Envision a business world where brands are driven by the impact they make on society and not by profits.

Think about it for a while, don’t just move on…

It’s a prosperous world.

Let’s talk. It’s all about innovation, quality, and results.

*NEW Advertising Option: Pay-per-Click (50 first clicks trial period).


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BRands Helped





The WMS blog is visited by established and aspiring entrepreneurs, companies from a wide range of industries, agencies, networks, managers, forums, communities, bloggers, investors, writers, coaches, consultants, service providers, freelancers, artists, multimedia producers, designers, web developers, tech enthusiasts, scientists, the academia, students, and so on. 

Our content encompasses a wide spectrum of topics (see below).


There are well-researched and comprehensive articles and reviews, case studies, personal stories, lists & directories, statistics, infographics, guides, resources & tools, podcasts, videos, interviews, and hot daily news that cover a broad spectrum of topics.


Web Market Support continuously acquires high rankings in search engines for various types of content in the most competitive industry. 


WMS uses paid advertising campaigns to drive targeted traffic via search engines, social channels, and other properties.


WMS is active on various social channels, forums, networks, and communities.


WMS boasts a diverse email list, brimming with subscribers representing a rich tapestry of backgrounds and businesses.


WMS is active on offline channels and has a huge network of associates and partners.


WMS strategically wields both inbound and outbound marketing techniques, weaving in guerrilla and unconventional methods that storm markets, leaving the world astonished with irresistibly crafted offers that the competition envies.


The revolutionary “7 IDEALS” methodology is a systematic and structured approach to developing and implementing proprietary and custom-made strategies, models, frameworks, processes, and campaigns for small businesses and startups.



WMS organises live events and training such as online challenges, competitions, contests, giveaways, webinars, and educational workshops.


WMS is a very active marketing publisher and has participated in countless affiliate promotions, product launches, and campaigns with massive success and triumphs.

We are active on numerous advertising/affiliate networks and have established strong relationships with well-known affiliate managers, industry leaders, and companies of all sizes. 


WMS has helped hundreds of brands acquire leads and customers, increase their sales, and explore their reach since December 2014.

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Harness the full potential of WMS’s web of connections and traffic to shine a spotlight on your products and services, catapulting your visibility, authority, and trust to new heights

Guest Posting

(Free Service)

Temporarily paused – We’ll Be Accepting Submissions Soon


Content Types

  • Articles
  • Reviews
  • Lists, Catalogues
  • Personal Stories


  • Business & Entrepreneurship
  • Marketing
  • Innovation
  • Employment
  • Economics
  • Investing
  • Legal
  • Social Image & Responsibility
  • Tech
  • IT
  • Web Development
  • Design
  • Multimedia
  • Education
  • Authoring
  • Personal Development
  • Human Psychology
  • Sociology


  • WMS Promotions (various channels)
  • Dedicated Directory for Contributors
  • Dedicated Network Page
  • Advertising Rewards (under conditions)
  • Enlisting on Catalogues (under conditions)

Our #1 Priority – Quality

Web Market Support is customer-centric and value-driven and we want to provide our readers with the best possible experience.

Can you provide quality content that is unique and well-researched?

That’s all there is to it.

Related: The benefits of guest posting.


  • Your content should be a minimum of 1,200 words and there is no upper limit (the more detailed information you provide, the higher your chances of getting accepted)
  • Articles can be educational, how-to’s and tutorials, general discussion-themed, controversial, and research-driven, and we are open to your ideas and suggestions.
  • An example of an exceptional guest post article: What Is the Best Way For a Brand to Maintain Consistency Into Its Website Design – Harris A. Norman.
  • Another example of an exceptional guest post list/article: Boosting Conversions in 2023 and Beyond: 7 Types of Content You Should Use – Natasha Lane.
  • Another example of an exceptional guest post article: Key Principles Of User-Centered Design To Consider Seriously – Beatrix Potter.
  • Reviews should reflect your personal experience and results with a product, service, or brand backed with data and numbers (rather than using  someone else’s experiences)
  • Lists: Choose a theme for your list and write overviews for each brand mentioned. The minimum number of listings is 5 and there is no upper limit. Your content should be a minimum of 1,200 words. Types: Best of, X things for Y, X things you need to do for Y, X things you can’t miss if you Y, etc.
  • An example of a guest post list: Top 10 Free WordPress Themes to Sell Digital Products – Jamie Fry.
  • You can include statistics and facts by external properties to enhance your content.
  • You can add external links to other valuable and related resources and properties that complement your content.
  • You are NOT allowed to promote companies, products, and services.

