Only The Truth About Product Launch Formula

by Tasos


Apr 28, 2015

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I’m filming the last part. The finish line. New office setup. Outdoor footage needed 🙂


  • Theory Hub: Jan 16, new subsection in the section “Info-Products” – Packaging and Pricing”.
  • Workshop #12Landing page development with the 7ID StoryX storytelling framework. Hidden book inside. A 4-hour workshop for ambitious business owners.

Signup for the exclusive workshops. Hidden perks inside the member’s area. 


  • WORKSHOP #13: Exclusive for members. Packaging and pricing for the 1st info-product in the numismatic industry.
  • WORKSHOP #14: The Value-Led Revelation Launch.
  • Live Challenge


This is an area for advertising & partnerships. NEW option: Pay-per-Click.

Last updated: Aug 24, 2024

What exactly is the “Product Launch Formula” training program? Is there something special about launching products with this system? Is this a new method or outdated? Is it effective and why? Is Jeff the right mentor and guide? Is it worth the money?

Is there anything else you need?

These are just a few of the questions going through your mind right now. So, here I am, to answer all the questions you might have and to guide you to make a well-informed decision.

I’m investigating every aspect of the training,  sharing my experience with the program, providing you with numerous case studies, and so much more.

Let’s dive right in!

Product Launch Formula Review


What is The Product Launch Formula

The product launch formula is a training masterclass created by Jeff Walker. He invented this formula 15 years ago as he was working at home desperate to make ends meet.

In a nutshell, it’s a step-by-step marketing system, a blueprint to help brands of all sizes launch their products and services online successfully in a unique and valuable way.

Notice: Product Launch Formula is included in my Elite marketing training programs list. More on that later.

Main Slogans

  • An Internet Millionaire’s Secret Formula To Sell Almost Anything Online.
  • It’s a proven, step-by-step process that shows you exactly how to launch a product in precise detail.
  • It shows you exactly what to do every step of the way, right down to which blog post to release when, and what to say in every email.

Ideal Audience

  • Brands of all sizes
  • Small business owners
  • Marketers
  • Coaches
  • Authors
  • Speakers
  • Practitioners
  • Influencers
  • Experts
  • People that want to launch their own product or service but they have no idea where to start
  • People that don’t have a program or service to sell yet 
  • People with a passion
  • People with a following
  • Anyone with a message
  • Anyone with experience on a field

The 5 Types of People that the PLF Program is Perfect For:

  • People already have an online business and they’re ready to take it to the next level
  • Practitioners or people offering services but they don’t have ‘time leverage’ (to increase sales they must work more hours)
  • Authors or soon-to-be authors, artists responsible for their own marketing
  • People with no business, no product, no list, and no ideas
  • People that want to become launch coaches, or consultants and help others with their launches

The Main Advantages of this Method For Launches

  • Builds trust and rapport with audiences
  • Creates excitement and anticipation
  • Builds reciprocity
  • Speeds up the decision process for people interested in buying your products and services
  • Low-cost production
  • Massive potential, no limits on profits
  • Lucrative
  • Work from home (optional)
  • You’re targeting the whole population
  • Timetable flexibility
  • Recurring income
  • No need for employees
  • Scalability, unlimited partnerships

Jeff Walker’s Background

I’m Jeff Walker, the creator of the Product Launch Formula… it’s a system that’s been used by thousands of entrepreneurs in hundreds of different niches and markets to create hugely successful businesses.

The impact has been crazy huge… my students and clients have now done well over $1 billion in product launches.

Along the way, I’ve coached or helped all kinds of experts such as Tony Robbins, Brendon Burchard, Dan Kennedy, Bill Glazer, Rich Schefren, Frank Kern, Dean Graziosi, Yanik Silver, Greg Clement and dozens more “gurus” — but I get most excited about all of the “regular folks” that I’ve helped quit their jobs and grow serious businesses.

When I first started publishing online way back in 1996, I had no idea how to sell my products or build an online business. Then (almost by accident) I created what’s become the Product Launch Formula. That formula has become the gold standard for launching products, services, and even entire brands with huge momentum and great success. It’s literally transformed the way stuff is sold online. And it’s also helped me become one of the top entrepreneurial and marketing trainers in the world. 

When I started, I was a stay-at-home dad taking care of two small children.

It had been a few years since I quit my corporate job. I hadn’t made any money since then, and that felt terrible. I knew I needed to make a change.

I launched my “business” from the babies’ changing room – and it started with a free email newsletter sent to 19 people. That was in the Internet Dark Ages of 1996.

’ll never forget how nervous I was the very first time I made an offer to my list.

Back then, my business was a simple newsletter about the stock market. I just kept sending more and more free content – and people loved it.

The problem was that I wasn’t making any money.

I knew I needed to sell something, but I kept delaying making that offer because I wasn’t a salesman – and I didn’t know how to ask for the offer.

So I kept delivering more value… and when I finally made the offer, people were really excited to buy.

And that’s when I knew I was onto something…

I kept refining my “launch” process, and the results kept getting better… until my formula was almost guaranteed.

I started sharing what I learned about launching new products and businesses with some other entrepreneurs I knew. And their results were incredible.

Pretty soon, I was getting asked to speak on stage and teach people about how they can use my formula to launch their own products and businesses. The amazing results continued to pour in – and that’s when I decided to turn it into a step-by-step program that anyone could follow.

That was the start of an incredible wave of entrepreneurs with tiny, home-based businesses doing launches that sold tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and even millions of dollars in sales with their launches.

Jeff Walker

Creator of the Product Launch Formula, Internet Alchemy

Video Overview

Deeper Investigation

jeff walker product launch formula banner 01


Jeff’s product launch formula is a blueprint that will help you launch your products and services successfully in the marketplace, no matter the size of your brand and the industry you’re serving.

It’ includes:

  • Strategy (the big picture)
  • Tactics (mental triggers, the offer, sequences)
  • Types of launches (quick launch, seed launch, internal launch, JV launch, eCommerce launch, rolling launch, shadow launch, evergreen, the relaunch)
  • The launch path overview (when you have a current business, when you have an unleveraged business, when you want to build a business, when you are an artist)
  • The big gotchas
  • Resources

Sales made from people using the PLF system

Going Deeper

Inside the Product Launch Formula website, there is a 3 video series presented by the founder. These videos come as an email sequence to your inbox with some days space in between them. First of all, Jeff introduces himself and gives us a background of his career. How he started with internet marketing, how he managed to build an email list follow up and eventually shows how his work became recognized. Now he is teaching entrepreneurs and marketers to find their own way through his training, the main Product Launch Formula.

From the beginning, he gets to the point without fancy claims or testimonials and he clears out that the main ingredients of success for internet-based business are the Quality Content, the Engagement with your followers and the Allotment of Real-Valued Answers to people’s problems. I can not agree more with Jeff at that point and I was very pleased with this video, one of the most interesting videos I have watched on my marketing journey so far.

He is not relying on “Hope Marketing” that he defines it as the situation when someone or a company offers a new product inside the market and Hopes that it will work without doing anything at all.

jeff walker product launch masterclass

He supports the idea of a properly Launched sequence in order to make this product successful. He is not a fan of internet marketing Gurus that promise “rich quick dreams” and he states that only hard work, dedication and action can bring online success. I strongly agree with every word of Jeff and this road is exactly the one that leads to massive success both for online and offline businesses.

Jeff underlines the importance of having a well-structured business plan before the launch of a new product and that it will take time and hard efforts to accomplish that. His most used methods are email and video marketing formulas. I do agree and both methods are being used by well-known marketers and entrepreneurs. Email marketing is still the king in internet campaigns and video is an absolutely necessary tool as we live in an era where technology dominates our world.

