommended
  • TurboPays.com…07 Feb 2017 new, only 1 topic on forum, on hold 01 Apr 2017 license expired 11 May 2017 returned live but the cashout option is disabled 26 June 2017 waiting for 1st payment 27 June 2017 scam, not paying, claims that paid me
  • TutituriPTC.xyz bad domain, looks cheap, bad replica of other scams
  • TuxedoCatsClicks.info…15 Feb 2017 no forum
  • TwistBux.com 30 July 2017 added to list, cashout threshold $0.5, suspicious 03 Sep 2017 suspended domain
  • TwixAds.com…19 Mar 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • TyphoonClicks.info,,,straight from the ToS…This site only pays to honest upgraded members,,,So if I understand correctly when someone pays becomes honest. But free members that click on ads so that the site earn money from advertisers are not honest. But even upgraded members have to watch ads. Everyone is working and the admin is getting paid for what?….Pay and play and then wait to get paid….not for me…I only buy upgrades on sites that paid me…golden rule...bye bye Typhoon admin…01 Feb 2017 this admin is really funny, he is trying to sell another business opportunity that has nothing to do with PTCs through spam emails 23 Mar 2017 the anonymous admin decided to sell the site, not surprised at all.


  • UdayClix.com added to list 09 Sep 2017 appears as scam on newptcsitedaily
  • UEmoney.site 20 Feb 2018 added to list, another clone of NavMoney.club
  • Ulmons.org 03 Nov 2017 added to list, clone of an older scam MirrorClix.com
  • UltimateClixx.com…21 Jan 2017 appears as scam on newptcsitedaily same admin with ClixBlue, LexiAdz, AdzBazar
  • UltimateLinx.net 06 Nov 2017 added to list, does not look like a serious company
  • UltraWorkers.com suspended domain
  • Undeca.it 29 Aug 2017 added to list, clone of GPTplanet.com
  • UniqueAdsZone (suspended domain)
  • UniqueAdz.net 14 Nov 2017 added to list 31 Dec 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top 26 Apr 2018 suspended domain
  • UniversalBux.com 16 July 2017 added to list, looks like a scam
  • UnlimitedSatoshi.com 09 Sep 2017 I came across this site via an email promotion by AdzBux.com admin, not a recommended site
  • UnlimitedWriters.com added to list, disappeared
  • unPTC.com added to list, 22 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • UPSbux.com – 21 Nov 2016, can not access the site, virus warning 27 Nov 2016 returned – on hold..29 Dec 2016 suspended domain
  • UPworkPTC.com…27 Feb 2017 suspended domain
  • UsaPtcBux.com..29 Dec 2016 suspended domain
  • UsdBux.com…17 Mar 2017 forum not created yet 17 Apr 2017 appears as non paying on ptc-top


  • VastBux.com 07 June 2017 added to list, not impressed
  • VauBux.com…appears as scam on ptc-top & newptcsitedaily…26 Mar 2017 suspended domain
  • VaultClick.club 04 Feb 2018 suspended domain
  • VeBux.net…01 Apr 2017 fake proofs says newptcsitedaily
  • VeneClix.890m.com subdomain, looks cheap
  • VenusClix.com 12 Nov 2017 added to list, the homepage design and the header image have been used in older scams
  • Vertsador.com…14 Jan 2017…weird announcement that PayPal visits that siteregurarlyand that they do not allow PTC sites in business. Very suspicious, I get paid from many PTCs through PayPal with no problems, sites that are operating for years now….21 Jan 2017 admin announced some very expensive ad packs that include rented referrals, PTC credits and membership upgrades…proceed with extreme caution…06 Feb 2017appears as scam on ptc-top…06 Mar 2017 suspended domain
  • VertsAds.me 13 June 2017 let’s hope it is not another CliqueSteria.net clone, bad domain as well.
  • VertsBux.com 16 Apr 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • vgConfig.com looks very cheap
  • ViceBux.com 14 Dec 2016 suspended domain
  • ViClix.com 31 July 2017 added to list, the header image reminds me other scams
  • Views2earning.com not accessible
  • VineyardOfCash.com…15 Feb 2017 no forum
  • VIPrefs.net 20 Sep 2017 added to list, they say…”free golden membership for the first 10,000 members. Yeah, right!
  • VisaClix.com 27 July 2017 added to list, header image used in various scams
  • VivaBux.com 14 Dec 2016 waiting for payment 20 Dec 2016 returned money to my balance, suspicious, let’s give them 1 more try, sent support ticket..22 Dec 2016 no responding to my ticket, returned money again to my main balance…Scam
  • VNclicks.net…27 Feb 2017 permanent maintenance
  • VobMoney.club 03 Sep 2017 added to list,  exactly like NavMoney.club, $150 threshold, it can be reached in 1-2 days, they say. Funny!
  • VotMoney.club 07 May 2018 added to list, another clone of NavMoney.club
  • VSmoney.club 05 Oct 2017 added to list, another clone of NavMoney.club