Last but certainly not least:

All content should be original, written by you, not available on the internet prior to publication with Web Market Support, and produced without technologies like AI (Artificial Intelligence) or similar means.



  1. Get inspiration from the blog or click the “Next Step” button and fill in the form.
  2. Mention the content type and topic, and add a one-sentence summary of what you’re going to cover.
  3. You can optionally provide links and citations to content that you have produced either for your own or others’ properties.
  4. WMS will review your submission and get back with an answer whether we agree on the topic or not (we can collaborate on ideas as well).
  5. Once we agree on the topic, you’ll start working on your project (you don’t need to provide images and other digital media – we’ll take care of that).
  6. Once you submit your draft, we’ll review it and provide you with an answer, along with any necessary changes.
  7. Once we approve your content, we’ll request the author’s face picture, a mini-biography, a URL to your desired homepage (the link will be added to the author’s mini-bio and get assigned the rel=ugc HTML attribute – we do not provide do-follow links), and an email address (in the case you represent the author of the content), and then set a date for publication. This depends on our schedule and responsibilities so please be patient. 
  8. Once we collect all the necessary data and agree on everything, we’ll create a new contributor account on WMS on the author’s behalf, publish your content, and notify you.
  9. We add the author’s name to the directory of contributors.
  10. We add the brand you mentioned in the author’s mini-bio to the network page. We may add this brand to WMS lists and catalogues (existing and upcoming). This depends on the brand’s relevancy with our content and our principles (see the principles page).
  11. We start promoting your work to our channels.
  12. In case your content is exceptional and/or performing great, we’ll assign advertising rewards and notify you.
  13. An example of advertising rewards assigned to one of our contributors: Natasha Lane was named the #1 contributor on WMS and has been promoted to author. Natasha’s advertisement runs 24/7 for 60 days site-wide on the blog starting in early September 2023. All the top contributors and advertisers receive rewards.
  14. For more information, see the terms and conditions, and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

All Our Contributors

Advertising & Sponsorships



  • Articles 
  • Reviews
  • Lists, Catalogues
  • Comparisons
  • Interviews (audio, video, or podcast)
  • Advertisements (media or text): Pay-per-Click
  • Affiliate Programs
  • JV Launches, Cross-Promotions, Co-Marketing Campaigns


All industries are welcomed with a few exceptions



  • WMS Promotions (various channels)
  • Dedicated Directory for Contributors
  • Dedicated Network Page
  • Advertising Rewards (under conditions)
  • Enlisting on Catalogues (under conditions)

Supercharge your brand’s online presence

Unlock the power of your brand with Web Market Support!

Reach your target audience through advertising, sponsored content, interviews, and more.

Plus, get rewarded for exceptional quality.

Join us now to elevate your brand’s online presence.


  • Articles: you can host your own content or let WMS create content for your brand.
  • Articles Requirements: see above, the section Guest Posting Guidelines.
  • An example of an advertiser-generated article: 5 Tips To Improve Your Local SEO And Explode Your Reach – BrandThatName.
  • An example of a WMS-sponsored article: Boost Conversions With Exit Intent PopUps – OptinMonster.
  • Reviews: we’ll provide a thorough and extensive review after a deep analysis, but our opinion won’t be influenced by the fact that it is a sponsored review. The review page will be enhanced with a video overview of your brand as well and we may agree to other types of content as well. We may request access to certain areas of your business for a small period of time.
  • An example of a WMS-sponsored review: Afflift Review.
  • Lists, Catalogues, and Comparisons: When we add your brand name (via sponsored content) to our lists, catalogues, and comparisons, we provide an overview of your brand, not a full and lengthy review.
  • An example of a sponsored listing in a catalogue: List of Online Marketplaces – OpenPackagingNetwork.
  • Interviews: Details about interviews (audio, video, or podcast) will be discussed between us in private.
  • An example of an interview: Tasos Tzortzis & Stu McLaren.
  • Advertising Media Banners & Text Ads: All advertisements (text, banners, media, etc.) will be displayed in line with our branding. These ads should be clearly displayed as “ads” and all outbound links to sponsored properties (only homepages) will get assigned the rel=sponsored HTML attribute. Sponsored links, texts, banners, and media should provide value to our readers and will be placed on pages related to your brand thus increasing your chances of getting clicks and traffic. Not all pages on Web Market Support are available for advertising.
  • An example of an advertising banner: Modern Ponzi/Pyramid Business World – Roobet (there’s a 300×37 px banner at the beginning of the article and a 250×250 px at the end of the article).
  • An example of a text ad in a catalogue: Multimedia Resources – WebiBazaar.
  • An example of a text ad (article): How Search Engine Optimization Work For WordPress Sites? – PlagiarismSoftware.
  • An example of a text ad in a guest post (article): Main Topics To Learn In WordPress As A Trainee – QodeInteractive.
  • You are allowed to promote your brand but in a distinctive way (please see the examples above).