67 Case Studies In Various Niches/PLF Students

The Core Elements Behind the Most Successful Launches

Jeff analyses old school email newsletters. Headlines to catch readers’ attention. Then breaks the story into parts. Define a problem, agitate, and then offer a solution. But times have changed. Now people scroll down to the page, read the price, and then decide if they want to read the letter or not.

Now we need transparency, authenticity and creative value all through the sales process. We have to educate people before we start to sell.

Break up the Old-Fashioned Sales Letter Into Sections

The first email contains a video, it is all about the journey. You want to make people believe that they can have a positive change in their lives. That they can find a solution to their problems, whichever they want to solve. For example how to meditate, train their dogs, become healthier.

The second video is about transformation. You can showcase studies in order to show people how exactly they can have that transformation.

A few days later you release the 3rd video. The ownership video delivering value all along.

Then it’s the day of the sales video. The 4rth in the raw.

Six Mental Triggers That Make Your Launch Irresistible

  • Community: the feeling of being together with other humans.
  • Anticipation: as it happens with big events in our lives. Birthdays, or live shows of our favourite bands.
  • Authority: like when we see a police officer wearing the uniform
  • Reciprocity: If you give a gift to someone, they will feel that they want to give something back to you.
  • Social Proof
  • Scarcity

…and a 7th trigger, Conversation.

And this is where the Launch Formula is built upon. You build Authority with the videos and letters, offering value with your great content. Then people will anticipate the next videos, and they will feel they want to reciprocate and they will leave comments to your web pages. This creates a Community and Social Proof.

How It Works – Jeff Walker’s Launches (Seed, Internal, Joint Venture)

Now he is illustrating a diagram on a whiteboard about how this Product Launch Formula works but he is focusing more on talking and giving examples of his past and what made his campaigns reach out so many people. He is not trying to follow a straight path rather than to inspire people and help them find solutions to their problems and questions. His biggest concern is the real communication with the “Audience” and not the “Hard Sales”. If you focus on the sales then chances for being a “Winner” are limited dramatically.

He amplifies his “Seed Launch”, “Internal Launch” and “Joint Venture Launch” as his guides to email sequenced marketing and he gets into some details of what these methods are. Also, he makes clear that his subscribing list grew up through time while he was trying to figure out the possible solutions of interaction with his list. While he had no internet marketing experience at all the willing to succeed led him to accomplish that.

“I agree again with Jeff, no one begun as an expert, and anyone can achieve success online if he is willing to work hard.”

In addition, he reports that no one needs to have a list or a product because in the beginning you can join other networks and promote other companies’ products as an affiliate. Another important factor according to Jeff for success is to promise things that can really happen and to deliver quality solutions to your visitors and often you should “Over-deliver” in order to build a trusted environment. Then people are willing to commit and even they are eager to share their testimonials.

So…which launch type should you choose?

Seed Launch

If you have no business, no product, no list. Or if you’ve got a business, but you want to create another product fast.

Seed Launch Quick Steps:

Step 1Gather your initial Seed list
• Start to gather a small Seed List with a simple squeeze page.
• Publish/post ideas on your topic on social media channels.
• Ask for an email address in exchange for your valuable content.
• Once you’ve gathered 100 email addresses, continue to Step 2.

Step 2Put together a simplified Sideways Sales Letter
• See video 1 in this series if you need a refresher on the Sideways Sales Letter.
• Your simplified Sideways Sales Letter doesn’t have to be fancy.
• It doesn’t have to be video… it can be just emails or social media posts.
• Make an offer for a series of 3-7 group coaching calls.

Step 3Deliver your content over a series of webinars or teleseminars
• Split your topic area into a series of sub-topics, one for each call.
• Before the first call, send out a super-short survey to find out the top questions on that sub-topic.
• Use the survey responses to plan what you need to cover on the first call.
• Repeat for each call – send another survey asking what additional questions they have on the upcoming sub-topic. Use the questions to plan the call.
• Record everything, get it transcribed, and package your recordings and transcripts into a product.

Internal Launch

If you already have an online business and/or a list or social media following.

The Internal Launch Quick Steps:

Step 1Create and publish your Sideways Sales Letter
• Create a series of Prelaunch Content (PLC) that provides value:
§ PLC1 – Shows the Opportunity
§ PLC2 – Paints the Transformation
§ PLC3 – Gives the Ownership Experience
• Most PLC is created with video, but you don’t have to do video. You could use email or blog posts or other types of content.

Step 2Email your list sending them to your Prelaunch Content
• (Also post about your PLC to your social media channels)

Step 3Release your Sales Video and start taking orders

Joint Venture Launch

If you’re experienced and have some good contacts in your industry with people who have already built followings.

The JV Launch Quick Steps:

Step 1: Get your Sideways Sales Letter done (it’s generally best to do an Internal Launch before you do a JV Launch… and you can often re-use your Prelaunch Content from your Internal Launch).
Step 2: Identify 4 or 5 partners with an audience that could benefit from your offer.
Step 3: Your partners email their lists telling them about your launch, sending them to your opt-in page.
Step 4: Your new leads go through your Sideways Sales Letter sequence.
Step 5: Track conversions and pay your JV Partners a commission on the sales they generate. Brainstorm a list of 4-5 potential JV Partners whose communities could benefit from your offer.

The 3rd video – The Entrepreneur Quotes

I was anxious for that video to arrive in my mailbox so when it did I run into it without delays. You see, Jeff’s method is effective and those videos are live examples of the Product Launch Formula he uses. Those videos are actually the Launch Formula in action. 

With the 3rd video comes a PDF document called The Product Launch Blueprint. Let’s have a quick look at what this is about.

The Product Launch Blueprint

jeff walker - product launch formula blueprint pdf
  • The Big Picture: The high-level strategy for your product or business launch. The opposite of “Hope Marketing”. You build a “Crushing” offer that is very hard for people to refuse.
  • The PLF tactics: Why PLF is powerful and how to put it in place. Mental triggers, sequences, and the offer. You gotta stick with what the market wants. Not what you think the market wants. You create the offer based on the launch conversation data.
  • The 8 types of launches: The 3 types that Jeff included previously (Seed, Internal, and JV) and 5 other types. Quick launch, Relaunch, Evergreen, Shadow Launch, eCommerce Launch
  • The Big Gotchas, Part 1 & 2: Jeff answering questions and comments, explaining the main points. It is about overcoming the common obstacles that many entrepreneurs face.
  • Your Launch Path: Moving forward and next steps
  • The 4 Freedoms: he explained the Freedoms previously, in video 1. Financial, Time, the Freedom of who you work with, Freedom of Purpose
  • Resources: what tools and resources Jeff uses to make this happen

The Big Picture

PLF Strategy

  • Banish ‘Hope Marketing’
  • Use a structured sequence of content
  • Build anticipation before your launch with high-value content
  • Create nearly instant momentum and sales with your launch
  • Sell in a non-slimy, non-hypey, but very effective way

Build a Crushing Offer

  • An offer so strong it’s almost impossible to refuse
  • Identify and answer objections and totally forget about the “hard sell”
  • Give them what they want, and it makes everything a LOT easier

List Building on Steroids

  • Best way to build a list = product launch
  • Your prelaunch content is extremely shareable
  • No matter which type of launch, they’re all great for building your community

Massive Positioning Power

  • The launch positions you as a guru/expert, authority/leader

Product Launch Parachute

  • Screw up 80% of this, and it still works
  • No “Single Point of Failure”

Launch Stacking

  • Building momentum and sales from launch to launch
  • Create Raving Fans
  • When you follow PLF, they’re gonna love you because you’re delivering so much value
  • PLF will build an incredibly engaged community

Building a Great Relationship with your List

  • The best warmest list ever
  • The Launch List

PLF Tactics, Part 1: Mental Triggers


  • Give great stuff and people will naturally want to give back to you


  • People love events and feeling like they are part of something larger than themselves
  • Going through an event TOGETHER with other people is the core piece of “ritual” … and rituals are among the most powerful experiences that humans have


