— The knowledge economy has exploded in the past 7 years and… right now, is a $1 Billion a day industry. It’s also projected to reach $1 Trillion by 2028.

With more and more people getting involved, the competition has also increased making it more and more difficult for small business owners to stand out and succeed.


A solution for people who are meant for higher things. Those who are looking to make this world a better place. 

All you need to make it happen already exists inside you. It’s your knowledge, experiences, skills, expertise, and relationships with others. 

Tasos Perte Tzortzis

🚀 Business Organisation & Administration Degree, Entrepreneur since 1992, Creator of the “7 IDEALS” Methodology

and guests…


Hone your skills with multiple-choice problems, role-playing exercises and quizzes.

Problems & Exercises

#1 Multiple-Choice Role-Playing: Understanding Information Products

Scenario: You’re tasked with launching a new information product for a startup. The product needs to create buzz, establish authority, and generate sales quickly. You have a budget to either develop a single high-quality product or a series of smaller, more affordable ones.

Question: Which launch strategy would you choose to achieve the best results?

Multiple-Choice Options:

  • A) Launch a premium online course with an extensive marketing campaign.
  • B) Release a series of affordable eBooks to build a customer base.
  • C) Host a live masterclass to engage directly with potential customers.
  • D) Create a membership site with exclusive, ongoing content.

Call to Action: “What’s your strategy? Share your thoughts and get ready for a unique opportunity coming your way!”

Let me help you a little bit!

Breakdown of Options:

  • A) Launch a premium online course with an extensive marketing campaign. Pros: A high-ticket item that can generate significant revenue if marketed well. Establishes authority quickly. Cons: Requires a substantial upfront investment in time and resources. Riskier if the market is not fully tested.
  • B) Release a series of affordable eBooks to build a customer base. Pros: Lower barrier to entry for customers, easier to produce and distribute, can quickly build a loyal audience. Good for market testing. Cons: Each eBook may generate less revenue individually, and the impact may be slower to accumulate.
  • C) Host a live masterclass to engage directly with potential customers. Pros: Builds strong personal connections, allows for immediate feedback, and can position the startup as an expert. Cons: Time-sensitive and may limit the number of participants. Less scalable.
  • D) Create a membership site with exclusive, ongoing content. Pros: Generates recurring revenue and fosters a community. Positions the brand as a long-term resource. Cons: Requires ongoing content creation and strong initial interest to justify the commitment.
#2 Multiple-Choice Problem: Understanding Information Products

Question: You’re planning to create a content strategy for your new online business and want to use different types of information products to engage your audience. Your goal is to educate your customers, generate leads, and build your brand’s authority.

Which combination of information products would best help you achieve these objectives?

  • A) Infographics, Reviews, and Webinars
  • B) Surveys, Podcasts, and Catalogs
  • C) Case Studies, Guides, and Interviews
  • D) Quizzes, eBooks, and News Articles 
#3 Identifying Market Needs Role-Playing Challenge

Your Role:

You are a digital entrepreneur who wants to develop a new information product in the health and wellness industry. Recently, you’ve noticed that mental health has become a top priority, especially with the shift to remote work.

Your goal is to explore current trends and identify what specific market needs exist so you can tailor your product to this growing demand.

Your Task:

You need to analyze trends in the health and wellness space and identify a market need that isn’t being fully addressed.

Here’s how you’ll do it:

Research a Trend: Start by identifying a trend in your niche. For example, many remote workers are struggling with mental health challenges due to isolation and increased screen time. A recent report shows that 55% of remote employees reported feeling more stressed since shifting to work from home.

Define the Market Need: Based on the trend, what specific problem is emerging? For example, remote workers may be experiencing burnout, anxiety, and difficulty separating work from personal life.

Write down the key issue you’ve identified (e.g., the need for accessible mental wellness solutions for remote workers).

Brainstorm an Information Product Idea: Come up with an information product that addresses this need. Is it an eBook on stress management? A series of online workshops for work-life balance?

Be specific. For example: “A 4-week mindfulness course designed for remote workers, focusing on relaxation techniques, managing screen time, and building healthy routines.”

Explain the Value: Why will this product be valuable? Use one of the use cases:

  • (a) product development,
  • (b) competitive advantage,
  • (c) content strategy, or
  • (d) innovation

to explain your product’s value.

For instance, you might say, “By tapping into the growing mental health awareness trend, this course will give remote workers practical tools to manage stress, which is an underserved area in current wellness offerings (competitive advantage).

The Challenge: Post your trend research and product ideas. Explain how you identified the market need and how your product will fill a gap in the health and wellness space. Be creative and think about real-world issues that your target audience is facing right now!

The answers to the problems are shared inside the member’s area.


Workshop #0

  • A short introduction to this wonderful industry
  • The growth during the last 7+ years
  • The main benefits of selling “information”
  • The BIG #1 problem in this industry
  • The solution
  • What we are going to cover in this series of workshops, events, and happenings.

examples galore

Workshop #1

Back to the most valuable asset in our times… Information.

In this workshop I layout a galore of examples that are part of the knowledge industry. An army of information products and services that I created throughout the years. I describe thoroughly how I use these info-products to bring traffic, create income streams, form partnerships, and so much more.

