You're Reading:Why James Scholes did not Convince me with the Evergreen Wealth Formula

Why James Scholes did not Convince me with the Evergreen Wealth Formula

by Tasos


Jul 4, 2016

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There are many positive reviews online about this product and some of them belong to bloggers that I know and trust.However , I want to give you my own perspective on this program that is created by James Scholes.

When you visit the homepage of the Evergreen Wealth Formula there is a video that starts to play , a typical landing page.


Evergreen Wealth Formula Review



..”Hey , what’s up guys?…My names is James Scholes .. and in this video I will be sharing with you a simple , yet an incredible powerful formula that you can use to make a full time passive income from home.”…This is the introduction.

I am not a fan of that kind of advertising but let’s move on…

Now James is trying to convince his visitors that his system works , and what he does?…He is showing Paypal accounts and numbers.These methods belong to scam artists but … let’s see what is coming up


What is included in that program



James is promising that he created a program that anyone could follow , regardless of experience and skills.It is a step by step process , designed even for absolute beginners.

Part 1 – Introduction – Welcome to the members area plus a quick guide 

Part 2 – Setting everything up

  • Templates , videos , ways to monetise a website
  • Step 1 – downloading and rebranding your reports
  • Step 2 – editing squeeze pages
  • Step 3 – crash courses on squeeze pages copywriting
  • Step 4 – finding high converting affiliate products to promote
  • Step 5 – how to edit and place your affiliate offer on your upsell page
  • Step 6 – setting up your autoresponder service
  • Step 7 – putting the autoresponder code to the squeeze page
  • Step 8 – editing and entering the autoresponder sequence
  • Step 9 – editing your download page plus monetising tips
  • Step 10 – how to upload everything to your server
  • Bonus video – 2 ways to increase optins & sales with no additional work

Part 3 – Get Traffic – the most important apsect on this online business

  • Modules
  • Leverage marketing
  • Twitter traffic guide
  • Youtube
  • Cheatsheet

He promises again that if you implement the steps shown that you will be making $1000 per day in a very short period of time.I won’t comment on that , I will leave all my comments for the epilogue.






The Advanced Marketing Methods – How he makes $11K per day


This is the exact same information his High-Paying clients pay him $2000 per month to get access to , the only difference is that James is speaking once in a month with them on Skype.

Everything else is the same … the step by step video training , the website templates , the scripts and the email support


The Final Price


It is set up to an one time payment of $97.But there is a catch , the time is limited , because James wants to offer his personal 1 on 1 email support to everyone.So he is closing the doors soon and will be returning to his high-paying clients.

But the video was recorded on January and still is the same.






What else is there on that Sales Page?



Nothing I have not seen before , video testimonials created probably on Fiverr for a few bucks.





Final Words


OK , there are those positive reviews from bloggers that I know and trust but that presentation did not impress me at all.

This is just a landing page that contains a 20 minutes video and the video testimonials.

James Scholes is over hyping his services all along the video and is trying to impress his audience by repeating how much money he makes and that anyone can do it too.

May be he has created a system so powerful that could change your life , but I strongly doubt that.All I can see is empty promises and no additional information whatsoever.


Have in mind that you won’t be making $1000 per day too soon.That number is reasonable but it needs time to build a website full of information to get tons of traffic.


To get this clear , I am not convinced by James to pay him $97.Why?…Why should I pay someone $97 for this lazy kind of work?…Just because someone created a landing page he deserves $97?…

Where is the Evergreen Wealth Formula blog?…nowhere.It is just a landing page.Well , I do not trust sales pages , I trust websites.Websites that blog consistently , that they are updating their information and communicate with their visitors.

But James Scholes has created that video alone.Well , I am not paying for a 20 minutes video the price of $97.


If you want to create an online business on your own you can follow my 2 top recommended resources.I am talking about Affilorama and the Wealthy Affiliate University.

Both training methods are free to test so there is no harm in checking them out.Moreover if you sign up through my links I will be able to help you out all along the way , for Free.


Other places to get started with Affiliate Marketing.

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Tasos Perte Tzortzis

Tasos Perte Tzortzis

Business Organisation & Administration, Marketing Consultant, Creator of the "7 Ideals" Methodology

Although doing traditional business offline since 1992, I fell in love with online marketing in late 2014 and have helped hundreds of brands sell more of their products and services. Founder of WebMarketSupport, Muvimag, Summer Dream.

Reading, arts, science, chess, coffee, tea, swimming, Audi, and family comes first.



  1. Iain

    I bought his program in August 2016 and was well worth the $97. He is very clear to understand and is helpful. The income claims he makes are from his business that he grew over the years and are multiple income streams. I highly doubt you will make $1000 per day just from the EWF. You might be lucky to make $100 per day after 6 months of hard consistent work.

