You're Reading:Lego Movie Meaning | Could You be the “One”?

Lego Movie Meaning | Could You be the “One”?

by Tasos


Oct 24, 2015

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Who was Emmet in the Lego Movie? An ordinary man wakes up every morning around 07.00 and prepares for a typical day at work. He was a construction builder working as a part of a team for a giant corporation. Thousands of people were working in that company, just like Emmet. And no one seemed to have a “Big Dream”.

The construction workers and everyone in town were listening and admiring the man called “Mr. Business”. 

Everything he was suggesting in the news on TV was like a “Prayer”. He was cool, smiling and people trusted him. They were following his rules and Emmet was one of his greatest fans. He did everything according to the “Book”.


Lego Movie Meaning

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Important Scenes – Dialogues

 One day Emmet was told that he was the One, the #1, someone “Special”. You are the one that is about to change this world said “Wildstyle” aka “Lucy”. 

A man called “Vitruvius” prophesied the “One”, a master builder that meant to discover the “Red Brick”, the missing part that could change the situation around them. To block the evil plans of Mr. Business and his obsession with perfectionism and the “Rules”. And guess what, Emmet found that brick!

When Emmet was presented in front of Vitruvius as the man who discovered the secret brick the girl named “Wildstyle” informed Vitruvius that this guy was not even a master builder. She challenged Emmet to build a sports vehicle with Lego pieces that were all around him. Emmet disappointed Vitruvius and Wildstyle.


Wildstyle to Vitruvius: He will never be a Master Builder.

Vitruvius’s response: Of course, he won’t. If you continue to debase himThe point is to make him believe he can”.


Later on, Emmet asked his team for specific rules and guidelines on what to do. But Vitruvius replied wisely “Don’t worry about the others and what they do, think about what you can do on your own, to discover your uniqueness.”


From this moment Emmet is transformed into a creative lego builder, accomplishing unbelievable tasks he never thought possible before. A master builder is way better than the old ones. Following his visions and dreams managed to impress the team of all gurus with his innovative ideas and lead them to succeed in their goals.


Vitruvius finally uncovers the whole truth behind the myth. This prophecy about the chosen one was a fake story, a fairy tale to convince the one who discovers the brick that he will save the world, the most important person in the universe.


Because this is what makes someone a chosen one. The belief that he can be the ONE.


Vitruvius reminds Emmet of his amazing accomplishments during the period he was a believer. And that is enough to convince Emmet once again of his abilities.

The final scene is with the father and son in the basement.


What Treasures are Hiding Behind this Story?

This movie is an alert for people struggling to believe they can create something “Awesome”. But it is not always about the rules. OK, you can follow the rules but at the same time stay creative, do something new, and take the risk. Being creative will help you stand out from the crowd. Unfortunately, there is no other road.

The movie is calling the “Child” inside of us. If you are an adult you can remember the days you were innocent and enjoyed playing with your toys. But how exactly you were playing with these toys? Were you following certain rules and diagrams? Sometimes yes, but most of the time you were creative, ignoring any rules, you were just improvising.

I remember when I was a kid playing with Legos looking at the instructions inside of every Lego box. Although I was putting the pieces together according to the diagrams there were times that I was combining more pieces into a project from other Lego boxes, even from other brands like Playmobil. There were times when my creations were very different than those in the instructions.

But it was those times that we were experimenting with our own projects that we had the most fun as kids.

And this is what every kid is doing. I can see that in my boys, building random constructions using only their imagination. You can observe it in every kid out there. Because kids follow their hearts and instincts.



There Are More Secret Messages Inside the “Lego Movie”

If we work in teams, united and willing, ignoring problems and social differences, we can make miracles.

Mr. Business and his rules may point to modern governments and political syndications or those entrepreneurs that are corrupted to the bone in an eternal hunt for “Green”. The news, TV programs like “Where is my pants”, and Radio Songs like “Everything is awesome, everything is cool when you’re part of the team” might indicate the crap new age advertising, low-quality TV shows, and popular songs that are beautiful but have nothing special to offer.

We are influenced by media and other mediums to follow a simple normal life, watch the garbage and ignore massive problems on mother Earth. Poverty, corruption, greed, wars (political, economic, physical).