  • Few things capture our attention and imagination more than anticipation
  • This is how people get pulled into your launch… it’s what keeps people reading and watching your marketing instead of your competitors’ marketing

Social Proof

  • People look to other people for clues on how to act
  • If you can show your prospects that they are not alone, then you win


  • Show people that your stuff works
  • Nothing is more powerful than a demonstration


  • We act like we think people in our community are supposed to act
  • “Virtual” communities can be REALLY strong


  • People would rather talk than listen
  • People will pay attention to a conversation longer than a lecture


  • When there is less of something, people will inherently want it more
  • Event-based launches naturally lend themselves to some elements of scarcity

PLF Tactics, Part 2: Sequences

Your Entire Launch is a “Story Arc”

  • Stories command attention


  • The “shot across the bow”
  • A favorite method: use a survey


  • From 4 to 12 days
  • 3-5 pieces of prelaunch content
  • Deliver value
  • Create a conversation with your market


  • From 1 to 7 days
  • The “Walker W”

Post Launch

  • Lock in your relationship with your new clients

PLF Tactics, Part 3: The Offer

Only Sell What Your Market Wants

  • Sell what the market WANTS
  • Not what you think the market NEEDS

Tune your Offer to Feedback During Launch

  • This is part of the “Product Launch Parachute”

What They Get

  • Often you can refine your offer during the launch (based on the feedback you get during the launch)

How They Get It

  • You can fine-tune this based on your “Launch Conversation”



A Crushing Offer

  • What’s going to get your prospects REALLY excited?
  • Use the “Launch Conversation” to create a crushing offer… and it makes selling very easy
  • Often you don’t know your market as well as you think you do – but you’ll figure it out as you get feedback during your launch

What Markets?

  • Virtually any market
  • Not emergency services
  • Works around the world
  • Jeff’s last PLF class had people from 43 countries


  • Doesn’t have to be high-priced
  • But you’ll often be able to charge a higher price when you follow PLF – it sets you apart from others in the market… and usually puts you at the top-end of your market

Types of Products

  • Online products
  • Physical products
  • Membership sites
  • Online services
  • Offline services
  • Widgets
  • E-commerce
  • Artwork

The 8 Types of Launches

Seed Launch

  • Where you should start if you don’t have a list or product
  • Jeff used a Seed Launch when I had to start over
  • Get paid to create your product
  • Use the feedback from your market to create a great product
  • Also great if you have an existing business and you want to test out a new offer – it’s a simple and quick way to create your product
  • Helps you avoid the “Perfect Product Syndrome”… and finally get your product done

Internal Launch

  • Simple, easy, elegant… and profitable
  • You do the entire launch to YOUR list
  • Since the launch is to your list, you have maximum control over the entire process
  • A classic “Sideways Sales Letter”

JV Launch

  • The big payday
  • You use Joint Venture or affiliate partners
  • Your partners mail their lists into your launch
  • The quickest way to build a list known to mankind

Quick Launch

  • Fast, easy launch
  • Great for bringing in cash quickly


  • Almost no work, lots more money


  • Turn your one-time launch into a profitable automated system
  • A perpetual launch sequence for new leads
  • Awesome business model!

Shadow Launch

  • Probably the easiest launch
  • You launch OTHER people’s products as an affiliate
  • Works with new products that are being launched
  • Works ESPECIALLY WELL with products that have been on the market for a while
  • This is the best way to set yourself apart from all the other affiliates in the market

E-Commerce Launch

  • Regular profit boost
  • Use launches to drive people to a site
  • Think in terms of bundles

The Big Gotchas, Part 1

No List

  • Jeff didn’t start with a list – no one does
  • You’re going to need a list no matter what your business, so start building one
  • The best way to build a list is with a launch
  • P.S. If you register for the Product Launch Formula Coaching Program, Jeff includes a complete list building course as an extra bonus

No Product

  • Jeff didn’t start with a product – no one does
  • The easiest way to create a product is with a Seed Launch
  • You will want to create your own products, it’s the only way to have true control of your business
  • You can launch almost any kind of product or service, but in my opinion, the easiest products to create are information products
  • P.S. If you register for the Product Launch Formula Coaching Program, Jeff includes a complete product creation course as an extra bonus

I’m Not a Guru

  • No one is a guru when they start out
  • Having guru or expert positioning (or just being seen as a leader in your market) will make your life a lot easier
  • You will be able to charge higher prices; it will be easier to get traffic; it will be easier to get partners and affiliates; it will be easier to gets deals of all kinds
  • The #1 way to be seen as an expert or guru is to do a launch

I Don’t Teach People Marketing

  • Then it’s awesome to be you!
  • Launches are easier and work even better when you get away from the “marketing” niche
  • It’s been used in almost any market you can think of
  • Raw food, health food, meditation, mixed martial arts, dog training, tennis instruction, baseball coaching, couples therapy, holistic health, real estate investing, the stock market, quilting, dating advice, horse ballet, and on and on and on

I Don’t Live in the US

  • In Jeff’s last PLF class, we had students from 43 countries
  • It works everywhere – Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Europe, UK, Australia, NZ, Central, and South America, Canada, and Mexico

The Big Gotchas, Part 2

My Product is not High-Priced

  • Doesn’t have to be – bigger markets often have lower prices
  • You can do really well selling large quantities at lower prices

It Won’t Work for my Market

  • Yes it will
  • Unless you sell an emergency service

It Won’t Work for Me

  • Henry Ford said “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right”
  • Jeff can’t help with your mental “head trash,” but if you put PLF to work… then it will work for you
  • Actually, Jeff probably can help you with your mental head trash

I’ll Never Make a Million Dollars

  • You’re probably right, most people don’t
  • And that’s exactly what I thought
  • In fact, Jeff didn’t think he would make $10,000
  • But life is full of surprises… remember, it’s all about the baby steps
  • And he’s gone on to make millions

It’s Way Outside My Comfort Zone

  • Everything that’s good that ever happened in your life was out of your comfort zone at some point
  • My job is to have a bigger vision for your future… and I do
  • I’ve seen too many people make an incredible transformation in their lives – I know what you can do
  • You have to make a decision – are you ready to create a bigger life?

Your Launch Path (Overview)

  • I have a current business
  • I work with clients 1-on-1 and I have an unleveraged business
  • I’m a wantrapreneur
  • I’m starting from scratch
  • I’m an author or artist
  • I want to help other people with their launches as a coach or consultant

Your Launch Path, Part 1: I Have a Current Business

  • It’s awesome to be you!
  • PLF is nearly-instant leverage
  • Just create a new bundle/offer
  • Or you can relaunch your current offer
  • Or create a new product
  • You can also use the Seed Launch if you want to test/create a new product
  • Use the Internal Launch if you want to relaunch or create a new bundle/offer
  • If you have potential JV partners, you could do a JV Launch… this can create massive leverage

Your Launch Path, Part 2: I Work With Clients 1-on-1 and I Have an Unleveraged Business

Who You Are

  • Coach
  • Practitioner
  • Service provider
  • Consultant

Lots of Niches, Including:

  • Health
  • Wellness
  • Spirituality
  • Relationships
  • Money]
  • Healer
  • Real estate
  • Business
  • Sports
  • Hobbies

You Need to Get Leverage

  • To increase your income
  • To help more people
  • To make a bigger impact
  • To increase your positioning in the market

Your Own Products = Leverage

  • Way easier than you think
  • The Seed Launch is amazing
  • Your clients will help you co-create your product
  • You get paid before you even create the product
  • Your Seed Launch recordings become your product
  • Audio
  • Video
  • Transcripts
  • Once you have products, the “math” behind your business changes
  • You’re no longer “dollars for hours”
  • You can afford to advertise and “buy” leads
  • Attract Joint Venture partners and affiliates

