You're Reading:Guest Posting Benefits – Build a Brand Name Beyond Your Expectations

Guest Posting Benefits – Build a Brand Name Beyond Your Expectations

by Tasos


Sep 21, 2019

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  • OmegaProject: Brand-new online income streams with Vulcan Technology, high-speed traffic and a simple system for generating sales. Exclusive broadcast – Jan 19, FREE.
  • Jennifer McLean: Receive a Free Energy Medicine for the Physical Body Live Workshop, Jan 25.
  • Holiday Sales: Hot deals from the WebMarketSupport network.


I’m filming the last part. The finish line. New office setup. Outdoor footage needed 🙂

Knowledge economy workshop #12 q&a wms live chat sat jan 18 blog


  • Theory Hub: Jan 16, new subsection in the section “Info-Products” – Packaging and Pricing”.
  • Workshop #12Landing page development with the 7ID StoryX storytelling framework. Hidden book inside. A 4-hour workshop for ambitious business owners.

Signup for the exclusive workshops. Hidden perks inside the member’s area. 


  • WORKSHOP #13: Exclusive for members. Packaging and pricing for the 1st info-product in the numismatic industry.
  • WORKSHOP #14: The Value-Led Revelation Launch.
  • Live Challenge


This is an area for advertising & partnerships. NEW option: Pay-per-Click.

From the moment I opened the doors here to let people publish their posts, I’m getting a lot of questions from email subscribers, external partners, and others and all are related to the benefits of this strategy.

People want to know if guest posting can benefit them, whether they let others guest post on their properties or when they guest post on other websites.

Guest posting can be proved beneficial for both sides (if done right), and I will explain why.

Guest Posting Benefits

But before I analyze the various benefits, I want to emphasize the importance of being selective in which posts you accept and in the case you want to guest post on other websites, which websites you want to get featured on.

I was thinking of opening the blog’s doors to others for a long time and I knew I would have to deal with thin content and people that only care to get featured without providing value on their side.

And when I finally let others send their drafts, my suspicions became a reality.

For the last 6 months, we have rejected a ton of submissions. But we’ve also discovered great writers that add extreme value to our website.

This was when I decided to enhance our dedicated guest posting page with very specific terms, by explaining thoroughly what we’re looking for, offering samples of accepted articles, and by linking internally to content on our blog.

On the other hand, if you are pitching other websites to guest post for them, do some research before you apply.

Are these websites selective in who they let in and is their audience a perfect target for your offerings?

Of course, there are more factors to consider, like website traffic, authority, and quality.

So here is a list of guest posting benefits:

Improve Rankings & Visibility

When you let others guest post for your blog and you only accept quality content your rankings in the search engines will get improved. It’s logical. When a website adds content on a consistent basis, it starts getting ranked for more and more keywords and this is when its rankings get improved.

When you guest post on other websites, you improve rankings for these websites and for your own properties as well. You earn mentions and links and as a result, you improve your visibility in the search engines.

To stay visible in the search engines, your website should be active by adding content regularly and by improving old content.

The best way to add content without working extra or hiring people is to let others guest post on your website. 

Gain Authority & Credibility

When you let others guest post for your blog, your visitors enjoy diversity in content and you start gaining authority in your industry.

When various opinions are expressed on a website, the website gains trust and credibility. A website gets visited by people from different professions and a variety of demographics, so when they notice content created by various sources, they believe they deal with a credible source of information.

When you guest post on other websites, you help these websites gain authority but at the same time, you gain authority and credibility as well.

When people search on the search engines, and your name appears in various properties, people will take you seriously. They know they deal with an author that has a voice beyond his/her own property.

Links, Mentions, and Shares

When you let others guest post on your website, the guest posting authors will share their articles with their network and they will probably link to these articles on other sites or properties. As a result, your website will gain links, mentions, and shares.

When you guest post on other websites, you earn links back to your site, your name as an author gets mentioned and your article is shared and distributed by the websites’ owners. And if the article you published is high-quality then the website owners will share it with their email subscribers, social networks, forums, communities, and other properties.

Improve Writing and Content Marketing Skills

There’s always room for improvement in whatever we do. When you keep on practicing and writing you become better.

Do you ever go back to articles you published years ago? Do you love them or hate them?

When you guest post on other websites, your writing skills will get improved. Now, you’re not only writing for your audience but new audiences as well.

When you let others guest post on your site, you’ll have to review these articles before you approve them, and by reading and editing, you still improve your writing skills.

Inevitably, this process improves your content marketing skills. By writing for new audiences and properties, and by reading and editing other people’s articles, you sharpen your skills and you get to know your industry and other industries as well.


When you let others guest post on your site, the guest posting authors will discuss it with their partners and people in their networks. Your website gets visibility and more authors would pitch you to get featured on your blog.

When you guest post on other sites, again, you gain visibility, meet new people, and make valuable connections.

