You're Reading:Best Jobs During College to Manage your Finances and be Independent

Best Jobs During College to Manage your Finances and be Independent

by Tasos


Feb 2, 2016


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Working while in college can shape your future and provide you with power to overcome expenses and obstacles without asking for money from your parents.

I know that time is restricted and as a student you want to enjoy life , friends and parties beyond the lessons.If you prioritize your needs you can manage your time wisely and be independent , a feeling so strong that you have to experience it.


No one can tell you which is the perfect job , one job might work for me but not for others.

The best job depends on your style , preferences and expertise.But in order to have fun you have to find a job that you are enjoying.It would be very risky to work in a place you do not belong to and at the same time studying to get a degree.That would lead to an obvious nightmare.



Without any further delay let’s take a look at some of the jobs I recommend.



When I was in college times were very different , that was over 20 years ago.But still some part time jobs of the past are preferred by students as they offer flexibility and pay really well.



Ideal for men and those that are looking for some action.Tips and flexible timetable in most cases.Beware though not to get drunk all the time and prefer bars that do not attract many tourists , depending on your city.If you can find places that are calm and don’t stay up all night the better.

Service (cafes , restaurants …)

Not the easiest job but is another option with bonus tips and you get to meet people , creating a hospitality character that can only turn in advantage for you.I would go with places full of young people and students in the local area.


If you prefer working isolated while in the crowd then this job might be for you.Do not expect tips but you will do something you love and you will meet people on a daily basis.

Other local business 

Gas stations , laundry or book stores , deliveries (food ,catering) are only a handful of solutions.In most cases they pay well and you can change as you move forward.

Secretary , paperwork

Law firms , accounting offices or other local listings can pay extra bucks for a few hours work.Armour yourself with the best of your smile and dress well.

Baby sitting

Obviously mostly suitable for women , a flexible job that will keep you active while at the same time you will have the chance to study your lessons (depending on the baby).Make sure to choose a family with a good reputation and not one that just moved in town.


Most of the local businesses and companies are looking to expand their horizons.If you can talk fluently and you are friendly go on.Although the majority of businesses pay on a sales ratio you will be developing skills that can be proved very useful for your future career.Sales is the ultimate science and will always be one in demand.

Other offline solutions

Can you tutor someone?…I bet you are expert in an area…Is it mathematics?…Music?…Dancing?…People are searching for tutors and wealthy families are more than willing to offer their children 1-1 education.


Let’s talk about some in-campus potential jobs


If you spend the whole day in college why would not you take advantage of it?

The first office would help you in that direction and they do admire young students who are ready to get their hands dirty.They may need an extra helping hand in the office for paperwork or in the call center.

Some campuses attract tourists from all over the world.You may find a position as a tour guide second hand or speaker.You never know , you have to dig and inform the office of your intentions and preferences.

Other colleges organise researches and case studies in which they ask for participation.Don’t hesitate , show you are there.


Now it’s time to move online


Online is a magic territory where thousands of opportunities exist for everyone.I have already discussed that subject in a previous article.


Surveys , Get paid to sites

There are companies that pay you for taking surveys or to complete certain tasks and offers for example.Now do not expect to get decent payments , this is only a solution for a few extra bucks.But let’s say you have a tough week and got fever or need a rest.You can surf the web and make some money on your pyjamas.Every dollar counts , you can devote only one hour per week or even less.

Freelance writing

Are you a born writer?…Can’t live without it?…Do you dream of writing your first book after graduation?.Then start to practise.The more you write the better you become.

There are companies that hire people to write articles for them.Analyse their deals and choose the ones that you enjoy the most.



You can set up an online store according to your expertise.Various solutions online that offer you the chance to open a store for free and list your digital products.

Graphic design , photography , crafts , music , videos…

In most cases you will be getting commissions on the sales.Do not underestimate this option as the only limit is the “sky”.


I left my very favourite for the end … of course



Online opportunities might not return money quickly , so if your budget is restricted is better to choose some of the offline positions.

But in the meantime it is the perfect chance to create your own digital portfolio.Your website , your online territory.A website can be monetized in a hundred different ways , the only thing you need is traffic.

But that takes time.This is why I suggest to work in that direction only in your free time.One hour every Sunday , one extra hour when you have the chance.

Build your website and in the end of your studies , along with the degree you will have an online business waiting for you.


If you follow my posts then you know I always push people to take fate in their own hands and to become entrepreneurs.If you continue to work for others when the college is over then you limit yourself , big time.You can’t touch the sky.



Do not forget to abandon your job during the last season as I have already discussed if you can afford it.Your primary target is not to work , but to get your degree.



I hope you enjoyed another article , here on Web Market Support.Waiting for your comments and thoughts.What do you think of my propositions?…Till next time , your online partner.












Working while in College






  1. Paul C

    Obtaining a job during college can be a bummer and also a pain in the rear! You’ve done a great job of breaking down what the possibilities are! I truly believe that creating your own online following can pay off better in the long term, but it’s up to the individual.

    If you need money now, yes… bartend or work at your local dining center. There are all types of options and the world is in your hands, so explore!

    Thanks for a great read and I hope this helps others find the best jobs during college as well!

    • Tasos

      Thank you Paul , there are opportunities everywhere for anyone.It needs some dedication and a good will to break up the ice and get started either offline or online.

      You are very kind , wish you all the best.

  2. Imad

    Hi, there.

    Awesome article but I don’t think that taking online surveys can qualify for a job, it’s more of a waste of time. On the other hand, freelance writing can help you a lot down the road. It’s good practice which you can then use to create good quality content for your own website.

    Bartender, Waiter, Babysitter and Tutor are good options too. There are so many things to do, especially online. Everything’s better than doing nothing.

    • Tasos

      Great points Imad.Yes , surveys might seem like the least of options.But if you add 20 surveys companies and only check your email daily then you can expect a few extra dollars.Of course it is not a job , more of a complimentary activity.

      Offline jobs seem more reasonable as they pay right away , but building an online presence at the same time might be proved valuable for the future.

      As you say , doing something is better than staying inactive.Thank you for this great discussion , all my best.

  3. Hannah

    Some very realistic and easily attained jobs. Perfect for college students. I had to quit college because I did not have enough money to live and there were just no jobs about at the time. Believe me I tried and tried to get a job but it just wasn’t happening!

    Great advice though – I wish I could have seen this in my college days!


    • Tasos

      Your story is impressive Hannah , I guess you run out of luck.But I am curious in which town all that happened and what the year was.Usually students looking out for jobs in their local area find a decent position without so many efforts.But nothing is for sure in this life.

      Thank you for sharing this experience with me , I wish I could turn back time for you.

  4. elie C

    Thank you for this article. I have quitted my job recently and decided to invest in online businesses. so thank you for the ideas.

    • Tasos

      I understand Elie , it is a great idea to invest online , but have in mind that it will take some time before seeing any results.Thank you for this visit and for sharing your experience.Good luck with your new endeavours.


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