You Need to Build Your Tribe

  • Social media is OK… use it to build your email list
  • But email is still king

Beyond the Seed Launch

  • Once you start to build your tribe
  • And once you create a product or two with Seed Launches
  • It’s time to roll those products out big
  • Use the Internal Launch
  • More leverage
  • Bigger sales
  • More positioning power
  • Eventually, you might even step up into a big JV launch

Your Launch Path, Part 3: I’m a Wantrapreneur, I’m Starting From Scratch

This was me for years, it took me too long to get started

  • Get ready to step up and do what you love
  • It’s time to suspend your disbelief in yourself
  • Start with the Seed Launch to create your first product and get your first list
  • You are not in the game until you have an offer and a list building process… your Seed Launch gets you in the game
  • This is the quickest way to get in the game

Your Launch Path, Part 4: I’m an Author or Artist

Lots of PLF Owners Are Artists

  • Writers
  • Painters
  • Sculptors
  • Jewelers
  • Recording Artists

Your Prelaunch is About the Creation of the Work

  • Give people a glimpse into the creation
  • And you can foreshadow the work

Maybe Even Give A Little Glimpse Into Your Life as an Artist

  • People have a romantic idea of what your life is like as an artist
  • They’re really interested in you

If you’re an Author, You Need to Launch

  • Works great for non-fiction
  • And it can even work for fiction (with fiction, it’s all about finding and attracting your tribe)

Your Launch Path, Part 5:

I Want to Help Other People With Their Launches as a Coach or Consultant

You Don’t Need Your Own Product

  • You Help Other People Launch Their Products
  • Use your skills and Product Launch Formula to help others launch their products and services
  • Manage the pieces of the launch that you want, and outsource the other parts

You Choose the Industry And Clients You Want to Work With

  • Maybe you already have connections or existing relationships
  • By market or niche

Opportunity for Big Paydays For Your Clients (And From Your Clients)

The 4 Freedoms

  • Financial Freedom (money, location)
  • Time Freedom (work when you want)
  • Freedom of who you work with (attract the clients you want to work with)
  • Freedom of Purpose (do the work you love, the work that you were meant to do)

Resources, Part 1

  • Squeeze pages/web pages/websites
  • Email list hosting
  • Video Hosting
  • Web Hosting
  • Video Creation

Resources, Part 2

  • Audio Creation
  • Webinars/teleseminars
  • File sharing and Transfers
  • Team Collaboration
  • Surveys
  • Merchant Account
  • Product Printing, Duplication, and Fulfillment

How to Rock Your “Open Cart”

  • *Update: This video training added last year (2017) during Jeff’s launch

    The Prelaunch period: 5-10 days. During this period you send people the pre-launch content. Usually 3 pieces of content. It could be videos or any other digital content.

    The Open Cart period is when you start taking orders. At the very end of the open cart period, something bad has to happen if people don’t buy from you. There will be some negative consequences. That’s why you have to build scarcity. There are 3 primary ways to do this with the open cart method:

    • People get fewer bonuses or bonuses go away completely or less time in their subscriptions
    • Price goes up
    • The offer goes away and they can’t buy

    Jeff suggests that your open cart period is at maximum 7 days, ideally 5-7 days.

    The day the cart opens you send a sales video or a sales letter. You could send up to 2 emails.

    • We opened
    • People are doing like crazy, I love it

    Day #2: 1 email

    • Release a case study or even more, send an extra bonus

    Day #3: 1 email

    • Create an FAQ (talk about the common objections people have), or another piece of content

    Day #4: 24-hour warning

    Create a webinar, a webcast, a Facebook live

    Closing Day: Send 2-3 emails (morning, mid-day, evening). Try to close at midnight.

    Sales sequence:

    Usually the 1st day you make 25% of all sales or less, during the next 3 days, you make another 25% of all sales, totaling 50%. And during the last day, you make another 50%.

    Jeff underlines: Don’t be afraid to send 10 or more emails during the open cart period. You owe it to your potential clients, you and your family. It’s your secret duty, it’s time to get your word out to the world, to explode your business.

Launch Stacking – How you Keep Growing

You start from scratch and you do a seed launch. Remember, it’s not about making millions of dollars, instead, you use the seed launch to create your first product. And since you published a lot of good content, you start building an email list, your potential customers.

Then you take the product you created in the seed launch, taking advantage of your small email list. And now you do an internal launch. You put together your sideways sales letter, and because you delivered value people are excited., and you get some free advertising as people spread your message. All of a sudden, your list is growing, you open your cart and you make some really nice sales, great launch.

And because of your internal launch, and the really solid prelaunch content (PLC), you start approaching Joint Venture partners in your industry. You begin with a couple of partners that they will promote your work to their email lists. The size does not matter. Relevance is extremely important.

The next part of the video are testimonials from Product Launch Formula clients where they present their stories and how Jeff helped them succeed. Those testimonials are only a few, they don’t last long and then the video finishes.

Then the registration doors were opened with a clock count-down of 24 hours limited access. I was impatient to find out what the final price of the Product Launch Formula is.

jeff walker product launch formula review - jeff speaking on stage

Case Studies – Video Walkthrough

Case Studies – Video Walkthrough (big edition)

Jeff Walker – Launch Book Review

jeff walker launch old version book cover

The Book

The main slogan is this…sell almost anything online, build a business you love, and live the life of your dreams.

A book about launching products and growing businesses.

But it’s about so much more.

It’s about creating a movement, making an impact, and delivering huge value into the marketplace – and it’s based on experience and results.


  • A note to the reader
  • Chapter 1 – From stay-at-home-dad to 6 figures in 7 days
  • Chapter 2 – Food stamps to 6 figures: the product launch formula explained
  • Chapter 3 – A license to print money: your list
  • Chapter 4 – The sideways sales letter: how to sell your stuff life crazy without being “salesy”
  • Chapter 5 – Weapons of mass influence: the mental triggers
  • Chapter 6 – The shot across the bow: your pre-prelaunch
  • Chapter 7 – Sell them what they want: the magic of prelaunch
  • Chapter 8 – Show me the money: it’s time to launch
  • Chapter 9 – How to start from scratch: the seed launch
  • Chapter 10 – How I made a million dollars in a single hour: the JV launch
  • Chapter 11 – Creating a business from the Ether: the business launch formula
  • Chapter 12 – Creating a business you love
  • Chapter 13 – A recipe for a big life
  • Chapter 14 – It’s your time to launch


Jeff’s personal story is heartbreaking, at some point, they had given him the nickname Mr. mom.

But I won’t reveal it here, I believe you should it read it on your own.

Jeff says…

And I say all that from experience. I started my first online business in the “Internet Dark Ages” of 1996, and I’ve been profitable every year since then. Right through the dot-com crash, right through the Great Recession, right through every Google update. I’ve sold tens of millions of dollars of my products online in four distinctly different markets. And along the way, I’ve taught thousands of online entrepreneurs how to start and grow their businesses. My students and clients have done more than $400 million in sales (and counting).

The rules of business and marketing have changed, and those changes have killed many businesses. But the changes have also created enormous opportunity for thousands of others. If you understand the new playing field, grabbing your prospect’s attention and building a relationship with him or her has actually gotten a lot simpler in many ways. And that’s what this book is all about.

People have used PLF in every type of market and niche you can think of and realized tremendous success. In fact, it’s almost become a hobby of mine to keep track of many of those markets.

Jeff is also giving us access to some additional resources with various links throughout the book.

The story of John Gallagher with some of his Wildcraft games and how he was able to launch successfully. Incredible story.

The “Secret” World of Online Marketing:
There really is a “secret” world of business that most people have never heard of—a world of colorful characters, real-world rags-to-riches stories, and nearly unbridled opportunity. It’s a world where businesses can be created from the ether—start with an idea and you could be in business in a matter of days, often with almost no investment.