The more social you get, the more visibility you get. A cycle of exponential growth begins.

Branding, Awareness

When others guest post on your site and when you guest post on other sites, your website gains trust and authority.

Your brand becomes a whole new brand, that is social, active, open, democratic, interacting. It’s not a solo operation anymore.

As a result of all the above, your brand will probably get listed or earn links on various properties and new people will be interested in cooperating with you.

Again, it’s a cycle of never-ending growth. It’s branding, awareness.

New Audiences, Exposure

Guest posting lets you reach new audiences that you would not be able to reach alone.

When you guest post on other properties, you tap into their traffic. This is a great chance to stand out and create awareness.

Your name will get exposed and you will gain leads, prospects, and new invitations to guest post for others.

And when others guest post on your site and share their articles with their network, you’ll get fresh traffic from a variety of sources, leads, and new prospects.

Opportunities & Ideas

When you open the doors to guest posting, in fact, you open the doors to new partnerships and you make valuable connections.

You build relationships with authors, bloggers, entrepreneurs, marketers, companies, communities.

Maybe this is the starting point for a joint-venture or a new sponsorship, or a business proposal.

You’ll never know what the future brings. So keep your website doors and your eyes open!

This constant social networking will give you plenty of new ideas to implement. You’ll get inspiration and motivation to create something new. A new piece of content, a new product, a new service or membership.

And this the ultimate goal for any entrepreneur. Always being able to create something new. Improving and scaling.

Final Words

There you have it, a list of guest posting benefits to motivate you and to show you the real potential of networking.

Now, be careful, this is very important!

It’s in your best interest to create high-quality content when you guest post on other sites. Don’t create something mediocre just for the sake of guest posting.

It’s not only about the links and mentions you’ll earn one way or another.

This is a great opportunity to stand out in front of new audiences.

It’s about showing who you really are.

Create exceptional content and you’ll be able to build a brand name beyond your expectations.

Something special:

Authors that guest post on Web Market Support and create exceptional content, will get rewarded!

Guest posting bonuses:

  • #1: We’ll be promoting your article and articles you’ve written for other sites to our audience
  • #2: We’ll include your name/brand in existing or future WMS lists, guides, or related articles
  • #3: We’ll include your name in special guest posting directories so you can be approached by others, like for example, our network page.
  • #4: We reward high-quality content with free ad placements on the blog page, sidebar, and footer (site-wide) (these ads will run periodically for at least 1 year after your submission) and with other perks/benefits

Over 100 contributors and sponsors got featured on our site. What are you waiting for? It’s a free service.

Tasos Perte Tzortzis

Tasos Perte Tzortzis

Business Organisation & Administration, Marketing Consultant, Creator of the "7 Ideals" Methodology

Although doing traditional business offline since 1992, I fell in love with online marketing in late 2014 and have helped hundreds of brands sell more of their products and services. Founder of WebMarketSupport, Muvimag, Summer Dream.

Reading, arts, science, chess, coffee, tea, swimming, Audi, and family comes first.


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We honoured the 11 first names. Something is coming your way soon!

  1. Natasha Lane
  2. Amanda Jerelyn
  3. Evelina Brown
  4. Bailey Belmont
  5. Gregory V. Chapman
  6. Harris A. Norman (first contributor ever) Double reward!
  7. Beatrix Potter 
  8. Myrah Abrar
  9. Arthur Rowley
  10. Regina Thomas
  11. Samantha Higgins

Please vote on what this reward will be. Are you one of the awardees? You can vote too!


  • We existed before birth and we will exist after death because our real nature is the soul, not the body. The soul’s energy is love. We incarnate to learn that only love is real, that everything else is an illusion.
  • If a physical object or event can evoke an emotion, that emotion can equally create that object or event. This happens because your psychological state shapes your physical reality.
  • There is a price to be paid for every increase in consciousness. We cannot be more sensitive to pleasure without being more sensitive to pain.
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  • OmegaProject: Brand-new online income streams with Vulcan Technology, high-speed traffic and a simple system for generating sales. Exclusive broadcast – Jan 19, FREE.
  • Jennifer McLean: Receive a Free Energy Medicine for the Physical Body Live Workshop, Jan 25.
  • Holiday Sales: Hot deals from the WebMarketSupport network.


🚀 Affiliate Advantage Alliance: Master successful affiliate promotions with an affordable subscription and together, let’s change the affiliate industry that is suffering right now (for aspiring entrepreneurs and brands that want to hire affiliates).

Stay tuned!

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Plus, unlock the "Story Odyssey" experience. 

Story Odyssey is part of the 7ID StoryX (storytelling framework) info-book, which you will get during the workshop. This info-book will not be available once the workshop has ended. 

The "Story Odyssey" is designed to lead you through the essential phases of storytelling, equipping you with the tools, insights and exercises to uncover and share your unique narrative. Each phase builds upon the last, guiding you step by step toward mastering the art of storytelling for your business and beyond.

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