  • w3adz.com 15 Sep 2017 same admin with BuxCure.com
  • WaiBux.com…01 Apr 2017 appears as scam on newptcsitedaily
  • WallMoney.club 11 Oct 2017 added to list, another clone of NavMoney.club
  • WatchVerts.com…14 Feb 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • WaterPtc.pw 14 Feb 2017 same admin with ponyptc.pw,spammer
  • WaysEarn.com 21 Nov 2017 added to list 29 Apr 2018 suspended domain
  • WealthClicks.info 22 Sep 2017 added to list, looks cheap, no forum
  • WeirdBux.us (suspended domain)
  • WellClix (suspended domain)
  • WellMoney.club 28 Sep 2017 added to list, another clone of NavMoney.club
  • Weseel.com added to list, 22 May 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top
  • WestClix.com 27 Oct 2017 added to list 05 Jan 2018 appears as scam on ptc-top 29 Apr 2018 suspended domain
  • WhatStuff.co.uk 27 Aug 2017 added to list 06 Sep 2017 homepage redirects to HeedYou.com with a referral link 10 Sep 2017 back live 12 Sep 2017 again, not working 17 Sep 2017 problems again, the ads page is not loading 24 Sep 2017 still the ads are not working, abandoned? 04 Oct 2017 no ads for at least 20 days now 07 Nov 2017 no ads for the last 2 months, the homepage is full of spam and popping ads, obviously abandoned 29 Apr 2018 still no ads, abandonded
  • WiFiBux.com…03 Jan 2017 purchase balance bonus $2, no minimum threshold, no real proof on forum (0/7), can not add funds to purchase balance from main, can upgrade through repurchase balance, can buy ads through repurchase but the cheapest package is $5, useless bonus at all, very suspicious 21 Mar 2017 not accessible…26 Mar 2017 still…01 Apr 2017 still 18 Apr 2017 disappeared
  • WinnerClix.com…15 Jan 2017 too many promo emails…appears as scam on ptc-top…07 Feb 2017 when you login a “News” tab shows Porn, what a great way to welcome clickers…10 Feb 2017 suspended domain
  • Wnsbr.com 22 Oct 2017 added to list, bad domain, looks cheap
  • WinterBux.com 10 Dec 2016 Not loading ads 15 Dec 2016 Only the less value ads are there, but every token verification gives me wrong results. meaning you can not earn a cent…Very suspicious…on hold 21 Dec 2016 $8 threshold, you need 355 days with 4 ads daily…yeah sure…09 Jan 2017appears as scam on ptc-top
  • WishBux.com 19 Apr 2017 looks cheap
  • Wolves-Pack-ptr.com…27 Feb 2017 no forum
  • work-home-jobs.co added to list, bad domain, header image used on other scams
  • Work2Bux.com…13 Feb 2017 fake proofs, appears as scam on ptc-top
  • WorldClickMedia.com 06 Feb 2018 added to list, looks very cheap
  • WorldWideGPT.com 01 Aug 2017 the SSL certificate disappeared 03 Oct 2017 domain expired
  • WorthClix.com 03 Sep 2017 added to list 27 Oct 2017 the SSL certificate disappeared 06 Nov 2017 not accessible 16 Nov 2017 back live 31 Dec 2017 suspended domain
  • WowPTC.com 14 Dec 2016 waiting for payment 15 Dec 2016 They returned the money to my main balance, I really hate this stuff, many sites did that to me and they were all scams, but I have sent a support ticket, let’s see 17 Dec 2016 they keep returning money to the main balance, ignoring my ticket…SCAM
  • WowSite.site 26 Sep 2017 added to list, bad design, bad domain


  • XCmoney.site 27 Sep 2017 added to list, another clone of NavMoney.club
  • XenieClix.com…21 Feb 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top…27 Feb 2017 today as scam on newptcsitedaily 22 May 2017 suspended domain
  • XesMoney.loan 20 Nov 2017 added to list, another clone of NavMoney.club
  • XgenerationPTC.com 07 July 2017 added to list, looks like a scam
  • XoMoney.site 25 Sep 2017 added to list, another clone of NavMoney.club
  • XpressDirect (suspended domain)
  • XtenFaucet.com…04 Feb 2017 Clixten.info admin Mihaela announced this new project. Not recommended as Clixten.info has turned to scam status.


  • YasBux.com 05 July 2018 not accessible 03 Nov 2018 closed
  • YeahClick.com…03 Jan 2017 not accessible…05 Jan 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top…17 Jan 2017 suspended domain
  • YellowBux.com appears as non paying on ptc-top
  • YesAds.info 23 Sep 2017 added to list, looks cheap, no forum
  • YieldClix.com 07 July 2017 added to list, looks like a scam
  • YksiBux.club…30 Mar 2017 looks like it was designed by a kid
  • YohoClicks.com…07 Feb 2017 same admin with Nighingale-ads.com that appears as scam on ptc-top
  • YourBTCclix.com 28 July 2017 added to list, very bad design
  • YourClix.net 01 Apr 2017 not accessible 20 Apr 2017 returned 16 May 2017 back again 22 May 2017 no SSL available anymore, I’m off
  • YourSalary.biz 17 Sep 2017 added to list, looks cheap, no forum


  • ZapAdvert (suspended domain)
  • ZapBux.me 06 Nov 2017 added to list, looks cheap
  • ZaraClix.com 11 May 2018 added to list 13 Oct 2018 suspended domain
  • ZeeClix.com 21 Nov 2017 added to list, clone of older scams
  • ZenAdvert.com 10 Dec 2016 rules changed, in order to withdraw you must deposit first. Withdraw up to 200% of total deposits. All of that as a Paypal resolution. However there is the Payza processor in place as well, but only for deposit. Weird stuff, I have been paid from many sites through Paypal / Payza without having to make any deposit….bye bye ZenAdvert
  • Zer0clix.com 04 Feb 2018 expired domain
  • ZinBux (suspended domain)
  • ZomboyClick.club 10 Sep 2017 added to list, looks fraudulent, bad domain
  • ZoomClix.com 10 Sep 2017 added to list, they say…”The first 50,000 members will get free premium membership for 90 days upon joining”
  • ZoyBux.com 03 Nov 2017 added to list 03 Dec 2017 appears as scam on ptc-top 06 Feb 2018 not accessible 04 Mar 2018 still off
  • zrBux.com 06 Feb 2018 not accessible 04 Mar 2018 still off
  • ZumMoney.club 17 Sep 2017 added to list, another gMoney.site, NavMoney.club clone


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