The early days of the internet in ’96 and how even the big corporations got surprised as they had no plan in place. This created the perfect environment for aspiring entrepreneurs with few resources like Jeff.

Jeff answers this critical question “What exactly IS the Product Launch Formula?” And, more important, “Will it work for me?”

Here’s the big picture: The Product Launch Formula® is a system to get your target market so engaged with your product (or business) that they almost beg you to sell it to them. And this all happens before you even release the product.

Our era characteristics: speed of communication, cost of communication, interactivity,

He discusses how to deal with your market and invite people to a conversation which is key.

He goes on to analyse sequences, stories, and triggers, and the primary sequences in PLF are:
1 pre-pre launch, 2 prelaunch, 3 launch, 4 post-launch.

He discusses stories and how they are so powerful and how humans use them to communicate.

He also analyzes how people buy and how they make decisions.

He explains exactly what to do with this information and how to put it all together to create an influential message.

He shows his golden strategy that is no other than building an email list of dedicated subscribers, willing to open and read every email that you send out.

He clearly mentions the distinction between healthy emails and spam emails.

It’s all about making relationships with your audience, with your market.

He discusses social media and how you should approach these kinds of platforms.

Of course, he highlights that nothing can be compared to having your own list, your own community, your own assets.

That is what I recommend each and every time to business owners.

Then, he analyzes different types of lists and why it’s important to understand the differences.

He also shares how to build your email list from scratch.

He also shares some amazing resources that you can access online.

He discusses A/B testing or split testing, squeeze pages, landing pages, and how to get people to say yes to your offers every single time.

He shares examples of effective squeeze pages.
Then he discusses traffic methods and tactics, search engines, paid ads, social media, affiliates, and joint-venture partnerships.

And the secret to having a list is this…just get started. Obvious? Not so!

The next chapter is all about the sideways sales letter and how to use it to sell your stuff like crazy without being “salesy”.

He uncovers the whole story and how he came across those long-form sales letters that every business was using with great results.

But he decided to make an experiment if you will. He then analyzes how he is using the long-form sales letter as the base for his email sequences.

He discusses what happened during the dot-com bubble and how brands were using sales letters at that time.

He reveals how he flipped the sales letter on its side.

He emphasizes the importance of valuable content and great content is not a sales pitch.

He then shares a powerful story.

Barry Friedman is a professional juggler with great success in his career.

But when he had an accident, he could not work as a juggler anymore. Long story short, he came across the Product Launch Formula and he created a new business teaching other people how to become successful juggles and enjoy high-ticket fees and contracts.

The next chapter is all about mental triggers, which are very powerful, and we use these triggers in our messaging and marketing copy to help people with their decisions and propel them to take action. 

Jeff says…The funny thing is that when people started using the Product Launch Formula, many experts in the market almost immediately started to predict that all that success would start to die off once the tactics became widespread.

They said that PLF was a fad, and people will soon stop responding to the launches.

But that did not happen. In fact, up to this day, launches have been the most effective way of releasing products in any industry and market.

To mention here, these launches have also helped me scale my affiliate business. I participated in hundreds of those launches.

There are thousands of brands using PLF launches because they absolutely work with phenomenal results.

I’ve also used PLF-style launches many times with great success for my products and services.
And of course, I’m still using launches. They are so effective, create reciprocity, excitement, and anticipation.

Then Jeff highlights that with great power comes great responsibility, this reminds me of Spiderman’s uncle.

When you combine these mental triggers and bundle them together, your message is magnified and you’re building a strong case.

Let me share a powerful phrase directly from the book…

If you make sure there’s always some scarcity built into your launch, it will take your results to a completely different level.

The next step is layering and sequencing – taking your mental triggers to the next level.

The shot across your bow: your pre-prelaunch.

Then he discusses the 10 very important questions that you need to find answers to before you move onto the pre-prelaunch phase.

To make this all work you only need to have one thing in place…

If you want to know what this 1 thing is please register for the free masterclass series by completing the form below. Plus, you’ll get access to all the replays of the trainings we hosted and other resources related to this kind of launches.

Launch Book Review

I’m very skeptical by nature and I monitor every marketing methodology for results. If one method passes all the tests and stands the test of time, then yes, it’s a methodology I’m going to adopt.  

Having watched the product launch formula in action a thousand times all I can say is this:

The formula works. 

Damn, this book is responsible for over $1 billion in sales. Yes, of course, it works. But…you need to follow the recipe to make it happen.

That’s why so many brands keep on using it on every single launch and event.

But this is just a small minority of all the businesses that exist out there.

And that’s a huge advantage for you if you want to take your product launches to the next level.

The formula is all about turning your marketing into an event. It’s about giving power to your community, your people and exchanging ideas with them. 

Products and services become mediums for delivering value to your audience instead of getting their money for transactions.

It’s about building a loyal following of fans that will do anything in their power to stand by you and promote you with no other incentive than they love what you do.

It’s about changing people’s lives with your products and services, it’s not about selling and becoming a master in sales.

It’s for ordinary people with no marketing or sales skills that want to cut through the noise and get heard in a very competitive landscape.

It’s also an excellent addition to established business owners and other professionals that want to build anticipation and excitement for their next release.

It’s all about touching people’s emotions and building trust before you even release a product in the market.

I read it twice but I always refer to it when I have an upcoming launch to organize or support as a partner.

The Next-Level Launch Model

“7 Ideals” Methodology | WEBCLASS Replay

Jeff Walker –

Teacher of The Most Profound Marketers Of Today

Sales made from people using the PLF system

Quick Recap – Everything Included In The Training Program

What You Get

  • The online PLF training program that takes you through strategies and tactics that have driven over a BILLION dollars in launches by my students.
  • A full year of access to™ – our brand new and exclusive AI tool where you can get your entire launch mapped out with just a few clicks. From defining your client avatar, to planning your product and offer, to your lead magnet, landing page, P.S. Path, Prelaunch Content, and sales page… this is the only AI that will build your PLF launch from the ground up.
  • Eight modules that walk you through creating your first launch… and then growing your launches from there.
  • The interactive Launch Path feature is your direct shortcut to the most relevant-for-you content. And if you’re speeding through the program and finish a module early, you’ll get access to the next one immediately.
  • Action Guides, timelines, templates and checklists to help keep you on track throughout your launch.
  • Additional training on how to go beyond just launches, to creating an entire business based on them, as well as a life you love (in my world, we call it #launchlife).
  • Transcripts of all the training videos (perfect if you’re like me and you like to read more than watch videos).
  • Audio-only files of all the training videos (if you would rather listen to the trainings instead of watching the videos — great while you’re driving or taking a walk).
  • A full year of Coaching Calls with my team of full-time, in-house coaches. The calls happen every other week. You also get to hear your fellow PLF students’ questions and answers — always helpful for your own business.
  • You also get the recordings of all the coaching calls so you can listen to them again (or catch up in case you have a miss one).
  • The PLF Owners Alumni group — where you can really tap into the community and interact with all our other PLF Owners (and I mean past and present… so you’re rubbing shoulders with the giants of the PLF word — people who have done six- and seven-figure launches).
  • The PLF Community Hub – our exclusive community where you can connect with thousands of PLF Owners… find JV partners, mastermind partners, content partners… ask questions… and get feedback and accountability. Our Alumni Community is where you can celebrate your victories… and get an encouraging word when you need it.