    In May 2017 James launched an upgraded version of the EWF that focuses more on set and forget. The price has gone up to $197 but the program is well worth it. You spend 48 hours setting up, couple of hours setting up the automation and 30-60 minutes per week for scaling and maintenance. If you stop working you will still make money. Its worth the $197. You will make that back in about a month or less. If it was $997 I would still buy it. For EWF members the upgraded EWF is free

    I do not like the practices that Wealthy Affiliate does. Teaches people to leave bad reviews for other products and recommend WA. It is unfair to other businesses and a lot of people are aware of this and are choosing not to pay for Wealthy Affiliate. I have a full review on Wealthy Affiliate If you are interested in reading.

    • Tasos

      Your experience with that program is very interesting, Iain. But no matter how good a program might be it should not be marketed with such techniques. This is why I was not satisfied and did not buy it. Because I don’t like fancy claims of how much money I will make in X days if I use the Y program.

      Now as concerns Wealthy Affiliate they absolutely don’t teach anything like that. WA has 2 main trainings. The 1st option is to build a website in a niche of your choice. The 2nd is for those that don’t know what niche to choose so they go for the bootcamp training which teaches people how to build a website in the “Make Money Online” niche. If someone wants to promote WA they are welcomed to do so but in no case, you are obliged to do that. WA offers the most comprehensive online business training I’ve come across so far.

      I’ve read your review which is actually an overview, and it seems that you did not go through the training. If you had scanned through the content you would be able to compare WA with the program reviewed here. And not only you are not promoting WA in your article but you redirect people to WA with your affiliate links.

      Of course, I deleted your link, it is irrelevant.

      Wishes for happiness and success.

      • Shawn

        Tasos, I honestly believe Lain is James himself or one of his blind followers. His comment is pure ignorance and looks like the same crap James spewed on his website when he himself never even used it.

        He is the one who talks bad about other things to make his product seem better. Looky here:

        • Tasos

          That was very interesting, Shawn. The link you provided points out to a review by James Scholes himself. The funny thing is that the URL and the title talk about the Evergreen WF review.

          The article though is not about the product and its features. I wonder if this article will get any rankings. James is talking about Wealthy Affiliate and that has nothing to do with the EWF review, either.

          I could not read it all as it was very long. I was skipping from point to point. Anyway…

          Thank you for this addition. It will help more people decide.!

  2. Suehila

    I have purchased James Scholes’ Evergreen Wealth Formula and I can tell you it was well worth the $97. I learned a great deal from James. I am also a member of Wealthy Affiliate, I just signed up for a one-year subscription. So I can speak about both but here, I would like to focus on James because I have seen bad reviews about him from people promoting WA, and it is extremely unfair, especially since these people have not even purchased or gone through his program.

    James Scholes is a gem. He has been there all along helping me to learn all about this market and I was a complete newbie. His program contains many clear and concise training videos and tons of information. With his help I learned to integrate many different aspects of marketing that I did not understand. It is his help with the actual application despite my knowing nothing that I find most striking. He answers all of my questions and there has not been a single email left unanswered. I sent him very long emails with several questions and he answered every one himself. And very quickly as well. Sometimes in less than a minute. It’s true.

    The tutoring that I received from James (and still receive sometimes on a daily basis) has been worth much more than $97. He’s a sharp, savvy guy with ten years experience who really cares about people who opt in to his program. I am so glad that I have gotten to know James. He’s a quality guy with a lot of experience and he wants his members to succeed. And he offers calls you a lifetime member of EWF once you opt in. I have nothing but good things to say about James Scholes and his program. And I am actually applying what he has taught.

    • Tasos

      Really Suehila?..then this is good news…but…

      No matter how qualitative a product might be no marketer should sell it at that price without revealing any information at all. The video presentation is just full of promises and account numbers. Before I buy anything I need to know if the seller knows his stuff, and this video is at least very unclear.

      I wonder why you decided to pay $97 just by watching that video and without knowing what to turned to be a successful move for you, but it was very risky..!

      Did you make it to grant $1000 per day as James is promising?

      Anyway, thank you for your contribution and I wish you massive success online with your projects.!!

      • Ross williamson

        97 bucks is not a risk wealthy affiliate is a pile of rubbish I was a member there also James program is a one time fee where as wealthy affiliate want to suckling u dry every month

        • Tasos

          You’ve never been a member of WA, Ross!

  3. Jack Witshire

    So you never bought it then and tested it ? and thought you’d just promote wealthy affiliate? HMMM alarm bells i think

    • Tasos

      I am crystal clear right from the headline. James did not convince me to buy that formula and I am not wasting my money so easily.

      Have you tried Wealthy Affiliate so far?…You miss on great features and services, in fact the best so far in the industry.

      And don’t try to compare WA with the “Formula”, is like comparing a Ferrari with a Cinquecento.


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