Last but certainly not least:

In the case you want to create a sponsored article on your own, the content should be original, written by you, not available on the internet prior to publication with Web Market Support, and produced without technologies like AI (Artificial Intelligence) or similar means.



  1. Get inspiration from the blog and the above-mentioned examples or click the “Next Step” button and fill in the form.
  2. Choose an advertising/sponsorship option: article, review, list, catalogue, comparison, interview, banner and text ads.
  3. In the case you want to create a sponsored article on your own, mention the content type and topic, and add a one-sentence summary of what you’re going to cover (see content types and topics in the “Guest Posting” section). Plus, follow the guidelines outlined in the “Guest Posting Guidelines” section and see how exactly it works in the “Guest Posting How It Works” section. The only difference: You can add only one (1) promotional link to your website’s homepage (in the body of the sponsored article) and the same link will be used in the mini-bio of the author at the end of the article. The link will get assigned the rel=sponsored HTML attribute (we do not provide do-follow links).
  4. The rest of the bonuses are the same: the author’s name will be added to the directory of contributors, your brand name to the network page, and possibly to related lists, catalogues, and other content. Plus, you will enjoy WMS promotions, advertising rewards and other perks.
  5. Sponsored Reviews: all the details will be discussed between us in private. Next, we’ll get back to you with a custom-made proposal (based on your needs and goals and the type of content that we’ll create on your behalf).
  6. Lists, Catalogues, and Comparisons: all the details will be discussed between us in private. Next, we’ll get back to you with a custom-made proposal.
  7. Interviews: all the details will be discussed between us in private. Next, we’ll get back to you with a custom-made proposal.
  8. Advertising Banners & Text Ads: We calculate the effectiveness of those ads by tracking clicks to your properties. The first 50 clicks are not charged (trial period) so you can evaluate if you’re getting enough and/or quality traffic. We track the clicks on our own and you can do the same. After the end of the trial period, you will decide if you want to place the ad or not, and in the case of a positive response for how long. Then, we’ll continue tracking the clicks to your property via our software. At this point, to make the ad active, you will need to make a $2 deposit that grants you 100 clicks ($0.02 per click). When this number is surpassed (100 clicks), we will contact you whether you want to continue or not with this specific ad (unless you have contacted us yourself in the meantime). If you continue with the promotion, you will be charged another $2 for the next 100 clicks. In summary: (i) 50 clicks trial (at no cost), (ii) $2 deposit for 100 clicks, (iii) $2 deposit for the next 100 clicks, and so on. Further discounts will be provided in cases of long-term advertisements and the terms will be discussed between us.
  9. We accept payments via PayPal (in USD) and we’ll provide you a PayPal invoice after the final agreement on the content between us. In this case, you must provide your financial information and company data or the details of an individual (including a tax-related number or statement) via email. You can make a payment up to 7 days after the sponsored content is published except in the case of banner/media and text ads that work as outlined above.
  10. We do not offer refunds or returns.
  11. For more information, see the terms and conditions, and if you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

A dedicated page to our contributors, sponsors, advertisers, partners, and friends

Affiliate Promotions


Joint ventures/collaborations


Authors That Want To Contribute To Other Blogs

Amanda Jerelyn

Amanda Jerelyn

Amanda Jerelyn is currently working as a Business Manager at Dissertation Assistance. It is a leading online platform that has fulfilled millions of ‘I want to buy dissertation’ requests successfully. She is an active member of this platform and known for providing personalized consulting services and support to students.

A Digital Marketer and a Tech-Geek, she loves to write about business, marketing, technology and SEO. Amanda is featured at Rebrandly and currently looking for other blogs to contribute.

Contact Amanda:

Samantha Kaylee

Samantha Kaylee

I am Samantha Kaylee, working as a Planning Manager at Crowd Writer. My experience includes many published articles about Education, Management, Entrepreneurship, Marketing Tech, Travel, and Personal Stories. I’ve used the skills learned while completing a bachelor’s degree. I have been writing memorable articles for the last couple of years. During my free time, I like to indulge myself in creating wall art.

Contact Samantha:

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