  • Module 01: Core strategies and tactics that you can apply to any type of launch
  • Module 02: Developing your launch story, spotting problems and giving solutions to these problems
  • Module 03: Seed launch (if you don’t own a product) and Quick launch (if you have a product and you need some quick cash)
  • Module 04: Internal launch and pre-launch content
  • Module 05: Case studies, analysis of pre-launch videos from his students (what to fix or not)
  • Module 06: sales videos, JV launch
  • Module 07: Evergreen launch
  • *plus 2 modules that have been added in 2020

Official Bonuses

  • BONUS: my complete “Launching Your List” video training course. This is a stand-alone course on how to grow an email list of people hungry for what you offer. You can access this course directly inside your PLF Portal.
  • BONUS: the full-blown “Product Creation Code”  video training course. This course shows you how to create an offer that people will line up to pay you for… whether it’s an online program, membership, coaching program, or physical product.
  • BONUS: “Your Tech Stack Quick Start” –This is my team training you on picking out the right technology for your launch, and getting it set up. If you’re just starting out and you’re intimidated by the “tech question”… we’ve got you take care of.
  • BONUS: the full Case Study & Launch Examples Library If you love to learn by example, this bonus is pure gold. You’ll have access to dozens of in-depth case studies from PLF Owners selling kinds of products in different niches.Also included are complete videos and scripts from launches in various markets… along with my analysis of what they did well and what they could have improved.

    Then there’s my “$7 Million Launch Sample File” — this is copy from $7 million in launches that I’ve done, plus additional copy from some of our PLF Owners’ launches. You can use this “sample copy” as a starting point for your launch. Never sit down to a blank page!

  • BONUS: “Advanced Launch Multipliers” — This bonus will give you the scoop on some of the more specialized launch techniques, including Live Launches, Quick Launches, Evergreen Launches, and more. Even though these sophisticated strategies, you’ll be surprised at how simple they can be once you’ve gotten a little experience.
  • BONUS: “Launch Partnership” — This mini-course teaches you the lucrative business of helping other people with their launches… either as a Joint Venture partner, consultant, launch manager, or even as a full business partner.
  • BONUS: “Low-Tech Launch” Guide — This bonus shows you how I did a super-low-tech launch in April 2020. It might have looked fancy on the outside… but we did it in an extremely “Tech Lean” fashion — because COVID forced us to. We’ll show how you can launch in a super simple, almost “no tech” way. If you’re worried about the technology, this simple style of launch is your new best friend… and we’ll show you how to do it in this bonus.
  • BONUS: “Winning Book Launches” — If you’re an author, this one is all about how to launch your book.
  • FULL PAY ONLY BONUS: Presentation Mastery: Top Tips from the Stage & Screen – You want to connect with your audience, engage their interest, and get them to take the next step with you. But when it’s just you and a camera – with potentially millions watching the end result – creating your launch videos can be nerve-wracking. In this bonus, our video pros break down the key ingredients of creating great videos – what to get right and what to avoid – so you can get started quickly.

The EXTRA WMS Bonuses – Real Value ($priceless)

jeff walker product launch formula review - about jeff

Payment Plans/Guarantee

The actual price is $1997 for 1 payment or 6 payments of $397.

There is also a 30-days guarantee where he promises to a full refund with no questions asked.

67 Case Studies In Various Niches/PLF Students

My Final Review

jeff walker - product launch formula - books programs and events


Before I lay out my conclusion I think we should spot some PROS and CONS that could help you decide.


  • Jeff is a great internet marketer and although I got to know him from these videos I can assure you that he knows what he is doing (This was written back in 2015 – now I’m absolutely confident about Jeff’s program as I’ve seen PLF in action hundreds of times from various brands in various niches and industries).
  • This marketing blueprint helped me launch products and services both for me and my clients successfully.
  • Everything he stated is true, no fake promises, real testimonials
  • The Blueprint PDF and the free introduction video series are a GOLDMINE themselves, inspirational and extremely valuable
  • The Product Launch Formula is ideal for business owners and those that have an email list or a current product to launch and promote.
  • Jeff has a huge reputation online and he is endorsed by numerous entrepreneurs including Tony Robbins and Ray Edwards
  • Hundreds of people have launched products successfully just by attending Jeff’s free training sessions. Now Jeff is not using videos, he’s doing live masterclasses.


  • He is not focusing on the creation of a website (a solid online business foundation) that will be used in order to attract traffic and subscribers, so that makes this product not ideal for beginners. It’s ideal for entrepreneurs and brands with live websites
  • The final price makes this program suitable only for a specific audience.
  • There will be some extra costs to be covered if Jeff will guide you to build a website (hosting etc.) and the video production and email hosting add some costs too. But you can’t have a business without any costs, right?
  • *Update – the solution to the 1st CONS added a few years later, it’s in the bonus section: the “Product Creation Code”, a video course that shows you how to create an online training program that people will pay you for.
  • *Update – also, they added the bonus “Winning Book Launches” that teaches authors how to launch their books.

Final Thoughts

First of all, I am convinced of Jeff’s methods and his ability to market products and his video productions are ethical and straight to the point. Definitely, he is not trying to scam or spam you in any case like the most “Internet Freaks” out there we use to deal with all the time. He is an honest and decent businessman trying to do his work the proper way.

But he is not focusing on building a website so if you’re just getting started with no business or product you might have a hard time applying what you learn. Although email and video marketing campaigns are the most effective marketing tools, oftentimes you need to start from the basics. Anyone just starting out online should have prior knowledge of the primary marketing elements that will help them understand what is going on and I believe that a website foundation is the most crucial way for anyone to start doing online business.

*They added a bonus for creating products.

*That is why I am offering “My Extra Bonuses” Free of charge to complement PLF and fill in any gaps. To grab my huge bonuses all you have to do is register for PLF through my links.

It is a program designed for business owners, entrepreneurs and companies with active websites that own products or are about to launch new ones.

PLF is being endorsed by well-known marketers and entrepreneurs and is being around for ages. It’s a solid training with huge content and many bonuses. The main modules, templates, swipe files, case studies, coaching calls, videos, and more.

PLF teaches you how to launch a product or service online properly, how to build relationships with your audience, how to create scarcity and anticipation, and you do that by sending people awesome and valuable content. The email and video sequences are being used by thousands of companies and solo entrepreneurs.

If you can afford the price, it will be proved an extremely valuable companion.

Furthermore, you have to keep in mind that these techniques would need a lot of time and hard work in order to begin “showing results”. If you are an entrepreneur and you own a product then the Product Launch Formula might be the “real deal” for you. If you have a list or a big follow up on social media and you are an active Internet Marketer then you could test the PLF program yourself.

Remember though that building an email list won’t happen just like that and overnight success is just a myth. “Internet” changed people and they are better informed using social media, the search engines, and the unbelievable amount of information they can find online.

All in all, PLF is a complete and sophisticated marketing training, but you need to put it the work. No program in the world can bring results if you’re not willing to take action.

*Update: I have been an affiliate for many launches since I wrote this review and I helped many companies and entrepreneurs sell their products and services. The vast majority of them (over 90%) that sell products, subscriptions, and memberships in a ‘Launch-Like” model is using the Product Launch Formula methodology. Most of the affiliate managers, product owners, and also big brands are using the PLF blueprint to increase interaction, build real relationships with potential clients,joint-venture partners, and affiliates, and ultimately to increase their conversions.

It’s one of those programs that I include in my ELITE list. This list contains only the best of the best programs, those that live up to their promises, those that bring results for the people.

As you can see, this is a very short list of carefully selected programs compiled since 2015. There are only a handful of programs there, not 100’s.

If you can’t succeed with one of these ELITE programs, I don’t know which program can help you.

Jeff has affected the lives of thousands of people and there are top industry leaders filling arenas with hundreds of thousands of people every single time.

In this premium training program, they go very deep and they share their best-kept secrets to help their students achieve the results they need. They hold nothing back and PLF students have access to this dream team 24/7.

It’s a program you should not miss by any means.

Overall Value

If we consider everything you’re getting for the money you’re paying, then this offer is absolutely a no-brainer, although it seems like an expensive program.

But sometimes, we have to value things by the impact on our business, life, and our future.