Go to school, get a college degree, get a job, get paid pennies, take 2 days’ vacation and be happy because we say so.

These are the gurus to who you invest thousands of dollars to buy their programs, to train you 1-on-1, and you will achieve what they did.



Conclusion – Personal Thoughts

Can we really be happy in that way? Is Mr. Business a Guru to invest thousands of dollars to receive a ticket for personal training or a partner that can drive you to massive success? Or the one that says everything right? Are governments enough to help us secure our financial future?

Or do we have to follow Vitruvius’s words?

But don’t wait for Vitruvius to appear in front of you and whisper those magic words to your ear. Follow someone that can uplift you and take you to the sky. There is someone very close.

Don’t get disappointed with the thousands of people around you that think you are “Nobody”. They ignore or degrade you but deep inside you there is a spark waiting to set you free.


A spark of entrepreneurship to discover the one and only truth. That if you can commit to an idea, you can make it happen. No experience is needed, no instructions, no rules, and no diagrams. There is passion in everyone and self-confidence will take its shape once you get started.



I hope you enjoyed this article. Have you seen this movie? What do you think? I am waiting for your comments and thoughts. Till next time.

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Tasos Perte Tzortzis

Tasos Perte Tzortzis

Business Organisation & Administration, Marketing Consultant, Creator of the "7 Ideals" Methodology

Although doing traditional business offline since 1992, I fell in love with online marketing in late 2014 and have helped hundreds of brands sell more of their products and services. Founder of WebMarketSupport, Muvimag, Summer Dream.

Reading, arts, science, chess, coffee, tea, swimming, Audi, and family comes first.




  1. Geek Hibrid

    This is one of the most unique ways I’ve seen a person use storytelling to describe entrepreneurship. I love your style man! This was an awesome post

    • Tasos

      Welcome to my blog, Geek. I can’t thank you enough, really..!!

      You are a good person and this kind of messages are those that fuel power to writers. I wish you massive success in life and business. You’re awesome.!

  2. Paul

    Hi Tasos
    Although I wanted to, I never got around to seeing this movie yet. I really like your adult perspective of this movie and I’m really digging the message that it is delivering. Thank you for this post, it’s a good reminder to keep that passion of discovery, passion, commitment and confidence in our lives to better the world we live in.
    Good stuff!

    • Tasos

      Welcome Paul , so nice you enjoyed my article and point of view.As a father I always watch kids movies with my boys and I am amazed how many of them include messages for adults.

      Your message described all the important things we should be aware of.And yes , following that direction we can make this world a better one.Why not?

      Thank you so much for this visit and for your excellent participation.All my best.

  3. JP

    Awesome site and awesome article. It looks like you are very passionate about what you are writing and it shows through your articles. I loved the creativity. Keep up the good work on your site cranking out this fun content and hope to see more posts like this in the future.

    • Tasos

      Wow , you are so kind JP…Thank you for visiting my blog and for these beautiful compliments.I am so glad you enjoyed your stay.All my best.

  4. John

    Great interpretation of the Lego Movie. When I watched it with my 10 year old, I had to explain a lot of the background meaning. You have given a new meaning to the movie on an adult level.
    I think bringing this to making people think about moving away from working for “Mr Business” is a great idea.

    • Tasos

      Welcome John , I had to do the same with my son during the movie and afterwards.It is a family oriented film and I really enjoy the multiple underground messages , especially for adults.Yes , why should we work for a lunatic “Mr Business”?…but even such a billionaire can change…

      I am glad you liked this , thank you for re visiting and for your kind comments.

  5. Brandon

    I use to love playing with Legos but with me as kid I liked for it to come out the way I seen it on the front of package. I was pretty technical I followed the rules because I wanted mine to look exactly like that and it did. I never seen the Lego movie before but it does seem pretty interesting after you gave us the meaning behind might have to check it out with my kids.

    • Tasos

      Welcome Brandon , what a wonderful game.I have spent so many hours constructing and playing with friends.Nice to meet another fellow parent and Lego fan.Check out the movie , the ids will love it.

      Thank you for this visit and for sharing your experience.


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