You're Reading:Top 5 Data Visualisation Tools For Amazing Results

Top 5 Data Visualisation Tools For Amazing Results


May 11, 2022

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Since you have stumbled upon the following post, I would like to assume the fact that you are a data scientist who is willing to ace his game by learning about top data visualisation tools around. To survive in today’s cut-throat competitive world is extremely tricky, you have to be smart enough and keep gaining actionable insights from wherever you can.

Top Tools To Take into Account for Data Visualisation

Data Visualization Tools

Now tell me something if given two choices, an interesting bar chart or a boring-looking lame spreadsheet, what would you prefer? Of course, the bar chart. See visuals are always better and faster in grabbing the attention of the end-user in comparison to text or spreadsheet.

You see we humans generally get attracted to visuals and therefore using data visualization tools to create bar charts, line charts, and geographical maps is a smart move. The main objective behind data visualization is to gather information from the organization and showcase data in such a way that it hits right on the target audience. You see, organizations tend to gather tons and tons of information. Now displaying all of them can be pretty much daunting and tiresome. Plus, your end-users might feel a bit driven away when encountering such a bunch of data and information.

So to simplify the complicated looking data what can be done is to communicate the data findings differently by using data visualization tools.

Further below I would like to mention certain benefits offered by using interactive data visualization tools:

  • The impact of the message doubles up
  • The vast and vast amount of data is comprehended into useful insights and graphs
  • The decision-making process can be accelerated
  • Understanding the correct context and perception is possible
  • Moreover, Data Visualization saves time and energy
  • Visualization doesn’t let your business face losses due to inefficiencies
  • It promotes storytelling
  • Discovering the latest trends is possible
  • Creating Tailor-made reports has a huge impact on business

Some of the crucial Data Visualization Techniques to consider include:

  • Infographics
  • Fever Charts
  • Histogram
  • Area Charts
  • Heatmap Visualization

Moving on, now I would like to shed some light on certain data visualization tools to keep in mind.


top data visualisation tools tableau

One of the most popular data visualization tools that must be taken into account is Tableau. Mainly used to create interactive graphs, pie charts, and precisely detailed maps, the tool simply works wonders like never before.

It may quite interest you to know that here visualization seems to be located at the core of Tableau. Moreover, it is a safe bet to say that Tableau is one such tool that has resulted in the seamless management of data.

Have you ever heard about Tableau Public? It is a free platform where anyone can conduct data visualization for free. Data can be imported from a spreadsheet or entered manually.

What makes Tableau a cut above?

  • Privacy parameters are extremely high
  • In comparison to other visual tools, Tableau works wonders when it comes to visualization.
  • Several data sources can be well-integrated with the tool

Microsoft Power BI

top data visualisation tools microsoft power bi

Another interesting data visualization tool to take into consideration is Microsoft Power BI. If you want to report or conduct predictive analytics then Microsoft Power BI is the best option to take into consideration.

Moreover, Microsoft Power BI is an intelligent business intelligence tool mainly used to assist cloud-based apps. Right from collaborating to managing, and analyzing data from different sources, the possibilities are simply endless. So if you are looking for a business intelligence platform that assists well in the decision-making process, look no further than Microsoft Power BI.

Did you know that the following data visualization tool can be well-integrated with SaaS products such as Google Analytics, MailChimp, Office 365, etc?

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top data visualisation tools datawrapper

Again this is a no-brainer, Datawrapper itself implies a data visualization tool mainly used to develop charts, maps, and tables. One of the unique aspects of the DataWrapper tool is that it is mobile responsive and has the potential to be adjusted to a plethora of screen sizes. How you may ask?

Well, all the lines are minimized and empty spaces are shrunk respectively.

So what exactly can be developed using Datawrapper? Well, anything right from different types of charts to customizable maps, responsive tables, and the list goes on. All these analytics can be printed without much hassle.

So if you want to create a chart, graph, table, or map, no matter whether you are a student or a marketing manager, the data visualization tool will showcase phenomenal results. Also, there is no need to learn any design or coding skills.


top data visualisation tools sisense

Are you seeking a business intelligence/data visualization tool?

Sisense enables data analysts to simplify complex data and gain enough insights both internally and externally. After all, almost all companies whether big or small are data-driven companies and therefore these data visualization tools are must-haves.

Sisense is pretty easy to set up and get started with. All you have to do is feed in all the relevant information and then leave the rest on the tool. It will give instant results. Now you must be wondering what format these files are being exported in? Well, from PPT to Excel, MS Word, PDF, and the list goes on.

So if you are looking for a data visualization tool that even offers high-end customer support services then Sisense is the right choice worth considering.


top data visualisation tools infogram

Last but certainly not least, this one is a versatile online data visualization creator that offers a wide range of options. One of the aspects that make Infogram a cut above is its easy-to-use interface and its learning curve is pretty low.

The data visualization tool comprises around 30 or more types of charts and single maps to customize. In fact, one of the recent additions was social media graphics. So if you are a content creator, student, or journalist, Infogram is right for you!


The significance of data cannot be ignored at any rate, especially in today’s times. With the aforementioned data visualization tools, several brands are able to decode and communicate effectively.

I hope the following post turned out to be resourceful. In case, still, if you have any concerns or queries, feel free to mention that in the comment section below.

Evangeline Reece

Evangeline Reece

Technology Consultant

Evangeline Reece is a Technology consultant in a sharepoint development company. She has deep knowledge of various development frameworks related to mobile applications, AI, IoT, and software development. When not working you will find her traveling and exploring new places.


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