Have in mind that just because you’re investing in such an ELITE training program that does not mean you’ll get the results you need.

There’s hard work associated with this training and with all the ELITE training programs I whole-heartedly recommend to my readers, followers, and subscribers.

If you’re not willing to work hard then this program it’s not for you.

PLF provides the tools, the knowledge, the training, the support, the cutting-edge strategies, the mindset, and all this cool stuff, but you are the one who has to put everything in place.


And The Most important THING

If you don’t enroll, nothing will change. Your life will stay the same, and you won’t have the chance to make an impact on other people’s lives and your life as well.

Would not that become guilt?

I know PLF can work for you. Because it’s working for thousands of brands and it’s working for me as well with phenomenal results, every single time.


It’s based on human psychology and the connection you build with your tribe. These are universal values that are not going away.

And with my extra bonuses, you’ll be able to gain knowledge that you can use for a lifetime in this or any other business endeavor.


  • Training 95% 95%
  • Marketing Tools 85% 85%
  • Support 90% 90%
  • Forum, Community 90% 90%


Final Score

My Extreme Bonus Package (nothing like it elsewhere)

Combine PLF with my “7 Ideals”methodology

I believe so much in this program, and although the value you’re getting for what you’re paying is tremendous, and although there are huge bonuses packed by Jeff’s team, I’d like to offer you an additional bonus package – there is nothing like it anywhere else.

The Product Launch Formula by Jeff Walker is an exceptional system for product launches that took the world by storm and still does.

But it’s a system only for product launches and there’s so much more in the world of entrepreneurship.

But before I announce the extreme bonus package I need to introduce myself very briefly.

Hi, I’m Tasos, founder of the agency WebMarketSupport and creator of the “7 IDEALS” methodology.

I have a Business Organisation & Administration degree (University of Macedonia Hellas) and I have been a traditional entrepreneur since 1992. I expanded my business online in late 2014 and from that time, I’ve helped hundreds of brands sell more of their products and services as a marketing consultant.

I worked with networks, marketplaces, business owners, communities, and local stores.

You may recognize some of these names: Dean Graziosi, Tony Robbins, Jeff Walker, Nick Stephenson, Ray Edwards, Matt McWilliams, Aidan Booth & Steve Clayton, Jeanna Gabellini, Ryan Levesque, Stu McLaren, Steve Olsher, Kim Walsh Phillips, Revealed Films, software companies like ClickFunnels, OptinMonster, Systeme, marketplaces like EnvatoMarket, Designmodo, InkyDeals,  Renderosity, Dealjumbo, Snappa, communities like HopeWriters, Wealthy Affiliate, Affilorama, and on and on, this list is huge.

I invite you to check out the network page to get a feel of the brands I cooperated with and the about page that has more information about my education and WebMarketSupport.

Tasos Perte Tzortzis

Business Organisation & Administration, Marketing Consultant, Creator of the "7 Ideals" Methodology, WebMarketSupport, Muvimag, Summer Dream.

If you enroll in the PLF program through my links before the deadline you will get access to me personally and I will apply the first 5 phases of the “7 IDEALS” methodology to your business at no cost.

I explain everything in detail in the video below:

Bonus #1

Application of the first 5 phases of the “7 IDEALS” methodology (5 out of 7) and we’ll organise and run your first 2 product launches from start to finish together (real value $priceless)

PLUS: Exclusive private training, coaching, and feedback exclusively designed for business leaders.

The first 5 phases of the 7 IDEALS:


Plus, we’ll go through the powerful “7 Ideals” framework for product launches. I also explain everything in the webclass video I hosted on Oct 029 all about product launches. It’s important to note here that having an amazing product that the market needs is not enough. We need to get our message in front of the right people, at the right time, with the right approach. Not every customer is the same.

7 Ideals for product launches:

  • 1st launch stage: research, evaluation, planning
  • 2nd launch stage: innovation & branding
  • 3rd launch stage: product development
  • 4th stage: the launch
  • The Next-Level Launch Model (the winning formula)
  • Phases: Warm ID Zone, elevation, launch (open cart), delight (closed cart)
  • Types of product launch events: minimum viable product (MVP), soft, hard, seed, internal, joint-venture (JV), affiliate, the live XP launch, the 7ID Quick Launch Framework

Extra guides:

For an in-depth explanation, please book a 30′ video call interview with me.

BONUS #2 Lifetime non-stop support (emails, mobile apps, video calls, social media)

Continuous support, feedback, and private sessions to ask your questions 1-on-1.

To Get Your Bonuses

Please Join PLF Using The Link Below

And Complete The Form

Tasos Perte Tzortzis

Tasos Perte Tzortzis

Business Organisation & Administration, Marketing Consultant, Creator of the "7 Ideals" Methodology

Although doing traditional business offline since 1992, I fell in love with online marketing in late 2014 and have helped hundreds of brands sell more of their products and services. Founder of WebMarketSupport, Muvimag, Summer Dream.

Reading, arts, science, chess, coffee, tea, swimming, Audi, and family comes first.

Some of the links on this page are “sponsored”. For more information, I refer you to the Disclaimer page.


  1. John

    Excellent review about Jeff Walker’s product launch formula Tasos!
    I must admit that I have followed Jeff Walker for a while and believe that he is a pretty genuine guy, and also very knowledgable about Internet marketing, launching products, and building an email list that makes you money!
    The price of his course at $1997 is very restrictive to a lot of people though, and a BIG drawback!
    I actually bought his book “Launch” and launched my online course by following it, although with mixed results! That might be a good option for people who can not afford his program, and I would definitely subscribe to get his free training videos! They are well worth it!
    Great review!

    • Tasos

      Welcome John , you are bringing to the conversation new important data about Jeff and his marketing methods.You are absolutely right , Jeff is genuine and knows how to market and distribute products and his free videos are a no brainer.There is ton of valuable information there.

      But unfortunately the rest of the program is expensive for the majority of people.I believe this product stands more for businesses that have a product to launch and not those who just stating out.

      I would like to know a little bit more about your progress with the “Launch book” .. if you can and you want of course.

      Thank you for visiting my blog and for sharing your experience , very kind.All my best.

  2. John Rico

    I believe that programs like this are legit and could actually help people earn money however, most of them are really expensive and as a beginner in this kind of business it is just too risky. Although they already offer money back guarantee the chance of not getting back your money is still there. By the way, do you know of any other programs out there that is somehow the same with this one buτ lower in price?

    • Tasos

      Welcome back John , this is an expensive product , yes.However Jeff Walker is very experienced and he knows some really effective methods on email and video marketing.The guarantee is time limited and there is some risk here.

      I did not come across any similar product specialised in this area of email and videos yet.Though you can check Wealthy affiliate and Affilorama , as both offer relevant information , but are not getting in so many details (only for email and videos).

      Thank you for another visit and for taking the time to discuss your thoughts with me.

  3. Neil

    Thank You for writing up a detailed review on the Jeff Walker Product Launch Formula 🙂

    This program was sounding like a really good investment until you mentioned the very high prices involved to become a member.

    However, Jeff’s program does come across as a legit platform and a way to make money online, but I agree that there should be a Free trial and a test-drive first.


    • Tasos

      Welcome back Neil , yes , I believe that Jeff is a great marketer and his techniques convinced me that he knows what he does.

      However the pricing model of this one time payment is a point I disagree.

      And without even giving a free trial he could divide the payments let’s say by month so that anyone could have the chance to test the program.

      Who knows , may be he will change it in the future or may be I am wrong.Thank you for this visit and for supporting the conversation.

  4. Neil

    After reading the pros on this program, The Product Launch Formula doesn’t sound that bad, to be fair.

    However, Jeff Walker’s program is very pricey indeed, and is something that I can’t afford since I’m on a tight budget.

    Your review of Wealthy Affiliate is very appealing to me, and I will look more into it.