WMS Blog:

  • Reviews
  • Articles
  • Lists
  • Statistics
  • Research
  • Case studies
  • Guides
  • Training: Webinars, workshops, short educational and inspirational videos.
  • Personal Stories
  • Interviews
  • News
  • Quizzes
  • Questionnaires
  • Custom Video Reports
  • Infographics
  • eBooks
  • and so much more

WMS Private Training Workshops: Soon to become “Business Consulting”.

WMS Partnerships:

  • Guest Posting: A free service to attract authors and contributors. They add content to the blog, get free exposure and traffic to their properties. Contributors page.
  • Advertising/Sponsorships: Not part of the knowledge economy, but I attract advertisers through the blog.
  • Affiliate Promos: Part of the knowledge economy as I bring and monetise traffic through the blog. Visitors (consumers) get inside information about the brands they are researching so they can make informed decisions and the brands that I cooperate with get the chance to convert some of these visitors into their customers/clients through my efforts.
  • JVs/Collaborations: Other types of partnerships.

WMS Network: A small sample of the brands that I cooperated with. I layout a selection of brands that I helped and are part of the knowledge economy (what they do, a little history and background, their products and services, and more).

Muvimag: A multimedia brand that has emerged from WMS (not part of the knowledge economy).

WMS Podcast: Helping businesses in my country to end the bad economic times.

7 IDEALS Methodology: A brand that has emerged from WMS as a way to serve small businesses on a deep level and help them innovate. I also discuss the principles page. The methodology has a 1-on-1 business consulting program attached. The methodology is currently hosted on WMS so I can take advantage of my online presence and will be hosted independently elsewhere (probably next year).

Affiliate Advantage Alliance: A membership program for aspiring entrepreneurs and brands that need to hire affiliates. It may become an independent brand or hosted on WMS. We’ll see, it’s a project that I am working on the side.

WMS Business Growth Hub: The free membership on WMS. Explore it on your own. There is a free service attached as well 🙂

I also discuss a new brand that I am creating…

Plus, there’s a hidden bonus inside the workshop.

Competitive Advantage

Workshop #2


Today, we are diving deeper to discover:

  • Growth Factors
  • Challenges
  • Future Trends
  • Strategies for Standing Out
  • #1 Competitive Advantage

Market Testing                       

Workshop #3


Market testing is an important component of marketing and the base for innovation. 

Here’s what we cover:

  • Why Market Testing?
  • Innovation through “7 IDEALS”
  • A New Client – A New Market – A New Challenge
  • Vision – Goals – Strategy – Action Plan 
  • A New Information Product
  • Ongoing Updates/Reporting
  • secret section

We discuss various models and frameworks of the “7 IDEALS” methodology:

  • Market Parallax (consumer behaviour research and analysis – target audience, market segmentation, targeting, market positioning, and testing
  • X-Mark (industry and competition research)
  • 7ID BMCF (custom business models)
  • Marketing Mix (the marketing choices to satisfy the needs of the target market) 
  • 7ID Multi-Test Protocol (testing wildcard)

There’s a hidden bonus isnide. 

The Impact of USP on Info-Products

Workshop #4


Question: You’ve developed an online course targeting aspiring entrepreneurs. The market is saturated with similar courses, making it challenging to stand out. To influence buying decisions effectively, you need to position your course strategically. Each option represents a different approach to positioning your course.

Choose the strategy that will most likely lead to long-term success by leveraging your Unique Selling Proposition (USP).

Why would you answer this question?

I added a small incentive to encourage your participation in this mini-challenge.

Finding the Best Info Product Format

Workshop #5


You are tasked with creating a new information product for the health and wellness industry. However, the format of the product (eBook, online course, webinar, etc.) is yet to be determined. To make the best decision, you’ve conducted detailed market research.

Now, based on the data you’ve gathered, it’s time to decide which format will most likely succeed.

Info Product HQ Content Creation

Workshop #6


In the knowledge economy, high-quality content creation is the backbone of any successful information product. Whether you’re developing eBooks, online courses, or tutorials, the way you create and present your content is key to engaging and educating your audience. But more than ever, innovation is essential to stand out in a crowded market.

This overview covers the three key aspects of content creation and how innovation can elevate each one.

  1. Content Strategy and Planning: The Foundation of Success
  2. Creating Engaging and Valuable Content: The Heart of the Process
  3. Ensuring Accuracy and Credibility: Building Trust and Authority

Market Research & Content (Problem & Solution)

Workshop #7

You’ve identified that consumers in your niche are looking for actionable insights into a topic where you are an expert, but they aren’t revealing much about their preferred content format.

What is the best approach to outlining your information product to ensure its success?

Market Research & Content (Specific Brand Examples)

Workshop #8

Examples of how brands and creators within the knowledge economy, have approached market research and product development in ways that mirror the strategies mentioned in the previous workshop as multiple-choice options.

Market Research & Content (New Teaching)

Workshop #9

After conducting market research, you have identified that consumers in your niche want easy-to-implement strategies but haven’t expressed clear preferences regarding the format (e.g., eBook, course, podcast, video tutorials, workshops, etc.).

What should be your priority when choosing the format?

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