    Thanks also for your review on the Jeff Walker product launch formula pdf marketing blueprint 🙂


    • Tasos

      Welcome back Neil , yes the PLF s a great program.It is ideal for business owners that have a current list and want to release email series on product launches.On the other hand I would not suggest it for new entrepreneurs because they need to learn the basics first.

      The PLF is an extension to those that know how to market or run websites , but it can not stand alone as an online opportunity.

      Thank you for another visit and for expressing your thoughts.

  5. Jack

    Hi there

    I hope you are well, I just read your post and found some very interesting points , thank you.

    You talked early in the post about delivering trust with your customers, you mean they way you do this is by writing content which is purely helpful.

    I guess I can see the trust part in that but how would you profit from a post which is just helpful?

    I look forward to your reply thank you.

    • Tasos

      Hello there Jack , good question.When you give out helpful content then you start to build trust with your visitors.When you continue into this direction people will eventually feel comfortable with you because you are helping them.And then it is when you can promote products or services that you use and you think that could benefit them.They know you are helpful , they will trust your offers , if they can afford them of course.

      The only thing you have to take care of is to offer valuable content consistently and along with that to keep a low percentage of that content for promotions.

      Thank you for this visit , your kind comment and for leaving your question here

  6. Steven

    Wow, really learned and retained a lot of information on your website.Thank you for showing me that it really is easy for anyone in online marketing these days, its not too hard to learn!!

    • Tasos

      Thank you Steven for your comment , I am glad you found some value

  7. Jason

    Excellent and an in depth review,

    I was looking for the inside scoop on Jeff Walker Launch Product and found out all I need to know. Forgive me but I almost always assume I am being set up or scammed when venturing into new products online. Therefore I undergo research before I do anything else.

    Thanks for the helpful and honest review.

    • Tasos

      That is what everybody should do before deciding into spending money on any online product out there , Jason.This is the only way to get protected by potential scam attempts or over-priced programs.

      Thank you for visiting my blog and for your participation.

  8. Prince Smith

    Hello Tasos. My visit to your website was very interesting to me. I enjoyed reading the information contained in your Web Market Support section. The information you give on choosing a niche is helpful to newbies just getting started in getting training to start an online business. You site is well organized with a lot of good information for viewers. Keep up the good work.Take care.

    • Tasos

      Hey there Prince Smith.I am very glad you found some value in this website.I try to give my best in guiding new entrepreneurs get started online.

      Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and for your beautiful comments.

  9. Kunal

    Hi Tasos,

    Very Very Comprehensive Review about Product Launch Formula, I can feel the experience you had with PLF going through the initial 3 videos and at last finding out the price being too expensive. There are lot of good experts on internet who do offer great value to many people, but I doubt why they don’t have a free trial before people buy, what’s the need of 30 day money back, give free trial instead and people will check if this is something they can do or manage in their time. Thanks For Sharing.Wonderful Review.

    • Tasos

      Exactly Kunal , you have a big point here.There is no need for this 30 day guarantee , instead as you so nicely expressed the best option would be a free trial.Jeff is a man that knows about marketing , he is a great and motivational speaker but his pricing policy is not something I would be proud of.If he would offer a free 7 day trial that might be the solution , this could make the difference.

      This way you let people experience your methods and then they can decide if they want to move on or not.Because , we all know it , marketing is not for everyone as for every job out there.And I do not mean that someone could not be successful in marketing , but what I mean is that a lot of people might not be interested or won’t like it.And when you do not love what you do chances are you might end up quitting soon.No job can be perfect for everyone.Some people tend to work in other areas than other people.I wish he would change his pricing method.I believe that he could sell more in that way.

      I wanna thank you for your visit and for sharing your thoughts here on my blog.

  10. Marcus

    I’ve never actually heard of the Jeff Walker Product Launch Formula before. So you are saying that it’s not a scam, but you don’t actually recommend it because it’s too expensive? I think this is the problem for many people when they start out trying to make money online, a lot of the products they come across are quite expensive, so people can end up spending quite a lot of money before they have made any. A bit of a turn-off really.

    • Tasos

      Hi Marcus , yes I do not recommend Jeff’s product because it is too expensive.And what I mean is that although there are people and entrepreneurs that can easily afford $2000 still the price is too expensive for what the product is promising to deliver.Jeff has a strong knowledge and experience at what he does.He is a great marketer but I disagree with the pricing policy , expensive and paid right away.

      He could have split the payments into let’s say a month sequence with the option to unsubscribe at any time.Some people might not be satisfied in the process , there is no chance to test.Some people may begin the lessons and after a few months they might want to change profession or they might deal with external problems.

      Thank you for your visit and for sharing your thoughts here on my blog

  11. Lynne

    Ouch that is pricey. I loved your review and it certainly made me interested to know about it. I have 2 product websites and I think I could really get some value from that. I do have a list and would love to utilize it better. However for over $2000 I would not consider it. Like you say there should be something you can see first to convince you it will be worthwhile. Even though you said he knows what he is talking about and he is good does that validate over $2000?

    • Tasos

      Yeah that is a bit expensive Lynne.Although Jeff knows well email and video marketing that price is set too high.I would gladly follow his courses if there was a logical monthly payment or any other convenience.This way there is no option to cancel your membership if you are not satisfied.This is the most important ,I believe.Everybody should have the option to cancel.And paying instantly that much for something I do not know how much it will help me I become sceptical.

      I wanna wish you good luck with your product websites and wanna thank you for dropping a line on my blog

  12. Chris

    Wow that is an extremely high price to pay if you want to start out in internet marketing. I’m afraid that’s way out of my price bracket!
    Do you know of any other internet marketing courses that are cheaper and aimed towards newbies?
    Ideally I am looking for something that is free to begin with?

    • Tasos

      It is expensive Chris and it is not about “Internet Marketing” in general.It is targeting mostly email and video marketing.I can recommend you 2 free marketing training networks you can check.Affilorama offers an extended training with their free membership and Wealthy Affiliate where you are not only studying marketing but you have the option to build a website on your own.

      Thank you for visiting my blog and sharing your question here

  13. MForgacs

    Wow! Long review – you spent lots of time and effort to make this well-structured and explain everything you needed to. Great job on it! You have a good business going. You stayed well on topic.

  14. Marlon

    Hey Tasos,

    It sounds like Jeff Walker is just trying to get rich of naive people. He is saying all of the right things but at the end it is a “Guru” move to offer what is essentially coaching from him and his cohorts for $1997. Is it really worth selling out $2000 to find out what this guy knows.

    Don’t even talk about the 30 day money back guarantee either. Implementing anything that you are taught will most likely take more than 30 days so you wouldn’t know if it’s going to work before that.

    Also that 24 hour timer countdown is such a SCAMMY move. What happened after 24 hours? Did he remove the chance of him getting $2000 by not allowing you to register or did the price go up more?

    Anyway I don’t mean to rant and rave about a product I know nothing about. It’s just the price and the presentation that turned me off. You can get real training from Wealthy Affiliate while building a business (including training on list building) for less than 1/4 of the price he is charging for what seems to be mostly coaching.

    • Tasos

      Well , I find a little bit of sarcasm in your comment Marlon but I am glad you’re asking , because eventually I had some mails coming up after the deadline period of that 24 hours , reminding me that there was a bonus period or something alike in the same price.But I finally unsubscribed from his mail list so I do not know what it would happen , sorry for that.

      You see I was inspired at some point of his presentations and I was forcing myself to believe that this guy is different than the “Others”.But when he throw at my face that clock and that price it felt like I was in a coffee bar , just finished my coffee and the waiter asked me to pay him $500.

      I can’t blame you if you rant , you seem like a man seen a lot of “Scam” techniques and that made you loathe this “Dark Marketing System”.I was really disappointed with Jeff at first sight, but then I realized how valuable his course is.

      Thank you for your honest comment


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